At this hour of the night, Briceus had begun to grow increasingly hesitant even more so because the news reaching his ears from Ezekiel's mouth was not the kind that his ears had been itching to hear all those hours prior. In short, the matter was already causing him to feel handicapped from not knowing how to go about the search and all the while thinking that Beth had left the Castle due to how poorly he had treated her while they dined for breakfast that morning.
By now, Briceus could no longer fight off his worries which had begun to sink into and erode his mind completely. His fears for Elizabeth's safety had become more like a spiral of torments which continued to angrily sift into every single vein, and fibre woven into his body. The matter of Beth's sudden disappearance was the kind that he could not handle by simply laying low.
Funny how Briceus cannot handle being separated from Elizabeth. But why is that?
Hi there!