64.22% Game Of Thrones: House Dustin / Chapter 70: There is still time my love

章 70: There is still time my love

A small boat came up to the shore of the forbidden island.

"We can not go further my Lady, the island is haunted." the small folk man said nervously.

"Wait for us off the shore." she ordered and was sure he would wait. The choice for him was simple. Wait for his passengers or leave and die later, probably including his family. You don't mess with nobility in this world.

Four people came on to the shore of the mystical Island of Faces in Gods Eye.

It was at this location that Lady Barbrey decided to lay the child to rest.

As if knowing everyone's feelings the rain started drizzling covering the group like a natures blanket.

Ser Arthur was the one holding the cleaned body of a small child while they walked amidst the weirwood trees and the red, orange and golden colored leaves, each tree with a carving of a face on it.

They felt depressed and the rain that fell on them and the forest did not help as each of the wooden, carved faces gave the illusion of crying because of the rain whenever they passed.

Ethan and Bryce were fascinated at the sight.

"It's like even the Old Gods are crying..." the priest couldn't believe his eyes, if anyone would tell him about it before he wouldn't believe a word of it, yet now...

They walked for a while until they saw a clearing surrounded by a fog.

In the middle of it, a spiral formed from stones with the beginning at the center was spreading and enlarging to the outside.

The whole situation made the mystery of the island reach new heights in their eyes at the same time increasing their vigilance.

"Was it wise my Lady?" Arthur felt something was wrong. In his mind the smirk of one of the tortured knight even as he died didn't give him a closure, but was he correct in his assumptions? He didn't know.

"She loved the Godswoods in Neverwinter, said it felt like home. I want her to rest in a place she would find beautiful..." Barbrey felt wrong leaving the body so far away from the child's family and friends, but this was the closest to ideal place near their location.

"And that?" he pointed at the spiral.

"That is a relict of the past Ser Arthur, the first pact was signed here." Ethan was fascinated.

"On a stone?" Arthur said, but one look from his Lady was all it took to bring him back to the task at hand.

"Leave me with my child, gather rocks elsewhere, we will lay her here..." Lady Dustin came up and took the child back into her motherly embrace.

The men didn't want to argue, but had to, the Lady surely wasn't in the mood for that as well, but it was their Lord's order to protect her at all times.

Lady Barbrey wouldn't have any of it and dismissed both of them strongly. She was too insistent even for the men's liking.

After Ser Bryce and Ser Arthur left they didn't go far, Ethan stayed to watch over her and to shout it anything was out of the ordinary.

Barbrey sat in the center of the clearing in the exact middle of the spiral, here they would make the grave for her child to peacefully rest for all eternity.

She looked at the child and started to recall the happy moments they shared.

"Haha do you remember my sweetling when you first came into my chambers when Brendan left? You said that a black bird wanted to get you, haha. I know I shouldn't laugh but you looked so adorable, like a frightened little rabbit." he tears started to fall and her shoulders slumped.

The rain started to fall heavily filling the forest with nature's sounds.

Ethan watched his Lady from the closest tree line behind her back.

The sadness of this usually strong woman made him realize how frail happiness really was and how much you had to fight to keep it.

He wanted to help one way or another, to tell her that it will be alright, but as he was about to make a step forward a wet forearm locked his throat.

His fight or flight reflexes kicked in as a dagger stabbed in the middle of his hand effectively stopping it, that he moved to protect his heart.

Thanking the Old Gods for the luck that the assassin tried to stab his heart and not any other vital areas of his body.

He would not give up! His life was a meager, unimportant thing, he just had to free himself enough to be able to shout for his companions to protect the Lady and after... it was Gods will if he would survive.

The struggle he experienced went unnoticed because of the shushing sound of rain hitting the leaves, he could not shout with the hand on his throat closing the grip and suffocating him slowly.

During the struggle he saw other silhouette closing in on his Lady's back.

Blood in his veins boiled, he wouldn't allow it!

When he saw more dark shapes coming from inside the forest bushes he was terrified.

He must warn her! He must help his Lady!

He did something unthinkable and allowed the blade to stab him just beside his heart missing it at a hairs length after he clenched his left, wounded hand into a fist.

His right arm grabbed the man that held him by the back of his head pulling him as close to the priest shoulder as possible, and then he kneeled on the ground.

As the body vaulted over him he could breath again.

"Ambush! Ambush!" Ethan shouted grabbing his yellow sash that immediately came unloose and tied it onto his enemy throat locking his legs on the attacker shoulders blocking his clawing hands at the same time.

"Ambush!" he shouted again worrying it was already too late.

Ser Arthur and Ser Bryce heard the shouts yet they could not move further, just as they turned in front of each of them stood fully armed and armored men, how stupid of them was to leave their Lady alone, even if it was just a short distance. They shouldn't listen to the mourning woman.

Between the trees they saw a man placing a blade to her throat, they felt the cold chill of panic down their spines.

It was over as the blade touched her soft, white skin. *Woosh*. And blood spilled all over her face... yet there was no panic on her expression, like she was ready and accepted what was about to come. Then a lifeless body felt to the ground.


Cerea opened her light blue eyes and lovingly looked at the man still sleeping next to her.

Her hand gently brushed over some of his grey hair and kept playing with them.

That stirred him out of his so much needed rest.

"You're up already?" he asked still half asleep. "What time is it?" his body was tired after the night and even looking at the window where the first rays of sun came from made him grumpy.

"The hour of the eel my love," the girl answered, with care for her man showing on her face. "you should sleep a bit more." The heir of house Reyne snuggled into her man's broad shoulders enjoying the feeling of security they gave her.

"Already?" Gerold wanted to get up, but his chosen one held strongly to his body. "My Lady you do know I have men to train right?" He kissed her on her nose and laid his head back on the soft pillow.

"There is still time my love..." she said with a naughty smile as her hand started sliding down under the covers.

Ser Gerold wanted to enjoy the moment as well but couldn't right now, duty called.

"You're going to be the death of me woman!" he placed his strong hand on hers and slowly pulled it back and kissed it. "Did you get any reply from the Mormonts?" trying to rescue himself like that must have seem unsightly, but the man was running on empty!

One of the best knights in the Seven kingdoms trembled when remembering how this younger girl rode him to exhaustion, he never knew that his 45 name days body still could do it so many times!

"They did as young Lord commanded everything is ready." Lady Reyne pouted a bit.

"And about the Slavers bay?" Gerold looked to the ceiling pretending not to notice his lover's emotions, it was easier that way.

He could hack a man in hundred different ways, but most of his life he was a King guard. How the hell was he supposed to know how to placate a girl?

"Busy as always, since the Lord told Rina to use his ship and escort, she spends all the time traveling between the cities. Qarth included so at least she met her master there, us in the Fort, New Lhazar and the tribe. She said she was done with the minor nobles in Meereen ready to take over control after we move under Zizlaz zo Hak, Yunkai will be straight out battle, the 1st Praetoria already started entertaining the city in small groups disguise as traders with our businesses support. The rest is the same so there is not much to say." She turned to her side, her back now facing the man, showing how angry she was.

All would be alright if not for the cover that slid to the side enabling the man to see her naked, ripe for the taking body.

It wasn't important if it was deliberate or not.

He started to feel the warm currents running through his nerves again, his manhood rose and there was now only one thing that he could, and wanted to do.

"Ahhhh" came out Cereas passionate voice when he entered her planning on getting back the honor he lost the night before.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C70
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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