Once upon a time on a snowy mountain, people were still happily freezing their asses, and monks were still shocked.
Funnily enough, the temporary emergency shelter and rations were far more luxurious than anything else they had ever experienced. It was such a stark contrast that they didn't seem to miss their monastery one bit!
Many kept glancing at the elder, expecting him to veto all of it, but he seemed lost in thoughts nowadays. At times, he'd look toward the outside world and in Josh's direction at others.
Talking with the young man had brought back so many memories, and he would often find himself sighing. As usual, he was really the only one keeping his cool while the others kept exclaiming.
The first time they visited the Battle Ship, they made the soldiers beam with pride. Never had they seen anyone so interested in their vessel!
The monks kept going:
"That's so awesome!"
They say Rank 5 is only possible to achieve by roaming the world in search of enlightnement Why would I bother with that? I had had plenty of life experiences already. I just had to remember them...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)