55.29% 6 Times a Day / Chapter 667: Xania taking control !

章 667: Xania taking control !

Sorry for the Delay, I got caught in an emergency and didn't have my Laptop with me. Now I am back and here are your chapters. Here's a big chapter for everyone to Enjoy!


Xania took in the sight of Alan and Katherine sitting on the couch next to each other. With Katherine there, she couldn't be sexually free with Alan or take off any clothes. But she resolved to change that soon enough.

So Xania said, "In case it isn't obvious enough by now, both of you may be glad to hear that Susan is feeling very positive about the incest idea. Including... full-on intercourse!"

"Woo-hoo!" the siblings said at once while they high-fived each other.

"Great!" Alan added. "I certainly wasn't expecting THIS today! This is like, getting into my favorite college, only better!"

Katherine pointed out to him, "And if you're laying your pipe into Mom on a daily basis, then she can't complain if you stuff your little sister too! She may be hypocritical at times, but she can't deny that!"

That led to another high-five between them.

Xania continued before the two teenagers got too excited, "There's a lot to celebrate, but there are some problems as well. Katherine, the chief problem I see with you is the issue of jealousy. Alan is sleeping with many different women, and you feel that you should be number one with him, and have sole possession of him. Isn't that correct?"

Katherine looked down shyly. "Um, not sole possession exactly. I don't feel jealous when he's with other women at all."

Alan coughed significantly as she finished that sentence. Obviously he disagreed.

Katherine pretended not to notice, and kept talking. "But I want to have a special place in his heart."

Alan said, "She calls herself my number one fuck toy. Obviously, I love it." He didn't realize that Xania had discussed that very phrase at length already with both Susan and Katherine. "How could I not? I mean, I'm a horny guy and she's a walking wet dream." He looked at her with a loving smile.

She smiled back, and reached out and squeezed his hand.

But then he frowned. "Although, there are times when I wonder if she might go overboard a little bit."

Xania looked deadly serious. "Interesting. Katherine, there's no shame in that nickname, and I don't see a problem with it. Alan, she and I actually discussed this some earlier. Some people might think 'fuck toy' is demeaning. But the way I figure, what she means is that she wants to completely open herself sexually to you, no limits. And she wants you to lead the way. There's nothing wrong with that at all."

"Exactly!" Katherine nodded, At the same time she was participating in the discussion, she was sizing up Xania's beauty. Good God. Not only does her body look fantastic, from what I can see of it, but she has a truly stunning face. That's a face to launch a thousand ships. I wish I looked half that good!

Xania spoke directly to Katherine again. "But number one implies exclusivity. I think you do feel jealous when he's with other women."

Katherine shook her head emphatically in denial. "No, I don't. I let him fuck whomever he wants."

"I think you do," Xania insisted. "It's only natural. Anyone would."

"I said I don't!" Deep down, Katherine knew she was jealous, but she wasn't about to admit it to Xania. "In fact, I'm open to helping him find 'fresh fuckmeat', as we say in our house. I totally helped him get in Kim's pants, and others. She's another cheerleader, by the way."

Xania nodded. "Yes, and that sounds good. But you don't find someone like Kim a threat, do you?"

Katherine wave a dismissive hand. "Nah. She's nice. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Besides, she's pretty but not drop dead gorgeous."

"I don't mean her specifically. What if there's a drop-dead gorgeous woman who directly threatens your position, or takes time away that he could be spending filling you up with fresh semen?"

Katherine immediately thought of Amy and her resentment of Amy's "Official Girlfriend" status. She'd started out helping Alan with Amy, thinking the two of them could have some innocent fun with her, but Amy had leapfrogged her to a special place in Alan's heart. Then she thought of Christine, and her muscles tightened even more. She didn't even allow herself to think of Heather, since she knew that would be nothing but upsetting. But she said defiantly, "Ain't going to happen. Brother loves me."

"You ARE jealous," Xania insisted. "I'm sure of it now, thanks to all your non-verbal body language. In fact, I'll prove it to you. We can't solve your problem until you admit you have one. Why don't we do a little role-playing? This will definitely be very unorthodox, but I'm willing to improvise in whatever way it takes to achieve results. Are both of you okay with that?"

The siblings nodded.

Xania continued, asking Katherine, "What do you think about the fact that, during my earlier session with Alan, I stroked his erection? Does that make you jealous?"

Katherine fired a quick glance at her brother and saw him looking uncharacteristically smug. "You did?! Wow! I thought that was illegal for psychologists to get it on with their patients or something... But no, it doesn't."

"Not even a little bit?"

"No." She straightened her back imperially, as if the very idea was an affront to her dignity.

"So you wouldn't mind if I sexually pleasure him right now, in front of you?"

Katherine was shocked, but she felt a surge of arousal rush through her, not jealousy. She couldn't help but long to see Alan get it on with such a beautiful woman. "No. Knock yourself out. I've watched enough times. It's like water off a duck's back. God knows he needs all the help he can get. Brother, how many times have you cum today?"

"Not enough," he said.

"See? Go for it." Katherine defiantly folded her arms across her chest.

Xania said, "Okay, then. We'll see if you're right. Alan, please take off your jeans. I assume a well-hung boy like you will have no trouble getting aroused? ... Ah, I see I'm not disappointed."

Alan's penis had gone flaccid for a while, which was a much-needed respite considering how worked up Susan's handjob had made him. But thanks to the direction the conversation had just taken, he was sporting a newly-engorged woody that already had a few droplets of pre-cum at its tip.

Still fully dressed in her business suit, Xania knelt in front of Alan and took his newly exposed boner in her hands. She looked over at Katherine, who refused to look back.

Katherine did her best to look away, even once she heard the tell-tale squishy sounds of fingers sliding up and down her brother's cock. This is soooo unethical! This is an outrage! The whole thing doesn't make any sense, unless... Dammit! I'll bet Brother seduced her while they were talking earlier. That's so like him. Sometimes, having a brother this studly is a bit of a curse. And now she's trying to get my goat. Well, I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction! The joke is on her, because I'm actually getting really horny seeing this.

Xania said to Alan seductively, "Hmmm. I'm feeling a little... overheated. Alan, do you mind if I unbutton my blouse a little?"

Alan was all grins. "Please do!"

Taking her time, Xania would stroke Alan's hard-on a little bit, then unbutton a button on her blouse. Then she'd stroke him some more, and then unbutton another button. She continued doing this until she was out of buttons. Building anticipation, she sucked in her breath while thrusting her tits out. Then she slowly opened her blouse in front enough to expose her nipples, yet she still kept her jacket on.

Alan had a sense where Xania was going with this, and he was more than willing to play along. So, once Xania's blouse was wide open and she was stroking him with both hands, he pretended like he hadn't seen (or felt) Xania's rack yet. "My God, Xania. You're seriously stacked! Just like Mom!"

Katherine couldn't help herself. She growled out loud, and then she griped, "'Just like Mom.' That's not even true. Hers are clearly smaller than Mom's, if you ask me."

Xania leaned forward and playfully licked the tip of Alan's cockhead. Then she leaned back to better display her fantastic 38Gs and kept on stroking his thick pole. "Katherine, I sense some jealousy. Perhaps issues over breast size?"

Katherine crossed her arms defiantly and closed her eyes. "Hrmph! NOT! I couldn't care less!"

Because Katherine's eyes were closed, she could only hear and not see when Xania asked Alan, "What do you think? Are they smaller than your mother's? Maybe you should feel them, to get a better sense..."

Many long moments passed. Katherine's agitation grew while she was only able to hear the familiar squishy sounds of her brother's cock being stroked. Finally, her curiosity got the best of her. She opened her eyes and saw Alan happily fondling Xania's exceptionally large tits with both hands. It was a struggle for her to not let out an annoyed growl.

Xania immediately noticed that Katherine was watching. She asked, "Does this make you jealous?"

"No," Katherine said. She was trying to look disinterested, but the only person she was fooling was herself. Dammit, no real psychologist would do something like that. Look at her hand slide up and down, up and down. I can totally tell she's loving it. This is way fishy - she's too good! How did she get to be some kind of cock-stroking expert?! The damn bitch is playing with his balls too, and I know how much he loves that. And what's with Bro and big tits? He keeps moving hers up and down and all around, like he could do that all day long. And he probably will, dammit!

Alan could see that Xania was trying to make Katherine jealous. He hadn't thought through her reasoning, but given the sexual fun he'd had with Xania earlier, he knew it could only lead to more fun. So he helped out by asking, "Xania, could I play with your pussy?"

Xania sounded like the voice of reason as she replied, "I don't see why not. After all, we're all adults here. Unless, Katherine, you have a problem with that?"

"Why would I care?" Katherine huffed, with resentment obvious to everyone but her. Her arousal was still there, but it was quickly getting overwhelmed by jealousy. "I told you that I'm into sharing him."

"Good." Xania took off her panties. However, rather perversely, she kept her jacket, blouse and skirt on. As before, she liked her psychologist outfit and felt that continuing to wear some of it helped her stay in character.

Katherine closed her eyes again, but that didn't stop her from hearing the sound of Xania's fingers slipping and sliding up and down Alan's already wet shaft. She winced when she heard Xania's erotic moan as Alan stuck two fingers into her slit. She winced again when she heard Xania say to him, "I must say, this started out as just an exercise to see if your sister was jealous. But you're getting me really hot! I love stroking your big cock! It's no wonder your mother and sister and many more are so crazy about you. And you know just what to do with your fingers."

"Thanks," he replied.

Katherine peeked with one eye to see what he was doing with his fingers. Seeing what Xania and Alan were doing to each other practically made her blood boil.

Then Xania said in an even sexier voice, "Alan, I'd love to suck your cock. It looks so inviting, like it needs to be sucked. Do you mind if I suck on it a little?"

"Please do!" he replied, not surprisingly.

"Okay, stand up so I can really get into it."

He stood up, which of course meant he had to stop playing with her pussy.

Xania just licked her way around his cockhead a little bit, for starters. Clearly, she was an expert at building up anticipation.

Katherine couldn't sense what was happening, so she took a peek. Her first reaction was shock at the sheer length of Xania's tongue. Fuck me! Is that for real?! I'd think she's some sort of succubus from Hell, except that I know Aunt Suzy has one just like that. Dammit, what are the odds of TWO tongues like that, and Brother gets to enjoy the oral attentions of both?! So UNFAIR!

As she kept on peeking, she was also miffed to notice that Xania was positioned with her body directly facing Katherine instead of Alan. And what's up with her pose? It's like she was putting on a show just for me. ... Oh, I get it. She's trying to make me jealous. But it won't work! Why does she have to be kneeling like that though, with Brother standing up? She couldn't possibly know that's my favorite position in the whole wide world, could she? Nothing makes me feel more like an owned fuck toy than that, and now she's ruining it! But I'm not gonna let it bother me. She closed her eyes again, especially to avoid having to look at Xania's freakishly long tongue lapping at the tip of Alan's cockhead.

But as soon as Katherine tried to tune out, Xania announced to her, "Okay, now I'm going to suck his cock."

"Go ahead." As Katherine sulked, she couldn't help but peek once more at Xania's mostly exposed bosom. Fuck! Xania really does have humongous tits! And she's got gorgeous long legs too. Not to mention a hot, wet cunt - I can tell by the way she's smelling up the room! It's bad enough I have to compete with the likes of Mom and Aunt Suzy. Now this?! I guess it figures that birds of a feather flock together and she was close to Aunt Suzy, but still. It's way unfair!

"You sure?" Xania asked Katherine. Alan had been holding his shaft, but now Xania took over, so she could stroke as well as suck and lick. She made sure her slicked-up hand sloshed up and down Alan's pole in an extra noisy manner. Her mouth was already so close that she was alternately blowing on his dick and licking it some more.

"Knock yourself out," Katherine answered bitterly. She was forced to open her eyes again, since Xania was looking at her. "But what's with you getting all physical like this, not to mention using words like 'cock?' Isn't that unethical?"

Xania brushed that off by saying, "This isn't a formal therapy session. I'm just seeing you all in my free time as a favor to Suzanne."

Before Katherine could argue that point, Xania purred, "Mmmm! Katherine, I can understand why you've fallen for your own brother. I'm not sure why, but seeing him way up there while I have to stay down here with my tongue on his cock really turns me on. He's a take-charge kind of guy, isn't he?" She kept on licking, mostly focusing on his super-sensitive frenulum - his sweet spot.

Katherine clenched her teeth and her fists. Dammit, I should be the one kneeling with my brother towering above me! That should be MY tongue bathing his cockhead in saliva! GRRR!

However, she controlled herself, and said, "Yes he is. But answer my question, please! Just because this isn't an 'official session,' it still doesn't seem right that you're doing that."

"Sorry. As you can see, I'm pretty distracted." Xania giggled before spending more long moments lapping and fondling his balls. Then she added, "Getting to your question some more, technically, yes, this is highly unusual. But I'm a sex therapist, and my ways are unconventional. As I told Alan earlier, my motto is: 'Do whatever works.' Besides, I can stop if it bothers you. Just say the word."

"Don't let me stop you," Katherine said, but in an annoyed tone.

Xania moved from kneeling to squatting in front of the still-standing Alan. She wanted to strike a different sexy pose to further drive Katherine to distraction. As she flicked her tongue at the tip of his cockhead, she asked, "This doesn't make you jealous? You really don't mind if I swallow his cock and bob on it?"

"No, already! Geez."

"Okay, if you're sure..." Xania finally engulfed Alan's cockhead, plus another inch or two of his shaft. She was getting off big time on having an audience, and she was performing for Katherine as much as she was for Alan.

She started sucking him off, bobbing at a steady rhythm, but with a corkscrew twist. Squatting up on her heels, she was actually able to bounce her entire body up and down instead of just bobbing with her head. All the while, she looked over her shoulder as much as she could to gauge Katherine's reaction.

"I'm sure," Katherine said huffily after watching the cocksucking for about a minute.

But at the same time, she thought, Jesus H. Christ! Look at her go! She's a cocksucking natural. She's as good as Aunt Suzy! Look at the way she's totally loving it with her sliding lips. She's putting her entire body into it too. And- holy shit! Did my eyes deceive me, or did her tongue just snake out and wrap its way practically all the way around his shaft just then?! It's like she stole Aunt Suzy's move AND her tongue!

Katherine was burning with jealousy, but she was also burning with lust. She couldn't deny that Xania was a talented cocksucker, not to mention an extraordinarily beautiful, voluptuous woman, and it was impossible to watch her suck without feeling extremely aroused. Katherine was increasingly eager for this to end before she either screamed in agony or started blatantly masturbating, or maybe both. Hoping to conclude Xania's jealousy test, she spoke out of the blue. "I told you this doesn't bother me. Do you believe me now?"

But Xania didn't reply at all for a while. She just kept on sucking and sucking.

Katherine was on the verge of cracking. If she wasn't watching Xania's sliding lips, she was transfixed by Xania's bare ass bouncing up and down, over and over. She grew increasingly fidgety. More than once, her hand drifted to her crotch and she had to consciously pull it away.

A couple of minutes later, Xania finally took Alan's cock out of her mouth and replied with a simple, "No."

So much time had passed that Katherine had to think back to remember what Xania was replying to. When she recalled her question, she rolled her eyes again, unwilling to admit to herself that her jealousy was rising just as steadily as her arousal.

Snake_Empress Snake_Empress

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