30.76% The Mist of Presage / Chapter 4: Supersoldier Serum

章 4: Supersoldier Serum

VERONICA had been monitoring Charles's vitals, and due to his unreal healing abilities because of the Extremis Serum, he could literally feel himself getting stronger.

The whole process was a breeze he thought.

"Congratulations, Master" came VERONICA's voice as Charles opened his eyes.

Charel's upper body had bulged to become leaner. His reflexes sharpened, his muscles became increasingly dense and packed with explosive power backed by Extremis.

The temperature he could reach now could not even be quantified right now.

He was handsome before but now, he was like a Supermodel.

'But all this is secondary' He thought as a virtual projection in front of him was reflecting his information.

'The real reason for all this hassle is….'

Charles got out of his Radiation chamber and wore a normal white shirt after which he came to a wall and as if sensing him, the wall opened to reveal all the Vibranium Charles had stolen from Ulysses Klaue.

Wolverine was able to Synthesize Adamantium in his bones because of his godly healing factor. But there were no Mutants in this world, and neither any hope to get Adamantium.

He had searched, but all his search was unfruitful and hence, he decided on Vibranium.

"It will be extremely painful, Master." Suddenly Veronica predicted what Charles was going to do based on how he was acting and the files which were on the server.

"Yes. But I Can't be stopped now"

Back to back two major experiments in 1 day.

The reason why Charles had wanted to integrate Super soldier serum in himself was because it could immensely enhance his healing factor.

Not to forget that even without the Supersoldier serum, the Extremis serum was powerful enough to grow back broken limbs and organs, and also revive from near-death situations, but after these two serums started to complement each other in Charles's body, He could finally see the success within his grasp.

VERONICA followed Charle's command and soon, videos after videos of people being inserted with liquid Vibranium in their bone marrow started to play on the glass panels all around Charles.

During this past year, he was able to modify the shape and study the characteristics of Vibranium using his spells.

Through his spells, and technology at his disposal, he could finally understand Vibranium and to see it's effects on a human, he had done some experiments on real people.

It is a good thing that when you are rich, capitalism becomes your heaven.

You can literally do anything with money. Oh, how he loves capitalism.

"Get the Healing unit ready. This is not a normal experiment! This will be conducted inside of the Healing pod."

No matter how sure Charles was about his own healing factor, the risk this time wasn't anything to sneeze at and hence, he had prepared a Healing pod for himself.

This healing pod was at least twice as powerful as the Healing suit of the Green Goblin, but there was no Green Goblin in this world and he had to make this thing on his own.

Charles could've sold this to the public and that definitely would've painted him as a Messiah but no. He never liked to share anything that was his. Anything.

After Meditating a little to inspect his body and soul, he immediately removed his clothes and got inside of the healing pod while ordering.


Suddenly, more than a dozen injections penetrated Charles's bones from different directions!

Be it his spine, legs, arms, even his skull.

This operation was being done without any anesthetics because Charles wanted to be awake and inspect everything that was happening inside of his body.

He wasn't just synthesizing his bones with Vibranium, he was also re-adjusting his organs.

In the place of his appendix, he installed a micro Arc reactor, way smaller than the one on Tony Stark's chest made out of Vibranium.

I mean if Tony could make one inside of a cave, under the supervision of terrorists. It wasn't too unbelievable that he was able to make one with Vibranium in all this time.

This arc reactor, which was placed in the place of his appendix would serve the purpose of very slowly creating and secreting Bio-Vibranium alloy in his bloodstream, which would not only strengthen his skin, muscles and internal organs, but would also create a mesh of this Bio-Vibranium alloy around his organs.

It would take time, maybe a few months even for the process to get complete, but he was careful and patient.

Veronica by this time had removed his intestines and was synthesizing his liver with Extremis 2.0.

This Serum was made by Tony Stark in the original comics, hell Tony in comics even made Extremis 3.0, but this wasn't that.

This Extremis Serum's main function was to burn and breakdown anything into the needed fuel required to sustain his modified body.

Charles didn't need it, as he was already implanting a Micro Arc-Reactor inside of his body to sustain his body for as long as he lives, but this was a backup plan.

Anything Charles would eat, be it food, metal or even garbage would turn into pure energy required to power his blood.

This also meant no waste excretion and hence, no need for intestines, bowel, urinary bladder, etc.

VERONICA was carefully readjusting his organs and his vitals were jumping because of his healing factor.

All the cuts would start to heal instantly but Charles had already tested this before and was now using his spells to suppress the pain and his healing.

He had much control over his body parts.

He could even stop or start the secretion of some hormones so doing this with the help of some Sorcery was easy.

The entire operation had taken 15 hours. Everything was done slowly and carefully.

Just a few hours ago his blood was revitalized with Vita Radiation and Super soldier serum and hence it was the best time to do this.

There were no hiccups in the process. And everything went exactly as planned.

But then again, this wasn't some movie where QuickSilver would rush in and break apart his Injector tubes or some Self-Righteous hero would come in last moment to stop him.

This operation was carefully planned for months and if still there were any problems during the operation, then he deserved the consequences.

After a long time, Veronica sewed back his surgically opened chest and all the injector tubes had retreated from his body and started to sterilize.

"The Operation was a Success, Congratulations Master."

At Veronica's queue, The Healing pod closed and Charles kept meditating and Inspecting his body. It will be a long sleep.




In the blink of an eye, 2 months have passed and the story of Thor was continuing.

Due to Iron Man's intervention, he too was fighting with the Destroyer Armor and Thor had just received his powers back.

With anger in his eyes, Thor created a thunderstorm and struck the Destroyer so hard, he flew to the Stratosphere before Heimdall opened the portal and received the Destroyer Armor back to Asgard.

The butterfly effect of Charles' interruption of the plot was inevitable, and now, Tony was looking at Thor with a Solemn expression.

It was good that the fight happened outside of town, and no civilians were hurt, but if this fight had occurred anywhere else, the number of casualties could be imagined.

Tony was angry. Nick Fury was angry.

While Thor was happily hugging Jane Foster and dancing with his friends from Asgard as if nothing had happened, there were a million things going through Tony's mind.

Charles could be seen sleeping inside of the Health Pod, but you could see a faint sheen of a grey mesh surrounding his body.

VERONICA was not ideal all this time. She had been trying to infiltrate every possible device she could find online so her processing and surveillance power could keep on increasing.

In these months, VERONICA had learned many things and had doubts about many things.

She was waiting for her Master to open his eyes so she could talk to him. She had a lot to talk about.




Another 4 months had passed.

"Pepper, Did you call him?"

"Yes Tony I did. He isn't picking up his call. Every time I do, his voicemail says that not to disturb him, he is writing his book but...This is unusual. I am worried." Pepper was worried about Charles as she had been trying to contact him for the last 6 months but she just wasn't able to.

Even Tony had worry in his eyes. He considered Charles a very good friend, a better friend than even Rhodey, he believed.

Charles was always there to help him, and Charles had also given him and told him so many things that had helped him in creating his next-gen armor.

He even went to the Appledore but the Appledore was locked.

Although Charles did leave behind a message telling him that he was researching on something for his next novel and would not like to be disturbed, and even he himself did that many a times when he was researching, but Tony still occasionally talked with his friends or at least would eat dinner with Pepper.

That's right. Tony had Pepper to take care of him but Charles had no one, he thought.

"Send him an invitation for the party next week and say that he has to attend it. Or I will come down to the Appledore and drag him out."

Said Tony to Pepper as his worries for his friend got the best of him.


Inside the Healing pod in the laboratory of the Appledore, A big grey cocoon mesh was pulsating with orange and white light when suddenly there was a crack in it.

That crack, as if started a chain reaction, immediately caused other cracks to appear on the cocoon and suddenly the entire cocoon exploded outwards and absolutely destroyed the healing pod.

As soon as the cocoon exploded, Charles's deathly-pale body was lying inside was revealed.

The "deathly pale" wasn't an exaggeration as he really was extremely white right now, as if all the blood inside of him has drained.

Slowly and slowly though, his body started to get pink as blood started to flow normally again and soon after that, he opened his eyes.

In these past six months, Charles's inside had been completely changed.

Charles's Respiratory system, Digestive system, immune system, everything changed to something inhuman and his bones had taken the color of light silver.

The Bio-Vibranium, under the baptism of Extremis and Super soldier serum, synthesized with his bones and organs and a grey Vibranium mesh had formed around every organ in his body.

Looking from the outside, one cannot notice these changes.

"VERONICA, destroy all the data of this experiment from my archives and destroy all the organs which were taken out of me as well.

While you are at it, destroy the leftovers of this cocoon too."

"Understood, Master."

Charles's voice had changed a little but if you aren't trying to notice the change, you will not notice it.

"Also, Briefly start to tell me about what happened in the world and who tried to contact me and did they leave any message while I was going through my transformation."

As Charles was giving his orders, he was walking completely nude towards his bathroom.

Looking at his long hair and beard, a happy smile came to his lips. He can stop the growth of his hair and even nails now and soon, his beard, mustache, chest hair, pubic hair and other body hair turned to bright red color under the controlled heat generated by Charles and turned into smoke, leaving his spotless young skin unscarred.

"And the Last message had just come from Miss Pepper Potts. She has invited you to the party of the foundation ceremony of the new Stark Tower on Monday at 6 PM in the evening at the Stark Private Gardens in the Stark Estate.

Mr. Tony Stark has said that if you don't attend this party and continue to turn a deaf ear to his calls then he will infiltrate the Appledore and drag you to the party himself."

While VERONICA was reading out his messages, Charles was getting a haircut from her.

He liked short hair better and after ordering the destruction of his hair which was just styled with a Vibranium scalpel, Charles entered the shower.

Charles was thinking about his weaknesses. Now although his body was virtually indestructible, There were people like Thanos, or even his black order, Hela, the weapons made by Uru ore which can cut his body in half.

He was immune against poison now, as his body doesn't break the contents of his stomach in amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. Everything in his body and blood will be automatically be converted into energy.

"My defense is finally at a level at which I can relax a little. But my offense…."

Thinking about his offensive skills, a Magical whip manifested in his hands but Charles was not impressed. This was one of the basic offensive spells that were taught in the Kamar Taj and although he had the knowledge of some Dark spells which could do some massive damage, they either required a catalyst, such as the Eye of Agamotto or the Cloak of Levitation, or he needed time to cast those spells.

The enemy won't wait for him to finish his hand signs.

Thinking about his offensive abilities, Peter's young face came to his mind and the vision of Peter's Spider senses and web-shooters gave him a chilly grin.

"VERONICA, are you in Stark's personal server yet?"

"Yes Master. The back gate you left inside of JARVIS's core programming made it very convenient for me to get inside."

"Hmm, and what about S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"I am sorry Master, but none of S.H.I.E.L.D's core servers are connected to the Internet and hence I could only infiltrate their operational servers."

S.H.I.E.L.D had an arsenal of amazing technology that Charles coveted, they also had many mystical and magical things that they didn't understand but kept anyway.

'Just a matter of time' He thought as he got out of the shower and immediately dried.

"Master, I have made this Black Suit out of synthesized carbon fiber by keeping your taste of clothing in mind. Please wear this"

VERONICA presented Charles a Bullet proof and cut-resistant Suit which surprised Charles a little.

"Good VERONICA. I am happy to receive this gift from you. I am also happy that you were not ideal all this time."

"I am gratified, Master"

After wearing the black suit with a black tie and black shoes, Charles couldn't help but smile while looking at his projection.

"VERONICA, I have a task for you. Find Dr. Henry Hank Pym"




Charles sent a draft for his novel called 'Twilight' to his publisher and completely familiarized himself with his new strength.

He needed to practice even handshake, because if he pinched the other person's hand a little too hard, he might break their palm.


It was the day of the Party and Stark was talking with some of his directors about launching some new smartphone. Pepper was attending the guests when she saw Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff come in.

"Miss Pepper. I see Tony has left you all alone to welcome us." Joked Nick Fury as he came and shook Pepper's hands.

Tony saw Nick Fury entering the Party and came to greet them.

"I see your habit of creating disputes between people is still not gone, Fury." Said Tony as he arrived and shook hands with Phil Coulson.



There was a classic 1966 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 going towards the Party premises, and when the security stopped the vehicle for the inspection of the invitation, they just expressed a pleasant surprise on their faces and eagerly let the vehicle in without even checking for the invitation.

Inside the Mustang, Charles was sitting in his black suit, while wearing Hexagonal spectacles that suited him very well.

Charles arrived at the Stark Gardens and threw his keys to the valet, now although his car could've driven itself to the parking, letting the Valet park while you hand him a $100 bill was more of a tradition and a status symbol.

There was no media since it was happening inside the Stark estate, which was an area of 40 KMs in diameter around Stark's Cliffside Villa, but the people entering the party still took out their phones to discreetly click a picture of Charles.

Someone who is a mystery makes everyone curious, and since Charles rarely made any public appearance outside of Parties of Tony, It made people very curious about him.

Charles however didn't care for this and with his signature smile, entered the open garden party when suddenly his eyes landed on Maria Hill standing with Natasha and a virtual screen opened in his spectacles saying "Target Spotted" While all the known information about Maria Hill also appeared.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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