100% Speechless for his survival / Chapter 1: Chapter 01: Found some... kid?
Speechless for his survival Speechless for his survival original

Speechless for his survival

作者: Elzory22

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 01: Found some... kid?

~1 month before UA~

Aizawa only thought that today mission was necessary only to help them found the yakuza's bosses who were hiding somewhere.

Some heroes and police officers got news that they might be trying to do something bad happens with some news drugs they are trying to create. They didn't know a lot already but when a detective found some link of this place with a group of yakuza members, it could only means they will get more informations.

So that was when they started to plan to overrun this place discreetly so that nobody get wind of what's happening, not knowing how much people they got in their reach.

They were more or less 10 heroes, calling: himself, Nedzu, Midnight, Snipe, Deatharm, Manual and some others, with 2 dozens of police men, Sansa and Tsukauchi.

It's was a very normal looking building place in a really glowing part of the city with a coffee shop in the first floor. Nobody would mind to overlook it if it's not for the very little traffic of some men wearing weird old doctor's masks from the time of the Plague. Some of the police's men were hiding in the cafe with civilian clothes while the others were dispersed in the alleys surrounding the building. Himself with the others hero were prepared to enter by three different doors to try and close the nest on the guys hiding in there so none could escape.

None of them had powerful power according to the research that Nedzu and Tsukauchi did before the mission, which is why they didn't need anyone like Endeavour or All Might. They were something near small fries but with powerful bosses to protect them with reputation only. It's was a good thing because they didn't had to put a security zone around and make the civilians leave and make the yakuza suspicious. They could attack in the daylight too so they take them by surprise in their sleep, 'cause they move the night.

"Team A,B and C, start moving now! D and E stay tuned.

With this command in their earpiece, Aizawa and his team made of Midnight and Deatharm move into the block with only the little light coming from the very few windows to illuminate their way through the darkness of the place. It's was quiet until some sounds of a battle roaring near them probably between some heroes and the yakuza group. It was good. They shouldn't run on guys here who will go seek who are the intruders, so they got times to look for information on their projects and others bases.

Deatharm use his strength to open all the doors in the hall they got in while Midnight and him look through the desks, shelfs and beds. They had almost finished when they got a call saying that all yakuza got caught and the other research team had finished minutes ago.

"We got one door to look after we are done too." responded Midnight a hand on her hip touching slightly her whip by her fingertips. She didn't found anything good for now, the room accommodated only with the minimum to sleep or for a reunion room.

"This one look tough although." said Deatharm with a smile on in face after learning everything went smoothly like planned. The only obstacle to call this small raid finished was this odd heavy and securely padlocked door.

A crack in his ear warned him that someone wanted to talk, but he didn't expect that.

"Sorry guys to bother you, but some of the guys we caught had a lot of what we suspect being blood on them and we are pretty sure it wasn't their and given that it's daylight, the chances of it coming from someone outside this building are tiny. It's look fresh too." Said Manual before hanging up.

Midnight turned to Deatharm and looked him in the eyes, waiting for him to confirm that he was ready for whatever might be on the other side and did the same thing with Aizawa. They both nodded before he took his best stance and swing his arm hard on the poor door that gave in easily enough for him.

The word darkness would not be enough to describe the lack of light in the room. The second thing they noticed was the smell that reigned there master. A mix of a musty smell, humidity and ... blood. A lot of blood.

They all got out a flashlight and almost took a step back with what they saw with some light on. A pool of blood on the floor, some places dry and brownish while others are still very red and fresh. Some squirts on the wall too. And in the center, a boy with bruises and cut all over his poor body looking so frail, anxious, desperate and terrified. His eyes were close hard, he put his arms around his knees and started shaking really hard.

Aizawa was the first to move. Approaching the boy, he closed his flashlight, only using the light of the ones from his colleagues to see where to walk until he arrived two meters away from the boy who looked like he wanted the floor to absorb him. He stooped and tried making eye contact with the boy that could only be in the beginning of his teenage years.

"Hey... can you look up? I am a hero. You can call me Eraserhead, ok? My friends and I just arrested the guys who were here. Can you tell me what is a boy like you doing here?"

With the word "hero", the boy snap his head up and started looking at the people who just had enter the room and started shaking more with tears beginning to flow out off his eyes. He opened his mouth but only little squeaks got out before he closed it again and started looking onto his arms, clenching his hand in fist.

Midnight finally decided to approach the boy too, slowly to not overwhelmed him. "I'm Midnight, can you tell us your name?"

He didn't even lift his glare with making the sign "no" with his head.

She continued a little surprised "Do you remember your name?"

She got a nod this time which made her think. "Wait, are you mute?". The boy took some time thinking before nodding again even so slightly that they would have missed it if they didn't had all their attention on him.

It was then that a team of police officers came in and saw too the most chocking thing everybody will see for a while. One started to call a healthcare unit already so they could check on him and made sure he is fine. Deatharm decided to leave the boy with the other and start walking to the criminals they just caught to ask some questions since the boy don't seem to be looking in a enough good state of mind to respond.

He followed the police with the bad guys they would interrogated. Detective Tsukauchi came with them too so he could confirm if any of them were lying or not. What they got in answers for all their questions was that, no, they didn't know where the others bases were located, they didn't know what was the big goal of their boss and how he will archive it and that the boy wasn't important anymore, since maybe three weeks ago, because he developed a quirk or resistance, they aren't sure, and that their boss found a best new guinea pig for their research. The boy has been held capture with them for 3 years and their missions was to look after him while their leader was away until he visited to torment the boy a little and go back hiding again. They got the right to hurt him more than normal three weeks ago because it was useless to have him with them anymore 'cause the research didn't advance anymore since a while. They described it like a wast of food so they stopped giving him meals everyday since then.

That was the last drop that made him got out of the interrogation room.

How could they be so cruel for nothing?!

~Going back with Aizawa~

The boy let the healthcare team work on healing him and help him put on some real, clean clothes, the one he had only could have been described by rags full of bloody spots with mud and dust in every corner. He will need a bath but that could wait. They got the informations the interrogators got so they get a better image of the situation. Although, one thing is missing. They don't know where the boy was living before and if he had a family. Surely, he had, but now, nobody knows and the boy is the only one who could answer that.

He throws a gaze sideways at the mass of blanket covering the teenager that has finally stopped crying and shaking after a longtime. It must has been hard on him all this time. They should have known sooner and get him out of this hell.

The boy looks back at him and gets his hands out of the covers and starts imitating something... Like if he were writing... RIGHT! Why didn't he thought of that! If the boy got caught three years before, he should have a least learn how to write a little for sure. But will he remember how to do? Three years is a long time. Anyway, it's worth the try so he gets up from where he was sitting to go get a pen and a notebook. He returns to the boy and give them to him and he directly starts writing. It was a little wobbly, but still readable. When he finishes, the boy was almost crying again and gives back the notebook so he could read.

•Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya and I am born July 15 XXXX. I lived with my mother in Musutafu and my father worked harbour at the time but I didn't saw him really a lot before anyway. For my mother, she got killed with my kidnapping. I can't talk anymore, but I not sure why. I didn't have a quirk since recently and even now I'm not sure how it works that well.•

Izuku Midoriya. He could finally put a name on the face of the kid. He tried smiling to reassure the crying child who must only think about what will happen to him now since he got no where to go.

That was when the detective Tsukauchi came facing their direction. Aizawa gave him the notebook before turning back to Midoriya."It will be fine kid. We got you now. Everything will be alright Midoriya." With that, the teenager turned his glare to his side showing his awkwardness. He pointed back to the hands of Tsukauchi, more likely to the papers he was holding.

"Oh! Right, I'm sorry. Take it back." was what the detective said while giving back the stack of paper to the boy who started writing again.

•Can we not call me by my name? It doesn't feel right anymore and since I not longer have a family, it's hard hearing my last name.•

The face of the two adults froze in aversion. Poor kid, being left with no sense of identity in himself, at this age too.

Aizawa talked "So how would you like us to call you?" looking at the big emerald green eyes in front of him.


It was short and more like a pseudonym than a new name so it would be easy for everyone to use it without thinking to much about it.

"Sure Izu" responded Aizawa before continuing "I will need to go get my report done now so I will leave you with him for now, okay?" he said getting up and taking with him his hero support stuffs he had took off to feel more relax.

"So, Izu... do you think you will be able to be interrogated later today? We can still give you times if you need to sleep or anything though. We got someone able to read people mind so if you gave her your agreement, you wouldn't have to write everything down."

•Anytime you are ready detective•

His gaze softened seeing such a smart looking kid this much shy but mentally strong enough to go through things like this without the need of a second thought. He will needs help for sure, needless to say, but they got time to find a solution to this weird situation. Where could they send him so he always got someone to look out for him. They will need to think throughly about that.

"Good! Follow me now, we will be going to my office so we can interrogated you properly and I shall introduce you to the person I talked before." did he said smiling while guiding Izu to his car.

The ride made Izu feels a nostalgia from the last time he actually took a vehicle. Seeing the city felt strange too, so much colors and movements in contrast with his gloomy cell. He spaces out for the rest of the time before Tsukauchi stops the car and then turns to face him.

"Here we are. The woman you see at the door is the one I talked you about. I called her before coming here so she could ready herself for our arrival so ,hopefully, the interrogation flows smoothly and is quickly finish so you can rest more. Her name is Sora (why not ok?). Shall we go now?" He got a nod from the teen and they start walking to meet Sora.


Aizawa just finished his report when some knocked on the desk he was working on. Lifting his eyes, they meet with two big black pupils.

"What can I help you with Nedzu?"

"I wanted to discuss about the situation with you. Where do you think they will place the boy now since he has nowhere to go?"

He raised his hand to his forehead and began to massage his temples. "Seriously, I don't know. Just placing him with a normal family in adoption would be neglecting our debt for these last three years he had to live. But he is definitely not a bad kid so sending him to a rehabilitation house for juvenile kids sounds wrong. He would get all the attention he needs but the pressure could crush him too and make him feel like his time while being locked up."

Bringing a paw to his pocket, Nedzu got out from it a folder paper that he took his time opening it up while looking Aizawa in the eyes, smiling.

"And if I say that I found a solution? You got a free space in your class because of the one student we had to refuse his admission after seeing on camera that he cheated in the written exam. He would have everything he could need to get back fine into society, meet people his age and finally, when the others go to their hero classes, he would get meetings with Hound Dog because he will eventually need to share his worries." His smile only grew bigger. "I was wondering, you are living alone in your big apartment, right?"

"I hope you didn't think I would accept what I'm pretty sure you are thinking in this crazy head of yours? Why would I take him in? Sure he needs help and fast but they are people better prepare to welcome a kid in their life!" Aizawa was not understanding at all Nedzu train of thought if it's not for the part of Izu entering UA. It's true that he had a vacant spot in his classe and maybe living with a pro hero, a (his future even) teacher should make him feels safe, but to "adopte" a kid just like that was too much, even for him.

"We should get to the police station to go pick him up when they are finished. We can discuss this more later" the bastard was smirking while saying that! "And the school can take care of any kind of expenses for his needs. You don't need to worry about money."

Getting up and starting walking "Yeah, like I'm broken enough that I can't take care of one kid. I will think about it before giving my answer, if it's fine. I don't like taking fast important decision like that." One of his hands lift to massage is nose before going straight back down. "Wouldn't having a child taking a place in the hero course cause a little problem when the true came out? Pretty sure the media, this vultures, will jump on this situation to criticize the school once again."

Nedzu looked like he thought for some time before answering "I don't think they would be as none sensitive to go and ask questions about the boy if we tell them a bit of his story to keep them at bait, no?"

"You are the genius here." Shoving his hands up so he could show his honesty. "But if I could say something about that, it's maybe better not telling anything to the news. We got no obligation to tell them and avoid the press should be our best option."

"Another good reason for him to go live with you, Mister I-don't-like-camera-and-fam."

"Later you said, later."

"Right. Anyway, we are here. Di you want to go watch the kid's interrogation? Maybe that will help you fix your mind." he said with his now almost omnipresent smile/smirk that look to be there only to make fun of him and telling him that he knows that he will win this argument.

"Arg yeah... better than doing nothing. If he is coming to my classroom, I better start to learn more about this problem child."

They enter the building and greet some people making their way to the dark room paired with the one the kid was being interrogated since a little while.

"Ok so you didn't got time to enter middle school before getting kidnapped, right? We didn't found anything about your scholarship since elementary school" said a blond woman with glasses carefully put on her nose. The kid nod before looking down, looking fully concentrate. "They got you when you were returning from the grocery store with your mother? You saw her turning... to ash before your... eyes." She took a while to let the idea run in her mind and let the poor boy taking control again of his crying eyes. You could see his knuckles white from how much tight he holds the blanket they let him bring with him for reassurance. She breaths before continuing "Was it Kai Chisaki who did that?" Another nod and concentrate look. "He did the same things to you before reanimated you for some times until you stopped hurling and crying. Did he did it to you after that? The doctors that inspected you earlier said you were in almost perfect shape if not from the recent scares, bruises or broken bones. Nothing looked old enough for being more than a month ago." Izu opened his mouth before closing it and his eyes. After a while, Sora started to talk once again to let the others know once again what she had just learned. "So you know that on the beginning, they wanted to capture you to learn more about your DNA which is not "contaminated" with a quirk. Chisaki would come to see you 3 to 4 times a week and each time "repair" you because his guys would hurt you because they were obligated to waste time to watch a kid like you. But that leads at four weeks ago, where once Kai came to see you, you didn't have a third of the injuries you will normally got and he said to his gang to do some more damage next time, that they should not become soft now after 3 years. It's was then that they told him that they hurt you twice as much but overnight you will have recovered. Since then, Chisaki didn't came back and let his boys hit you as they liked. You had got a kind of resistance and some healing quirk maybe? You're not sure but your body will heal himself a lot more faster and made your body slightly stronger each time. We should make you see a quirk professional for that we can learn more about your probably new quirk. I have one more question. Do you know why you aren't talking anymore now?" Izu seems to look for a answer him when his head shot up, a thoughtful look on his face. "Ok, if I understood well, you used to mumble a lot about thought out loud but more than once you will get a beating for being nosy by the yakuza, so you stop without thinking and your voice got away at the same time? Definitely trauma that made you feel like if you talk, you will get a beating." The kid looked at the table between them before bringing up his eyes looking to the one he had "talk" for almost a hour now. He rub his eyes with both his hands and yawns a big one soundlessly. He felt like his eyes were weigh a tonne each. He did everything he could to keep them open until the door leading to the room with a black window opened to let enter the hero he had met earlier with another person by his shoulder, hiding in his capture weapon, looking a mix like a mouse, a dog and a bear. It was then his eyes shot open when he saw the last one to come in closing the door. Wearing a police officer outfit, the only distinguished thing about him was... his head!! A cat head to be more exact. His hand released all the tension he didn't felt that he had created for a while now.

Aizawa couldn't help but see how the kid was stiff while all the interrogation. The new informations they got here with the ones from Deatharm will help them gage how to act with the kid and hopefully find out where is the bastard of a boss go to hide. That why he was surprised to see such a face on the kid when they enter the room he was in. Was he looking at him? No. Behind him! He turned to see the sergeant Sansa, closing the door and looking back at him with a questioning face. Aizawa looked back to the kid who looked amazed by the cat looking person.

Being not sure of this, he cleared his throat so all people in the room, being himself, Izu, Sora, Tsukauchi, Nedzu and Sansa, look at him.

"Izu, could it be that you like cats?" He asked, slightly amused for being for once the one teasing today and not the other way around. The cheeks of the kids turn bright red and he took the blanket until then covering his knees and hides his face in, shaking his head for some time before starting nodding a little before stopping moving, almost waiting for the other shoe to fall. But it didn't. Or at least, he had thought because once he decided to bring his gaze up again, every person in the room, including Sansa, was looking at him with a smirking face or a kind smile paired with laughing eyes for the one able to perceive it.

Aizawa talked once again "Don't worry. I like them too. I got one at my house. You can pet him if you would like to come and live with me at my apartment for at least a while." He knows the one on his shoulder was smiling. He didn't need to turn his head to feel the victorious aura emanating from him.

The kid looked at him like a fish before nodding strongly three times, his cheeks being less red with each second now.

That's how Aizawa just "adopted" a kid.

Elzory22 Elzory22

Hi people! Hope you like the idea. Got that on my mind for a while now. I think I will continue putting points like this • instead of these “ for when Izuku is communicating. I already got the idea where the story is going for a good part now so it might be easier to write line that ^-^ Just to say, Izu really likes cat and Aizawa too! Who doesn’t ;)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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