As soon as the sound of gunshot resounded throughout the field, the temporary students standing behind the starting line began rushing forward, some giving it their all to at least cover one-third of the distance between the starting and finishing line, some aiming to do even better, while some aimed to reach the finish line.
As for the best among the temporary examinees, Nevis and Vincent, they amplified their speeds by infusing units of battle energy into their legs. Several seconds later, they were at the forefront of the crowd, as a few meters behind them, Felix, Varth, and Geom could be seen, as well as Leilani, John, and a few other temporary students that were proficient at controlling battle energy.
"Let's see if there's someone that can surprise us by reaching the other end of the room."
Who was it? where did the fireball come from?
I believe it's easy to discern as there is only one person that wanna play dirty.