75% A Minus in Multiverse[Hiatus] / Chapter 5: The End of the Ruins - [ Book Maker ] (3/3)

章 5: The End of the Ruins - [ Book Maker ] (3/3)

I rewrote that chapter a couple of times because I was dissatisfied with the outcome. I personally really liked what I did in this chapter, and I hope you like it too.

First of all it is necessary to remember that 'Dust' is mentally unstable, to the point of seeing his own brother killed sometimes - and in the future almost always - and somehow 'listening to the voice of everyone he killed' constantly.

It is also recommended that you see the auxiliary chapter talking about the Protagonist's Abilities, to avoid getting confused about his accomplishments in this chapter.


Sans POV

That doesn't make any sense. Right now I'm standing in front of a child totally different from the expected child.

Frisk or Chara were supposed to be in this child's place, but apparently they haven't shown up at the moment, and I doubt they're anywhere if I didn't even notice them coming out of the ruins.

... I did all this just to make them disappear?

Is that what they wanted? Break me before they finally stop all this?...

... I refuse to let it end like this.

They didn't get enough punishment to just disappear like that.

I didn't break them enough to let them go.


Kumagawa POV

Damn headache, this absurd amount of information that came into my mind when I came back is still affecting me...

I understood the basics of the Ability that I received but I'm full of doubts. The voice seemed to be explaining this ability to someone, or rather something.

I assume that this is the previous bearer of this ability? Or even the creator of it? It is extremely likely.

I'm going to need to focus on that later, because currently there's something more important to pay attention to, like a nearly desperate skeleton staring at me...

I really don't know why? I didn't do anything this time and he's looking at me like that. The only one who should be feeling this way should be me, he stole my XP...tch.

Maybe it had something to do with those humans he mentioned? 'Chara' and 'Frisk' if I remember correctly.

Maybe he was hoping it was them doing it?... well, it seems there's a lot of mystery around here.

Apparently the skeleton is so desperate that it has begun to create some bones, apparently it wants to fight.

And now that's better, it's just gotten more interesting than ever.

? ° POV

Dust spawned dozens of purple bones around him and threw them 'randomly' towards the child, making it difficult to dodge.

Kumagawa advanced toward Dust and the blows that were heading toward him and began to jump in the opposite direction of the bones that were trying to hit him, but unfortunately it was a giant amount of bones, and this resulted in Kumagawa getting hurt.

HP: 77/90

( A/N: I will be giving reasons for your HP to be 'so high' right at the beginning and to have increased so suddenly. Wait for the time of explanation. )

Two bones hit Kumagawa, both in the belly. Thanks to the location where the blow hit Kumagawa vomit a considerable amount of blood and slowed down a little the speed of his movements, causing him to receive a few more blows for his carelessness.

HP: 40/90

- [ H-hey mister skeleton, don't you think this is too advanced?... ]

Kumagawa said as he choked a little on his own blood, before spitting such on the floor.

- ...

Dust kept his mouth shut looking at the kid, surprised by the absurd amount of HP he has with so little LV. Normally he should only have HP '90' if he had the LV20 and well equipped, he was right to have attacked the boy.

- [Not much to talk about, huh?.. ]


* Sans sees you as an XP source

* You are facing the STRONGEST monster underground

* Fighting / Acting / Items / Mercy

* Act->

* Sans, the skeleton.

* He's still getting used to killing the entire Underground for his 20th time.

* Atk: ?

* Def: ?

* HP: 92

* LV: 19


* Fight ->


- '[ For the 20th time, huh?... interesting. ]'

Suddenly Kumagawa advanced toward Dust ignoring all the damage he had suffered, surprising Dust and making him take a step back.

Dust had lowered his guard thinking that by not fighting Chara or Frisk, he was safe. But apparently he was wrong.

The same moment Kumagawa saw Dust retreat, he reached forward and made his pink soul appear - Fear - and closed his hand, crushing the soul.

The same moment his soul was crushed a pink liquid covered the handle of Kumagawa and formed a kind of screw in his hand.

( A/N: Appearance )

The moment the bolt appeared in his hand, signs in the shape of [ ! ] appeared around Dust and below him, alarming him.

Dust teleported away - 5 meters away - and widened his eyes to see that the site he was previously on had become a 'mini-jungle of screws'.

- [ You're not the only one who can play, mister skeleton~ ]

Taking advantage that Dust was still overcoming the shock of a Human using something similar to Magic, Kumagawa came close to Dust and struck him with his screw, damaging the skeleton.

Dust: 92/92 -> 90/92

- '[ Eh? only two of damage? his defense is that high? ]'

Receiving this damage on his body - along with a small cut - made Dust wake up completely from his 'state of shock', and at the same time he summoned 2 'Gaster Blasters' and shot them at Kumagawa.

The Kid definitely did not expect Dust to have this type of attack, and along with his previous state of surprise, he was unable to dodge completely from the blows.

Half of his body received the damage and as a result this half was insanely damaged.

Kumagawa: 10/90

- '[ Tch, another unexpected attack. ]'

Kumagawa's eyes glowed pink before his HP completely filled, alarming Dust at the same time this was done.

With his HP completely filled Kumagawa did not lose a single instant and jumped towards Dust, while danger signs - [ ! ] - appeared around him.

Again Dust dodged the mini screw forest and sent a rain of bones towards Kumagawa, these this time containing black platforms in the air and warning signs around the ground.

Thinking quickly, Kumagawa began to jump on the platforms and deflect some unexpected bones using the nail that had taken the place of his hand, making it completely intact at such a blow.

As Kumagawa deflected and became more 'accustomed' to Dust's attacks, he tried to approach Dust to attack him and further diminish his HP, but unfortunately the skeleton knew this.

Whenever Kumagawa reached 5-6 meters away, Dust teleported away, angering Kumagawa.

- '[ Grr...it is impossible to catch him like this! I need something to stop his teleportation, or at least lessen the advantage he has over me. ...!! ]'

Remembering the words of 'Darkness Devil', Kumagawa closed his eyes a little while he was still running towards Dust.

The skeleton was not inexperienced or much less silly, he knew that the child was trying to do something. And this was extremely similar to what Chara did.

This simple thought caused the danger of Kumagawa firing into Dust's mind, reaching the top virtually, and at the same time he created 10 Blasters, in which they shot Kumagawa instantly.

- [ ... Nice try! ]

Kumagawa said as he opened his eyes again along with a huge smile on his face. Their eyes were as usual, the only difference this time is that they were 'crying' a kind of black liquid, also known as 'Hate'.

( A/N: My theory is that as 'Hate' is a complement to the most diverse emotions, the user's appearance also changes when he activates this complement - it is more a thing affirmed by the fandom than a theory, but okay -. Chara, Kumagawa, Killer and others when using Hate always 'cry' hate on their eyes. Dust when using determination has his blue eye surrounded by a reddish color, and etc.

So when Kumagawa activates his 'LV BUFF' - quoted in the last chapter -, his appearance becomes identical to when he activates 'Hate' - since LV is mainly something done from negative emotions, hate, fear, etc. )

The Blasters' attacks completely engulfed Kumagawa, causing Dust to breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he jumped aside as he opened his eyes. His instincts were telling him to get out of there.

And unfortunately his instincts were right, a screw came out of the ground trying to drill Dust, causing him to look where Kumagawa was supposed to be and find nothing.

- [ Book Maker - Minus ]

Kumagawa's voice echoed behind Dust like a rumble and before he could react a giant screw the size of a sword was piercing his chest, causing him to widen his eyes in horror.

Dust closed his eyes thinking that with such a blow he would be dead - accepting his fate - but he was surprised to get punched in the face by Kumagawa and fly away, hitting his back against the wall and having some cracked bones.

Dust: 90/92 -> 76/92

- 'What..? I should be dead, I'm being impaled by a screw in my chest, literally...'

Dust didn't know what to think at the time, but he didn't have time to keep trying to solve the mystery when a sign of [ ! ] appeared in his head, causing him to bend down quickly to dodge a screw.

- [ Come on, don't get distracted in the middle of the fight~ ]

Kumagawa said with a huge smile on his face.

Dust looked at the boy and recalled his bone attacks, but this time in a larger amount. In normal cases this should be no problem at all, but Dust widened his eyes when he felt his resistance and magic fall too much when summoning such a quantity of bones.

( A/N: 90 to 100 bones )

Kumagawa's 'screw-hand' stretched out and became a sort of 'screw-sword', and he advanced towards Dust and these attacks.

He would deflect and strike most of the bones that would hit his vital and important points, while allowing the less 'dangerous' bones to hit his body.

His ear was pierced along with some parts of the 'edge' of his body, where a piece of his shoulder was torn and even a part of his leg.

Kumagawa had become a pool of blood and it would not be surprising if he died at any time.

The damage was so serious that the boy was about to fall to the ground when he was two meters away from Dust. That was enough to make him sigh and think the game is over.

( A/N: Before thinking that Dust/Sans would not be so naive, it is necessary to remember that he does not know Kumagawa's ability; 'All Fiction'. He's only used to fighting 'Resets', where it shows obvious signs that it was used and everything goes back to the way it was before the fight started - taking away his state -.

He thinks that Kumagawa's recovery has something to do with this 'abnormal' soul of his - pink - and that he should investigate it in the future. Dust/Sans is not naive or much less 'terrible' in battle. He just doesn't know what kind of Skill he's dealing with. )

- It was a great fight, kid. Thanks for the XP.

Dust said in a 'tired' and more 'relaxed' tone as he watched Kumagawa strive not to fall.

- [ ... ]

- [ I say the same, skeleton sir. ]


Kumagawa's 'hand-screw' stretched to the limits and pierced one side of Dust's head, shattering his skull and causing a huge amount of damage.

Dust HP: 76/92 -> 12/90

Dust opened his eyes in horror to see this and feel all this pain. He would be kneeling and holding the head of pain if it were not for the nail that pierced it preventing him to do so - still has the top part of the skull 'intact', if he lowers it will break because of the nail and cause even more damage, resulting in death -.

- H-how..? You should be dead...

Dust spoke in a weak voice while refusing to release a single scream of pain.

- [ Just that's not enough, skeleton sir~ ]

- [ You have to do more than that. ]

Dust's eyes widened in horror as he looked at Kumagawa, ripping out one of the bones that pierced his own body and sticking the bone in his eye, piercing his head and even his brain.

( A/N: Take this, use as reference... )

- Y-you...are worse than the other two. You are much worse...

Dust said in a weak voice, amusing Kumagawa.

- [ Who would the other two be, skeleton sir? ]

This was corroding Kumagawa, he was curious about these other two people. He wanted to know more about these two people.

- Heh. I'll tell you another time, kid.

With a tone of relief, Dust teleported far away, which surprised Kumagawa.

The boy had lowered his guard for a moment and 'weakened' the screw that had pierced Dust's skull, and this allowed Dust to teleport away.

- [ Tch, he escaped. The next fight will be even harder if not impossible now that he knows something 'important', I need to hurry. ]

Kumagawa turned towards Toriel's dust and smiled. His 'hand-screw' has gained a pink hue next to his eyes - where the spirals have turned completely pink -.

- [ Before leaving the ruins, I will get my lost XP. ]

And with that speech Toriel's Dust took shape again, forming an unconscious Toriel. Kumagawa without missing a single instant pierced her skull with his 'Hand-Screw', gaining XP and increasing his LV.

LV: 5 -> 8

HP: 90 -> 102

- [ Now, I don't know what that's for, but I'll keep it. Thank you for the little gift, goat lady~ ]

Said Kumagawa observing Toriel's soul that had been covered by a Pink color, he took her soul and put it in his pocket.

When Kumagawa came out of the ruins, his legs stopped working and he fell down sitting on the floor.

- [ Eh? ]

The reason for this was simple. He put a lot of effort into it today and a lot of things had happened, he needed to rest, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go very far or much less do something in a battle.

- [ ... I don't think there's any way. I'm going to get some rest. ]

Making his soul return to normal and 'vanish', Kumagawa closed his eyes and slept sitting in front of Toriel's dust pile, while the whole room was in total silence.

End of the Flashback

( A/N: For those who did not understand, at the beginning of 'P.1' I said that Flashback had started. These 3 parts were told the important things that happened in the middle of Flashback, while ignoring simple things like; going through the challenges of the ruins and so on.

I thought this was the best option to do all this and I intend to keep it that way. I will avoid doing too many Flashbacks of this kind, so it is not necessary to worry about the story getting crowded with such things. )

- [ Well... at last, let 'adventure' begin in the underground~ ]

The boy told himself as he stood up and came out of the ruins, leaving behind a pitch black and broken room.



So it was he who took Frisk's place, huh? Apparently he killed Asriel, 'Mother' and still managed to force Sans to retreat.

That's quite a feat, I'll give you that.

Even I felt 'useless' against Sans with LV19, apparently I didn't have as much 'HATE' as at first, but now...this is perfect.

I don't have to worry about disappearing for lack of 'Determination', since this kid is full of 'Hate'. Perhaps this new 'host' might be interesting~

Let's test him out~



AprilFiction AprilFiction

For a better understanding of these '3 parts':

Part 1 was the 'presentation of the situation' and the 'beginning of the flashback'.

Part 2 was the 'explanation' and 'flashback development'

And part 3 was the 'action' and the 'end of the flashback'

It was something very simple, but it complicated me a lot in writing. Still, I’m a little satisfied with my work. I hope you enjoyed it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


