4.8% Can't see but feel / Chapter 5: Chapter 04

章 5: Chapter 04

It was just another ordinary day for me. Bumped into few people on the way to school. Took the first class sitting at the back of the class and noted everything down. Went to the next class alone. Took the class sitting alone on the last bench and trying to figure out if I had the sense of vision would it be still the same? Or would people actually try to talk to me and be my friends?

I walked out of the class room as the bell for the recess rang. I was walking to the same direction I went yesterday because that was a place to actually relax.

"Noah!" I heard a shrill voice. I exactly knew who it was. I turned around.

"Jessica?" I asked.

"Yes. Noah, please don't take Keith's intentions wrong. He just wanted to be your friend. Please come and sit with us" She said.

"No, it's okay. I just want to be alone right now. I'll join you guys some other day." I requested. I was hoping maybe I could again meet that mystery guy today.

I just followed the path I went yesterday. Thanks to my extraordinary memory I never forget easily.

I sat on the bench and waited for him to arrive. I slid down a little and got comfortable on the bench by resting my head on the back. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of birds chirping and pitter-patter of the water drops. I started humming a tune. It was so relaxing the smell of grass and the wood and the sound of birds and the water. It felt like I was in paradise. I wished that I could see the scenery. How they say the birds fly and how the sky is blue... Blue... A color... Colors that I don't see.

"Ahem" I heard someone clearing his throat. Assuming it would be the same mystery guy, I sat up.

"Well that's new mystery guy." I giggled, referring to the clearing of throat and felt a hand on my hand.

"I was waiting for you." I told him and he stroked my hand.

"Are you an angel from the heaven?" I heard a little laugh which wasn't completely strange. I had heard this laugh before but I didn't know where.

"So the answer is 'no', right?" I asked him and felt his hand brushing the hairs off my face.

"Okay, clap once if you are an angel and if you are not clap twice." I giggled at my own stupid idea but then I heard two claps which made my heart swell with joy that he was going with my foolishness.

"Oh, that's a great way to communicate, if you don't want me to hear your beautiful voice." I giggled and heard a chuckle.

"So... clap your hands if we have crossed paths like other than the meetings we had." I said with a smile. He clapped.

"Cool... where? Oh, right for that you would have to speak." I laughed and sat facing him.

"Clap if I know you."

He clapped his hands.

"Clap if you are in my class."

He didn't clap.

"So, you are not in my class? Okay... Clap if you are a junior?"

He didn't clap again.

"Clap if you are a senior?"

I waited for it but nope. No response.

"Oh okay... Clap if you are a ghost of a kid who died because of bullying in this school." I giggled but he did clap.

"You can't be serious... Are you really?" He clapped again and I scooted away. Thinking about that movie Eva told me about the ghost clapping.

"You are not funny. Stop scaring me."

There was no response.

"Clap if this was all just bullshit to scare the shit out of me?" I said and few seconds later I heard a clap and a little sound as if he was trying to control his laughter. I smacked him not caring where my hand hit him.

"You think you are funny?" I huffed and tried to get up but he pulled me back. I was sat on his lap I could tell that. I felt my cheeks becoming hot and I hung my head, totally flushed. I could feel his face on the back of my neck.

"Sorreh…" he whispered in my ear and shivers ran down my spine. I have heard that accent before. But where???

"I… It's okay. But don't do that again." I stuttered out. He sat me back on the bench.

"You know you really scared the shit out of me. For a second I thought you were serious." I laughed. I heard the bell and groaned.

"I have to go now. By the way I saw you last night in my dream again. Not saw you… but yeah whatever." I said and got up. I could feel he didn't get up.

"Aren't you going to come? Don't you have any class?" I asked trying to find my cane. He grabbed my hand and then I heard some shuffling. He kissed my forehead and then let my hand go.

"So that was a yes or no?" I asked and he handed me my cane.

So that's a 'NO.' okay...

I just kept walking and made my way to my class. I entered the class and sat at the last bench.

He said he was not my senior, not my junior and not even in my class. Who was he? Was he just playing with me? Of course he was. He can't be a ghost. Can he?

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts when the teacher entered the class. I took out my typewriter. And focused on what the teacher was saying.


Two week had passed. I had dreams about the mystery guy like daily. We almost met daily at that secret place of ours. I spent time with Keith and the gang also but when I really had fun was the time that I spent with him.

It was Monday today and I made my way to the old secret place of us. I sat on the bench and waited for him.

"Ahem" I heard him and smiled.

"Hey, buddy." I said and he sat beside me and pulled me closer. I blushed and hide my face in the crook of his neck.

Yeah, we have been like that. He always cuddles me and I feel at home.

"You are my squishy teddy bear even though you are not that squishy." I threw my arm around his torso and put my head on his shoulder.

"You are so cuddle-able." I giggled.

"Okay, I have a serious question for you." I said and felt his hand in my hairs.

"Why do I feel like you are older than me? Like really older." I asked and his hand stopped moving.

"Are you?" I didn't get an answer but just the uneven breaths.

"It's okay, don't be like that. It's not like you are 50 right?" I chuckled. He gently pushed me away.

"Hey, it's okay. You are not 50. I can tell that." I spoke but there was just the sound of his uneven breaths and… the birds.

"Hey..." I tried to reach but he pushed my hand away. I was startled.

"I'm sorry but please don't panic if you are older than me. It doesn't matter." I said with a barely audible voice. I felt his hands on my cheeks as they cupped my face and pulled me in. He kissed me on my forehead and let his lips linger there.

Wait... This is a goodbye gesture. I mean every day when we have to part our way he kisses me like that. Does that mean he is going? But I didn't hear the bell ring...

He pulled me in the hug and tightened it. I felt my body squishing. He kissed me again and then pulled away.

"I'm sorreh. Take care." He whispered in a barely audible voice and this was the first time he said a proper sentence. I could feel that he wasn't sitting on the bench anymore.

"Wait… where are you going? The bell didn't ring yet." But I could tell that he was gone. I sighed. Thought of all things that happened and I didn't understand why he was so scared. Why he left me like that. And what was so important that he had to go? What was so important that he felt the need to speak?

I walked back to my mates in the café and found out that Keith was sitting with his boyfriend so it was Isaac, Jessica, Anna and I.

"Come sit, Noah." I heard Isaac and I sat down. This was the first time I was spending time with them in the recess because I was always with him.

"What are you thinking, Noah?" I heard Anna. They didn't know about it so, I wanted to keep it that way.

"Nothing just this math test we have tomorrow." I lied.

"Oh Noah, at least you should not be worried about it because you are too good at it." Jessica said. I tried to cheer up, giggling.

"Yeah, but test is a test." I shrugged and smiled. We spent the time in the café. I tried to get engage in the conversation but it didn't last long. My mind drifted back to the mystery guy. What was he hiding from me? Why he wasn't speaking at all? Why he is trying to hide his voice? Is it because if I ever heard his voice I'd catch who he is?

My whole day went like that. Thinking about him and why he would just act like that.


The next day I walked into the school even though I really didn't want to go. I wasn't feeling well at all. I wanted to stay in the bed. Too much thinking took a toll on me last night when I went through the worst headache in the history of mankind.

I entered my first class and sat in the back. There weren't much students in the class. I was early as always. I laid my head on the desk and waited for the class to fill in.

The noises got louder as the students entered the class room. Everyone got quiet. I knew it was because the professor was here. He started the lecture and it was boring as usual. Or maybe I wasn't in the mood to study.

I took classes after classes and felt like a robot who was told to do work and it was doing it without all the emotions.

As soon as I heard the recess bell, I quickly grabbed my things and made my way to meet my mystery guy. I sat on the bench and waited for him to arrive. I waited for like 10 minutes but he didn't show up. I decided to wait a little longer but when he didn't show up I became worried.

"What if he is hurt? Or sick?" I mumbled to myself.

"Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Who would like to talk to me for longer than a week? He got bored of me and left." I sighed. I got up to my feet and walked back to the café where my friends were.

"Hey, Noah." I heard Anna. I smiled in return and laid my head on the desk. Maybe he has some important work. I thought.

"What happened to you, Noah?" I heard Isaac's voice and felt his hand on my back. No, I don't want this touch. I want him to touch me and his and only his touch calms me.

"Nothing. I am just tired." I closed my eyes.

"Then go home or you'll get sick." Isaac suggested. I shook my head.

"Alright then skip the next class." I shook my head again. Honestly, I didn't want to speak.

"How did your test go, Noah?" Jessica asked. Great now I have to speak.

"It was easy." I shrugged and sat straight.

"Honestly, Mr. Donavan is my favorite. He really helps you if you struggle." Anna said.

"I like Mr. Cooper. He really helps me in PE." Isaac said.

"Ms. Green is my favorite. Who is your favorite Noah?" Jessica asked.

"Umm... I like all of them but Mr. Brown is very soft and understanding." I told them as they all hummed in agreement.

"He is hot too… and young as well." Anna added, giggling.

"I agree. He is so intimidating. It gets really hard to focus on what he is saying when he is looking hot just standing there doing nothing." Jessica squealed. I shook my head and made a face.

"You haven't seen him that's why you are making a bitch face, Noah." Anna said in an offended tone playfully.

"But he sounds hot too. Haven't you heard his accent, Noah? THE BRADFORD ACCENT!!!" Jessica giggled and both the girls started gushing over Mr. Brown who in my opinion did kind of sound sexy and I wasn’t going to deny that he was the best one out there, kind and generous.

"Excuse me, I don't pay attention to someone's voice or accent too much and especially if that someone is my 'Literature' teacher." I replied.

"But you said he is soft and understanding, there must be something you like about him plus he stares at you all the time." I heard Isaac.

"What I like about him? What part of 'he UNDERSTANDS me' you didn't get?" I air quoted the words.

"Oh man, don't need to get sassy. I get it. It's just he looks at you with heart eyes and sometimes I think it's more than just sympathy." Isaac chirped.

"He never shows sympathy Isaac. He treats me like a normal teen kid and that is what I like most about him. That is why I said he understands me." I huffed in annoyance.

"But then what is it, if it's not sympathy? I can't be the only one who noticed that, am I girls?" Isaac asked and the girls agreed with her, humming.

"Yeah, I have seen him sneaking glances at Noah." I heard Jessica.

"Okay, why are we discussing teachers again?" I asked getting bored of the topic.

"Why are you so edgy today?" Anna asked me and I just looked down.

"I don't know... I just want this day to be over."

"Hey, what's going on? You know you can always share with us like anything." Isaac said and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Isaac but I think I'll just keep this to myself for now." I gave him a smiled and he patted my back in return.

We sat there for couple more minutes before the bell rang and we headed to our class. Keith took a seat beside me as he didn't see me the whole day. His boyfriend Mateo wasn't happy at all but who cared about him. If Keith wants to be my friend Mateo just has to suck it up.

"So, what did you guys talk about in café today?" Keith asked tapping on the table.

"Nothing just the teachers." I groaned remembering that conversation.

"Oh the usual boring stuff right? Like who is your favorite professor and then ending up going crazy over Mr. Brown?" Keith asked in a monotone. I chuckled.

"Yeah. The girls are crazy. Is he really that good looking?" I asked Keith and laughed.

"Man, you are lucky you can't see him, because if you could you would be in love with him like the rest of the school." Keith laughed.

"I don't think falling in love has anything to do with how the person looks." I shrugged.

"Haven't seen him yet that's why you are saying this" Keith said.

"I am pretty sure if I could see I wouldn't be drooling over him like you guys." I shook my head.

"Oh, here he comes." Keith whispered and there was silence.

"By the way he is looking hot today like usual. He looks very hot in black. Well, he looks hot in every color but in black… just extra." Keith whispered and I chuckled.

"And he is looking at you." I smacked him to make him shut up.

"Wait wait... he isn't looking at you, he is gazing at you… like full on heart eyes."

"Keith, stop!" I whispered and shoved him away playfully.

"Alright students, I am in no mood to teach today so I want you all to write down whatever you want to write -your jumbled up thought to clear your head or the review of the movie you watched last night, whatever you like- on the paper and at the end of the class I will collect them from you so, chop-chop" he clapped his hands. All that time he was speaking I couldn't help but notice that his accent was actually hot and his voice was kinda.... Umm sexy?!

"Dude, I bet this guy is eye fucking you." Keith whispered.


"Mr. Brown, idiot." He said. I just shook my head.

“Keith, am I supposed to write on my typewriter? He isn't going to understand it anyway." I asked Keith.

"Uh... maybe you should ask him." Keith whispered and then shouted.

"Mr. Brown, Noah wants to ask a question!"

"Yes?" I heard his soft and soothing voice.

"Mr. Brown, how am I supposed to write in a way you can understand it?" I asked politely. I smelt a scent. The same perfume that-

"Just write it anyway. I will make someone read it for me." He answered. I could tell that he was near me.

"Are you wearing Christian Dior?" I blurted out and then covered my mouth the instant I realized what I asked.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"No, it's alright. Yes, it’s Christian Dior." His tone was as soft, polite and velvety. I loved the way the words rolled off his tongue.

"Umm okay." I said and heard his footsteps fading. It was the same perfume that mystery guy usually wore.

"Dude, what was that?" Keith whisper shouted and laughed.

"I just love that perfume." I shrugged.

The rest of the time went writing -basically typing down- what I wanted to write as he said on the paper. At the end of the class he spoke up.

"Times up, guys!" I heard his caramel laced voice. I had already finished my work like 5 minutes ago so, I just sat there and waited for him to collect my paper.

"Noah, you done?" I heard him and nodded. I handed him my papers. After the class, I seriously couldn't think about anything but his perfume. Not only had he smelled like him, for a moment when I was handing him the paper our hands brushed, he felt like him.

"Come on. I'll drive you home, Noah." I heard Isaac and gave him a nod.

Is there any possibility that Mr. Brown could be the mystery guy?

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


