28.57% Werewolf among the liars / Chapter 2: Alison's funeral

章 2: Alison's funeral

That evening Spencer gets an email 'poor Spencer always after Melissa's boyfriends. Remember if you kiss I tell.'

The field hockey player looks over to Alison's old room and remembers how the blonde once threatened to tell her sister how she kissed Ian.

Meanwhile on Aria's porch Aria and Emily are sitting on the bench.

"Hey, this might sound weird, but somebody left a note in my locker." Emily says when the two girls fell into a silence.

"From A?" Aria asks, receiving a nod positive in response.

"Do you think it's her?" Aria asks.

"Only Alison could've known about this." Emily replies.

"I just started getting used to believing she's really dead." Emily says.

"Yeah. But it sounds like her right? I mean how she used to play with us." Aria says.

"I guess. Should we tell someone?" Emily asks.

"I don't know about you, but I can't." Aria informs her.

"Yeah same. I'm really glad you're back. It feels less lonely now." Emily says with a smile.

Across town Hanna gets arrested for shoplifting and only gets off without a legal repercussion because her mother sleeps with the detective to convince him to drop the charges.

That very same night in the backyard of the DiLorentis house Alison's body is found under the gazebo which just got demolished by the new family moving in, Maya's family.

About half a week later a funeral is held in the local church.

"Hey. Is there some room left?" Aria asks, standing at the front row, next to Hanna, Spencer and Emily.

"Sure." Hanna says and the girls scoot up, making some room for her.

"I still can't believe it." Aria says.

"None of us can." Spencer agrees.

"Hey, Alison's mom asked me to sit here as well." Scott greets the four girls, sitting down next to Aria once they moved further into the row.

"How are you handling this?" Hanna asks Scott.

"Well it's not really a surprise I guess. Just confirms what at least I was suspecting. My mom is taking it harder than me honestly. But then again I wasn't as close to her as you guys were." Scott tells them.

"Is there anything you need?" Scott asks them, searching their faces.

"No, thank you though." Aria says, patting his hand.

Her phone then buzzes and the three other girls look at her worried.

"Anyone we know?" Hanna asks dreadfully.

"Just my mom. Wait Emily and I aren't the only ones who have gotten messages from A are we?" Aria asks.

"Oh my god. It's Jenna." Spencer says when she spots Toby and his blind sister walk into the church.

"Hey, Toby's back." Scott says with a miniscule smile, having been friends with the boy before he was send away for blinding his sister with fireworks.

The funeral is relatively uneventful but once the four girls step outside the detective Hanna's mom is sleeping with approaches them and tells them that he's leading the investigation into Alison's death and wants to talk to them.

"Where is Scott McCall? I believe he also was part of your group, right?" The detective asks.

"Uh, he's still inside I think." Aria answers.

"Ok, well see you soon." He tells them and goes over to the church entrance, waiting for Scott who comes out two minutes later, talking to Toby and Jenna.

"Scott McCall?" The detective asks.

"Yeah. See you around Toby, Jenna." Scott bids farewell to the stepsiblings and goes over to the detective.

"I'm Detective Wilden. I'm handling the murder investigation of the victim." He introduces himself.

"I thought there was an investigation a year ago right?" Scott asks surprised.

"At that time, it was still a missing persons case. Now it's murder." Wilden replies.

"Alright. I will help you however I can. You came to me because I was close with Alison right?" Scott assumes.

"Yes. I will let you know when I need to talk to you." He says.

"Alright. I hope you catch who did this soon. It makes me worry about the others that someone is out there who killed our friend." Scott says, offering a handshake which the detective doesn't accept.

"See you around." The man tells him and gets into his car.

The four girls then get a text each "I'm still here bitches and I know everything. A." They read simultaneously, stunned by the text.

"Hey, you guys OK? Did the detective talk to you as well?" Scott asks, looking at the four frozen girls concerned.

"Yeah. More like ambushed." Spencer says, stuffing away her phone with the others doing the same.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, noticing their weird behavior.

"No, not at all. We're gonna go hang out a bit. See you later." Spencer says, leaving with her three friends and they go to their favorite diner and talk about Alison, Spencer revealing that she knows that Alison was seeing an older guy who had a girlfriend the summer she disappeared, but other than that they knew no secrets of hers while she knew all of theirs.

Hearing tapping from the entry door they look over and see Scott helping Jenna Marshall into the restaurant with her arm wrapped around one of his.

"The place is pretty much the same as back then. Any seat you prefer?" Scott asks.

"No, any are fine." Jenna says.

"OK, how about here right by the entrance. You won't have trouble with walking into something that way." He tells her.

"Thank you Scott. You are as kind as ever. I think I can manage from here." Jenna says.

"OK. Enjoy your meal. I'm gonna head home... I'm glad you get along with Toby after what happened." Scott tells her.

"Oh, it wasn't his fault. He wouldn't hurt me." Jenna tells Scott.

"Alright. Welcome back Jenna." Scott says, squeezing her hand before leaving while waving at the four girls looking at him stupefied from their table.

They quickly leave the diner and huddle together for a second.

"What is she doing back and what is Scott doing with her?" Emily asks.

"I don't know but with her back, what happened... what we did may come to light guys." Aria says concerned.

"We swore we'd never talk about it." Spencer tells her, looking at the back of Scott who is walking down the street.

"What about Scott? I didn't even know he was friends with her." Hanna asks.

"He was best friends with Toby. Remember how distraught he was when he thought Toby blinded his sister." Emily says.

"Right. He must've run into her a lot at Toby's place." Spencer agrees.

"It's late guys, we should get home." Emily says and the others nod in agreement, splitting up and heading home.

The next day Emily is sulking in front of her house when Maya comes over and tries to cheer her up. That Maya can't stay at her place well comes up in their talk just as Emily's mother shows up and she invites Maya to stay with them a couple of days and sleep over in Emily's room.

The two girls agree to it happily and head out to school.

|at school|

"Hi Spencer, we're gonna get some coffee before class, want to join us?" Emily invites her friend, who is standing in front of a field hockey goal with a line of balls and her stick, while Scott is in the goal.

"No thanks, but I only have this time to practice." Spencer answers.

"Aiming for varsity captain?" Emily asks knowingly.

"Yeah. If I can, why shouldn't I?" Spencer replies with a smirk.

"Spence are you gonna shoot today?" Scott asks tossing a ball in her direction lightly.

Spencer shoots a ball full force right at him, Scott taking the hit in his chest, falling over even if he could have caught it with his werewolf senses.

"Good shot." He chuckles with a groan.

"I'm Maya by the way. The new girl in dead girls house." Maya says awkwardly.

"I can't believe I said that." She mumbles as apology.

"I can't believe you said that either." Spencer says upset while Scott jumps back to his feet behind her.

"I only want to get some training done." Scott mumbles, Spencer hitting a ball against his shin.

"Oww. Hey, I know you're doing that intentionally." Scott grunts, rubbing his shin.

"Then just shut up and I won't have to hit you." Spencer tells him victoriously.

"Man, she's intense." Maya says when she and Emily continue on to get some coffee.

"No Spencer, not the face." They hear a frightened voice and look back with a chuckle, seeing Scott shield his face with his backpack, followed by a loud thud.

"Get serious doofus, this isn't for fun." Spencer tells Scott, looking at him expectantly and he puts aside his backpack, giving her a go ahead motion and stops her next shot after putting on a pad.

When class starts Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Aria are all called to the principal office, where the detective questions them about what happened the night Alison disappeared. They tell him the same story they gave in the police report, leaving out that they were drinking underage and also don't mention that they were present when Alison threw the firecracker which blinded Jenna.

The four are sitting together at lunch, trying to figure out what to do and if they should tell the police about what happened with Jenna when they see Jenna get lead to their table by Scott.

"Hey guys, you remember Jenna right. Come on Jenna, here's a chair. You're sitting next to Hanna and I'll sit across from you." Scott says.

"Reminds you of old times huh? This must be Alison's previous seat." Jenna says.

"We're not at the same table." Emily replies.

"You know Alison came to visit me at the hospital after the accident." Jenna says.

"Alison did?" Aria asks surprised.

"Yeah. No one understood who she was. I knew exactly who she was though." Jenna tells them.

"A bitch you mean?" Scott asks in between bites of his sandwich.

"What? We're all thinking it." Scott says when the four girls stare at him.

"Wow, it's so quiet now. You guys used to be the fun table, didn't you?" Jenna says.

The four girls then get a simultaneous text message from A, stating 'if only she could see how guilty you all look.'

"Some kind of party invite?" Scott asks, trying to peer at Spencer's phone but she quickly turns it off.

"No, just a group text." Spencer says, pushing his head back playfully, making the others grin.

"Scott, can I count on you after school?" Jenna asks.

"Uh, I have training... but OK I can skip it I guess, I owe you and Toby that much since I didn't stay in touch." Scott agrees.

"Thank you. I'll go freshen up." She says, getting up and unclasping her stick.

"What are you doing with Jenna?" Hanna bursts out once the blind girl left.

"I'm trying to make her feel welcome. I stopped contact because I was insecure around Toby back then and I feel guilty for it and want to make up for lost time." Scott says before diving into his meal, Swapping stuff out with Spencer, seeing that she got food she doesn't like and trades it with her.

"Thanks." Spencer says quietly, eating her new meal happier than before.

"Don't you like her or something?" Scott asks after a short silence.

"We don't trust her. She makes us uneasy." Emily says.

"Because she's blind? I would've thought you're better than that." Scott says disappointed.

The girls then look at each other for a moment and Hanna and Emily shake their head 'no' as to tell Aria and Spencer not to tell Scott what the real reason is.

"Why does she need your help after school?" Spencer asks him.

"She is blind. And in a new environment. She doesn't know her way around yet." Scott informs her.

"Are you jealous?" Scott asks, only to get pinched on his arm by Spencer.

"Guess not." Scott says, faking being hurt by it, with a saddened expression for a moment, only noticed by Hanna and Emily though.

"Definitely not." Spencer remarks shooting him a cocky grin.

"Well, I'm done. See you around guys." Scott says, getting up with his and Jenna's tray.

"What? We were all wondering what he's doing with her." Spencer asks when she feels Emily's and Hanna's eyes on her.

"That's not why..." Hanna starts to say.

"Nevermind." Emily stops the blonde from addressing Scott's massive crush on the Hasting.

That evening Scott and Toby are in the same restaurant Spencer and her dad are waiting for Melissa and Wren.

"So, how've you been?" Scott asks Toby.

"OK. Thanks for taking care of Jenna today. It really helped." Toby says.

"Well, you're my friend and she's your sister. Of course I'll help her." Scott says, patting his shoulder.

"So, are you still in love with Spencer?" Toby asks, looking at the stoic looking girl attempting to talk to her father.

"Pretty much." Scott sighs.

"I don't see it." Toby says.

"Gee, thanks buddy." Scott chuckles, snipping a fry out of Toby's hand.

"I'm just being honest." Toby says.

"I know. I always liked that about you." Scott says, chewing on a fry himself.

"Who's that with Melissa?" Toby asks, seeing Wren enter with Spencer's sister.

"Her fiancée I think." Scott says, staring after the young man sitting down next to Spencer, looking a bit too friendly for his liking.

"Sorry. I gotta take of something Toby. Let's catch up properly another time." Scott then apologizes and hurries out of the restaurant, hiding his hands in his jacket.

Once outside the restaurant Scott heads to its back alley and falls to his knees, punching the floor beneath, leaving spider cracks all over the floor.

"Hah, hah. I thought I could manage it." Scott curses, leaning his forehead against the floor as well while trying to slow down his pulse, his werewolf features disappearing gradually.

"Damn." Scott sighs, standing up after relaxing a bit.

Later that night Spencer is in the main house when Wren passes by her room with his and Melissa's laundry and sees her craning her neck. He offers her another rub, but she declines and they get to talking about how her family puts pressure to succeed on her, especially during the dinner today.

Meanwhile Scott and Melissa coincidentally arrive in the backyard at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" The older Spencer asks.

"Don't worry. I came to check on your sister not to visit you." Scott says with a smirk.

"Hmpf. Alright, come on in." She says, opening the backyard door and they enter the house, looking for Wren and Spencer respectively.

The two silently make their way upstairs and are almost at Spencer's room when they can see Spencer and Wren kissing through a mirror in the youngest Hasting's room.

"Still want to see that sister of mine?" Melissa asks Scott angry and bitter while pouring herself a drink once the two are downstairs.

"Not really. Can I have one of those?" He asks, holding out his hand and she gives him a drink as well.

"Is there any way we mistook what we saw?" Scott asks quietly after sipping on the drink.

"No. They were kissing." Melissa says, tossing back another glass.

"Slow down. It's dangerous." Scott tells her, putting his hand over her glass to stop her from pouring herself a third drink.

"You know I never understood what you see in my sister. I mean sure she's good looking but other than that, what's so great about Spencer?" Melissa asks bitterly, screwing the top back on the alcohol and putting her glass in the dishwasher.

"I don't know. I'm just crazy about her." Scott replies, downing his drink with a hiss, unused to alcohol.

"Maybe we should give them some payback and do it right here in front of them." Melissa suggests angrily.

"If you want to do that go ahead, but I'm going home. Today has been exhausting enough." Scott says, putting down the glass.

"What do you think I should do?" Melissa asks.

"I can't comment. I'm not objective on this." Scott says moving to the door.

"That's why I'm asking. Obviously, you see more than I do. I saw you flee the restaurant when Wren and I came." Melissa says.

"He likes Spencer and she likes him. Even if this was just some drunken innocent kiss or something. I don't think it will stay at that and the longer you don't do something about it, the closer they'll become." Scott says tiredly.

"Thanks. At least I know why Spencer likes having you around." Melissa thanks him.

"Good target practice?" Scott chuckles.

"No. You're a genuine nice guy." Melissa says.

"I try, but I can get angry like everyone else." Scott says, giving her a small smile and leaves.

That night Spencer awakes to the slamming off a door and looks outside her window, seeing Wren leaving the barn with a box of his things, making Spencer realize that either Melissa found out or he told her about the kiss.

Meanwhile with the others, Aria gets closer to her english teacher, Hanna is trying to get her boyfriend to have sex with her and Emily is mourning because she was in love with Alison.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


