
Chapter 5: I'll Stick With You



Tianmeng's brain stopped when he heard the scorpion, after a few moments he opened his mouth

"But I cant take you with me, your a spirit beast after all, the spirit master will try to kill you and I'm not strong enough to protect you" Tianmeng said

"Well thats not a problem"Bing Bing said as she transformed into a 8 year old girl

"Now that I have taken a human form you shoul take responsibility for this, what is your name?" she said while smiling at Tianmeng

"My name Is Zhu Tianmeng, then lets get along together" Tianmeng said

"You have the same name as that worm, but you are match more stronger, from now on I'll stick with you" Bing Bing said, and Tianmeng just sighed he already got a little phoenix now he have a little scorpion too

"I never believed that a spirit beast can become a human, so you are a 100,000 thousand year old spirit beast?" Tianmeng asked

"Yes I am a 390,000 year old spirit beast" Bing Bing said while puffing her nonexistent breast

"But I already hit my limit, and I need something to evolve my absolute ice spirit essence into True Ice" She said honestly

"And you need me for that?" Tianmeng said

"You wont eat me while I'm sleeping right?" He added

"Idiot! I need your essence energy, and a type of crystal, after that if I can cultivate for 20 years then I will achieve Godhood" She said

"So what crystal do you need, Don't worry as your elder brother I'll definitely do what I can" Tianmeng said, Zhu Yi teached him that he should help his friends wholeheartedly

"What I need is a Million year Old Frozen Heart Crystal, its a stone that can only be seen in places where extreme Ice elements gathers" she said then she suddenly felt something coming from the north

"We should hurry and escape my clansmen are coming here" Bing Bing said and the two of them Quickly ran away

Bing Bing and Tianmeng didnt stop running till the next day after running for 24 hours straight they stopped and took some rest

Tianmeng took out the bag that his mother was saying in the letter, he dripped a little of his blood and injected some of his soul power and what he saw shocked him, there was countless immortal plants and rocks inside, then he took out a deep blue stone, its 12 inches long and 5 inches wide the stone got a strong ice energy inside when Bing Bing saw it her eyes popped out

"Is this the crystal?" Tianmeng asked

"Yes thats it and to have that kind of size it must be a 3 million year old Frozen Heart Crystal" She said, then Tianmeng placed it on her hand and he started to see what else is inside the bag after looking for a while, he scratched his head

"I need a book about plants , I'll tell Xuan Lao about it when I returned" Tianmeng said then he looked at Bing Bing who was Looking at the Crystal in her hands

"You dont want them?" Tianmeng asked

"No... no, I want it but, are you sure your giving it to me?" Bing Bing said, she desperately need this divine item after all

"Ofcourse you said that I should take responsibility because of me you transformed into a human right? So I'm giving this crystal to you" Tianmeng said with a smile, Bing Bing felt warm in her heart when she heard those words, she felt something she cant explain after all she was the one who transformed on her own

"Idiot!" She said then she gave back the crystal to Tianmeng, "store it first when we reached your school give it to me" She added

Just like that the two of them travelled for two days, Bing Bing is wearing some spare clothes that Tianmeng had in his ring, when they reached shrek academy it was almost night, Tianmeng rented 1 hotel room for them to spend the night non dorm members are not allowed to sleep inside the dorm after all, in the morning Tianmeng helped Bing Bing to register in Shrek Academy with the help of Principal Yan, when he tested Bing Bing's spirit Power it was level 35, and she have 1 yellow spirit ring, and 2 purple spirit ring

What surprised principal Yan the most was the fighting essence of Bing Bing it was the Ice Scorpion Emperor a spirit beast who wields the power of absolute ice

He immidiately granted her a special treatment and granted her request to live with Tianmeng

Tianmeng needs to transfer rooms again now the school gave him a small house near the dormitory, the house got 3 rooms, a kitchen,living room and bathroom

Outside is a small pond, the Dorm Manager used to use this house in the past but now he had his own house already in the city so nobody is using the house

Tianmeng and Bing Bing picked up Xiao Tao and they headed to their new house, Xiao Tao is very happy that she had a bigger sister now

Tianmeng is preparing to sleep when he saw the two girls are waiting for him in his bed

"What are you two doing here?" He asked

"I need to get near you remember so I can absorb some of you Ice essence and this little girl wants to sleep together with me so I have no choice but to bring her" Bing Bing said

Tianmeng just sighed then he took out the freezing heart crystal and the GrandMist Cultivation Technique and gave it to Bing Bing

"Absorb it tonight, I'll take care of Xiao Tao, also you can have this too,use it as a cultivation technique may it can help.you further evolve your ice essence" Tianmeng said, after that he lay down beside Xiao Tao and he closed his eyes, he was mentally tired this day

Bing Bing took the crystal and she looked at Tianmeng who was already asleep, then she sat down on the floor and she started to absorb the crystal

It was 12 midnight when Bing Bing woke up and she can feel her Absolute Ice Spirit essence already evolved into True Ice Spirit essence, and all of this is because of this little guy that she met a few days ago

After that she opened the Grand Mist Cultivation Technique and after 4 rotations she successfully memorized it, this technique is so godly she can feel her body and soul improving very rapidly, she looked at Tianmeng and she felt that thing again she already knows that she is attracted to this guy, and she fell already when she didnt treated her as a monster, but he even accepts her for who she is

"I cant believe that I'll fall in love with a kid" she said then she looked at the little girl hugging Tianmeng

"The competition for him will be hard in the future and I dont mind sharing him but I need to establish my dominance so I'm going to mark my territory now" she said as she climbed the bed and hugged Tianmeng too, she dont know about love at all but she is willing to learn it together with him

Early in the morning

Tianmeng sat up and stretched his arms while yawning, this is definitely the best sleep he had in 2 years, then he suddenly felt that someone is hugging his waist while another one is hugging his left leg

Those two are Bing Bing and Xiao Tao, the two of them are still sleeping, Tianmeng wants to get out of the bed but he dont want to wake them up, so he had no choice but to lay down on the bed again

He didnt know that he fell asleep, when he woke up again the two girls are gone

Tianmeng showered and he headed to the kitchen, Bing Bing and Xiao Tong are eating bread and milk already this two are really close to each other and Bing Bing really knows how to take care of Xiao Tong as expected girls are the best when doing baby sitting

When they are eating they talked about what their going to do in the future

"We still have 4 years before the entrance exam start by that time I'll be able to have my 4th spirit ring getting inside the academy will be easy" Tianmeng said

"Then I will come with you too" Bing Bing said

"After two years we can enter the Inner Sanctuary, then I'll introduce you to my family" Tianmeng said, Bing Bing blushed hard when she heard it

"Idiot!" She said and she continued eating

After that Tianmeng started his daily training outide their house

Tianmeng was swinging his sword, after 2 years of training he can free control the freezing power of his sword now, he was busy training when Bing Bing and Xiao Tong came to him

"Were going outside give us some money" Bing Bing said and he remembered that Bing Bing dont have any spare clothes so he gave them a pouch of money, the two left very quickly after they left Tianmeng looked at his wallet, there are still 40,000 gold inside

He sighed and he looked at the bulletin board on the other side of the dorm

Tianmeng was looking for a mission that he can do, after a while he saw three missions that he can do

1st is helping the 1st son of the white tiger clan acquire his first spirit ring, the reward is 100,000 gold coins and a few pills

Requirements: level 30 spirit master

2nd is Body guard mission, guard the gatherer of healing leaves while they are gathering inside Xingdou forest the reward ia 50,000 gold coins and 10 bottles of healing salve

Requirements:level 30 spirit master

3rd is a Extermination Quest, A report about a small group of Evil Spirit Masters are sighted in the Bolt Village,look for them and eliminate them

Rewards are ,300,000 spirit coins and a Thousand Year Old Frozen Yellow Tulip

Requirements level 30 or higher spirit master

Tianmeng picked the extermination quest, Mu Lao said that if I saw one of them I should kill them or they will kill everyone they see

After getting the approval to do the mission he headed back home and told the girls, Bing Bing wanted to come but no one will take care of Xiao Tong so Tianmeng left him there

Bolt Village is the located at the southern part of the edge of Xingdou forest, its a small village thay have 300 residents in it

Tianmeng was 3 kilometers away when he saw a smoke coming from his destination so he doubled his speed

When he came to the village a group of Spirit masters are fighting men wearing black robes

"Hehehehe!!! After I make all of you my puppets, I will eat the kids next!" The man in the middle said then he pointed at the spirit masters and the two beside him attacked

Tianmeng looked at the children who are in the corner, some of them are very scared some just passed out, he saw some corps of kids in the ground too

"Unforgivable" he said as he summoned his sword wothout saying anything he suddenly appeared next to the man and he his first spirit ring lit up

"Thousand Sonic stab" Tianmeng said but the man reacted in a hurry and he used his fighging essence as a shield, then he stepped back and retreated

"Who are you kid?" He said as he looked at Tianmeng then they heard a scream, Tianmeng looked at where it came from it was the three spirit masters two of them are stabbed by the Evil spirit masters and they stopped moving after a while they attacked their only comrade left

Tianmeng was about to help them when he saw the leader of them heading to the kids so he hurriedly blocked him

"You're strong kid, but I will eat you alive" he said

"Sorry but I will end all of you here now" then a red spirit ring came out as the pressure came out the evil spirit master was shocked, he was about to escape with his puppets but he felt his feet wont move then next is his waist until he became frozen solid

"Origin Ice Domain" Tianmeng said, after that he destroyed all the statues and took their head, he gathered the kids and took them all to the nearest village, after that he reported to the teacher

The teacher was surprised when he saw the heads of the evil spirit master and his puppets, this evil spirit master is a 4 ring spirit leader

And with the strength of this man there was no way a 8 year old kid can defeat him, but here was his head frozen solid

He wrote a report about what happened in the village with the helo of Tianmeng's story afyer that he gave him the rewards

Tianmeng returned home, when he arrived he gave the frozen yellow tulip to Bing Bing

"Oh this will help me greatly, where did you get it?" She asked

"From the mission, also some reward money, here take this" Tianmeng said then he gave 100,000 gold coins to her

Bing Bing was happy when she saw the money, after all her clothes are very expensive, all of them are custom made clothes

"I want to take a job too" Bing Bing said, but she was rejected by Tianmeng, as a man this is his responsibility

Every week Tianmeng will take on a mission in the bulletin board most of his missions are about hunting down or investigating some evil spirit master, sometimes he will take bodyguard requests too, in the beginning his clients didnt believe with his strength but as the time passed he became known to all shrek city

4 years later

A handsome young man wearing a black t shirt and white shorts is walking toward the school, beside him is a beautiful young girl with deep green hair and green eyes, she is wearing a simple white blouse and a blue jeans

"What class are we again?" The girl asked

"Its class 1" the boy said then the girl grabbed his arm and said

"Idiot this is the room, where are you looking"the girl said as she dragged the boy inside, inside the room

All of the students looked at them when they entered the room, the two of them sat down at the back, the boy sat down and he placed his head on his table

"Wake me up when the teacher arrived" he said then he fell asleep, the girl beside him took out a pocket book and she started to read, lately shes been addicted to this kind of books

After 15 minutes the teacher arrived

It was a middle aged lady with a scary face, the green haired girl pinched the boy's waist and he suddenly jolted up

"My name is Zhu Yi, and I will be your teacher for a whole school year" She said, everyone was silent inside the room , after that the teacher said to introduce themselves

The class average spirit power is 26 while the lowest is 18,80 percent of the students have a spirit tool spirit essence while the other 20 percent of them have a beast spirit essence

then its the green haired girl's turn everyone was looking forward for her turn to know her name

"My name is Bing Bing, Level 49 Control Spirit Leader, Ice Scorpion Emperor Fighting Essence" She said then she sat down and continued reading, everyone was shocked,the students mouths touched the ground and their eyes popped out

No one cant say anything at all its too much for them, a 12 year old level 49 spirit Leader is too much for them to handle

The highest level before is a boy named Lu Kai a level 31 spirit expert with a fighting essence of Volcanic Eagle King, but now compared to Bing Bing his talent became just normal

Then the boy beside the girl stood up

"My name is Zhu Tian Meng, level 52 Assault and Support Spirit Lord, Fighting essence, Origin Sword Of Ice and A Burger"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


