Right now, the three women were sitting in the private room of a restaurant.
Fu Hee was still glaring at FangSu. "How could you be so brazen to spout nonsense in public? Does it show that you were brought up properly, what if someone overheard you?"
"Even if they hear me, it's not a bad thing. Look at my brother, he is so romantic. My sister-in-law is fleshy in the right places so he can't resist her, but look at me, my case is different. I will..."
FangSu didn't get to finish her words before a slap on her arm forced her to scream in pain. Her mother had done well by shutting her up.
"You really need to get a hold of yourself! How can you be speaking his way in public?" Fu He's reprimanded while Jia Li watched from the side.
Wincing in pain, FangSu replied, "Mum, why are you hitting me, am I still a child? where is the public here, it's just the three of us? I am airing my mind out because I feel suffocated, or am I not allowed to?"
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven