Ickapoo desires order, meaning. But there is no chance, or luck, only God's divine destiny and control over universal history, fate.
Coincidences are too coincidental to just be
chance or even good luck. There has to be
some mystical, supernatural or theological
source influencing these unfathomably deep
life-decisions. The study book fell and
opened at the page of the exam question is
another example of this. Or the moment the
old judge spoke his heart to the young
woman, the wind outside the opera house
suddenly slams the open doors and breaks
the windows. The gigantic picture of the
young woman happens to predict the one on
TV, after the drowning accident on her
Canal crossing trip. There is just no luck as
is constantly brought up in the film only
God’s will and divine providence. Luck will
run out and turn against you and force you
to take responsibility for your own crimes
and sins.It is truly only God and divine
justice forcing Abe Lucas to take