5.26% Druid in GoT
Druid in GoT Druid in GoT original

Druid in GoT

作者: Zero01010100

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

In the infinite blackness of nothingness floated a lost soul, this soul belongs to Richard. Richard was your typical antisocial dude, dreaming of a world beyond his boring life where he could go and fuck everything up with unlimited power. When he died he thought that he will just disappear just like a computer that was shut down, imagine his surprise when instead of being dead as it should be he found himself in the solitude of an infinite void.

He at first thought that this was a purgatory just like Christian said but that can't be it, can it? He was not being tortured or purified or some bullshit like that. Then he thought that maybe this was something like a waiting place between the living world and the afterworld. But how long will I need to wait? he thought to himself. So just like that days passed, then months, then years and decades, and Richard lost himself in his imagination of worlds he could visit and things he could do, just if I could meet R.O.B that would be sweet he thought to himself.

In parts of other dimensions, ones that the human mind can't comprehend such R.O.B resigned, he was so old and bored out of his mind that when he heard the whisper of the thought from this young human soul lost between spaces he reached out to him.

At first, Richard heard the slight buzz, he thought he was hallucinating but then the buzz got stronger and he started to hear words in it. Listening and trying to focus on this unique thing that was different than all the infinite void he was part of for a long time he started to hear

"Mortal, do you hear me?" the ethereal voice whispered to his ear. He could understand what the buzz is saying. He got excited, maybe something will finally change.

"Yes! I can hear you. Who are you? I am going to get out of this hellhole finally?" ka Fast sprout of questions flowed out of Richard's mouth. But in reply, he got just the buzz, stronger than previously but he could not comprehend the words. Richard focused on comprehending the words with all his being, so long lost in infinite void that he was desperate for change he started to recognize the ethereal voice again.

"Who I am doesn't matter mortal, what matter is what I'm offering you," Voice said. Richard's heart immediately ignited with a spark of hope.

"W-what do you offer," Richard tentatively asked, it would do no good to offend this being that was his hope of getting out.

"I will grant you some wishes of your choosing and then send you to a world where you will create chaos! You will recognize these Worlds from prophets that written about them in your old world, and I want you to go to this world and fuck up the timeline beyond recognition. I will be watching" Voice replied.

It's like the fanfics I read about! he thought excitedly. Ok calm yourself, I need to think of the gifts that will be, obviously this is a bored R.O.B so I can't wish for the power to destroy the planet, that would fuck every timeline but would be also boring as hell and he would just delete me or something. Richard pondered and pondered, his goal in new life would be to have fun nothing too complicated about it, he also wanted something unique, not just another unlimited body bullshit. He also didn't know where he is going to go so something versatile.

Richard was a fan of powers that created servants, his go-to class in every RPG was Necromancer, Warlock, or Hunter with pets. In short minion masters where summons do all the work for you.

Necromancer is out, they are almost always evil I would be hunted or feared before the day is out because I know myself and I will not want to hide myself and my powers if it was more convenient otherwise.

"Ok here is what I want. Secondary minds that will work as computer and if the given command can take over my body and do the task I assign to it. The mind will be able to duplicate itself if sufficient use has been reached. The limit I will let you do decide so it will not be too OP.

The second thing I want is to be able to command nature, everything from helping plants grow, modify them, and control them to taming animals infusing them with the lifeforce of nature positively molding their forms, to be stronger, faster, bigger, smarter. I want them under my command. "

R.O.B pondered, he could grant these wishes without the issue and they would grow strong in time as Richard progress, the computer minds have enormous potential, and with the ability to command nature as he wants he would eventually grow into something akin to God of Nature able to control it on a planetary scale. Yes R.O.B decided that this would be entertaining.

"Granted mortal, on you go and I will be watching."

Richard heard those words and prepared for a painful experience as was often described in Fan-fics being sent to a different world. In the end, he didn't even recognize that the blackness of his environment is different than usual.


Richard was born to an amazing woman named Ellyn Trant. The House Trant was located on an island south of Stormlands, a poor house subservient to a Baratheons. They lacked natural resources and manpower, the usable military was somewhere around 500 men, all of the levies. They could not even defend themself from raids of slavers and pirates from Bloodstone and Essos.

Ellyn the amazing woman she is tried to get help from Steffon Baratheon, current Lord Paramount of Stormlands. She sends a crow begging for help until her son grows up and takes the position of Lord of the House Trant. The only reply that comes from him is that he is unable to render help. That broke the last Loyalty she may have held for House Baratheon.

A few years later Ellyn marveled about her son, he was able to talk in a year, in two he was walking all over the castle she must have assigned a guard for him because he would not sit still. Most of his time was spent in the library of the keep. Maester declared him a genius and suggested for him to be sent to Citadel but Ellyn had a different idea.

Ellyn found her four-year-old son Richard walking through the gardens of their home, he spends most of his time here. She watched him as he put his little hand on the flower and that flower started to grow before her eyes. The first time that happened was a shock for her, she asked her son about it and he told her he feels a connection to nature around him. After that day they both explored his power, Ellyn was not a follower of seven even if most of the Stormlands were so she doesn't have prejudice and didn't hate the magic. If the gods existed then they were not the benevolent kind, she learned that early in life.


One day little Richard ask her to take him for a journey through lands, he wanted to see how smallfolk live and how land he will be ruling one day look. Ellyn was concerned about safety but relented. What they saw on the journey was not pretty. Smallfolk were starving, they come across 5 groups of bandits in few days of the journey and farms had little stock. Enough for them to survive but not enough to feed the population. What Richard saw shocked him, he knew that Smallfolk had it rough but not that it was this bad.

After coming across farmland that a couple with 2 sons and one daughter had he ask Ellyn to stop, she was confused but decided to see what her son was up to. Richard walked to the field, crouching down he put palms on the ground. Richard felt the nature, how it wanted to grow and prosper and thanks to his CM (computer mind) that did research on how his power worked he knew exactly what to do. Encouraging growth was easy so he did that first, in a matter of minutes the whole field was ready for harvest, this attracted a lot of attention of smallfolk in the area, he could do it again and again until the people had enough to eat but that would mean that he had to do it every year as well and it was boring.

So he commanded his CM *Modify Wheat seed to grow faster, had deeper roots, be able to absorb more nutrients, and had a larger yield.*

Ellyn watched as her son did something that made the field grow, she was amazed at the power her son had. He then stayed there for half of the hour and she started to get concerned. Walking to him she put a hand on his should, he woke up from the trance.

"What did you do son?"

"I made plants better mom! Tell them to sell next harvest to all the farms over the Trant Island you will not be disappointed!" Richard declared excited. The news about the young Lord Richard spread like wildfire, smallfolk wanted to hail him as blessed by seven but Richard loudly proclaimed that Seven had nothing to do with it but instead the Old Gods blessed him. That got a few septa's pissed but he didn't care, they would not survive long in his lands.

On the way back to the keep Richard spotted an eagle, a majestic bird with a 2m wingspan, he tried to command the majestic bird but in reply, he just got the equivalent of the cold shoulder. Clearly, this was no way to go. Richard tried few different animals, the small critters obeyed when he commanded but predators refused to listen to commands. Finally, he was able to tame a Crow, he needed to bribe it with sweets but after that, he felt a bond establish between them and he could command her to do what he wanted.

He named her Velka, she was intelligent enough to understand basic commands. From the day he tamed her he started infusing life force unto her, she grew in size and smarts. Day after day she managed to fly higher and faster until one day when Richard experimented with the bond he was able to see from her eyes as she flew through the skies above the keep. That was experienced enough that he wanted to do it himself, he assigned CM a research *CM research a way for me to transform into the form of animal* after all what are humans if not intelligent animals?


Years passed by and Richard managed to tame more of the wildlife they now patrolled the woods and if they found any bandits they would have them for dinner. He tamed every single Crow that maester had and some more, most of the birds on the island were under his control. The intelligent ones he commanded to patrol a coast and to alert him in case of raids. Velka also managed to grow significantly, from a little bird that he could take into the hand to a monstrous 3m tall from tail to beak. She could now carry a full-grown man with leather armor and weapon, not that he would use her as such.

One day when he was walking through gardens a massive amount of information started to appear in his brain. CM has finished with the research of transformation. He could now scan an animal and if he had a sufficient understanding he could transform into it. Feeling the connection he had with Velka he asked CM to scan her, it took a better part of 2 hours but finally. His transformation was fast, one second he was standing, and next as if a vortex of power he transformed. His Crow form was a little smaller thank Velka only about 1m from tail to beak.

The guards panicked seeing the young lord transform but he didn't notice, he was having a blast. Trying to fly earned him a course in crashlanding when after managing to lift himself he dove right into the ground. He tried few more times and when he was readying himself after the last cash he didn't get a chance to fly because Ellyn came running after the guards informed her that something has happened to her son.

Ellyn was doing paperwork when the guard came running without knocking which would earn him a punishment if not for the panicked expression he was wearing.

"My Lady your son" he didn't even finish and Ellyn was running to the gardens. When she got there and saw the crow she first thought that it was Velka, her son familiar that with help of his powers grew to a monstrous size for a crow. But then she noticed that this one was smaller and a crazy thought passed through her mind.

"Richard?" she asked in a small voice. By the way, crow froze she figured out that her son again did something crazy. With a long-suffering sigh, she commanded him to change back.

Richard knew he was in trouble the second he heard his mother. To divert the attention he had a brilliant plan.

"Hi, mom nice day we have is it not?" Maybe, just maybe this was not a most brilliant question to divert attention but Richard still held hope that it will work.

"Richard!" by the tone of his mother's tone it didn't work "what was that?"

"What do you mean mom?" Richard asked with the most innocent face he could muster. Obviously, his mother had a magical power too because she seen through it right away, there is no other explanation for it!

"Don't play stupid young man! Now tell me what did you do?" Ellyn ordered sternly.

"ugh, mom it was safe I promise, I figured a way to use the bond I have with Velka and transform. I just wanted to fly after I saw through her eyes." Richard did not pout, pouting is for children and he is an adult in a 10-year-old body! Totally different! So he could not pout.

Ellyn pinched her nose, her son is going to kill her one day with his antics.

"That is dangerous, what if you fell after flying high" and thought that this was her problem with it would once made her question her sanity but now she took everything her son did in straight. No reason to ponder which she could not understand.

"But mom! It's flying, I have to try and I promise I will be careful and I will have Velka look after me if I lose control so she can catch me!"

With a next long-suffering sigh, she allowed him to fly. What a day.


18-year-old Richard stood in his solar reading the documents. In the years that passed, he grew into a well build tall handsome man with almost glowing green eyes. His domain and power over nature expanded massively, he can now control everything on the island and is expanding onto the ocean floor. Every single animal that lives on the Trant island is under his control and as his power started to reach into the water fish that ordinarily swim by the coast were added to his arsenal. The raids and bandits were almost not existent on the island. Bandits were eaten by animals or sometimes hunted by Velka and Richard. And raids from the slavers and pirates didn't manage to make it to the coastline.

The smaller ship crew were killed by the flocks of eagles and crows, and when the crew jumped from the ship they were eaten by sharks and other underwater dwellers under Richard's control. One time the slavers of Essos sent a fleet of 10 ships full of men ready to tear his island apart. That got his attention, he prepared a welcome party for them.

You see in the years he managed to grow a dense forest all around the island, wood was his primary trading resource that he mainly traded with Dorne. But he also managed with help of CM to create a special sapling.

Goranor Sorraar was a slaver from Tyrosh, he was hired by rich merchants to raid a Trant Island. Year after year their ships keep disappearing, every single one that was sent to the Trant Island disappeared without a trace.

He and a band of sellswords anchored by the coast. Nothing on the coast could have alerted them what they can expect in the forest. Walking into the trees the forest was aerie silent, only the sound of the leaves that rustled in the wind was the company for them. Goranor and his band walked for about half an hour, looking for the village that was marked on the map when they heard a sound like when branches snap.

Looking around they grew unnerved when they heard the sound of old wood creaking, not soon later a yell filled with pain and horror was heard from the party. Goranor run to see what happened, had the soldiers ambushed them? He would later pray it was soldiers.

Running to the chaos that were the mans of his party running to the coastline for the life he tried to understand what happened. Soon his wish was fulfilled when he saw 10 tall giants with bark instead of skin and roots instead of legs and arms trotting their way. When they got close to a man they would either trample them or pick them up and tear them apart.

Under the legs of the Treants, wolves and tigers ran swift as the wind and hunted the man that didn't manage to run fast enough. Goranor didn't hesitate and started running with his man, this island was cursed and they will die here if they do not get on the ships in time.

Goranor managed to outrun the monsters. Or they left him to run, that wasn't clear, but when he finally managed to get to the coast he was left hopeless. All the ships they come with were destroyed or halfway drowned. Looking back at the forest to see how far are the monsters that hunted his men he saw green eyes watching him, under the trees stood the man, and around him the monsters.

"Please mercy" Goranor cried hoping that this would not be the last day to breathe. But his hopes were soon crushed when the man said one word.

"No" and all the monsters charged his men. The last thing that Goranor saw was a giant crow beak smashing his head.

Remembering that time always made Richard smile. Anyway, the developments of the island were going splendidly, most of the smallfolk had a job now, either in administration, woodcutting, farming, or teaching. The population of the island is still small only around 10 200 people, but that doesn't matter to him, his people were happy. All of the population of the island converted to Old Gods, temples of seven were destroyed, septa and priest either send away or killed outright. Even to those that were sent away incidents happened, it would not be good if the Storm lands and now Robert Baratheon after his father died in a ship crash, tried to put his nose into Richards matters.

Buildings of the people were also upgraded to a higher quality, Richard taught them how to use special moss he with help of CM created for insulation. All the houses were now made from a special kind of wood that was tougher than modern concrete they had also modern furnishing. A shower made of lianes that could absorb water from underground and transport it to their homes, a toilet with special plants that took the human waste and transported it to the underground root system for nutrients. Tools made from wood tougher than steel and easier to work with than pig iron. Armor and weapons of soldiers were made from this wood. The villages sometimes looked more like the Hobbit-holes than medieval settlements. Life was good for the smallfolk of Trant Island.

The business was also growing nicely. They started to export a mass amount of food, fruit that didn't rot for a long time, new types of drinks and vines. Dorne was the main customer, even Oberyn Martell visited for a trade deal.

He is a good man, crazy, and slut but fun to be around. Richard and Oberyn struck a friendship right away. Oberyn even tried to seduce him with his lover Elliara Sand. Of course, that didn't go anywhere but it was fun seeing his face when his master plan for seducing Richard failed.

Ellyn Trant retreated from managing her son's territory, now she was devoted to reading and enjoying peace in gardens. She struck a good friendship with Elliara when they visited. When Oberyn and Elliara visited, her son would swiftly pull Oberyn somewhere for dring and she would accompany Elliara for a girl-talk. They were fascinated by the workings of Trant Island, Ellyn and Richard never hid things of a more magical nature so Ellyn ended up explaining her son's antics and inventions.

Another little change is to the banner, instead of hanged man on the blue background now there is a white Treant silhouette on a dark green background. The hanged man wasn't good for the whole nature theme.

It was readily accepter among the people. They knew about Treants and the animals in the forest. They were also advised to hunt only how much they can consume. After seeing 10 giant walking trees most of them passed on a plant-based diet. Not that they lacked anything, the modified crops of corn, wheat, and every other type of farm plant that were imported from all over Westeros and Essos got them everything they needed. The ones that stayed hunting because of their ancestry were respectful to the forest and hunted only the bare minimum.

He signed documents about the next shipment to Dorne when a maester came to his Solar.

"I'm sorry my Lord for the interruption but I have important news."

Taking a letter from him Richard opens it, the Robert Baratheon rebellion started. He is asking to send men witch, of course, Richard didn't have any intention of doing, they can kill each other on the mainland that isn't business of his, at least until his domain extended there.

"Do not send anything back," I reply.

"But my lord." Maester started.

"Did you not hear me? And ignore every letter they send from now on, when we needed the help of Baratheon they showed us a back from now on we are cutting all contact with them." Richard planed for this already, he didn't have any intention of being subservient to someone and if they tried to invade his domain they would bleed for it.

"Yes my Lord"


That he doesn't send any soldier to help rebellion doesn't mean he will do nothing, he has his own plans. For example, he has now a golden opportunity to make official allies with two powerful kingdoms.

First thing first tho, he has few months before the sacking of kings landing.

Sending crows and other more intelligent birds to watch over the army and report to him as they make way to Kings Landing.

He made his way towards the ravenry, a big tower made from wood with an open roof where Velka and her flight resides. Velka managed to grow even bigger than before, she is not as big as dragons that Daenerys would have. The changes didn't stop there, she got a dark green streak across her feathers. Her beak texture and color now reminds me of wood, is harder than steel and sharper than a razor. Her eyes are now green glowing orbs and her claws are similar to the beak, hard as steel and sharp as a razor.

Around her are 4 more similar crows, Richard managed to bond with them at a similar level as with Velka.

"Velka, be ready we are going on a rescue mission in a month's time. We will be gone for few months. I will need you and your flight to carry two adult women and two children. You think you can manage that?"

Velka huffs as if Richard offended her. Of course, she can carry weak two legs.

"Great, I will get you when we are to leave."

Richards then goes to find his mother. He finds her in the usual spot, in gardens reading a book and sipping a drink.

"Mom, I will be leaving in few months and I will need for you to take care of the Trant Island while I'm away."

"Leaving where?"

"I have a golden opportunity to forge some solid alliances, I will tell you everything if it works out ok?"

"You will be careful right?"

"Of course mom, I'm taking a Valka flight with me. I will be safest I can be outside our home."

"Fine, let me know when you leave, I will take care of the papers."

Richard gives her a kiss on the cheek "You are best" and leaves

"I know" Ellyn smiles a little.


Few months passed and crows reported that the army is closing on Kings Landing.

Richard called the flight and transformed himself into the crow taking skies. His crow now looked like it was wholly made from wood with green lines running across into patterns.

He is bigger than Velka by a few dozen cm. All of his forms look like Kul Tiran druid forms from that game he played in his last life. He managed to link with a few different animals that are now leaders of their packs. The first new one he acquired is bear, that form is massive. Easily 8m tall massive bear that looks like stuff from nightmares with all that wood and root look, especially that he emits a soft green glow from his maw and eyes. The next one was a tiger, this one is not that big only around 1m tall but sneaky and fast I can run 130km/h in that form and the last one I managed to obtain is surprisingly aquatic, a shark to be exact. It's my biggest form yet at a whopping 20m length and speed of 50km/h meaning if some flotilla tries to take Richards island they are fucked. He is confident that even Kraken would not be a problem.

They flew the whole way, it took them few days to arrive, and an army of rebels has yet to arrive. Richard sends Velka a flight to hide in the nearby forest. In meantime, he transforms to his Cat form, swiftly and stealthily he sneak into the hidden paths under the Red Keep where he finds the room filled with a wildfire that King will want to ignite. Not taking any chances he throws few seeds at the ground from which grow a massive amount of vines that starts the pump moisture from the earth onto the room. After leaving the said room the vines then barricade the entrance, none will be able to ignite this one.

Moving to the Red Keep itself he kept himself in shadows, occasionally jumping on the ceiling where he held with his claws he made his way to the Elia room. She was guarded with few guards.

Richard didn't do anything after finding a safe hidden spot close to the ceiling and waited for hell to begin. Thanks to his power he didn't even need to support himself, he could survive on energy from nature around him itself in hibernation. I will not be comfortable in a city like Kings Landing where almost all of the green was covered in stone but gardens in Red Keep helped.


A few weeks later he was woken up from hibernation by a crow. The army is finally here. He waited for it to move in the city, then send a message to Velka and her flight to be ready. Elia was by now panicking, trying to hide her girl under the bed. A few moments later with the sound of fighting getting louder finally the doors were ramed open and Gregor Fucking Clegane comes forth.

He immediately heads for Elia, she looks frightened by the mountain and tries to step back until she hits the wall. Gregor is almost at hands reach from her while Richards is ready to jump from the ceiling. Just as Gregor touches her Richard jumps on his head and with claws going through his helmet he splits his skull open and tores his throat out just as a double-tap.

Elia was sure that this is her last day, she only prayed to the gods to save her children when the mountain was drawing closer. Gregor Clegane has a reputation as a brutal and merciless monster so Elia knew she will meet an ugly end. But as he was about to touch her something dropped from the ceiling. It happened so fast, one moment Mountain stood before her and in the next has his throat ripped open. Looking down at the monster that killed him she prepared for the inevitable, for it to jump on her and kill her like him but to her surprise, the monster transformed. Before her now stands a handsome man with almost glowing green eyes and a bloody beard.

"Princess Ellia, I'm Richard Trant. I'm a friend of Oberyn you need to come with me right now before more of them arrive." A friend of Oberyn, yes she remembers her brother writhing her about a great friend he made with magical powers.

"Cmon children, hurry we need to go."

"Just follow me, I can talk in that form and we need to get to the gardens."

"Why gardens?"

"Can't explain right now just follow me"

Elia manages to nod, Richard changes to the cat form and leads her and the children the way of the garden. They came across few guards but they didn't stand a chance, with one leap Richard was already upon them ripping their throats out. They left a path of corpses on the way to the open garden.

When they managed to enter the gardens, Elia immediately spots 5 giant crows, Richard transforms.

"Do not worry, they with us. Hop on the biggest one with a saddle. Her name is Velka and she will take you three to the safety understand?"

Elia gives a hesitant nod and with help of Richard mounts the giant crow.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


