28.3% Monkey in the Multiverse / Chapter 105: Shadow Slayer

章 105: Shadow Slayer

They were invited to a party at the palace and everyone went. Hiro sat by himself as Zerotwo and Isabella danced together, laughing. Hiro smiled slightly and leaned back, drinking from his glass as he stared at the ceiling.

He sighed and went outside to smoke on the balcony. Zerotwo came out and wrapped her arms around his chest saying "Mmmm, my Dragon Slayer~ Can you come dance with me?" Hiro smiled and said "I thought you were with Isabella?" Zerotwo pouted and said "She ditched me!"

Hiro laughed and took her hand as he said "May I have this dance, your highness?" Zerotwo giggled and said elegantly "You may, my knight~" Hiro smiled and they went inside and danced happily.

The next day

Hiro went back to Magnolia, the city welcomed them and showed them the refurnished guild building! It was the old one but now it was cleaned up! Hiro smiled and walked inside, sighing at the lack of cloud couches.

He began working on the guild from the inside out, making it a truly high tech building, rivaling his own house!

Weeks passed

Hiro worked on the guild and made it a technological marvel! He put everything he could think of inside, enchanting the rooms with space magic and adding everything from a workout room to a spa to an amusement park.

He remodeled the kitchen, replaced the wood with Adam and Eve wood, changed the benches, couches, and chairs to Clouds. Used all the dials at his disposal to decorate, all the different metals he had were also used, he added a gravity room, time room, and introduced the weights enchanted with gravity magic.

He even made a clothing store inside the guild for the members to buy their clothes at. Too many skimpy outfits! All the clothes had the Fairy Tail insignia and the Blue Oni mark, it was the premium material he made on his own.

They provided extra protection as well as comfort and style!

When he was all done, the inside of the guild looked amazing! It was sparkling and brand new, all the facilities were a massive hit! The clothes were also selling out extremely fast, Hiro left shadow clones to make clothes in there.

Makarov melted into a chair and sighed in comfort.

Hiro chuckled and taught Mirajane and Kinana how to use the new kitchen and they got the hang of it pretty quickly. Romeo showed his dad the Fire God Slayer Magic that Hiro taught him, shocking Macao to the core and thanking Hiro profusely.

Hiro threw him into a wall and Wendy, Isabella, and Romeo formed a team before going out on jobs.

Zerotwo went out on a Job as well, leaving Hiro all alone in the Super Fancy Guild that was now Unbreakable.

He laid back against the bar while drinking, finally having time to just relax for a bit.

He decided to open some Mystery Chests, that always makes him relax! He had 24! That was 9 to open! 9!

[Congratulations! You've received Shadow Devil Slayer Magic!]

[Congratulations! You've received Shadow God Slayer Magic!]

[Congratulations! You've received All Shadow Jutsus!]

[Congratulations! You've received Gum-Gum Fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received 20 yr experience token!]

[Congratulations! You've received Merging Tool!]

[Congratulations! You've received Super Soldier Serum Knowledge!]

[Congratulations! You've received Soul Strengthener (1)]

[Congratulations! You've received Ruyi Bang (True Staff of Sun Wukong)]

[God of Shadows Title activated!]

[Shadow Devil Slayer Magic, Shadow God Slayer Magic, Shadow Dragon God Slayer Magic, Shadow Jutsus detected!]

[Merging. . .]

[Congratulations! You've acquired Shadow Slayer Magic!]

[Shadow Slayer Magic: As the God of shadows, you are also the bane of all shadows! Every shadow bends to your will! Everything shadow is to your use.]

[Shadow Dragon Body > Shadow God Body]

Hiro took out the Grimoire and Jutsu scroll before injecting his Mana and Chakra inside, printing everything he learned inside. He threw the Gum-Gum Fruit to Makarov and said "I found this fruit, old man! It tastes great!"

Makarov said "You're finally respecting your elders!" as he bit into the fruit and swallowed before gagging as Hiro fell off his chair laughing. Makarov shouted "YOU DAMN BRAT!" as his arm stretched and grabbed Hiro's neck from across the guild.

Makarov had his mouth open wide and Hiro chuckled "Stupid old man! That fruit turned your body under rubber! Hah!" he bent Makarov's arm every which way and released it, as it shrank back to normal.

Makarov was amazed and started playing with his new rubber body as Hiro got back on his chair and drank by himself. He knocked on his head and said "Shiiiiiit! I forgot!" he disappeared from the guild.

He reappeared behind Natsu and pulled the shadow from a one eyed bird and a demon guy who was eaten before pulling the shadow from the raging fire, revealing it to be Atlas! The dragon uncle!

Hiro pulled a little dying soul and used the soul strengthener on the soul and returned back to the guild, he was so fast nobody even noticed he was there!

He sat down at the bar and seeped a shadow blob onto the counter before stuffing the soul inside of it. The shadow burst into flames and turned into a Chibi Atlas Flame Dragon! Atlas opened his eyes and said "Eh? Where am I?"

Hiro knocked on his head and said "Hey, Uncle Atlas!" Atlas looked at Hiro and said "It's you! The brat who wanted to keep me in the future!" Hiro chuckled and said "I finally got you too!" Atlas looked at himself and said in shock "A shadow body!? Chibi Dragon!?"

Hiro poked him saying "You're pretty cute, Uncle Atlas, Hehe~" Atlas growled "You damn brat!" before biting Hiro's hand. Hiro laughed and said "Relax, when Igneel's son comes back, you can go with him. I saved your life at any rate."

Atlas sat down and sighed "What a life..." Hiro chuckled and drank, playing with Atlas occasionally.

A few days later

The group returned and Hiro congratulated them on un-freezing the Sun village. He gave them a thumbs up and Lucy said in shock "How did you know!?" Hiro smirked "I was there!" he reached under the counter and pulled up Atlas saying "Ta-da!"

Atlas said "Igneel's son!" Natsu said "Uncle Atlas!" Happy said "Chibi Dragon!" Erza hugged Atlas saying "So cute!" Atlas struggled saying "Woman! Unhand me! I'm Atlas Flame! The Hellfire Dragon!" Lucy scratched his stomach and Atlas purred.

Lucy said with a smug grin "Hellfire Dragon huh?" Natsu took Atlas from Erza and said with stars in his eyes "Uncle! How are you alive?!" Atlas coughed and said "It was the brat with the horns." Hiro grinned and waved to the group saying "It was very simple!"

He pulled out a whiteboard and started drawing "So I went to the Sun village when you were unfreezing the place. I took the shadows from the bird and the man inside before the shadow from Atlas. As I took the shadow, Atlas' residual soul was burning itself to unfreeze the village so I collected the rest that was left over before it was snuffed out and strengthened it before putting it in a Shadow body that molded to match his soul and preferences. He's currently a Fire Dragon with a shadow body."

The group's expressions were blank and Hiro pursed his lips before saying "Mystery Magic?" they 'ohhhhh'd' and soon got over it. Hiro rolled his eyes and looked at Lucy, who looked at him and said "You have a wife." Hiro choked and said "You stole my line!"

Lucy pouted "You were looking at me weird!" Hiro smacked her head and said angrily "I'm your teacher! Did you forget!?" Lucy's eyes almost fell out of her head, how could she forget? He only smacked her every day!

Hiro coughed and said "I think, it's time for another training session." Lucy turned white and Hiro chuckled, patting her head with a slightly sad expression as he said "Just kidding." Lucy frowned and said "What's wrong?" Hiro shook his head and said "Nothing."

Lucy pouted and said "Teacher, if you don't tell me..." Hiro sighed and said "Really, it's nothing." he let his hand fall down and swipe against her key ring, his hand flashed and 3 more keys were added to the ring.

Libra, Pisces, and Ophiuchus.

He smiled slightly and Lucy touched her head while frowning as she walked to a table with the rest, thinking about something. Hiro leaned back on the bar and sighed to himself as he drank, wondering how Future Lucy was doing in her own world.

He disappeared and reappeared in the ruins of the council building, he pulled all the shadows from the deceased before returning back to the guild. He left a shadow on Mest since Tenrou Island in preparation for this day. He got all the 9 Council members' shadows. Not a bad deal!

He sat back at the bar and fell asleep.

He was awoken a while later by a knock on the counter.

He jerked up his head up and everybody was looking at him. He looked at Yajima, Evergreen, Freed, and Laxus, who looked sick, his eyes turned red and he said "So the Nine rats crawled out of their holes?"

Makarov was enraged and Hiro took a deep breath before saying "Bring them to the infirmary..." he grabbed the air and took out a Mana potion before pouring them down their throats. He waved and a green light washed over their bodies.

Hiro looked at the group and said "Let them rest." Natsu growled angrily "Hiro, we need to do something!" the rest of the guild chimed in, agreeing. Hiro was silent and watched Laxus and the other 3 going to the infirmary.

He said "Tartaros has 9 Members in total, the one that Laxus killed exploded into Magic barrier particles and killed hundreds in the town they were in. The Magic council is dead from another one. They're hunting down members of the Council, former and current."

Natsu said "Laxus killed one! Good!" Hiro said "Not so fast. The one he killed, killed himself. He has an 'immortal body', he's being restructured at their base. Laxus was too much for him but the rest only get stronger." He stood up and cracked his neck, walking to the stage as he said "Here's the plan."

He looked at the members and said "The enemy is Tartaros and the nine rats that crawled out of their hiding holes. Forget about END, they think they have it but they don't even know what it is. Loki."

Loki materialized and Hiro said "Share the locations of the councils members that you know, were going to split into groups and have the rats run into a trap. Unfortunately Freed is out of commission or we could really set traps."

He sighed and explained "Listen very carefully." everyone paid attention and Hiro continued "Kyoka, a woman with green wings on her head. Enhancement Curse, basically she'll enhance the strength of a target and if they can't handle it, they'll turn into black paper dolls. Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me, but whatever."

He drew a mug shot and showed the group, levitating it in front of them as he continued "Jackal, yellow hair and cat ears. Bomb Curse, he can turn himself as well as other things into bombs. Pretty simple, this is the guy that killed the Council." he hung his mug shot up and went to the next one "Tempest. Looks like a dog, but could also look like a guy with brown skin after restructuring. This is the guy that made Laxus and the rest sick. Calamity Curse, basically he created natural disasters. Cyclones, Lightning, rain, fire, earthquakes, mudslides, etc."

He hung up the drawings and continued along "Keyes, a literal skeleton man. Necromancer, revives the dead and controls them. He can summon several hundred corpses at once but the drawback is that the corpses can only be there for a limited amount of time... usually."

He hung the mug shot and continued "Seilah, a big boobed woman who has a thing for Kyoka. She has black hair and horns on her head, normally insulting Kyoka will get her angry. Macro, absolute control over everything including people and corpses, very dangerous woman. She can also transform into a more demonic state that gives her more power. The transformation is called Demon Eyes, it is unknown if she can transform if you destroy her eyes."

He hung her up and continued "Ezel, octopus guy with blue skin. This guy is really nothing special if I'm being honest. His curse makes it so his arms can be used as swords, he can also throw wind blades that can cut through stone, etc." He shrugged "But I can do that too, so he's calamari." as he cut the air with his palm, a massive wind blade shot into the ceiling, stunning the group.

Someone mumbled "That's because you're a monster..." someone else added "Pretty sure that would have cut me in half..."

Hiro hung up the mug shot and continued on "Torafuzar, he kinda looks like Elfman in lizardman form. His curse is Tenchi Kaimei, what it does is make black water wherever he wants. The black water is poisonous and you'll die within 5 minutes of being inside, he can manipulate the water. Pretty simple stuff, Gray can kill him easily."

He hung up the mug shot and continued again "Franmalth, this guy... he's super ugly." the guild sweat dropped and Hiro continued "Basically his curse is Absorption, he can absorb souls and magic, using it for his own as well as make other people absorb them. He can also stretch his limbs, make spikes, etc. with his body. He can also turn into a mushroom."

He hung up the mug shot and pursed his lips as he draw the next one "Silver... Ice Devil Slayer." he hung the mug shot of Silver up before continuing, seemingly breezing over Silver as he said "These are the Nine Demons of the Hell gate. There's also minor characters, Lamy, Slippery Curse, she can slip and spin on any surface, while she's spinning any projectiles bounce off. She's also jealous of beautiful women and will kill them because of it."

He hung her mug shot and drew once more "The leader of Tartaros, Mard Geer Tartaros, he had a Thorn Curse, which makes him able to control and create Thorns. Another curse that transforms their base into a flying monster, and another curse called Memento Memori." He got serious and added "This curse is the Memory of Death, making who every engulfed in it turn into nothing forever. Again, this isn't killing, but if you're engulfed, you might as well be. You're not alive, you're not dead, just simply erased."

He hung the mug shot and pointed at it adding "He has the book of END in his possession. Like I said, END isn't there, so there's nothing to worry about. In fact, END isn't a threat at all." he looked at the Guild and said "Understand? Engrave these faces in your mind. This isn't a beat them up situation."

He got serious and the papers copied themselves, a stack for each group. Hiro looked at them all saying "This is a kill on sight."

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C105
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


