"Thank you my feet!" Fu Meixu said and immediately called for a waiter to come and take their orders.
When the food was served, Jasmine became excited and stretched her hands towards the nearest plate close to her to pick the food herself, but Jia Li stopped her.
"No don't touch it, I will feed you." Jia Li said to her in a soft tone. The little bun glanced at her mother, looked back at the food, and then smacked her lips while clapping her hands.
"My Niece is so cute," FangSu said with excitement in her voice.
"I hope she remains cute like this." Jia Li said as she used her spoon to mash some mixed rice before giving it to the little bun. She said that because the little wasn't disturbing, and she looked she will remain obedient for a while longer.
Jasmine was glad that her mother brought the food quickly, and she opened her mouth to eat it.
@Laura_Nicol75 thank you for the big gift and because of that, 'The Hidden Wife' got its first sitewide announcement. We are grateful!!!
The Lunar Curse: A Second Chance With Alpha Draven