36.36% The Celestial Pirates / Chapter 4: First Crew Member

章 4: First Crew Member

(Kokuza Ren Pov)

I was sitting in the meeting hall with the other Geoisie and our Leader ""Im-Sama"" we were discussing how the Marines were doing and what we should change about the Marines until I suddenly got a call on my Den Den Mushi, which I picked up since it was coming from Marvin

"Hello Master Ren" I hear Marvin say from the Other end of the Call all frantic "Calm Down Marvin, What is in need of calling me while I am at work" I ask him all calm but I am slightly nervous, I then hear him start to breathe in and out

"Master Ren, I am calling because Young Master Ray has left the Holy Land Mary Geois and is now becoming a pirate" I hear Marvin say and everyone in the room goes quiet after a few minutes I speak up "Ok, we'll send some people to go find them, did he leave anything behind " I say to him

"Yes Master Ren, he left behind a Letter addressed to you" Marvin says and I nod "Alright please Deliver that letter to me right away Marvin" I say to him and I hear the Deen Den Mushi Line hang up and I can tell he is on his way already so I put My Den Den Mushi Back in place

"So What will we do about Little Ray" I hear Abe Ask and I look at him then back to Boss "We will put a bounty of $500,000,000 Beli on his head since he is an important person, and On that here will be Only Alive" Im-Sama Says in her lovely voice and We all nod at this Idea "Alright, Someone call Sengoku and Tell him what to do and do it quick" Im-Sama says and we get right to work while I still worry about Ray

(Mc Pov)

After 8 hours of flying I finally made it to the east blue, I am currently in Syrup Village and I'm resting in a Restaurant until I hear someone running down the street yelling about something and I could tell who it was, It was Usopp

I walk out of the Restaurant after I pay and I walk towards Usopp who was sitting under a tree "Hello Are you Alright" I ask the Usopp since were both 5 years old at this point

Usopp looked at me before Smiling "I haven't seen you here before?, Are you a pirate?" Usopp asks and I shake my head no and he gave a sad sigh "Aww that would have been so cool, My Father went out to sea and I haven't seen him since but I know that he is a Brave Warrior of the sea just like Me the great Captain Usopp" Usopp says and I just chuckle

"So I take it you name is Usopp, well my name Is Kokuza D. Ray and I am visiting this Island until I can continue my Journey to Foosha Village" I say as I put out my hand for a hand shake and he happily accepts it

"Do you know anywhere I can stay for the night, it's getting quite late and I quite Frankly don't anna sleep in the mud" I ask and Usopp Laughs "I the Great Usopp will help this poor Traveler with his problem, follow me" Usopp Claims and I just chuckle at his attitude

"Where are we going" I ask him as we walk through the village while Usopp leads "You can stay over at my house for the night" Usopp says and I nod and after a few minutes of walking we finally get there "here we are my home" Usopp says proudly and I laugh

"It's a lovely house Usopp" I say lightly as he chuckles and starts rambling on about his awesomeness and starts telling lies like "I helped build this house when I was only 6 Months old" and stuff like that but I didn't mind it

after a few minutes of him Rambling about his greatness I hear the door open and when it does I see a women that looks almost exactly like usopp but looked sickly white "Usopp dear, who's your friend" She asked before she coughed and usopp looked at her worriedly

"This is my new friend Ray, he needed a place to stay for the night and I offered for g=hi to stay with us, is that alright mom" Usopp said still worried over his mom, Usopp's mom then just Chuckles "Don't stand there waiting come inside or you might catch a cold" Usopp's mom said as she ushered me and Usopp in to the house

"So Ray where are you from" Usopp asked me curiously and I chuckled while Usopp's mom looked at me curiously "Well i'm from the Gandline" I say shocking Usopp's mom and Usopp "Wow" Usopp said and I chuckled

"If your from the Grandline what are you doing here in the East Blue" Usopp's mom asks and I laugh "I'm on my way to visit a relative that lives in the East blue" I say and Banchina nods her head in understanding and afterwards Coughing really hard making Usopp worried

"Are you okay ma'am" I ask worried even though I know she is gonna die in the future "I am fine bo-" She says before she collapses making me and Usopp run to her and I try and catch her before her head hits the ground

usopp starts crying and I try and Comfort him "shh it's alright Usopp she is only unconscious, she will be fine" I say to him and he nods before wiping his tears away " I didn't know that a great warrior of the sea would cry " I say to him jokingly and he just hits my shoulder

"Usopp we have to move your mom to her room or else she could get worse, don't worry I have some medical experience" I say to him slightly lying and he looks at me grateful before he helps me move his mom to her room

'Hey system buy me something that can cure Banchina's sickness' I say to the system in my head as I feel Banchina's Temperature which was pretty high [Host Item has been placed in Inventory] The system says to me and I nod before I turn to Usopp who was looking over his mom with Teary eyes

"Hey Usopp can you please leave this room, this will be pretty bloody for me to cure her sickness" I say lying to him and he gains a shocked then worried face as he hurriedly left the room and I get the item out of my inventory

The item was a red elixir that had writing on it that said ""Sickness Be gone"" and then under it it describes hat the Potion does and it says "" This potion can cure any Sickness in the world"" I was surprised by this but I just shrugged it off and made Banchina drink the Potion and I could visibly see the Potion kicking in because her Fever went away and I smile

"Hey Usopp I'm done and you mother has been cured" I call out to usopp and he hurriedly ran into the room and looked at his mom before hugging her and I just smile at this scene before he looked at me and bowed while he cried

"Thank you for saving my mom, I will repay you whatever way I can" Usopp says while he cries and I laugh "It's nothing really, it was pretty simple, but you were lucky because in the next two years she would have died" I say and Usopp gained a shocked face

"Your telling me that my Mom would have died in the next two years if you weren't here to heal her" Usopp asks and I nod my head as I yawn "I'm tired, i'll sleep on the couch then I will head out tomorrow" I say and Usopp nods his head "Goodnight Usopp" I say as I crash onto the couch and fall asleep almost instantly

The next morning I wake up to see Usopp and Banchina sitting at a table in the kitchen eating food, I then stand up from where I was laying on the couch and I start stretching and Yawn "Good Morning" I say to Banchina and Usopp

The two of them turn to me and smile "Good Morning Ray-Kun" Banchina said and I laughed at her words she suddenly then walks over to me and hugs me before I feel something wet hitting my shoulder

"I wanna thank you for saving my life, I heard from Usopp what you said would have happened if I were not healed" Banchina said and I just chuckle "It's really nothing but now Usopp owes me a favour" I say making Usopp stunned

I then walk over to a stunned Usopp 'Hey system Buy Me the Mark Mark fruit that Vander Decken had' I say to the system in my head and I looked at Usopp in the eyes and he starts sweating

"Usopp you wanna be a proud warrior of the seas right just like your dad" I ask him and I hear the system tell me that the Item has been placed in my Inventory, I then see Usopp nod his head and I smile

"Usopp for my favour I want you to join my friends pirate crew" I say to him and his eyes widen and he smiles "As a friend I will join your Friends crew as the Captain" Usopp says and I chuckle "I don't believe that he would like that but you can try, My friends name is Monkey D. Luffy and he is a rubber man because he ate the Gumo Gumo No Mi" I say to Usopp and his eyes widen

"Devil fruits are real" Usopp asks and I nod my head before I each into my Body and it turns into a Black and white vortex and I pull out the Mark Mark fruit from my inventory and I show Usopp "Whoa, how did you do that" He asks me and I smile

"That is my devil fruit the Yami Yami No Mi or the dark dark fruit, I an store things in my body which makes them turn into darkness and I can then take them out later on" I explain to me as Usopp looks at me in wonder then I lift up my hand with the Mark Mark Fruit in it and I show this to Usopp

"This is the Mark Mark Fruit, it let's the user lock on to an target and makes it so the user will always be able to hit the person your locked on to, it is a perfect fruit for a sniper like you" I say as I put the fruit in Usopp's hand and he just looks at the red and white fruit that just looked like a target

" I want you to have it and eat it once you are 15 since My friend won't be here until he turns 17, I'm trusting you to practice with your sniper skills and whatever is in this booklet" I say as I hand him a booklet on observation Haki and Usopp nods his head in determination

"Aright, i'll be leaving thank you for your hospitality" I say as I walk out the front door and I form my Phoenix wings and I fly away from the island leaving Usopp and Banchina speechless while I laugh, I then begin making my way to the West blue so I can heal Law and take him under my wing as my first mate and possibly a alliance with the Donquixote pirates.

After a few hours of flying I made it to the West Blue and after a little bit more of flying I found the Donquixote pirates which were docked at a deserted Island so I land near them but not directly next to them

When I land I see that it is evening and that the sun is setting 'System use my 1 Devil Fruit Token for the Ope Ope No Mi' I say to the system in my head and the Ope Ope No Mi appears in my hand and I smile, I then walk towards the big pink flamingo ship

I see two people at front guarding and I see that it is Baby 5 and Rosinante, I see them pointing guns at me so I put my hands up "Tell us why you are and why you are here" I hear Rosinante ask and I smile

" My Name is Kokuza Ray and I am hear to ask for a meeting With Doflamingo" I say and I hear a snicker until I hear a voice "you may come on board and Speak to Doflamingo" I hear the person say and we all see Gladius as he put down a staircase for me to come up which I did silently with Ronante following behind

I then followed behind Gladius and while I follow I look around and I see Law at the edge of boat, after a few minutes of following behind we get to a room and they push my little body inside which makes me fall but I get up

When I get up I see a thirty year old man wearing glasses and a pink Feather coat thing and I knew who it was, it was Doflamingo "So you are the person that wanted to talk to me, to think that a kid would have the balls to walk right up to my ship and demand to talk to me" Doflamingo says and I smile

"Well I am different than other children, Anyways I am hear because I heard you had a scientist named Caesar the Clown working on artificial devil fruits" I say and he nods his head

"I have a business deal I wanna pitch to you" I say to him and he raises an eyebrow "What could I want from a brat like you" Doflamingo asked me and I smirked 'System buy me 5 Devil Fruit extraction Serum' I say in my mind as I hear a ding signifying That Items have been bought

I Then reach into my Body and pulled one of the Devil fruit extraction Serum's out of my inventory and Showed it to Doflamingo and Doflamingo raises an eyebrow "What is in that vial kid?" Doflamingo asked and I smirked

"This is a special Serum that allows you to extract a devil fruit from someone's body" I say to him as his eyes widen "Can you show me proof that this is true" He asked and I nod "Do you have anyone Captured that has a Devil Fruit, I can show you if it works on them" I say to Doflamingo and he nods his head before he signals someone and in a few minutes a person came back with a man that looked to be in his thirties

The man was wearing a some rags "What devil fruit does this man have" I ask him and he looked at me " He has the Yumo Yumo No Mi Model Sloth hich is an Ancient Zoan" Doflamingo explains and I nod before

I walk over to the guy and I inject the man with the Serum and the man starts to scream before a hole in his chest appears and a devil fruit comes out and I walk back to where I was holding the devil fruit in my hand and Doflamingo looks at me with a big smile

"How would you like to join the Donquixote Pirates kid, I need more people like you, you can join Caesar the Clown in the Laboratory" Doflamingo ask with a big smile on his face while I shake my head

" I'm sorry but I plan on making my own crew in the future, I only came here to recruit someone and to make a business deal with you" I explain to him as he looks at me "What do you mean you came here to recruit someone for you future crew" Doflamingo asks and I chuckled Dryly

"I wish to take Law off your hand and take him under my wing" I ask him while I bow and I feel him just staring at me before I hear a chuckle "Fine I'll allow you to take Law but I want one more Devil Fruit Extraction Serum for Caesar to stud" Doflamingo says and I nod my head before I take out another Vial with the Serum

"If I give you this I want 20% of the cut once you start selling it in the underworld and 2 devil fruits" I say as I look into his eyes and I see him nod "That is fair, pleasure doing business with you brat" Doflamingo says and we shake hands before I hand him the Vial and a Vivre Card and he hands me his Vivre Card and he leads me to the door I came in

"Law your going with this kid, he is taking you into his crew" Doflamingo yelled out and I see Law walk over to us and he looks at me "So your gonna be my captain" He says and I nod my head before we get off the ship and walked into the jungle that was on the island and I start a campfire

"My name is Kokuza D. Ray nice to meet you Trafalgar D Water Law" I said to him much to his shock "How did you know my name" He asks and I smirked "I know a lot of things especially that you have Lead Disease" I say and he is stunned and I laugh as I pull out the Ope Ope No Mi from m pocket and I hand it to him

"Eat that, it is the Ope Ope No Mi you can use it to heal yourself" I say to him as he takes the Ope Ope No Mi and takes a bite out of it first and by his face I could tell he was disgusted which I laughed at which made him glare at me making me laugh more

"Alright you ready for a life of adventures Law" I ask him and he nods before a small smile creeps onto his face as I also smile "Law were gonna go to a village in the East Blue since one of my relatives live there, then we'll train there for a couple years then

we will join the WhiteBeard Pirates so we can gain some experience before we make our way to somewhere else so we can get some more crew mates" I explained to law and he just nodded as I looked at him and I turned into my full Phoenix form Surprising Law

"Hop on my back, were gonna fly to Foosha Village and while we are flying heal yourself from The Lead Poison disease" I say to him and he nods as he hops on my back and I begin the flight to Foosha Village.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


