75.55% My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series / Chapter 34: Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Festival: Part Two.

章 34: Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Festival: Part Two.

With my panic-stricken state, I stare in shock at the stack of flyers the stranger has collected in his hand. The two men in the photo definitely resemble the vampire behind me, but not as strikingly obvious. In my mind I plead to the heavens that this man lets us leave without mentioning the fact that their appearances are similar.

Frozen in time on a thin leaf of paper between my fingertips, the vampires stare back at me as if they could jump out of the page into the real world. Even though their faces are so white they look lively, unlike Perry does now. He's so drained, with dark circles under his eyes, and a thinner face. He wields bruises that are slowly starting to fade, and scratches that possibly could scar.

In the photo, the identical twins don't entirely look like the older man I know. I'm unable to tell the two apart but only someone who's studied one of their faces and memorized it would notice the differences. I'm sure in real life I'd be able to know who is which twin, even though their facial structures are exact.

My curiosity gets the best of me, "How old is this picture?"

"Well, it is a photograph of the twins last known painted portrait, taken at least over a hundred years ago." My eyes go wide in disbelief.

Perry is over one hundred years old?

"I don't know the exact date." As the man chuckles he reveals a set of fangs, unintentionally revealing he's a vampire himself.

Stiffened by his words, I refuse to even take a glimpse at Perry, not wanting to give him away. Other than his rough features from exhaustion, starvation, and battle, he doesn't look a day past twenty! Do they never age? This astonishing reveal and stressful manner hinders me from knowing how to form words.

"There is a reward for people who find the twins."

I see that, but just hearing it come out of his mouth makes it more legitimate. I prepare to make a quick decision if Perry potentially is in danger from this man or other creatures roaming the festival. Now our precaution will increase this evening because the word is getting spread.

"Sir, " The man addresses the vampire behind me while I take a step back with intimidation, "You are from Dibbley?"

Perry doesn't respond and I catch onto what I need to do immedietly, "Sorry about that," My hands begin to tremble so I clutch them at my stomach. "This man here is my slave, he can't speak."

I divert the conversation, "Why is the Queen searching for the next heir?"

"The madam has come to age, and she is becoming ill. This is her last chance to save her kingdom from being taken over by another family."

My stomach falls, "What a devastating story."

"You must spread the word that she's searching for her missing nephews."

I nod promptly while peering to Perry directly, careful about what the stranger will overhear, "We have to go pick up what we needed." Hopefully my wording doesn't sound like we're in a rush to escape, but instead need to get somewhere.

The man bids us a farewell and I wish him luck. As we flee I do my best not to walk with a hop in my step, hoping nobody will find anything suspicious with Perry and I. Standing out is the last thing we need and at the moment we're unable to go back home, my family wanted to meet us after the fireworks on the beach.

The beach!

I peer over the cliffside, while individuals obstruct my view or wander in front of me. It's too crowded up here but I guarantee during this event most of the people are more focused on the festival itself instead of below. The partying on the seaside likely occurred amidst the warmer hours of midday, so I conclude our safest option to address our recent encounter is down on the shore.

Finding a steep staircase to lead downward doesn't take too long, and within a matter of minutes the two of us are finally alone. A handful of people stroll the waterline, while some sit on a blanket but other than that the beach is less threatening than the festival above.

I stumble in the sand from the second I take my first step, finding it strenuous for me to walk with shoes on. On Earth during this time of year it would be too early to remove my shoes but here I'm not finding an issue with the cold at all and decide I can carry my shoes.

Perry reaches out and takes my arm observing that I'm fumbling with every step because of my tender leg. His arm wrapped in mine comforts me, and with that magical sensation my body's tenseness decreases.

With sand between our toes and an urgent need to discuss a plan, we speed over to an empty stretch of beach, "Do you think anybody recognized you?"

No one will be able to overhear us by the water.

"I did not look into anyone's eyes," His frown deepens. "We shall hope I was not seen."

Perry looks above monitoring the crowd on the hill before making another move. After a moment or two he peers at me with weary eyes, offering me a spot to sit in the sand. He gives caution to not let me fall, and effortlessly lowers me to sit without letting me put pressure on my leg. He follows suit meeting me in the sand, as his flower crown droops to the side. When he adjusts it a purple petal floats down, landing in his lap.

This time he shows fear in his green eyes, "They're looking for me?"

We move to face each other, reminding me of the night he slept in my bed. This time my hands fall back behind me, holding my torso casually as he locks eyes with me.

"Your family?"

He nods, "I was banished so long ago that I know nothing of my kingdom now. The last I knew of my family my parents reigned King and Queen of Dibbley, and when I left I thought my twin would become the next heir."

It's sickening knowing this after I've already declared I'm sending him away soon. He was banished from his home and now I've got to force him to leave my home? I stare him up and down knowing I have to be brutally honest, "You can't pretend your not a prince anymore."

"I was given up on, I couldn't go back. So it was my past."

He moves his hands up towards his head, taking hold of the flower crown. Before he can pull it off I grab his wrists preventing him from doing so, "Don't do that, I know your getting in your head."

"I have to find out what happened to the rest of my family."

"I can help you." My words come out instinctively, surprising me with how easily I can hold a conversation with someone; highly unlikely.

Perry takes a deep breath and his shoulders lower. I watch his body relax and he allows his arms to fall down into my lap, making me disregard the paper in my left hand. I hold his hands like I did days ago but only this time savoring the moment. That physical passion of a fire between us, the literal electricity though my palms, our vibrations together. We've truly connected today, more than we have previously. But right now it's time, it may be my only chance to explain how dangerous it is for us to know each other.

I try memorizing his face, such an incredible feat that I don't want to ever forget; pale yet angelic. Behind his dead-looking face are beautiful features that can't be masked by his scars and sickly body. Every day he is improving, having more color in his lips, his hair is starting to shine, and his wounds are healing. His freckles are less faded and his green eyes are brighter than ever, dazzling. He looks healthier than he did a few days ago when we met.

"I have to tell you something."

His eyes that were focused on our entwined hands shoot up to my green spheres, "What is the matter, milady?"

"We have to make you a free man. You need to go back to where you came from," He leans away slightly and immediately I possess a heaviness in my face and chest, as well as an agonizing pit in my stomach. "I have to send you back home where you'll be safer."

Perry turns his face away from me while my eyes gloss over with tears threatening to escape.

His voice is a whisper, "I can't run a whole kingdom alone."

"But I'm saying you can't stay here with me..." I become uncomfortable, forgetting about safety and feeling as though I'm abandoning him after we've gotten to know one another, "I have to tell you the truth."

"You don't want me?"

I squeeze his hands, "In this case we can't discuss what we want because the truth is the Hunters want us both dead. Together we are something that they want to destroy. I don't know what it is but they're trying to stop something that will happen in the future."

Perry tilts his head, intrigued, forgetting all about how he thought he's unwanted.

"We are supposed to be part of a death ritual, and we're the center of it. What I'm understanding is that once both of us are in their custody at the same time they will set up this ritual and sacrifice us both for something. That is why us being together raises the chances of this happening."

I leave out the part where he is supposedly going to be my lover. I'd rather not talk about the what ifs, and that could essentially be a drawback to us going our separate ways in the near future. Besides, something in me tells me he already knows we have this inexplainable connection.

The cogs start turning in his brain and a seriousness forms upon his brow, "All good times must end." He looks around at the scenery but then back at our hands.

I'm suddenly emotional from his words, "You've enjoyed your time with me?" I sniffle, unable to hold back the tears any longer.

He looks back up, meeting my gaze, "Yes. I'd rather it not end."

He rubs a tear from my cheek and this new interaction has me going nuts, I've never had a man comfort me and display such gentleness, "Well, we still have tonight." I suggest, feeling hopeful.

As if he's reading my mind, Perry pulls on my hands bringing us close together. His delicate initiation gives me the opportunity to do it back, and I don't take a second to question weather he's going to allow me to make some choices I know I shouldn't. I yank him down in the sand with me, so we're laying beside each other. We land softly and my right hand is still firmly wrapped around his left.

My free hand digs into the dry and soft grain of the ground, its texture is sensory pleasurable and soothing. When I allow my body to relax I sink into the cool sand further, noticing how it encompasses my body. I stare up into the abiss of extravagant color forming above in the clouds, turning fiery pinks and deep purples right before our very eyes. Soon, the night events will begin and the fireworks will make the festivities go still.

Shoulder to shoulder I am content but still deep down I long for an additional connection, tonight may be the only chance we have before Perry is legally free, "Lets pretend the Hunters don't exist, let's forget our differences, the roles of slave and master. Can we pretend we don't have to part? Just for the night, let's pretend we are normal for once."

Perry takes the paper I had clenched in my hand that was sitting between us, "We don't need this." He crumples it up and sticks it in his pocket.

I test how close we can get, wresting my head on his shoulder. This time everything is so natural I dismiss the fact we met less than a week ago, it doesn't seem our time has been that short. Having his body next to me makes me wish life was always like this. It's just like the night he laid in my bed, he was so warm I didn't feel cold or lonely. If only I was comfortable enough to grab him and hold him like I wanted to that night. It reminds me, if we're normal tonight does this mean I can act on that thought?

As we silently watch the sky turn colors I listen to the sound of his heartbeat. It takes me into this daze wondering about what we would be doing in the future if we didn't have to hide from the Hunters, but the hard realty is our futures will have to be separate.

I daydream of thoughts that should not occupy my mind. Things I force myself not to act on because I know if I did our parting would be painful. If the Hunters' words are true and this man is my soulmate then how could we pain to leave forever? That's why after tonight I'm not letting anything go further, we can't risk it.

I close my eyes, trying to ease my wonders. After an unknown amount of time I conclude that if my shy friend beside me makes any moves tonight I'll allow it to go as far as he takes it. But when tomorrow afternoon comes, we will go to the Vampire Kingdom and I will work on destroying his slave documents. I want them to be burned, so he will never have to worry about their existence ever again.

Winding down from our unexpected meditation I find the sky to be much darker than the last time I noted. It's to the point where the stars have begun to shine and Perry points out the constellations I've learned nothing about. For once, I'm not looked at strangely because I have no memory of my home planet but instead today I'm becoming educated on daily life in Elyria.

I sit up slightly so I can see him once more, putting pressure on the side of my arm. Saying like I fit in feels like an understatement, and I blink away from the sky and into a pair of dazzling green sapphires. My appreciation for his kindness increases to the point that I'm grateful I was forced to take him. How could I have been so rude to not want to accept him when he was given to me?

A rush of wind blows salty water droplets onto us and right away my body is covered in goosebumps. The chilliness makes it come to mind that sadly Perry and I could never be able to bask in the sunlight on hot sand together, but I'd sit in the cold sand like this every night if he could be with me.

The breeze misplaces my curls, forcing them flow in the direction of the wind. A thick strand falls into my face but I pay no regard to it and instead place my left palm upon his right shoulder, once I feel the static run through my fingertips and through my palm I ask, "Do you feel that?"

At first he only stares at me, but then he firmly places his right hand on my forearm, "This?"

My arm reacts, "It's every time you touch me, it's like electricity."

Perry smiles fully showing fangs which is a rare feat, "I feel it too."

"What is that?"

He rubs his thumb on the inside of my forearm, causing tingles of pleasure to go up my skin, "That is something special."

More goosebumps go up my sides, this time as the result of his touch, "So your vampire abilities aren't making me feel like that, right? Your not seducing me?"

Perry laughs for the first time in front of me, "Vampires can't seduce people by just a touch."

I sigh of relief and let out a small giggle, "Good. But is it possible?"

"The only thing similar to seduction is if a vampire is drinking somebody's blood, the giver would feel a great sensation. In reality a vampire could be drinking them dry and they'd enjoy it."

"Does that happen?" I'm shaken to the core.

"In battle yes, as a defense mechanism." He lifts his hand and tucks the stray piece of hair back behind my ear letting it linger, "And very rarely, sexually. But a vampire wouldn't drink their lover dry, I've never heard of that."

Perry's hand starts to play in my hair and my body responds with goosebumps down the back of my neck. His hand falls down my cheek with his rough palm eventually reaching my chin. Slowly his thumb rubs along my bottom lip. My eyes flutter closed in pleasure melting at his godly touch.

Unexpectedly a hand lands upon my back and I'm pulled into his chest. He rolls me into the sand, and when my eyes open I'm finding the man on top of me. The maneuver happened with a blink of an eye and I'm stunned at how quickly he moved. I stare up at him, again savoring the moment because soon enough it will have to end.

When I catch a view of some muscle in his arms I almost drool. He looks so angelic I could die.

"It feels as though we have met long ago, but I'm certain you weren't alive in that time..." My eyes go back to his face and I let my lips part. His hand plays with my hair in the back of my neck, "...Every time I look at you I'm reminded of when I was young."

His confession is entirely believable, the day I saw him for the first time the world stopped. It's like it was only the two of us staring at each other, just like this moment, nothing else existed but us.

I recall the truth, that Perry is at least over a hundred years old, "How old are you?"

He takes a long pause, running his fingertips along my jawline, "I stopped keeping track after I became enslaved, it didn't matter so I stopped caring. I was born in 1691."

My reaction is more than just suprise, I didn't expect him to be that much older than me. Initially I expected a little over one hundred not over three hundred years. His twenties was many lifetimes ago, yet mine is right now.

"Is that going to become between us tonight?"

The features of his face are shaded with darkness, since the beach has no source of light for the evening. I realize this man has experience throughout centuries, I don't expect to be courted as a woman would be in his younger years. He clearly has been able to keep up with the times to some extent, so tonight anything could happen.

"Not at all," I just can't wrap my head around it yet.

When he peers down at me I note the warmness of his hand on my face, gently rubbing his thumb on my cold skin. His focus on me increases and before I know it his hands are both cupping my cheeks, "All things end and so will we, so I must confess holding you is magical..." Butterflies in my stomach make me shiver. "...For tonight we are normal, so I want to give my all to you Elenor."

I grin from ear to ear whispering, "Give me your all."

Perry lowers his chest onto me fully, his face only inches from mine he whispers in my ear, "I have your permission, love."

My heart pounds but before I can react he's pressing his lips into mine hard. The world around me stops all sound, my adrenaline comes in a jolt, and my stomach feels like I'm falling. His nose brushes mine and then stays against my face.

This is actually happening.

After a second I realize he's not just giving me a peck on the lips, but massaging them gently. At the second one he's not removing his lips from mine but opening his mouth to me, making me notice how loose his lips are. After the third, a long one this time, he stops to let out a hot breath. I breathe in his scent, groaning. I'm unable to recover before he quickly lowers his face into mine again continuing the constant pattern.

We're full on making out with each other!

My lips are pulsing, and my body feels more alive than it ever has been. He brings a hand up to tangle in my hair and places the second on the back of my neck, I feel his thumb. This intenseness causes me to gasp and grip the top of his arm out of impulse, he shivers against me, our bodies fully in synch. He moves me with such motion that comes naturally, but I'm overwhelmed by this foreign feeling not knowing what I should do.

As he pulls away to meet my eyes I giggle uncontrollably, finding that his face is only a blur in the darkness. His weight on my chest increases my feelings and the drug I call his touch turns fiery. I'm unable to contain myself and I pull on his collar, "More..." I moan.

This time I'm initiating the kiss, trying to meet his level, but I'm not as experienced. A rush goes through my head as he speeds up, breathing between each pattern of three to four. The feeling of his body on top of mine is addicting and in this moment I know our connection is some sort of supernatural...the Hunters are right.

Perry ends with a small nip to my bottom lip and when our lips pull apart I feel them slowly unstick. Without any warning he nuzzles his head in my neck, kissing my skin even though he is breathless. My hands fall into his hair as goosebumps go down my body, this extreme sensation tops all others and I groan.

I lick my lips, still feeling his on me. I didn't know someone's lips could have a taste!

A big boom in the sky makes us jump, separating from each other. When I look up there's a magnificent view of light raining down on us. Another rush goes through my body and the fireworks make the people in the festival cheer behind us. Glittery golds and silvers fall down upon us. In his eyes I see the reflection of the fireworks, but he's not looking up but staring intensely at me.

Out of breath I pant, "Don't leave me."

At my words he is crawling back to me, "Not tonight, darling. For tonight you are mine."

My heart still pounds and I find myself in his arms again. This time he's sitting behind me in the sand, with his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. The different colors sparkle down on us, diverting our eyes to the sky. So many things changed my life tonight, and I will never forget this day with Perry, it will most likely be our only opportunity alone for the rest of our lives like this.

Perry takes his eyes off the sky and turns his head to mine. In my ear he whispers, "You'll be coming with me to my birth kingdom to free me, why don't we have another night like this?"

This is not what I planned, "I don't think we could."

He picks me up and places me in his lap, turning my body sideways so our chests are almost touching, "If we go back to the Donnan Castle, we will meet in my room."

When the finale of the show finishes my stomach drops, the night has ended and we have to go meet my family to walk home together.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


