5.12% Rebirth: King to Superstar / Chapter 18: New Job

章 18: New Job

Here's a revised version of the chapter that maintains the original content while enhancing narrative flow, character interactions, and descriptions:

Snatching the flyer off the wall, Joon-won quickly skimmed through it. To his surprise, it advertised a job at the very convenience store he stood in front of. Realizing this was a prime opportunity, especially given the store's proximity to his apartment, he felt a glimmer of hope.

Clutching the flyer, he re-entered the store and approached the cashier. "Is this job still available?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

The cashier, a young man with a sluggish demeanor, glanced at the flyer and then back at Joon-won. Just as Joon-won was about to repeat his question, the cashier finally responded, "Yeah, we still need workers. Are you interested?"

Joon-won nodded eagerly.

"Alright, hang on. I'll get the manager," the cashier said, moving toward the back of the store. Joon-won waited, taking in the store's atmosphere and considering his luck. If this worked out, it could be his new workplace.

After a moment, the cashier returned with a middle-aged man who had neatly combed hair and wore casual clothes. The man surveyed Joon-won with a critical eye.

"This is the guy who saw our flyer," the cashier said, introducing Joon-won.

The manager gave a brief nod. "So, you want to work here?"

"Yes," Joon-won replied, trying to sound confident.

The manager folded his arms. "How many days a week can you work?"

Joon-won paused to consider his schedule. "I can work weekdays, and possibly weekends, depending on my availability."

The manager seemed pleased. "That's good enough. Can you start tomorrow?"

Joon-won hesitated, thinking about his upcoming exam, but his dwindling bank balance convinced him. "Yes, I can."

"Great. We've been short-handed since our last guy left abruptly. I hope you stick around longer," the manager said, his demeanor softening into a friendly smile. Even the cashier's stern face relaxed a bit.

The manager clapped Joon-won on the shoulder. "By the way, I'm Gim Da, the owner of this store. And this is Seonu Hwan, a high schooler who works here evenings."

Joon-won introduced himself. "I'm Kim Joon-won, a first-year acting student at Arios University."

Gim Da's eyebrows rose. "Arios University, huh? Impressive. Well, follow me. Let's discuss your salary and other details."

Joon-won followed Gim Da down a small corridor to a modest office at the back. They sat down and quickly negotiated Joon-won's pay. He would work from 8 AM to 1 PM, five hours a day, with additional bonuses for weekend shifts. Weekly payments were agreed upon, which suited Joon-won's immediate needs.

As they wrapped up, Gim Da said, "Alright, let's get you set up with a uniform and locker."

They returned to the front of the store where Seonu was waiting. "Seonu, show him the locker room and get him a couple of uniforms," Gim Da instructed.

Seonu led Joon-won back through the corridor to a small room lined with lockers and a bench in the middle. "This is the men's locker room. You'll find the women's next door. We don't have a huge staff—just four men and three women, including you. Usually, there's at least two people per shift, but I'm alone tonight because my shift partner had other commitments."

He pointed to a locker on the right. "That one's free. I'll grab your uniform and keys." He left Joon-won alone in the room.

Joon-won sat on the bench, contemplating his new job, until Seonu returned with two uniforms and a set of keys. "Here you go," Seonu said, handing over the items.

Joon-won placed the uniforms in the locker and locked it. "Thanks," he said as they walked back to the front of the store.

He waved goodbye to Gim Da and Seonu before stepping outside. The cool evening air felt refreshing as he headed back to his apartment, the flyer still clutched in his hand. For the first time in a while, he felt a small sense of optimism. This job might be just what he needed to get by while pursuing his acting dreams.

Cruchymonster Cruchymonster

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


