20.2% I am Over Powered in Douluo Dalu [Haitus] / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Trash Technique

章 20: Chapter 20: Trash Technique

"No, I didn't beat him. He could've defeated me if he used any more of his abilities. So it's basically we won because he wasn't serious." Zeng Xin answered.

"Hmph, whatever we still won. It's that bear's fault that he didn't use any of his other abilities." Xiao Wu just pouted her mouth and said in an annoyed tone.

"Come, I'll show you all to your dormitory." Dai Mubai nodded and took Tang San, Zeng Xin, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing away.

Following Dai Mubai, they all soon arrived at the dormitories.

"Here is the male dormitory and the other is the female dormitory. There are very few students in the Academy but there are many dormitories. You can choose to live alone or live together. However, the dean suggested that two students live in one room, apparently, this can foster relationships." Dai Mubai pointed out.

"I will stay alone." Zeng Xin immediately stated.

"Hey, Tang San. From now on we are roommates. How about first getting to know each other? My self-introduction. This one is Oscar, twenty-ninth ranked Food Spirit Master, Spirit: Sausage. Nicknamed Sausage Monopoly. You can call me Sausage Monopoly Oscar. You can also directly call me little Ao."

Tang San smiled, saying:

"It's not Big Sausage Uncle then?"

"No, No. what big sausage uncle? Tomorrow I shave my beard. Let you have a look at my handsomely natural, outstandingly elegant, refined wind side."

Dai Mubai also arranged their dormitory and it was already dark. At this time, Shrek Academy was extremely silent, as there were no students other than the eight of them.

In Zhao Wuji's office, he can be seen sitting on a chair behind the table.

" New students are all monster, especially Fan Lin is a demon among monster."

Zhao Wuji grinned, "Strong physical fitness, terrifying speed. Not to mention that kid didn't even use his Martial Spirit. No fancy moves, every move to kill the opponent. It's as he is an assassin."

"The aura he released, it cannot be just spirit pressure, I am sure he has killed humans before. It can counter my gravity increase skill" Zhao Wuji mused. He didn't say it a day, but he too was surprised by that move.

He also thought about everyone and can't help but smile at that. "All the new children's are monster, I have to train these guys well in the future."

Inside the room, Zeng Xin was setting up his room. He wrote a letter and went on the roof, after some time an eagle came and landed on his shoulder. He tied the letter to his claw and the eagle flew away. He had sent his current location to his clan.

He has to do this every time he changes his location. His clan is supposed to know his location. So they can call him or send their men to help him.

He went back to his room changed his clothes and laid down on his bed.

The room has too much, a table and bed and a cupboard to store their daily necessities. Today's flight was an eye-opener to him. He is an assassin, who works alone. He does not know how to work in teams.

And he has to open up to them, He doesn't know how to strike a conversation with people. Thinking about all this he went back to sleep.

The next morning, Zeng Xin woke up and went outside for his training. Though he doesn't need to train, it has become his habit now. He washed his face and wore his clothes and went outside. When he was going outside, he saw a figure out there. It was still dark out there so the figure was not visible but he could see the figure moving at a fast speed.

'I should strike the conversation.' with determination he approached the figure and figure and it turned out to be Zhu Zhuqing. She was practising her movements.

As an assassin, he could see many flaws in her technique, too many wasted movements that can be used to strike the opponent.

"Good Morning" Zeng Xin greeted Zhi Zhuqing who was surprised by this sudden appearance. She was sure she sensed no one coming toward her.

She halted her movements but then saw Zeng Xin near her. She greeted him back, "Good Morning."

A clear smile was evident on Zeng Xin's face, he has successfully struck a conversation but what should he ask now. He has nothing to ask.

'Should I tell her the flaws? Yes, it would be better, she might befriend me as well and then I can polish my conversation' A smug grin was visible on his face but Zhuqing was unable to see his face because of the darkness.

"What trash techniques are you practising? There are many flaws in it. You should better do something else than practising this shit" Zeng Xin said with a fake smile on his face. Currently, he was looking like as he is looking down on her. (A/N: Facepalm…)

Zhuqing said nothing but snorted and went away from there leaving him alone. 'Why my plan failed, it should have worked. I told her, her techniques had flaws. She should have asked me about it but she just went away.'

Putting the thought behind his back, he started practising his movements. Every move was made to kill the opponent, no fancy and wasted movement, no move was similar, totally random movement.

Unknown to him two people were watching him from distance, first was Zhu Zhuqing who was a little sad after listening to Zeng Xin calling this technique trash, but soon she heard some slashed. She was intrigued by the routine Zeng Xin was performing. Her eyes were glued to him. 'Is my technique really trash? It should be trash in front of him.'

She was watching him while contemplating herself. While the other person was hiding on a tree far from the Academy.

'This kid is not as simple as he seems.'

{Last chapter of today}

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


