10.2% Young Justice: Ghost / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

章 5: Chapter 5


-[Martian Manhunter]-

Martian Manhunter stood at the observation deck with Batman and Black Canary beside him.

"What did you find that made you so worried?" Batman asked the alien who had been silent for a while.

After the introductions to the team and allowing Dante and M'gann to settle down, Dante took Manhunter's offer to train his abilities. While he didn't express his worries at the time, it didn't make them any less concerning.

"Dante's abilities are growing. We already confirmed that he inherited my full powers, the only thing he lacked was experience in using them. Though density shifting is proving difficult, his progress on the others is quite impressive." He said, confusing the other heroes.

"Then what's the problem?" Canary asked.

"That's the problem. His progress is too impressive. It's only been a little over a week and he's already made more progress in shapeshifting than Miss Martian who has had her power far longer." The green martian explained, causing Batman's eyes to narrow.

"You said that density shifting was difficult, what about his other powers?" The dark knight asked.

"That's what has me worried. Cadmus already taught him how to use telepathy so he is no amateur. His telekinesis or rather his control over it is too abnormal." He was genuinely confused and worried.

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"I mean that the malleability of his telekinetic ability far surpasses mine or any that I have seen for that matter and it's only growing. Whatever Cadmus did to him, it augmented his mental ability far higher than what should be possible at this stage." He explained. "I'm only concerned about whether it has any negative side effects on his mind."

Canary frowned in concern while Batman's eyes narrowed at the thought.

-[Star City]-


He floated in the middle of the room, multiple opened notebooks floating around him with pens writing different things on each page.

He floated smoothly through the air to each notebook to inspect the written works. The writings were legible but it was far from what he'd be able to do with his actual hands.

He had made considerable progress in his opinion but the control wasn't as delicate as he wanted yet. With time, he wanted to be able to have as much control over it as he did his own hand.

His telekinetic barrier had also been going rather well. Though he could now comfortably hold it around himself, he couldn't keep it up while sleeping…yet.

Letting himself land back on the ground, he closed the book and allowed them to land softly in a neat pile on the desk in the room.

'So, what to do…' he wondered as he commanded his clothes to morph, shifting into a comfortable black hoodie and black pants.

He'd long figured out which version of the universe he was in and he'd been thinking about a lot of things. The Light, the Injustice League, the Reach, Darkseid…

Those were the main points he remembered so far with normal recollection. The apparitions though had organized a good deal of his memories and had reached those concerning his time watching the Young Justice series, arranging everything related to it separately for easier access.

With just a bit of effort, he could accurately peruse the show once more like he was watching it. One would think that knowing about the future would make them less nervous but it only increased it when they were aware of it.

The window clicked open as he went into camouflage mode, silently flying out of the building and above the streets of Star City.

Unlike the first few times he flew, there was no clunky movement this time, gliding smoothly through the air.

Though it wasn't his first time outside, there was a certain feeling of freely traversing the city through the sky. 'It's exhilarating.' He thought, allowing himself to get immersed in it.

He peered out just a bit as he flew, allowing the surface thoughts of the city flow into his mind.

[Pick up the phone, damn it! That's the last time I pay a stranger to fix my car.]

[I know she's cheating on me. I just know it!]

[I can't believe I forgot to wear pants today!]

[I can't believe I'm having my first kiss right now! I hope she doesn't notice the garlic smell.]

[Is that garlic? Eww!]

He let out a laugh at the last one as he continued flying through the sky.

[Please don't shoot me! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!]

He paused in the air at that thought, changing directions stepping on the metaphorical gas as he suddenly shot off, coming to a stop near an alley.

'I always wanted to do that.' He thought. The barrier around him protected him from the wind current and most of the frictional consequences of moving that fast.

He floated above the alley, looking down to see a woman with her back against the wall. Two men in ski masks stood in front of her, guns pointed forward.

"Stop stalling lady. Give us all the jewelry so we can all get moving!" One of them said, moving closer to the woman.

'What kind of cliché robbery scene is this?' Dante thought as he telekinetically pulled the guns out of their hands.


"The hell is going on?! She's a freak!" The other one said as they turned to run out of the alley.

Before they could do so, a familiar figure walked into the alley, quickly landing a kick on the man's face, knocking him out. The other one let out a silent shriek as the hero dashed towards him with a kick aimed to the chest.

He tried to dodge only for it to be a feint, falling into the path of a hard punch, knocking him out as well.

With the two men out for the count, the hero turned to the frightened woman. "You're safe now."

Instead of a verbal answer, the lady ran out of the alley, still in fear. The hero looked around the alley, searching for something.

"You can come out, Dante." Black Canary said, a hand on her hip as Dante turned off camouflage mode, descending to land in front of her.

"You just couldn't stay put, could you?" She spoke with no real heat in her tone as she noted a glaring detail. "What's with the black hair?"

He had changed his hair along with his eyes black. On the slightest chance that someone had the ability to see through his camouflage, it was a backup precaution.

"Just in case someone tries to find out my identity." He answered, earning a slight nod from her.

"Smart. So, are you going back home or do you want to join me on patrol?" She offered.

"Really?" He asked, honestly curious.

"Yeah. You're clearly bored at home so why don't you burn off some of that energy. Think of it as your debut." She said.

Just when he was about to answer, a beeping occurred from the communicator in his ear. Each member of the team had them for emergencies.

Tapping the side, a voice came through. "Red Tornade to Dante. Your teammates have engaged an android at the Happy Harbor Bay. I suggest you make your way there to assist them."

"Acknowledged." He said, almost cringing at how he reverted to his father's teaching.

Growing up with a soldier for a father was…complicated. With no mother figure during his childhood, everyday felt more like a training camp and less like a normal home.

Apparently soldiers liked to brag about their children to other soldiers, a weird logic he could never understand. Putting it out of his mind, he turned to Black Canary, explaining the message from Red Tornado.

"Well you guys have been itching for something to do. We can have your debut another day." She said as he rose into the air.

"Be careful!" She screamed after him as he took off.

He flew towards the nearest Zeta Tube he was aware of. 'Mister Twister huh?' He thought as he remembered who exactly they should be facing.

-[Happy Harbor]-

As soon as he arrived, he could see the problem; giant tornadoes wreaking havoc and destroying the city.

Not wasting time, he flew towards the scene, stopping above the bay and stretched his hand towards the tornado.

He gathered a decent amount of telekinetic force around it before forcing it outward, forcefully dispersing the tornado.

He turned to the culprit, the red and black android who raised a boat with a tornado before tossing it at Superboy, sending the boy into the ground.

Robin and Aqualad came from behind it, drawing its attention as it prepared twin tornadoes in their direction. Dodging it, Aqualad charges towards it only for the android to generate a bigger tornado, sweeping the boy off his feet and throwing him into the building to the side.

Dante then saw Kid Flash try to charge in from behind only to be redirected by a small tornado. He sped away as Mister Twister sent a tornado after him.

Robin threw some bombs into the tornado, the bombs exploding inside but having little to no effect as it continued going. He changed tactics, throwing the bombs at the android who redirected them to the sea with another tornado.

Watching Superboy charge in only to get sent flying, Dante couldn't help but have an exasperated look on his face.

'What happened to the strength he used to defeat the sidekicks when he first woke up?' He genuinely wondered as he watched them get beaten back.

With enough observation done, he quickly descended to the scene, flying straight for the android.

"Is that Dante?" He heard Wally ask as he flew past them.

"Another one? You children are annoying." Mister Twister said as it generated a large tornado, sending it forward.

His hand stretched out, Dante sent an invisible force forward to the center of the tornado, violently dispersing it.


A force pushed Mister Twister into the air against the android's will. It forced out two more tornadoes from its palm in an attempt to send him back to the ground.

Flying out of the way, he spread his arms wide before quickly clapping his palms together. The android's arms were suddenly forced to its sides.

"So you're a bit competent. I ne-"

"Save it." Dante interrupted as he got in front of the android, placing his palm to its face. He mustered a powerful force from his palm as the android's head was blasted off its shoulders.


He flew backwards a bit, holding an open palm facing towards Mister Twister, slowly clenched it as the sound of creaking metal rang out and the android vibrated mid air.

He suddenly closed his fist as his telekinesis crushed the android from both sides, turning it into a large piece of metal scrap.

'They made it seem so hard to beat. Am I that strong or are they just that uncoordinated?' Dante thought as he descended to the ground where Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Superboy were waiting.

"Remember when I said to never piss him off? Now, I know I'm keeping that promise." Wally joked as Dante landed.

"Thank you for the help. Once again, you have proved most capable." Aqualad thanked in his usual polite yet firm tone.

"I thought you were in Star City, how'd you know we even needed help?" Robin asked, missing the way Superboy's eyes tightened in frustration.

"Tornado called and said you needed help so I hurried over here and well…you know the rest." Dante answered, gesturing to the pile of newly formed scrap metal he held with his telekinesis.

'Mister Twister's aim was to find out whether Red Tornado was here. Since Megan didn't impersonate him before I got here then he might believe that his target wasn't here.' He thought as he lowered the crushed android to the floor. 'Still, I'll have to take care of that sooner or later.'

"Where's M'gann?" He asked, causing them to gain sheepish and nervous looks on their faces as they looked away.

He felt a knocking on his mental barriers. Recognizing it as the signature of the girl in question he reached out to connect to it.

[Listen to me, all of you.] M'gann's voice sounded in his head before it came again, more chipper too. [Dante, you're here too?]

"I told you to stay out of my head!!!" Superboy screamed, causing the other three teens to panic, looking between Dante and Superboy, Wally's earlier words coming to mind which caused them to let out nervous chuckles.

"We can explain." Robin said with a nervous laugh.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


