A few hours later, Leo and I walked hand in hand through the hospital until we reached the room labeled 'Luca Romano'.
He grinned widely as he saw us through the window and started wiggling his legs like an excited child.
Seeing the colour was back in his cheeks and his eyes with their sparkle again was such a huge relief.
"Ella!" He exclaimed, "Alpha! I knew you two wouldn't be able to stay away for long."
"I brought you these," I said reaching into my bag and pulling out a bunch of bananas.
His eyes lit up in glee, "are those Musa sapientum bananas?"
I nodded, "only the best for you."
"Come here," he said pulling me into a huge tight hug and dragging me beside him onto the bed.
"Careful of your stitches, Luca!" I exclaimed as he grimaced in pain, "you aren't done healing yet!"
Luca then peeled one of his bananas and took a huge bite of it before my hair started to get stuck to it and he was frantically trying to pluck it off.
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