I am standing in my father's office facing a bookshelf. I look at all the titles. "Summoning your inner self", "Crystal's and their magick", "White Magick and how to control it." They were all written by him. I slowly turn around to see him at his desk. His short brown hair is messy and in his face. He is frantically writing something down by hand. He stops a few times to think and then continues to write. I walk closer to him and as I do his head jolts up and he looks me dead in the eyes.
"Violet! What are you doing here?" he says in a panic.
it startled me. Is this a dream or a memory? It feels so familiar I can smell the books and hear the sound of his printer slowly pushing out paper after paper. I wait for a moment before responding. And again he repeats.
"Violet? What ARE you doing here?" this time he stands up and makes his way around the desk to come close to me. He grabs me by the shoulder and shakes me a little. I can feel his finger tips digging into my arms.
"Listen close to me Violet. You can not be here. Return to your body. Return to Aj and Gregory. They will protect you. Nothing you remember is real. Your'e being manipulated. Your dreams, your memories. The only thing that's real is You, Aj and Gregory. You can only trust them! Your mother and I are trying to find a way back. Do. Not. Come. Looking. For. Us. Do you understand!? It's what they want you to do!"
Baffled, I shake my head. I haven't said a word and I'm frozen in my spot. I'm trying to figure out what to say but the words won't come. So many questions. "My parents aren't dead?" "Are they trapped?" "Where am I?"
"Gregory will have all the answers you're thinking right now in time. Your mother has cast a spell to bring his memories back but from how far we are away it's only bits at a time. Tell Gregory, The crows have flown and it's time for battle. It's a trigger sentence. If its coming from you a Rowley, it should be enough to bring his memories back and he can explain everything."
The door to the office begins to shake. Voices on the other side are screaming and bang harder. I look quickly to the door and then back to my father. He pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tightly. I can smell him. The smell of ink, freshly printed paper with a hint of pine. I squeeze him back. I still can't speak.
"I love you Violet! So does your mother and we will be together again I promise this! Now GO!" He pushes me violently towards the book shelf but instead of hitting it I fall backwards and I kept falling. I can still see him he is facing the door and I see the door being forced open and four men come in. The last thing I hear before the image is gone is the men questioning my father about who he was talking to.
The images were gone and I opened my eyes to see Aj's face. When she realized I had awakened she smiled. "There you are? Where did you go?" I sat up and she helped me.
I wasn't in the bedroom anymore. I was laying on an old fainting couch in Gregory's drawing room.
"Hey Greg, she's awake." She said as she turned towards the open doorway. Gregory came around the corner with a silver plate filled with cakes and tea.
"Do you have to call me that?" he said as he set the tray down on the small coffee table in front of me. My stomach growled and I became aware of how extremely hungry I was. I grabbed a cake immediately and began to shove it in my mouth.
"Whoa there slow down. Have some tea to wash that down." Aj said as she poured some into a small cup and handed it to me.
I swallowed the tea and shoved more cake into my mouth. I was so hungry.
"Astral Projection can be a real bitch on the body. I have only done it once and it was forced upon me. By the looks of you that was your first time?" Gregory asked as he poured me more tea.
I swallowed hard and tried to find my voice. "What's Astral Projection?" I asked my voice cracked and dry from the cake. I took another swig of tea.
"Oh I know what that is!" Aj exclaimed. "It's where you leave your body and travel some where else. It's like you're in another plane of existance and you can fly and go all over the world in minutes." She turned to Gregory. "But I thought your body stayed here and your projection is what leaves the body? Not the other way around. Her projection was here. She was like a ghost when she came in here."
"Well that's the question isn't it? Your powers are growing my dear and now we have to figure out how to utilize them. Now that you're speaking and put back together tell us. Where did you go?"
I took yet another drink of tea and cleared my throat. "I saw my father. He gave me a warning do not go looking for them." Aj and Gregory were taken back.
"You're father? But, I was there when your mother passed. I found your father's body?" he said as he stood up and walked to the fire place. He grabbed the banister and pushed his suite coat away while he rested his hand in his hip. He looked over at me. "What else did he say?"
The memory had started to disappear. It was like a dream that I had to struggle to remember.
"He said something about crows and a battle. I can't quite remember... Oh! he said 'The crows have flown and its time for battle.' I'm not sure what that even means."
"Violet!" Aj said and I looked up. Gregory was standing up with his hands to his sides. He was staring straight ahead and his eyes were moving back and forth like he was watching cars go by on a highway. I got up and grabbed his shoulder.
"Gregory? Hey," I shook him slightly. "Are you ok?"
He came to and turned his head towards me. "I remember everything." Then he turned towards me, grabbed me and kissed me.
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