
章 41: The Start of a Journey

"So what are you going to do now..." Death asked as she sat in his lap, both were cleaned up now, Sun was dressed up in an Orange and blue turtle hermit gii, with a power pole attached to his back, death was in her usual outfit. sitting on his lap leaning her back against him.

"Well for starters, I am going to get a job." Sun replied, "see if I can fit into society, try to change the settings to my own desires, by being discreet."

"But you are the most recognizable figure in the mortal's eyes today." Death pointed out. "Just from a glance, they will recognize you."

"Yeah." Sun nodded, "that will be quite the annoying experience of having fangirls, after me on every corner I go. " Sun thought about it before he smiled, "I will just use an illusion."

"From what I remember, you don't seem very good with magic in the past." Death replied with a thoughtful look.

"Because it interfered with my Chi, and I most of the time confused magic with chi, that was my main problem," Sun explained. it was the most frustrating thing to figure out too. In his previous life, there had been people across anime and comics that could use both magic and Chi, but he always wondered how could they have not confused it from the other, when trying to unlock it.

After he was able to use magic. and he was able to tell the difference between them.

Magic is the art of creating and forming. Magic has nothing to do with flow and improving the body. Ki or Chi is about flow and maintaining harmony and balance.

As he had already known chi or Ki, was he kind of learned how to use both, but over time magic became incredibly useless. So he never bothered with it.

"Someone has summoned you!" a deep voice boomed like thunder from out of nowhere, rattling his brain, this voice caused Sun to blink...Shenron? what was he doing here...maybe it was just a hallucination.

"Who are you?" I asked, Death gave him a confused look. Sun looked at her, "You cannot hear it?"

"I am Shenron, the eternal dragon from the earth!" the voice boomed causing me to blanch in surprise, Earth? from the dragon ball universe?

"How are you able to reach me from such a distance?"

"I could feel your power, across this plane and I summoned you here.!" the voice replied, "I cannot force you to come, as your power is greater than mine, but I ask if you are willing to come!"

"Sun, what is wrong?" Death asked, "I sense a disturbance within you."

"It appears that someone is summoning me from another universe," Sun replied with a confused look. How could Shenron do that though, it should be beyond him.

"Interesting," Death muttered, "Are you going to go?"

"Yeah..." Sun nodded his head, "This should be an...interesting experience."

"Well..." Death leaned into him and gave him a long kiss on the lips, before she broke, a trail of saliva broke apart as she did so..."I will be here then... you go have fun"

"You don't want to come with me?" Sun asked.

"I sensed that the source from outside of this multiverse love." Death replied, "I have a responsibility in this multiverse, I cannot forsake it, lest the multiverse doom itself."

Sun nodded in understanding, that is something the Beyonder failed to understand when he erased lady death from existence, he realized that he was in the wrong, and death was necessary for the well-being of the universe.

"Are you coming?" Shenron asked.

Sun looked towards death, who smiled, her eyes twinkled.

Sun nodded, before a bright flash, and he was in a black and red training gii with a power pole attached to his back, he had a headband attached to his forehead, that resembled bar docks.

"I am ready...." he said, slowly a bright light enveloped him, "and he was gone."


How do you feel about this chapter?

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Hate it?

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So I can improve.

If you hate it without cause?

You can kiss my ass!

and get the hell out!


Have a good day.

Zack_Smith_9438 Zack_Smith_9438

I deleted all the notes and rewrote the volume instead of Bulma It will be Beerus

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C41
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


