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章 3: Chapter 3: Agreement 1

Arias was taken aback as the question he thought aloud was answered by a lovely and soothing voice , it had no origin as it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Who or what are you?"

Arias furrowed his brows and asked cautiously. Still not sure if what was happening was real or not he didn't fear this unknown person or entity that spoke, even if it were he was someone who didn't fear death but looked forward to it ,an end to his mundane life ,an eternal slumber to which he looked forward to.

The lovely voice spoke once more.

"I am known by many names..."

Arias wasn't in the mood and casually replied.

"One will suffice"

Silence came about after Arias spoke but soon, the lovely voice spoke once more.

"I see then you may think of me as 'infinity'".

The lovely voice spoke in a lower tone than before as if bothered by the name she just spoke,noticing the shift in tone Arias could not help but inquire.

"You don't sound too proud to have such a name..are you the reason I am here in this so called abyss?"

After another brief moment of silence the lovely voice spoke once more.

"I never desired to be infinity i was 'born' as it and yes, you could say I called you here".

Arias seemed to get confused the more he heard the more nothing made any sense leaving him with multitude of questions.

"Okay let's say I believe this is all real for now what exactly are you? What is your purpose for 'calling' me? And lastly am I still alive?"

The voice in the abyss went silent for a few seconds before answering his questions.

"To answer your first question it is hard to fully detail, I am the creator of all that is and destroyer of all that is not, you for example where created by a creation of my creation and the chain goes on till..infinity... I am the source of all that is..and beyond me? That is a question even I cannot answer."

"As for your second question I didn't call you specifically I called a being any being that felt they didn't belong or questioned there existence for I need them to accomplish something important to me ,even then you weren't the only candidate , you being selected is merely by chance."

"And lastly no you are not dead, should we come to a disagreement on the terms I wish to offer you then you will not remember this encounter".

Arias took in the information she had just given him before going silent.

"I see.."

Arias replied before falling into deep thought.

'I guess it's not that far fetched I can't say it's false because I do not know what is true about our world or our true origins or if we are alone in the universe. I wondered about all this before but found no answer that satisfied me, I'll play along..it's not like I have anything to lose if it's real I can always refuse the terms if they don't sound promising and if it's fake then this is all a dream and I should worry about my mental health when I wake up'.

Having thought about it enough he asked infinity for her terms and what he gains in return.

"What you gain is anything you desire within the laws of creation and chaos these are laws even I cannot break"

The infinity replied a hint of happiness could be heard when it heard he was willing to hear it out.

"You cannot break laws you created?"

Arias seemed to question the sense in this if you're the highest form of existence, the infinity as if dejected by his question replied slowly and with only sadness in it's voice.

"Yes it was foolish of me but at that time I was young and didn't know the full extent of my abilities it was before all creation itself, my laws bind me here unable to leave and nothing able to enter at the time I thought I wasn't alone and sought to protect myself but instead created a prison unable to directly interact with my creations only watch from afar..but then as I matured I discovered a loophole. The law prevents any existence from entering but those who don't belong aren't affected. At this moment, you do not exist. It was a gamble but here you are..bringing us to the conditions..for the power I give I wish to seek solitude in your soul.."

The lovely voice trailed at the end being only barely audible.

To arias this felt like a red flag on its own.

'so basically sell my soul,..not like I expected it to be something easy but what does she mean solitude? Its clearly avoiding mentioning much and hoping I take the bait for power huh..Its doing a terrible job at it too. But this whole thing feels off, of what it said it's true, it should have unlimited wisdom, knowledge and power. Just what is going on. I guess being alone without interactions can do this even to such a being. Very unlikely but I have no other explanation'.

Arias stroked his chin silently for a awhile not answering purposely trying to carefully analyze everything, he did this for what seemed like hours with a slight frown on his face nodding side to side until....

"You lose nothing...In fact it is all gains, Agree And I'll even Create a universe to your liking in due time. The voice suddenly shouted as it couldn't take it.

"Before I agree tell me exactly what my power gains will be and what seeking solitude means"

His face turned serious showing as he replied.

'If this place was meant to prevent even divine beings from penetrating then a loophole like this must have a lot of limitations hence this being's attempts right now , I don't really care if it's lying but the last thing I want is to become someone's pawn'

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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