98.71% Amalgamation of Races / Chapter 77: Getting Them Back

章 77: Getting Them Back

With beams of light shining in through the window, I crack my eyes open, finding a ceiling unpleasantly familiar to me.

Trying to prop myself upwards, I find that both of my arms are interlocked, unable to move in the slightest. Staring down at what I presumed must have been restraints that'd been placed on me, I'm instead greeted by two baggy eyed women, Jinah and Hae-In. Even with my consistent shuffling, the two of them don't stir.

"Leave them be." I hear a voice.

Looking at a calm eyed Jinwoo, he grabs one of the many chairs inside the room.

"Care to explain what happened?"

"Where do you want me to start?"

"Start with how you suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet and caused an S-Rank Gate to appear atop a random apartment complex."

"Well, you weren't the only one to receive a key Jinwoo." I scratch my head, "The location of the Gate was revealed to me, and I entered. Same way you did when re-entering the Double Dungeon."

"But didn't you get this…" He showcases what might've been his system, "From the Architect. Why didn't you fight him too?"

Shaking my head, I tell him, "I fought my own benefactor, someone who's power far dwarfs anything the Architect can do, anything you can do, and definitely anything I can do."

Going wide-eyed, Jinwoo suddenly pointed at the right side of my chest, "And did you get that from your benefactor?"

Giving a nod of my head, Jinwoo leans back in his chair. "Well, not that it matters much to me anyway," He hints at Jinah and Hae-In, "But I do want to hear about the S-Rank Dungeon Break in Japan that you'd participated in while I myself was asleep."

Having wanted to talk about it to him myself, I express in the minutest of details what I'd seen inside of the Dungeon and the words that Legia has passed onto me to 'free' himself. Listening to all of it without a change in expression, Jinwoo explained his side of things and the things he'd seen when he fought with the Architect.

"War is upon us… and these Monarchs are supposedly at the forefront of it." Jinwoo huffs.

"And if there anything like what I'd expect, they can easily contest with us in terms of strength."

"Well," Jinwoo gives me a smirk, "That might be true if it were just one of us… And since we'll be fighting both these supposed Rulers too, we'll have our hands and armies full."

"That we will… that we will."

"Well," Jinwoo stands up abruptly, "Since I know I'll get horribly angry if I witness what's to come in the next few moments, I'll be seeing you back in at our Guild Office."

Wondering what it is that he meant, my answer comes when I feel synchronized movements from the people connected to my arms. With tired eyes, both Jinah and Hae-In untangle themselves from me and wipe their eyes.

Being the first to see me awake, Jinah has fat teardrops fall from her eyes, diving straight into embrace. Hae-In on the other hand just sat there with relief being the most visible emotion in her eyes. And I could clearly tell she was holding herself back from doing the same as Jinah, since our relationship wasn't deep yet.

After calming down Jinah and giving Hae-In what she was looking for, I finally remove myself from the bed, having learned I had lie there for three days.

"Do you want to meet my wives?"

Both Jinah and Hae-In become shellshocked, "They're finally coming here?"

"Supposedly so."

Just as I give a warm smile reminiscing over them, someone who I presume to be a Hunters Guild Member bursts into the room and shouts, "Hunter Cha Hae-In, an A-Rank Gate suddenly appeared next to the Headquarters. It's reached the peak of what can be measured on the devices."

"And that'd be them."

Both Jinah, Hae-In, and the Guild Member looked at me strangely.

"Why'd they come through a gate?"

"Because that's how I was told they'd come to me."

Leaving the Hospital with little to no trouble since I'm an S-Rank Hunter, if not an unofficial Nation Level Hunter, we head over to the A-Rank Gate.

"Are you really sure that it's okay for me to come?" Jinah asks with uncertainty.

"Of course…" I ruffle her hair, "And even if it proves to be a dangerous gate, I'll make sure to protect you."

By the time we show ourselves at the Hunters Guild, the entirety of the Hunters Guild, led by Choi Jong-In, had already assembled.

"Good of you to arrive Hunter Cha Hae-In, let's…" Choi stops, "Hunter Shiro Urokodaki, why're you here?"

"For my wives."

Following my words, the Gate suddenly gives off a wave of energy, a signal that the gate was about to open.

"But why is there a Dungeon Break now… the Gate just opened today." Choi sweats.

As he starts to command his men to prepare for the Dungeon Break, I take a step out in front of their group, a large smile donned on my face. Following my expectations, but shattering everyone else's, four women tumble out of the gate, all wearing Demon Slayer Uniforms and all easily contesting with the most beautiful women that existed. Rushing forward and catching both Nezuko and Shinobu who were about to fall flat on their faces, I bring them into a hug.

"Wha- who? Shiro? What's going on?" Shinobu, who was distraught at suddenly being hugged, tried to pry herself from my grip to stare at me.

Instead of answering Shinobu I bring her into a searing kiss.

"Oh, how I missed you all." I swipe my finger at the tears that started to swell.

Giving an equally passionate kiss to Nezuko, my eyes turn towards Mitsuri and Kanao. Kanao was frozen as she stared at the entirety of the Hunters Guild, but Mitsuri was captivated by me instead. Calmly walking towards me, Mitsuri dived between Shinobu and Nezuko to give me her own kiss.

"You look hotter Shiro…" She purred. "I like your new look."

"Calm down Mitsuri." I peck her on the forehead.

"Make me." She bites her lip.

Before I can even sigh at Mitsuri's antics, my reunion with my wives was cut short.

"Shiro, what's going on here?!" Choi yells.

"That's what I'd like to know." Shinobu glares at me, "Why do you look different than when we left… And how do these people know you?"

"It's a long story." I finally release her, turning back to Choi. "These are my wives Hunter Choi Jong-In."

"But why'd they come through a Gate?!?"

"Does that really matter." I release a bit of my pressure to get him off my back, "I said they're my wives, end of story… And look, the Gate's closing too so you're Guild doesn't have to worry about anything."

Choi, who had shriveled under my pressure, nodded my head.

Smiling back at my wives, I say, "Come along now… I'll explain everything, I promise."

Still absolutely confused by the interaction that I just had, they all dumbly nodded their heads. Looking at Kanao who still stood apart from me, I beckon her over.

But instead, she gives me a look, looks back at the Hunters Guild, points out her finger, and asks, "Sisters?"

Following where her finger was pointing, I see Jinah and Hae-In frozen in their spots.

'How the sh*t?' I think before then smiling, "Not yet."

Happily excepting my brief reply, Kanao dashes through the crowd at a speed many of them could follow and brings forward Jinah and Hae-In. Once they're with our group, Kanao latches herself onto me and kisses me for an entire minute.

"Alright… we can go…" Kanao states, a lovely smile gracing her face.

"Hold onto me then."

All my wives don't even question it and latch themselves onto me. Jinah and Hae-In on the other hand were hesitant.

"We're only going somewhere private…" I glare at the Hunters Guild, "Didn't you want to know my wives?"

Having had enough of their indecision, Shinobu broke off from me and pushed them onto me.

Feeling all of them holding onto some part of me, I use 'Transferable Light', appearing in the emptiest space I knew, our Guild Office.

Emerging in the middle of the office, my wives and Jinah start to look around with wide eyes, wondering what had just happened and where we were.

"Brother?" Jinah's voice calls out.

And certainly enough, Jinwoo leisurely sat on one of the couches with his eyes closed. Cracking them open, he stares at our group before then laying his head back and closing his eyes once again, as if trying to block out whatever it was that he was seeing.

"Why'd we come here of all places?"

Prompted by Hae-In's question, I answer, "Because Jinwoo deserves to know about this as well. It's the least that I can do."

Shuffling away from me, my wives begin to explore around the office, looking at everything with the greatest amount of interest. After all, they're technically a hundred years old.

But then suddenly, as Mitsuri's looking around, something seems to click for her.

"Shiro… how are we speaking?"

Tilting my head, I try and comprehend the implications of her question. And then it dawned on me that they, who had spoken Japanese their entire lives, now were fluently speaking and listening to Korean.

"You're speaking in Korean… and if you ask me how, I couldn't tell you. Must have been a benefit of the gateway we traveled through to get here."

"And where exactly is here?" Shinobu raises her eyebrow.

"South Korea, in the year 20XX." All four of them stop dead in their tracks when they hear my words, "And this world is very much different than the one we'd been through…"

"I wanted to ask about that…" Nezuko touches her fingers together, "Why were we subject to an audience when we emerged… and how did they already know you?"

"Might want to sit down for this," I sit down in one of our office chairs, "This'll take a while."

So, there I sat for the rest of the day, explaining to my wives what I had been subjected to when I first emerged in this plane. The entire time, I'd answer any questions they had, which majority ended up being what a Hunter did. By the end of my two years life story in this world, I was embraced in a very warm group hug.

"To have suffered all those years without us by your side," Mitsuri states while breaking away and rushing over to Jinah, "Luckily, you managed to have a hopeless maiden by your side to fill that void."

Unimpressed by Mitsuri's woeful display, Jinah shrieks, "Who's a hopeless maiden?!"

"Well, isn't it true?" Mitsuri chuckles, "Even though Shiro was already married, you couldn't help yourself from falling deeper into the pool that is what we call love…"

"I didn't know he was married until just recently!"

"But he was wearing his ring…" Shinobu boredly states, embracing the back of my head into her bosom, "It was pretty much plainly obvious."

"But even Jinwoo couldn't figure out!"

"He's… dense though." Kanao, who's sitting in my lap, points at the slouching figure that is Jinwoo.

Nezuko, being the angel that she is, took up Jinah's hands into hers and smiles, "We don't mean to bully you… Jinah. In fact, all of us are enthused to have you as our sister. If Shiro's words are anything to go by that is."

"But" Jinah seems to shrink, "We're not even a thing though…"

In a moment, all of us burst out laughing.


"We have much to talk about if that's what you think." Shinobu gives her a small smile.

"Now," Mitsuri's head then whips to the other person in the room, "We have one left to deal with."

Seeing that all attention was on her now, Hae-In gives a sad smile, "Compared to everyone else here, I've known Shiro for the shortest period… If anything, I don't even know why I'm trying to be with him when he's married."

"That's what I'm saying." Jinwoo, who had almost inaudibly muttered that, received a death glare from everyone in the room.

Amidst out glares towards Jinwoo, Mitsuri lets out a small chuckle.

"Well… Hae-In… you and I are similar in a sense. I only tried approaching Shiro for a very specific reason… in fact it was the reason for me joining the Demon Slayer Corps in the first place. When I first learned that he was dating Shinobu and Kanao, with Nezuko as another prospective girlfriend, my hopes of being him felt dashed… destroyed."

"Yet even though that were true," Mitsuri continued, "I couldn't help myself… even putting my life on the line to save him and then be saved by him in turn. Your feelings, instead of going away if Shiro were to disappear will instead get stronger… After all, your love towards him was caused by something specific that no one else in this world has…"

"Love's a strong word." Hae-In blushes.

"That it is… but no matter how strong it is, it can only go up from here." Mitsuri hugs Hae-In, "And if you don't mind me asking, what is it that drew you in to Shiro?"

Shrinking much like Jinah had, Hae-In meekly says, "His smell."

In less than a moment after she said that, Mitsuri had dug her face right into my neck, making audibly loud sniffs. Giving Hae-In a 'look what you did.' look, Mitsuri finished smelling me and backed up slightly with a flushed face.

"You're right," She licked her lips, "That's a rather tantalizing smell."

Bashing her on her crondolium, Mitsuri slinks away, only to give way to Nezuko. Now, I found myself with my three other wives sniffing me.

"That looked like it hurt." Jinah looked at Mitsuri worried, "Did it hurt?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Mitsuri answers, "Nothing really hurts anymore… and even if it should've, it'll just heal moments later."

This caused Jinah, Hae-In, and Jinwoo to stare at Mitsuri strangely.

"And what do you mean by that?" Jinwoo inquires.

"Well, I'm a demon… so I don't feel pain. Plus, even if you were to cut off my arm, it'll simply regrow moments later." Everything fell dead silent, "Wasn't my bizarre appearance something to key you into that fact?"

"Mitsuri, demons don't exist here." I deadpan.

"Oh." I lightbulb illuminates over her head, "That's right."

"So, for example, if your head were cut off…" Jinwoo leans forward.

"It'll regrow too," Mitsuri's demeanor then darkens, "That is unless you use a Nichirin Blade."

"Nichirin Blade?"

Having their eyes turn to me, I tell them, "This'll require another wave of explaining. And about how the five of us come from a very much different world than yours."

"You're not from here?" Jinah's eyes widen.

"Not in the slightest… Now sit, there is much to explain."

And now, after another wave of my life's story in the world of Demon Slayer, I was left with an open-mouthed Jinah, Hae-In, and Jinwoo.

"Is that why I sometimes see you move in ways that should clearly be impossible to perform?"

Giving a nod to Jinwoo, he uses his favorite move of laying his head back and starts to contemplate his life choices.

"Wait, but if they're demons…" Hae-In points at my wives, "Wouldn't that make you a demon too."

Giving a strained smile, I poorly explain, "Well, that's where the complications start to come in about me personally. You see, I have the 'innate' ability to transform my race from human to demon and then back. So, unlike my wives, who're permanently stuck as demons, I can transform myself back and forth."

"But why wouldn't you just stay as a demon if it meant you couldn't be injured?" Jinah confusedly asks.

"Because, as the weakest of my races," I present, "So long as I get stronger as a human, my other races will rise in power as well."

"Wait, raceS?" Shinobu scowls, "I thought you could only transform into a Demon."

"Well, about that..."

Pressured under their gazes, I explain to them the gifts that I'd received and then proceeded to show my Ice Elf race and Dragon race. Soon after, I then explained my powers as the 'Lord of Light'.

Feeling drained after the very long day and emotional rollercoaster, I then remembered that my wives didn't have a place to stay.

"Ah!" Hae-In exclaims, "They can stay with me… I rarely use any of the space in my penthouse anyway."

"Thank you… Sister."

Being blinded by Kanao's cuteness, Hae-In is forced to hurriedly look away, "No problem."

Kogatsu Kogatsu

“Be strong, be kind, be generous of spirit, be understanding and let people know how grateful you are. Dont get even. Comfort the ones you've hurt and let down. Say your prayers and ask for Gods understanding and strength. Finish with a smile and some gusto and do what's' right and finish strong.”

― George Herbert Walker Bush

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C77
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


