15.38% vMMORPG: Broken Chains / Chapter 10: 009 No Escape!

章 10: 009 No Escape!





The instant that the [Mask of Illusion] was equipped James finally broke the chains that has always pinned him down.

He lifted his right leg into the air and stamped down breaking into a large stride. He followed up with his left leg and started to pump his arms like everyone he as ever watched walking or running.

His run was not steady nor pretty. He was stumbling from time to time. He nearly fell a few times.

He found it hard to move his body in the direction he wanted it to. He ran directly into a few other players. He did not apologizes. Not but because he was being rude but because they might be able to put two and two together and figure out his identify by his voice in the future.

The longer he ran the better and more comfortable he got. His strides became uniform and steady.

The other players around were shocked. They were paralyzed at the sight of the player they believed to be a human statue frantically run away.


Cheers erupted in both the lab and the GM view area.

Sarah jumped into the air and wrapped herself around Sebastian showering him with kisses due to her happiness. The monitors they were watching showed that his brain was successfully sending commands to the arms and legs!

Popcorn and chips where flying into the air at the GM viewing room. Many of the people were dancing around and gleefully celebrating.

Doug was the happiest. He was the only one who came into direct contact with the young man. During that time he could tell that he was a good person and deserved to finally be like a normal person. He could only imagine what feelings Blaise was experiencing.


James found it a little bit hard to see. Not because of the mask but due to his tears. He was so happy that he was crying once again. This time not tears of sadness but of happiness and excitement. He can begin living up to his family's expectations. Their sacrifice would not go in vain.

He slowed down some to look behind him. He did not trust that he could maintain his full speed and look around too much. He saw a few players following him. They seemed to be rouge class as they were very agile. The only thing he had going for himself was his head start. Their shock gave him the time he needed to get far ahead of his pursuers for the time being.

He followed his escape route as he went. He weaved in and out of the streets and though various shops that had multiple entrances and exits. Sadly a few of the people following him had not given up. There were still three people following him and they were gaining ground at an alarming rate.

He turned into a dark alleyway in hopes it would help loose his tail. Half way through the ally he was grabbed and thrown into a small walkway between buildings. He felt someone behind him and his mouth was covered.

"Be quiet."

A single command, that was all that was needed to make James feel helpless. He knew this person must have been following him and guessed his route. He felt like he could be killed at any moment.

He saw three people swiftly run past their hidden location. They all had looks of confidence. As if they knew they would capture their pray.

His captor waited several minutes before he span around. He force James into the dead-end and finally released him. James had no way out except to run past the person in front of him but he could not move his legs due to fear.

The mysterious player only looked at him for a minute or two. Then proceeded to do what James fear. He started his interrogation.

"How is your name still hidden? You have been in the game for almost two hours but your identity is still hidden."

James stayed silent.

This man in-front of him waited, the longer the wait to more pressure James felt.

James examined the man in-front of him. He was not wearing the standard [Rouge] starter armor and weapons. He had a bow on his back and a dagger attached to his upper thigh. His armor was made from studded leather.

James looked into the eyes of his captor. He felt like he was a bird of prey and himself a weak animal. His eyes looked like that of a raptor which pierced into your very being. He felt like he could not escape his sight. He had no chance for escape.

James was deep in though trying to figure out a way to escape this man's grasp when he was surprised.

"My name is Talon, I do not want to harm you I am merely curious. The three players than were following you were dangerous. One was from an upcoming underground syndicate. Those people have already been hired as hit men to kill other player once they become of level to be attacked. One of the other players was from a guild called Abominable. They are bullies that take over hunting ground and threaten other players. The final player was from one of the top guilds. As for him I couldn't tell you what he would do if he was the one to capture you. You should have seen their names so you can verify what I said later. Like I said I mean no harm."

James thought about what Talon said for a few minutes.

"I thank you for what you did. I knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up. I believe I saw you following me earlier but you fell behind in the chase. I figured you gave up but it seems like I was wrong. I will agree to answer a few questions but only if you strike a deal with me."

"A deal? Explain yourself, if the conditions are fair I will agree. If not I will just let you go."

[He is a reasonable person. I guess I owe him a debt of gratitude.]

"The conditions are as follows. I will get to ask you a question for every question you have. You must answer my question first then I will answer yours. If you refuse to answer more than two questions I will no longer answer any of yours."

"That is a simple deal. I accept. My first question is the one I asked of your before. I will wait for your question now."

"My first question is how did you figure out where I would be?"

"I looked at my mini-map and based on my observations you are a [Fire Mage]. You are heading towards the class instructor. It would be one of the only places you could go to be free of any potential captors."

[He is smart, I should have thought my plan out more. Oh well, I must live and learn.]

"Okay, my name is still hidden due to the mask I am wearing."

"That is all I get? Not the name of the mask nor how you got it?"

"Is that your next two questions?"

Talon grimaced a little, "No those are not my future questions. My next question is about why you stood in place for so long. I assume it was not by choice."

"I will answer that, but first my question. Who are you affiliated with?"

"I have no affiliation, I am what other players call a rouge player. Players who fall in to that category do not often join guilds or parties as we play as solo players."

"I was physically unable to move. It was not due to a problem with my game capsule nor a glitch in the game's systems."

"You know you are very vague in your answers, it is not very fair."

"I am sorry. I am answering in a way that protects my identity. I hope you understand. A lot of the circumstances revolve around personal issues that I do not wish to tell strangers that I just met."

Talon sighed, "I understand about not watching to give out personal information. I will eventually get the information I want. Alright, my final question. Can I buy your mask?"

"Sorry, I cannot sell you my mask. It is bound to my character. On top of that it is not permanent as it has an expiration date. As for when or how long I will not tell you."

"Oh? You didn't ask a question. Does that mean you forfeit it?"

"No, I still have a question. What do you plan on doing with the information you received from me?"

"I plan on keeping it to myself. It is not like you gave me too much information regardless. To others it is worthless but to me I find it interesting."

Talon looked at James once more before continuing. "Alright I got everything I feel like I can get out of you. Lets part ways now."

Talon turned to leave but was stopped by James.

"Wait, I lied, I have one last question."

"I guess I don't get a question of my own?"

James sheepishly smiles, "Naturally. It is more of a request than a question. Can we add each other as friends?"

Talon was surprised. [He was pretty much my prisoner but still wants to add each other, he really is strange. I wonder if he knows his identity will be leaked if we do add each other.]

James was nervous to begin with. Talon was the first person he came in contact with, not only that but he saved him from some rather unpleasant people. He wanted to eventually pay Talon back for helping him.

"We can add each other. Before we do, I want to make sure you know that when two people add each other as friends they get to see each other's character names. This happens even if your name is hidden from view."

It was James's turn to be surprised. [This guy is truly trustworthy. He could have just added me and got a very important pieces of information without me knowing it. Instead he upfront told me what would happen. I hope I can build a good relationship with this person.]

"Thank you for telling me that. I was not aware of that. Regardless I feel like I can trust you. I still want to add you but I hope you will keep my name secret for the time being."

After that James sent a friend request to Talon.


Player Blaise has sent you a friend request. Accept?

[Yes] [No]


Talon accepted the friend request. "An interesting name, fitting as a [Fire Mage]. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish. I feel like you will be entertaining to watch. Do not let me down."

After Talon made his remark he vanished from James's sight.

[He must have used a stealth skill. I will have to see if I can find anything in game that I can learn about other class's skills and abilities. For now lets finally make my way to the class instructor.]

After Talon disappeared James started heading towards the mage tower for [Fire Mages]. He carefully observed his surrounding to make sure he was not followed.

Talon, who was still invisible, was crouching on a roof top near by. He was watching James make his way to the tower off in the distance. [He has changed a lot from when he was still a statue. He is no longer giving off that aura of negative feelings. His aura is now very calm. He has a lot of ambition and drive. I guess it won't hurt having him on my friends list. He might keep surprising me.]

Talon then finally left to do his own thing leaving James to his own devices.

James found another hidden section of a nearby alley and examined the mask.


Mask of Illusion

A mask that gives the owner the ability to alter their appearance and hides their name. It granting the ability to blend in anywhere.


1. Transform Appearance

2. Hide player name

Time Left: Less than 14 days


He decided it would be best to change his appearance before he continued his adventure. There were so many pictures of his current appearance that it would not take very long for someone to pick him out of a crowd.

[Transform Appearance]


Player Blaise, you may permanently change your appearance once. It will modify your look by another 20%. Change now?

[Yes] [No]


Every player that joins has their real appearance altered automatically by 20%. It does enough to hide their true appearance.

James was given the option to make him look 20% more different from his true appearance or 20% similar to his true appearance. He took his time to consider his options. He determined it would not really matter which one he choose as he would be unrecognizable regardless.

So in the end he had the system make him 20% similar. In reality the choice returned him to his original true appearance. He has never been outside of his house so no one should recognize him.

He thought that the closer his body is to what he looks like in real life the easier it would be to translate the ability to move in game to his body in the real world.

After he changed his appearance he took off the mask. He figured it would be too obvious to anyone hunting him down if his name was still hidden.

He left his hidey-hole and finished his travels to the magic tower.

Arriving at his destination he stood at the base of a large tower. There were braziers of fire all over. Smoke could be seen drifting upwards into the sky. The smell of brimstone hit his nose. The closer he got the warmer the air was.

He entered the tower and was amazed. The inside of the tower was much bigger than the outside appearance.

[It must be some sort of space magic.] He thought.

There were NPCs and players all over. Some players were waiting in lines for various reasons. Others were chatting about magic, spells, and quests. There were a few looking to party up to go hunting.

The tower was brimming with life.

James wandered around for a while when he was stopped by an old man sitting in front of a fireplace.

"Young man come over here."

James looked around for the person who called for him.

He found that he was being beckoned by a man who looked in his late 80s. He had long grey hair. He was adorned in a red wizard's robe and had a platinum sash.

James made his way over to the man in wonder.

"How may I help you sir?"

"Help me? Not much, I am just curious about you. I though you would choose the path of an ice mage. After all, you stood at the center of the city frozen like a statue for hours."

James choked. "I.. I do not know what you mean sir."

He was internally panicking. [How does he know that I was that player. I know he in an NPC but I changed my appearance. No one should be able to recognize me.]

The old man quietly laughed, "No need to be on edge young man. Follow me to my office and we will chat in private."

Before James had a chance to talk his way out of another interrogation he saw his surrounding blur.

When his vision returned he found that he was in a large office. There was a mahogany table that had runes etched in it. It was shimmering from time to time.

He found himself sitting in a velvet covered chair. Across from him was the old man.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Alfred and I am the [Master of the Fire Tower]. I am the only [Arch-Mage] in the kingdom. Not even the other tower masters are close to my title."

James was surprised. He also felt defeated. He wondered how many more times will he be have these sorts of surprise encounters against his will.

"I guess you are able to see through my ability to change my appearance?"

Alfred gave a hearty laugh, "Of course! How could I tricked by a relic that an old friend created. I was surprised to see a new adventurer having a piece of his work. I wont pry into how you got it but you did interest me."

"An old friend of your's created my mask?"

"Yes and a few other toys. He was a [Rune Master]."

"I'm sorry, I am not familiar with what a [Rune Master] is or does."

"I am not surprised as it is an ancient, powerful, and difficult profession. [Runes] can be found from time to time and can be applied to all kinda of objects. They often make what ever they are attached to stronger. The [Runes] that are found by adventurers now-a-days are leftovers from the [Runic Era]. They were created by [Rune Masters] of the time. [Runes] helped humanity fight against the monsters."

James was listening with great interest as Alfred told his story. But he had some questions, "Are there still [Rune Masters] in this era?"

"You can still find [Rune Masters] but they are far and few. It is a lost art and those who know [Rune Crafting] often do not share their knowledge since it is a profitable profession."

"I can see why many people want to be [Rune Masters]. Not only would make them rich but also powerful. If they can add [Runes] to their own gear it would increase their strength. I see that your table is covered in them. Did your friend create them for you?"

"He did indeed make them for me. I cannot tell you how many tables I burned to cinders during my younger years. I was a hot headed individual back then."

"Is your friend still around?"

"Sadly he is not, he went missing almost a hundred years ago."

"A hundred years ago?! That cant be, you look no older than 80 years old."

"Haha. My boy, you have much to learn. With the help of the arcane way we mages can live hundreds of years. I am nearly 532 years old this year."

James's jaw dropped.

"You said he went missing? Does that mean he is still alive or does it mean he is dead?"

"I do not know, I wish I did though. I have been too busy managing the mages in the city and other parts of the nation."

"Have you issued quests to locate his whereabouts?"

"I have not. There are very few people who would not be tempted by greed if they found him or his life's work. I also cannot leave the city as I am the last line of defense against monster attacks."

"Does the city get attacked often?"

"[Monster Sieges] do happen. They are rare but dangerous. There are often powerful creatures behind them. I believe there may be a siege in the near future. I sense a powerful being approaching."

Alfred paused for a second. He looked deep in thought so James just waited.

"Boy what is your name?"

"My name is Blaise."

"That is a strange name but I guess it is more tame then some of the other adventure's names that I have heard of."

After a second Alfred continued in a more serious tone, "Blaise, would you like to accept a quest to find out what happened to my friend?"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


