5.4% A Gamers Guide to Necromancy / Chapter 4: When did my house become a tourist spot for overpowered assholes?

章 4: When did my house become a tourist spot for overpowered assholes?

This is bullshit, complete and utter bullshit.

On one hand I doubt Rias sent him, she doesn't like relying on her family, she's prideful like that, hell I was counting on that to keep Sirzechs away. But that doesn't help me with him just showing up anyway.

Taking a seat opposite him, I use observe on them both to see just how fucked I really am.

Sirzechs Lucifer

The Crimson Haired Prince of Destruction

HP – 40,850

SP – 40,850

MP – 89,250

Race – Devil

Tier – Champion

LVL – 123

STR – 202

END – 215

DEX – 223

INT – 425

WIS – 389

CHA – 287

LCK – 189

Thoughts about you – Intrigued

Affection – 5

Grayfia Lucifuge

The Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation

HP – 40,850

SP – 40,850

MP – 89,250

Race – Devil

Tier – Elite

LVL – 93

STR – 156

END – 159

DEX – 168

INT – 312

WIS – 298

CHA – 225

LCK – 202

Thoughts about you – Annoyance

Affection – -10

Relationship Loyalty - 90

The fuck are Tiers? They weren't there before. No wait, I can think about that later, when I'm not being stared at by two overpowered Devils.

Grayfia already doesn't like me, which is unfair, the fuck did I ever do to her? Is she pissed I turned down Rias?

"Is there something I can help you with?" I ask keeping my face blank. Showing my fear would be a bad move here.

"Show some respect boy, you're speaking to a Great Satan." Grayfia says as her glare intensifies.

-5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Well fuck you too. I wasn't even rude.

"It's fine, Grayfia, he didn't know." Sirzechs waves her off with a smile. Yes I did, but I'm not going to bow at your feet just because you're a Satan.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the Four Great Satans that rules the Underworld, I believe you have met my sister, Rias." Sirzechs starts smiling.

"I know who you are, what I don't know is why you're in my living room." I say, just get to the point, the sooner he does the sooner this conversation can end. Grayfia glares harder but I can ignore her, she's Sirzechs minion, she might have a long leash but she's still collared, she won't do anything without Sirzechs permission.

"I see, you certainly do know quite a lot about us don't you? I suppose your undead friends have had a lot to say. Very well, if you know enough to identify me on sight I'll assume you know that the three factions are at war, even if it's a rather cold one at the moment, as one of the leaders of the Devil Race I make a habit to recruit promising people into our race, to prepare in case the hostilities start again. As both a powerful mage and the host of Boosted Gear you certainly count." he says calmly, unfazed by my blank face, and lack of interest.

"I know about the war, but I have no interest in joining the Devils, so I am afraid you've wasted the trip." I reply immediately. If he thought I'd change my mind just because a Satan showed up he thought wrong, I do not serve. I don't even care about the race, but it'll be a cold day in the underworld before I change my mind... wait is the underworld even hot?

-5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Yay. Frankly Grayfia, you can choke on my dick, I just don't care what you think.

"I can understand your hesitance, changing races is a scary thing, but I can assure you there are only benefits, you wouldn't even have to leave Kuoh, Rias would be more than happy to take you into her Peerage. With your power you'd reach High Class Devil in no time, gaining your own Peerage." Sirzechs continues, unconcerned about my reply.

First of all, this is not about recruiting someone for the sake of the Devil race, he's just trying to get me to join Rias, I suppose that makes sense, Rias's current Peerage would get trashed by Riser, and this is the guy that basically smuggled Issei into the wedding to try and stop it, no matter what excuse he used. Secondly, only benefits? Yeah like serving a spoiled brat, being at war with two other factions, and gaining a weakness to light and holy. Yup, can't see any downsides there. But you know what? I have an idea to call him out on his bullshit, I can lie too asshole.

"Fine, I don't care about my humanity anyway, Sona's already offered me peerage so I'll join her." I reply calmly, Sirzechs doesn't want me to become a Devil, he want's me to join Rias' so me joining Sona would fuck him over completely, I have no intention of actually doing it of course, but he doesn't know that.

-5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

-5 Affection with Sirzechs Lucifer

I shouldn't be satisfied about pissing them both off, but I absolutely am.

You know what? Fuck this, and fuck them, fuck the entire idea of slowing down my growth to not attract attention, I've already go just about everyone's attention, except Heaven, and with my luck they'll come bother me soon enough. So fuck it, fuck it all, I'm gonna power level like fuck until I'm too strong to be pushed around, and if I get more attention I'll just power level even more. You Sirzechs can eat a dick, and so can your pet maid.

He doesn't respond immediately, but I can see him trying to think of a reason for me not to join Sona.

"There, you got what you came for, right? Will that be all? Or would you like to stop lying and get to the point?" I ask, I'm done with playing nice.

"I see, just how much do you actually know?" Sirzechs says reluctantly.

"I know you're trying to get me to fight Rias's battle for her, this is about her engagement isn't it?" I ask calmly, I'm 95% sure this won't end in a fight, so I just need to get through this so I can go and grind.

"You know entirely too much, but yes. Rias will have to fight in a rating game if she wants to get out of the arranged marriage, but as she is now she couldn't hope to win, there is little I wouldn't do for my little sister, even if she doesn't want my help. Since we are being honest there's a few things I'd like to ask you, if you don't mind." Sirzechs says looking almost amused at my knowledge.

"Ask away, I might even answer." I respond.

"Very well, first of all how did you get a Sacred Gear? I had the city searched, and while a few sacred gear hosts were found, you are not one of them, and I am sure that Boosted Gear would not have been missed so easily." he asks.

"I got it through my Necromancy." I say, it's basically the truth, since I used Necromancy to kill Issei.

"Fine, I'll accept that, for now. Who taught you Necromancy? You didn't have magic either less than two months ago, when the city was searched, but now you have a considerable amount of magic by human standards." Sirzechs says, clearly not believing me.

"I'm self taught, it comes naturally to me. I don't know how to explain it, but the spells enter my mind as I sleep. When I wake I just... know things I didn't the night before." I say, not quite honest, but really it's almost the truth, the Game just puts the spells in my mind, but other than that I haven't been taught anything.

"That sounds... unbelievable. But you seem like you're telling the truth? Doesn't it worry you?" he asks frowning, for the first time, it makes sense that he can read me, his CHA stat is far higher than mine after all, I'm fairly certain he didn't call me out on my last answer because he doesn't want to alienate me, even if he killed me it achieves nothing for him, if Rias brought me back after he killed me I'd kill her on the spot, just out of pure spite and then flee into a Dungeon and not leave until I was stupidly high level.

"Not particularly, the more spells I get the stronger I get, so it only benefits me. Besides it's not even just Necromancy, or even just magic that it gives me, lately it's been teaching me how to fight with swords instead. Whatever is doing this has been nothing but beneficial." I say, it's probably a bad idea, but I want him to know just how amazing my potential really is, I am more valuable than any Devil with my limitless potential, I only need time, time and effort.

"And you don't worry about where this knowledge is coming from? Do you think that whatever is giving you this knowledge also gave you the Boosted Gear?" he asks, baffled.

"Of course it did, and no I don't worry, why look a gift horse in the mouth? Before this started I was just a regular human, this is far better." I say, it's a ridiculous excuse about how I got strong but whatever, claiming the knowledge is just appearing is a good excuse as anything and they can't refute it, even if they keep an eye on me, there really isn't anyone training me after all. And since I am not really lying he shouldn't be able to call me out on it, if he wants to know more he can waste his time trying to work out how it's happening, I doubt it'll lead anywhere.

"I see, that seems unwise but lets move on. Last question for now, why won't you join Rias?" he asks seriously.

"Because I do not serve. Not her, not you, not anyone." I reply just as seriously, much like Settra, I do not serve, I rule. Maybe not yet, but one day. It'll be them afraid, cowering at the mere thought of gaining my ire.

-5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Once again, suck my dick Grayfia.

"Rias would treat you well, she'd never treat her Peerage like servants." he replies quickly.

"Exactly, not like servants, just because you treat your servants kindly doesn't make them not servants, though in the case of Peerages I suppose Slave would be a better title. I am no one's slave, I'd die first." I reply coldly.

"Hmm, and if I take that option? People can be resurrected as Devil's after all..." Sirzechs trails off staring at me as he creates a small red sphere of energy in his raised hand, no more mister nice guy huh?

"Even if you kill me, and resurrect me in her Peerage, then what? The moment you took your eyes off me I'd kill her, sure you could kill me again, but Rias would still be very much dead, and you can't resurrect Devil's can you? Even if you had your Queen watch me constantly, I'd just give up during the Rating Game, maybe take a few of her Peerage out with me, just out of pure fucking spite, then what? If you think forcibly resurrecting me would help you in the slightest you're a fucking idiot." I answer coldly, try me asshole, just fucking try me. I will make it my goal in life to ruin you, if he thinks I am not spiteful enough to dedicate second, or third I suppose, life to taking everything he has every loved from him he is very much wrong.

-10 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

-5 Affection with Sirzechs Lucifer

Once more, fuck both of you. Grayfia is a stuck up bitch, and a fucking hypocrite, her precious king is the one intruding in my home, and openly threatening my life, and she's going to act like I am the bad guy? Spoiler alert, you are literally fucking Devils, I'm the fucking good guy ? Should I have immediately bowed and kissed Sirzechs ass? Maybe let myself be enslaved while I was at it? Fuck that, they have no right to be angry.

It's at -40 now, lowest I've seen a girl at. You know what? One day, in the no doubt very distant future, I'm going to make them pay for this, some way, some how, I'll get my own back for this self righteous bullshit.

Quest Added

[Maid to Serve]

Objective: Take Grayfia from Sirzechs, willingly or otherwise

Reward: Grayfia Lucifuge Follower, [Mr Steal Your Girl] Perk

I accept, ignoring the dumb perk name. One day, some how, Grayfia will kneel before me. Of course it's not something I can do easily, and I'd need to be ridiculously strong to avoid being killed in retaliation but still, I won't forget.

"I'd advise you to watch your words, I am still a Great Satan. But I see your point, if the stick won't work then what about the carrot? If you join Rias, and help her win the Rating Game I'll have you immediately promoted to High Class Devil, you'll be able to make your own Peerage, and you'll be free from serving anyone." he offers calmly dismissing the sphere, but I can see the slight anger in his eyes. All Devils have Pride and Arrogance as a racial trait, and they don't like being insulted. Honestly I'm counting on him needing my help for Rias too much, I'm balancing on a tight rope, and every insult is a lit match thrown at it, one of these times I might catch the rope alight, and I don't have a safety net, but they aren't the only prideful ones here are they?

Honestly it's not a bad deal... skipping straight to High Class could be amazing, the Racial Boosts, building my own Peerage. But no, maybe if he had started with that I'd have considered it more, but no deal. I'm not relying on him keeping his word after he just threatened me with the same casual indifference you'd use to discuss the weather. You don't get to be Fucking Lucifer by being nice and friendly, he probably has a fucking ocean of blood on his hands.

Choose your Path

[Part Time Servant]

Accept the offer

Become a Devil in Rias Gremory's Peerage

High Class Promotion if Riser is defeated

Greatly Increased Reputation with Sirzechs Lucifer

Increased Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Massively Increased Affection with Rias Gremory

Greatly Increased Affection with Akeno Himejima

Greatly Increased Affection with Koneko Toujou

Greatly Increased Reputation with Kiba Yuuto

Greatly Increased Reputation with the Occult Research Club

Lowered Reputation with the Heaven Faction

Lowered Reputation with the Grigori

Increased Reputation with the 72 Pillars

[I do not serve]

Time Limit: Goes into effect during the Rating Game between Rias and Riser

Reject the offer

Greatly Reduced Reputation with Sirzechs Lucifer

Massively Reduced Reputation with Grayfia Lucifuge

Greatly Reduced Affection with Rias Gremory

Greatly Reduced Affection with Akeno Himejima

Greatly Reduced Affection with Koneko Toujou

Greatly Reduced Reputation with Kiba Yuuto

Greatly Reduced Reputation with the Occult Research Club

? Quest Line unlocked

If Rias loses the Rating Game, you might be 'dealt' with by Grayfia or Sirzechs


I've made my choice, and at least I have until the Rating Game to prepare for the consequences. The hidden quest line is probably surviving the consequences anyway, I have time to prepare, or flee if the worst should come about.

"As I said, I do not serve." I reply staring dead at him.

"It's a big decision, so I'll give you time to decide, I'll make sure to let you know when the rating game is happening so you can have until then to decide. I'd like it if you didn't mention this to Rias, she doesn't need to know that I was here." Sirzechs says, completely unconcerned about my response, as he gets up. "When you change your mind you simply have to accept Rias's offer to join her Peerage, I'm sure she'll no doubt be hounding you to join anyway." he says as he walks out, followed by Grayfia after she spends a moment glaring at me.

When I change my mind, not if, When.

Fucking Devils.

I need to grind. Opening a dungeon I jump in before my dad comes back downstairs.

- Later -

I didn't actually spend that much time grinding this time, just a couple of hours. I'll do a bigger more serious grind when I'm less mentally tired from dealing with those assholes. I didn't even try my new bone manipulation, I'll work it out when I am less pissed off.

First I got the next two levels for Warrior, just to put me to 20, and get the skills.

[Sword Proficiency (Apprentice)] (Passive)

Gained the knowledge on how use a regular sword with adequate skill

Increases sword damage by 25%

[Mace Proficiency (Novice)] (Passive)

Gained the knowledge on how use a mace with some skill

The sword knowledge is nice, and maybe one day I'll make a bone mace and bludgeon some fool, hey it worked for Sauron.

Then I chose Thief as my new class and got it up to 10, it gives 5 DEX and LCK per level, which are two of my lowest stats anyway.

[Dagger Proficiency (Novice)] (Passive)

Gained the knowledge on how use a Dagger with some skill

[Pickpocket] (Active)

Attempts to steal an item of choice from the target

Success chance is [Thief Class Level + DEX/2 – Target's Dex/2]

[Sneak] (Active)

Attempt to go unnoticed, detection rate is based on Thief Class Level, Movement Speed, Armour Type and Dex.

[Lockpick] (Active)

Attempt to open a locked door.

Success chance is [Thief Class Level + DEX/2 – Lock Difficulty LevelX10]

All nice, but not what I am looking for, I want a way to suppress my magic, even if I've decided to just level my magic and damn the consequences. I don't like the idea of people tracking me by my magic after all. I mostly just farmed the weak as fuck angels with a small number of undead, not the bosses, but that meant that I could afford to spam Drain Life on them to kill them for the stat gains, now that I can take a hit I can take that risk. I got around 17 stat points from it, not the best, but nothing to sneer at either, it was 7 CHA, 4 DEX, 1 STR and 5 LUCK. I've noticed it's usually the lowest stat that gets the boost despite it being supposedly random.

Kuro the Killer

Level – 70

Class – Thief – LVL 10/100 [12%]

Race – Human

Rank – Mortal

Alignment – Neutral Evil

HP – 2860 [286 per minute]

MP – 4100 [420 per 30 seconds]

SP – 2860 [286 per 30 seconds]

STR – 118

END – 143

DEX – 67

INT – 205

WIS – 210

CHA – 32

LCK – 83

Not bad for a couple of hours work, all things considered. Still there's something that was bugging me and I didn't want to take my eyes of the battle, just in case something unexpected happened like a surprise boss out of nowhere, it could happen after all.

What the fuck are Tiers? Earlier there were two new stats on the observe screen, Tiers and Relationship Loyalty. I can work out the Loyalty stat on my own, Grayfia is the only woman I've used observe on who was in a relationship after all. But Tiers is new.

Tiers Tutorial

Stronger beings are classed as being a higher Tier

Higher Tiered Beings get more from their stats than lower tiered ones

Regular – No bonus

Veteran – 2x stats bonus

Elite – 4x stats bonus

Champion – 6x stats bonus

Divine Champion – 10x stats bonus

For Example, Grayfia has 312 INT, and is an elite.

Taking into account the bonus her true INT would be 312x4, or 1248

I hate this world so fucking much. If I'm understanding this right that would make Grayfia 4 times stronger than her stats would imply, and Sirzechs 6 time stronger, and they were already stronger than me. I'm guessing Serafall is also a Champion as well, but she's fine with me, she's not the one who might 'deal' with me if things go badly.

I thought Grayfia had about 100 INT more than me, she has over 1000 more, she's essentially 4 times higher than her actual level, the fuck am I supposed to do about that? Should I flee Kuoh? No even if I did they'd find me, I can't underestimate the resources available to them after all, and I don't know what else is going on in the rest of the world, I could just wander into the Khaos Brigade by accident, especially while I'm apparently just broadcasting my magic everywhere. This could promptly go from pissing off Sirzechs to making enemies with the entire world by accident. If fucking Ophis decides that I have to join her what the fuck can I do about it? I can't even imagine what her stats are like, but I'm going to guess absolutely fucking ridiculous. I'd cease to exist if she blinked in my direction.

And she's at -40, it's classed as Disliked, yeah, I fucking noticed. Fuck it, I'm going to bed. When in doubt, sleep.

I can think about this tomorrow, after a nice nights sleep.

Is what I wanted to do, instead I get the surprise of someone already on my bed. In most cases having a beautiful girl sitting on the edge of your bed waiting for you is something to be overjoyed about, but normally said girls isn't a Devil Queen you just pissed off.

"I was under the impression you left with your master." I say walking into the room and closing my door while I hide my panic behind a blank face as Grayfia looks at me with a... oh fuck, why the fuck does she have a sultry smile, this is all some bullshit and I am not buying whatever she is selling, attractive packaging doesn't hide the poison inside.

"I'd like to apologise, Sirzechs gets... overenthusiastic over Rias, he wouldn't have actually harmed you." she says standing and closing the distance between us, we aren't touching, but she's far closer than is proper, she's full of shit, Sirzechs absolutely would have killed me if he thought it was beneficial and she was the one getting angry not him, I have the affection meter to prove it.

"I doubt that, you don't get to be a Satan by being a nice guy." I respond keeping my face blank, even as her flowery perfume fills my nose.

"True, sometimes people have to do things they don't like for the sake of their positions, but he is a nice guy under that. The negotiations with Azazel have been stressful for him, on top of this Engagement, he's been worked extremely hard lately, and I'm sorry he took it out on you. I'm willing to make it up to you, if you desire." she says sultrily as she places one of her hands on my chest, wasn't Serafall handling the negotiating? It's her job after all, what's she up to, she's obviously full of shit, but I don't get the end game. And I am acutely aware that the hand gently resting on my chest could end my life in the blink of an eye.

"Why are you here, and please cut the act." I respond, moving to pull her hand off, which fails entirely, I am just not strong enough to move her if she doesn't want me to.

"I'm just here to make things up to you, that's all." she says leaning in and practically whispering into my ear as she lowers her hand, it's resting just below my stomach, if she goes any lower she'll be in danger territory, will someone politely tell me what the fuck is going on?

You do realise you are in a Ecchi Harem Anime world right?

Conventional Logic need not apply.

That... actually explains a lot, but not what Grayfia wants. This has to be a trap, I don't see how anything good could come from this.

"I said, cut the act, I'm not buying it. Will you hurry up and tell me what you want already? I want to go to sleep." I say keeping my face blank, unfortunately a certain body part hasn't gotten the message about not reacting, it's going to be problematic if she goes any lower.

She steps closer so out noses are practically touching, I can feel her large breasts pressing against my chest lightly as she stares into my eyes. Unfortunately I can also feel my growing erection pressing against her hip and she can as well, but she says nothing as she stares at me, after almost a minute of eye contact she drops the sultry smile completely, but she doesn't move back.

+5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

"Very well, I'm here to get you to reconsider joining Rias, I can already tell you have no intention of joining her despite the generous offer, but I need you to accept my Kings offer." she says coldly, her sultry tone gone. Some people just can't take a fucking hint.

"And why would I do something like that? Why do you even care so much? I've made me decision clear enough." I ask equally coldly.

"Because you don't know all the facts yet, do you know what will happen if Rias loses her Rating Game?" she asks.

"She'll be forced to marry Riser Phenex, spend the rest of her days popping out little baby Phenex's, what's your point?"

"That's not going to happen, Sirzechs would never allow Riser to marry his beloved little sister, even if Riser wins Sirzechs will use his position to put a stop to the marriage. He'd do anything for Rias, as would I." she replies. Wait, then why the fuck is everyone bothering me? If it's that simple will you all kindly fuck off?

"Favouritism at it's finest, so why are you still bothering me?"

"Because even a Satan has enemies, and Satans are supposed to be impartial, the Old Satan faction would use this to remove him from his position and try and force their own people into it, if he steps down, they will use the position to push for war, if he doesn't they'll start a war themselves, and the Devil race cannot afford another war, certainly not a war amongst ourselves. I will not let that happen when I can be avoided by a single person joining Rias. As my Kings Queen it is my duty to protect him, both physically and from threats like this, even without his approval." she says coldly. 'Without his approval'... meaning he doesn't know she's here? That makes her far more dangerous, I had assumed I was safe as long as she had her leash held by Sirzechs, but if she can slip it like this then I can't count on her not choosing to eliminate me by herself. Has she done this before? Just casually wiped out threats to Sirzechs reign? Or even potential threats?

"I fail to see how a Devil Civil War is my problem? Honestly you all killing each other means there's less of you for me to deal with. Here's an idea, if you don't want to start a war convince Sirzechs not to be so reckless. All you have to sacrifice is Rias's freedom, to avoid a war, that's just simple maths." I reply, really though why would I give a fuck?

"Make no mistake, I love Rias, she might not be related by blood but she is my beloved little sister as well, and if it wasn't for the consequences I would end Riser for even thinking of touching her, I will not allow her to marry that spoiled child. No matter what. And you are right, a war between devils would not effect you, but if you can stop it, and chose not too out of selfishness, I will kill you." she says trailing her hand up to my throat, her slender fingers gently brush against my throat without tightening, but I certainly get the message. "This is a unusual situation, normally I'd eliminate the threat and be done with it, but killing you would defeat the point, at least before the rating game, so this can't be solved so easily, unfortunately." she mutters, more to herself than to me.

I'm feeling pretty fucking fortunate right now.

"I think we have established how well I respond to the stick already." I reply not showing any fear hopefully, they are very good at reading me due to the CHA stat difference, so she is probably reading me like a open book. After a moment she steps back, and I hate the disappointment I feel as her breasts stop pressing themselves against my chest.

"True, even if you aren't as calm as you pretend, but shall we move on to the carrot?" she asks calmly.

"No, you can move one to the getting out."

"You should listen at the very least." she says sitting back on the edge of my bed.

"I really shouldn't, I vaguely remember something about not making deals with Devils, so if you would kindly show yourself out, that would be wonderful." I reply. As I do she rearranges her legs crossing them, the long dress blocks the view, but it still draws my eyes, a fact that draws a small smirk to her face when I look back up, she uncrosses them, and the hand she has placed on her knee moves back, pulling the dress up with it, exposing her long legs to just below the knee, if it went any higher I'd have an almost clear view to her privates, great I'm getting blue balled again, love it. With great difficulty I drag my eyes to meet her own.

"Listening costs nothing but your time, you have nothing to lose but a bit of sleep." she says calmly, ignoring her exposed legs.

"I like sleep, it's one of my favourite things, leave." I reply, I need her gone, because if I'm honest she hits too many fetishes for me to be comfortable. A Sexy Married Maid, with a amazing body is far harder to turn down than Sona or Tsubaki.

"Please, just listen, if you want to decline afterwards I will leave, at least until I come back to end you should the worst happen." she says as she pulls her skirt back just enough for me to get a hint of black lace beneath her uniform. I hate that my eyes locked onto it immediately, and I hate how easily she talks about killing me.

"I'd really rather not, if it's all the same, can you get off my bed, I kinda need it. Don't you have a husband/king to be getting back to?" I ask trying to hide my lust, failing in the process.

She stares at me before she rises from the bed, for a moment I think my torment is over, and she's finally taken the hint, but it's not to be. With careful manoeuvring she lifts the back of her dress so I can't see anything from my position and reaches back lowering her black lace panties, I see them drop to her ankles as she steps out of them and sits back down.

"Are you sure you'd like me to leave? Not many men would be upset to have me in their beds." she asks with the same sultry smile from earlier, it's just as fake this time as well.

"Not many men have been threatened with death by both yourself and your husband, so yes I am sure." I say, as I do she repeats her earlier gesture raising her dress again stopping just short.

"Sirzechs will never hear of this, for both our sakes, and I won't hurt you until after the rating game, there's no danger. Does it not excite you? To have the Satan's Wife in your bed? I know it does, I can see it easily enough... you need only agree to listen, and I'll show you what only one other man has seen." she says giving her dress the slightest tug, it falling back into place faster than I can look down. I want to check something, Observe.

Grayfia Lucifuge

The Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation

Thoughts about you – Annoyance, Begrudging Respect, Shame

Affection – -35

Relationship Loyalty - 85

Her Relationship Loyalty has dropped slightly, she wasn't kidding about Sirzechs not knowing about this, but it's still high.

"Why are you doing this?" I blurt out, before cursing myself in my head.

"Because I need you to listen, desperately. There's little I can do to force you to listen, so I must work with what I have. I am my Kings Queen and Maid first, his Wife Second." she replies. "Please, just listen, that's all I ask."

I can't help but get a boost of pride and happiness as this overpowered monster begs for my attention, it feels far too good. The fact that she could kill me somehow makes it better, she could squash me like an ant, and she is the one begging.

Choose your Path

[Thanks, but no thanks]

Refuse, sending her away

Greatly Reduced Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Relationship with Grayfia Lucifuge is permanently locked out

Trait [Asexual] Gained

[Show me the goods]

Listen to Grayfia, while she gives you a show

Increased Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Increased Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

Trait [Likes to Watch]

[tits or gtfo]

It's a good offer, but it's just not enough

Decreased Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Greatly Increased Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

Reduced Relationship Loyalty for Grayfia Lucifuge

Trait [Dominant] Gained

Obedience Tutorial

Getting girls to like you is great, but sometimes a firmer hand is required

When this is the case, you can increase the girls Obedience separately from Affection

A girl with High Obedience can be made to obey with low, or even negative Affection

I do not want to be asexual, absolutely not. And honestly Likes to Watch sounds like a path to NTR, and that's a dark and scary road. I hate the idea of sharing, and that's one really slippery slope, I've already seen that the traits will affect my mind, and that's not good for me, first it'll be my (non-existent) girlfriend and another girl I'm watching, then the next thing I now it'll be some ugly fat bastard from those NTR doujins, I am no cuck, I cannot allow that to happen. As ridiculous as it sounds tits or gtfo is the safest. You know the world's stopped making sense when ordering someone who could end you to strip naked is the smart thing to do.

"There's one small problem with that." I say calmly, far calmer than I feel.

"Then tell me what it is and I will rectify it immediately." she says seriously. This is it, possibly the last action of my life if common sense applies to this nonsensical world, you know at this point death would almost be a release from this shithole. I grab a chair from my desk and place it in front of her and sit on it.

"I'm more of a breast and ass guy, lose the uniform and anything under it and I'll listen to whatever you have to say." I say sounding oddly confident, I sure as fuck don't feel confident. I see her eyes widen as her smile drops and we simply stare at each other for what seems like an eon, before she suddenly stands her hands rising and undoing the buttons on her corset, it doesn't take her long to get it off. She's deliberately trying to not do this sexily, just fast and mechanical but that works for me. With the blue corset thing removed her hands go to the bottom of the white top before she hesitates.

"You are either extremely brave, or mad. And I am not sure which it is." she says before she pulls the top over her head in one swift movement, revealing her large breasts trapped in a black lace bra.

-5 Relationship with Grayfia Lucifuge

+10 Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

-5 Relationship Loyalty with Grayfia Lucifuge

"The first rule of negotiating is never let the other side know you are desperate, they'll just drain you of everything if they know you can't refuse." I respond coldly as I lean back and enjoy the view.

"True, unfortunately." she replies as she reaches around and undoes her bra, once she pulls the straps over her arms she holds it in place for a moment before letting it drop to the floor, her breasts only dropping slightly despite their size as the pink nipples stand proudly on display. "That will be enough I think, Will you listen now?"

"You thought wrong, lose the skirt."

"Is this not enough? Many men would kill for the view you have now..." she trails off, raising her hands she lifts both her breasts slightly and lets them drop, I watch as they bounce.

"I am not those men, I said the uniform, not the top." I say not budging an inch, if I took this ridiculous risk I want to see it all.

"You are mad, not brave. All this, just to listen to me?" she asks, despite that she does nothing to cover her breasts as I stare at them.

"There's no risk here, after all you won't be telling Sirzechs about this, and you need me alive for now. This isn't madness, it's carefully thought out decisions. Besides, you are desperate, and we've just discussed the downsides of showing desperation."

"Maybe you aren't mad, but you're still far too presumptuous." she replies sneering slightly.

"Am I? You came here, to another man's bedroom, entirely of your own free will, this was your decision, you're the one who started this, not me. But I'll be kind and give you some choices." I respond, I'm 99% sure that there is no threat here, she's relying on me for the Rating Game too much to kill me, of course afterwards I'm going to need to be very strong to avoid the punishment once I am not needed, but I can do that, I'm sick of being pushed around and threatened, I'm the fucking protagonist of this game, I don't take orders from some NPC's.

"What would those be?" she asks mistrustfully.

"One, you finish stripping for me. Two, you put your panties back on, but you lose the skirt and spend the rest of this conversation sitting on my lap. Three, you can keep the skirt on, but I get to play with your breasts for the rest of the conversation. Four, you keep the skirt but you kneel and kiss my feet for a few minutes. And finally, Five. You fuck off and I go to sleep." I respond, I like having power over her, all her terrifying might, and where has it gotten her? Standing with her tits out in front of someone she straight up dislikes.

-5 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

+5 Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

She says nothing as she stares me down for a moment, but I hold the power here, she needs me, and I don't need her. If this does go wrong I am almost 100% certain that she'll at least wait until after the Rating Game to attack me, and I will grind to Level 400 if I need to, that would put me on a equal level to her ridiculous stat bonus. Wait, is the plot still sped up? If so Riser might not give Rias a chance to prepare like he did in Canon, shit, I need to speed up my grinding to match. Undead usually have a weakness to fire and Riser is a Fire User, and a good one, despite being a arrogant ass.

- X – X – X – X – X -

This was ridiculous, she's the Strongest Queen, and this human, this arrogant mage is ordering her around? A single spell from her and he would be gone, and she'd feel a lot better for it.

But that wasn't an option was it? She needed him alive, and in Rias's Peerage, killing him would just ruin things completely. Rias would never accept help from Sirzechs, or her by association, this arrogant human was the best option available. Rias would never have to know that she'd pushed Kuro to join her, or at least she wouldn't find out until after this damnable Rating Game was over.

So she can't just kill the fool staring at her bare breasts, as satisfying as it would be.

Though she was more convinced than ever of the importance of recruiting this boy, she hadn't missed how he had somehow grown even stronger in the couple of hours he was gone, or the fact that he vanished from the spot just after they left the room, she was watching after all, and she couldn't sense any magic in the room after he was gone, but wherever he went, he came back stronger, it was a small increase but it was still there, he'd even grown slightly more attractive as baffling as it was.

Even the way he moved had changed, he was more graceful than before, that normally took training, but he'd done it in a matter of hours. If he could do this in a couple of hours what could he do in days? Weeks? How strong would he get if he was a devil? Azazel had asked far too many questions about him during the negotiations, it was only a matter of time until the perverted fallen came sniffing around, and as much as she didn't want to admit it, Azazel was very good at recruiting promising people.

So here she was, The Silver Haired Queen on Annihilation, stripping for a man who wasn't her husband.

It's for Rias, it's for the sake of the Devil Race. She just kept repeating that mantra in her head, this could prevent a war and the Devil's cannot survive another Civil War, they hadn't even recovered from the last one. Any weakness would be jumped on my Azazel and Michael, the Devils might be the strongest at the moment, but that won't last long if the Old Satan Faction got their way, the short sighted fools.

He was right, showing desperation was a mistake, it gave him far too much to work with. And a Devil Civil War wouldn't be his problem, it'd be hers, the Old Satan Faction hate her after all, whether they would be strong enough to beat her didn't matter, they'd go for her family, and Millicas was just a child, but that wouldn't stop them from going for him, the son of a traitor and one of the hated Satans. He'd be at the top of the list of targets if war broke out, if for no other reason than to hurt her and Sirzechs.

Out of the five... 'choices' he kindly gave her with that self satisfied smirk, which she'd love to blast of his face, five was out completely. If she left all this would have been for nothing. And four was out, she couldn't bring herself to do it, she still had some pride, and kneeling before a human and kissing his feet was too much. All the choices were too much, but that one was a step too far.

But the other options weren't much better, and they were all a betrayal of her marriage, a betrayal of Sirzechs. Not that being half naked in front of Kuro wasn't already. But desperate times require sacrifices. Kuro wasn't going to accept Sirzechs offer, she could see that immediately, the moment Sirzechs tried threatening him Kuro had changed slightly, she could see it in his eyes. He was just as prideful as any devil, threats won't work on someone like that, if anything they ruined any chance of the offer being accepted, it was a wrong move she could see that the moment it happened. If only the Old Satan Faction weren't such fools, or Riser could take no for an answer, she wouldn't be in this position.

But the underworld was far more unstable than anyone wanted to admit, a single wrong move could start a chain reaction, leading to a war. Something as stupid as a spoiled arrogant Phenex not getting to marry the girl he wants could lead to a war, that could end the Devil race, if the other factions acted on it. The world would be a simpler place if she could just end Riser for his arrogance and move on with her life.

She would be thankful he was giving her time to think, if he wasn't staring at her breasts the entire time, her 'options' were take of her skirt, and show her most private place to him, sit in his lap, or let him touch her breasts. None of them were particularly appealing. Despite the fact that she was the one to remove her underwear she never actually intended to let him see up her skirt, simply tease him with the idea of seeing up it, only Sirzechs had ever seen there, and she didn't want to change that.

Sitting in his lap was just as unappealing, a glance down showed his erection was pushing up against his trousers, even with her underwear back on it would be pressing against her privates, in the privacy of her mind she could even admit that he was an impressive size, even restrained. Letting him rub his covered erection against her, as she was sure he would, would be worse than just letting him see her fully naked.

But to let him molest her, just to get him to listen... was it really worth it? How far was she going to be forced to go? How far was she willing to go? As humiliating as it was to admit it, the answer was very far indeed. She'd already gotten the details from Serafall (who had a bad habit of spying on her Sona, but at least it paid off this time) about her sister's attempts, he cares little for wealth, and he can get power by himself, as shameful as it was, she had only one thing left to offer. She could see it in his eyes during the meeting, the barely hidden lust, she was entirely too used to it from the male devils already.

This wasn't even the worst part, after all, once she got him to finally listen she still has to convince him to actually join Rias.

Briefly she had a traitorous though cursing the fact the Sirzechs was such a sis-con, before she banished it.

Just get through this, Rias won't have to marry Riser, Sirzechs won't risk his position, The Old Satan Faction won't get anything to use to start a war. The Devil Race gets to keep it's position as the strongest faction.

And all she had to do was give up her pride.

- X – X – X – X – X -

"Very well, I will allow you to... touch me while we talk." Grayfia said reluctantly. I was hoping she'd chose this, her tits are magnificent after all.

"Excellent, lay on the bed then." I order as I stand up.

"You can touch me while we are standing just as easily." she responded glaring lightly, walking towards her I place my hands on her bare shoulders and push her gently back, I couldn't move her if she really resisted of course but she falls back despite that, this is what power feels like, having someone so strong submissively obeying me. I can't push her too far, not yet, but it's still wonderful. Moving her back I make her lay on her back with her head on my pillow, and kneel over her, my legs on either side of hers as she closes them. Looking down at her I place one hand at the side of her head as my other reaches for my prize.

"I could, but this is better, now talk." I say as I finally wrap my place my hand on her soft breast, groping it gently as I rub my thumb over her firm nipple, this I Sirzechs wife, beneath me. Fuck you Sirzechs, think you can threaten me? This is just the start, I'm going to take her, your precious sister, hell I'll fine a way to get your milf of a mother as well. Then I'll run to some other world, I can do that right? This world was called the starter world so I can just flee eventually.

"Very well, I want you to understand the consequences of a devil civil war, you do realise that the other factions would take advantage of it? That it could start the next great war? I assure you, it will affect you as well." she says remarkably calmly despite the molestation going on.

"I fail to see how the three factions killing each other hurts me? Hell I can use it to gather more corpses for my necromancy, why should I give a damn?" I ask as I sit on her legs so I can use both hands on her breasts groping them both happily, this makes today worth it, getting blue balled by Sona, getting threatened by Sirzechs, it's worth it just so I can play with these fun bags, this is the first time I've actually gotten to touch real breasts, unless I was breast fed, which I don't remember.

Issei may have had a point.

"The last war affected far more than the three races, everyone with any power worth while was hunted, either to be recruited or simply to be eliminated, you'd never have a moments rest, at the very least you'd have to leave Kuoh, as it's devil territory and would be a possible battleground, it's unrealistic for you to simply sit it out, even if you tried you'd be hunted regardless. Your own life would be far less troublesome if the ceasefire remains in tact." she says calmly, that... is possibly a good point, if she's telling the truth, I don't feel like being hunted, it would be just annoying, even if I was strong they'd see me as a threat. Ugh, this is such a pain in the ass, out of spite I pull on her nipples, getting a slight glare from her.

"So I should become a slave instead? Let some spoiled brat boss me around?" I ask going back to groping.

"No, you wouldn't be a slave, or a servant. You'd be a mercenary. Joining her for a single fight in exchange for an instant promotion to High Class Devil, and from there you would have an easy life, just a mercenary, nothing more." she replies convincingly. A mercenary? That's a lot more appealing than a servant, and she isn't wrong, not completely.

"You're leaving out the fact that joining the devils comes with problems, the Fallen and Angels, for one. The Phenex clan and the Old Satan faction as well, I'd be making enemies just by joining, I've heard about the Phenex's arrogance, this Riser would have a grudge if I interrupted his engagement. And the Old Satan faction don't like reincarnated devils even when they aren't interfering in devil politics." I say, there's something hilarious about having a serious conversation while I'm groping her.

"True, but you have already impressed Azazel by sparing his underlings, he won't give you trouble, and you'll have a Satan on your side, two in fact as you have impressed Serafall as well, Heaven won't attack you, Michael wants to keep the peace, since Heaven is the weakest faction at the moment. With Sirzechs and Serafall supporting you, there will be no consequences from the Phenex's, at least not for you."

"Fair enough, I can't imagine any reason Sirzechs would be unhappy with me at all." I say as I lean down and wrap my lips around one of her nipples.

"He won't be, he trusts me enough to not check on my comings and goings, he won't find out, this will remain between us, that's all." she says, I'm honestly impressed with how professional she can stay with someone sucking on her hardened nipple. Moving my head back to speak I return my hand to her chest, pinching her nipple slightly.

"High Class Devil is of little interest to me, I can get my own servants anyway, without becoming a Devil and getting dragged into your politics, it's just not worth it." I say, truthfully at that, I'd like the stat boosts, but I don't want to get dragged into all that nonsense for it.

"And the fact that I'll kill you if the war starts?" she asks glaring at me lightly. Back to threats? I thought we established how little I care.

"I can get very strong, very fast. And if it starts I'm going to get the fuck out of here, you won't be able to spend the time searching for me with a war going on, by the time you can start searching it'll be too late. And stop the glaring, it'd be a lot more scary if you weren't on your back letting me grope you." I taunt, she won't be able to find me if I hide in a dungeon for the whole war, and I'd be able to train like crazy in the process.

"You are only doing this because I am letting you, remember that. But you have a point, fine what do you want? What will it take to get you to fight Riser Phenex?" she asks.

Choose your path

[No Deal]

Send Grayfia away, despite having groped her for so long

Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge locked to Hostile

Reputation with Sirzechs Lucifer locked to Hated

The Great War Begins again, you can't avoid getting involved.

Grayfia is out for your life, if you beat her, Sirzechs will hunt you

[An offer she can't refuse]

Agree, with some conditions...

Greatly Increased Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

Increased Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Reduced Relationship Loyalty for Grayfia Lucifuge

Slave Route – Grayfia is unlocked

Grayfia Lucifuge Corruption is unlocked

Regular Opportunities to train Grayfia

You have to defeat Riser Phenex or you will be hunted by Grayfia

Depending on the outcome of the Rating Game the following future events can be unlocked

Tsundere Love – Ravel Phenex

A favour for a favour – Venelana Gremory

Her Beloved – Rias Gremory

A Fair Trade – Lord Phenex

Well I can't exactly chose No Deal, a war I can't avoid and two op devils hunting me before I am ready? That's just bad news.

But agreeing only seems to have benefits, giving up my humanity for sex would be a mistake, but this is the opportunity to make Grayfia, the ridiculously strong Queen mine, it'd be dangerous and slow but it's possible, at least according to the Game, and it hasn't steered me wrong, getting Grayfia as a trained slave is the ultimate revenge for the threats from Sirzechs.

Besides, Ravel? Rias? Venelana? That's a lot of potential targets I can make progress with, and if I can get them high enough I can get rewards from the game for it. Oh, and I can get laid, but the rewards are the important part. And a trade with Lord Phenex? Interesting.

"You, I want you." I respond calmly, my face inches from her.

"...be more precise, what exactly would I have to do?" she asks defeatedly

"The night before the rating game, come back here. For that night, you are mine. The morning after I'll join Rias for the Rating Game. Then I want you to come back, once a week, for the 9 weeks. That's my price, ten nights with you."

"...may I have some time to think about it?" she asks after a moment. That's fine, the Game has already said she will accept. Meta knowledge for the win.

Choose your path


Increased Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge


Decreased Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge

Increased Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

[In exchange for a small favour...]

Increased Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

Reduced Relationship Loyalty for Grayfia Lucifuge

"Sure, if you do me one tiny little favour first." I say, Obedience is the most important stat to grind with her.

"I should have seen that coming, fine what is it?" she asks rolling her eyes at me.

Smirking I lower my mouth to hers, my tongue entering her mouth. Her eyes widen but she doesn't put up a fight, she doesn't respond as my tongue plunders her mouth, but she doesn't stop me either, after a good couple of minutes of defiling her mouth while I grope her naked chest I pull back getting off her completely and climbing off the bed.

+5 Obedience with Grayfia Lucifuge

-5 Relationship Loyalty with Grayfia Lucifuge

"There, now you can have some time, remember, if you agree come back the night before the Rating Game. But for now, leave." I say, she climbs off her bed herself and starts putting her clothes back on in silence, as she does I grab her panties from their place on the ground and put them in my pocket calmly.

"I'm keeping these, as a trophy of the time the great Grayfia Lucifuge was in my bed." I say as she glares at me lightly, I have no reason to fear her, not after all this.

Grayfia Lucifuge Obedience Check Req Obe lowered by [Desperate] Trait.

Grayfia Lucifuge Obedience Check Passed (Req Obe = 10, Obe = 15)

"As you wish, after all this something like that is nothing." she says as she finishes dressing. The first check I actually got to see? Nice, it's good to know what the hell is going on in the background.

"I shall leave you to your sleep, I will inform you of my decision before the Rating Game occurs." she says, all business.

"I'm sure you will, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to masturbate with your underwear, have a nice night." I say smirking at her shocked face, but she says nothing, leaving quickly as I start to undo my trousers. Sometimes being a dick is the best thing to do, or at least the most amusing. Still... I am ridiculously hard... pulling her panties back out I look at them for a moment, before deciding fuck it, why not?

- Next Day -

I've never been the most... perceptive in the mornings. But even I can notice when I wake up in a different room than the one I went to sleep in, my bedroom is a typical teens room, small. Has a bed, some drawers and a desk. So why the fuck am I in some high class Victorian mansions bedroom? As comfortable as this king sized bed is, it sure as fuck isn't where I went to sleep. More baffling is that all of my clothes are in the drawers and all my things are still around the room, my school books are on the far larger desk, and my bag is on the floor next to a wardrobe.

Looking out of the window as I summon a living armour just in case just adds to my confusion, this is definitely my street. I'm in the right place, but not the right house? What kind off fuckery is this? Did someone build a mansion around me as I slept? No, that's stupid, what kind of mad bastard would do something like this?

Heading downstairs, only getting lost twice, I find my... guest in the living room happily some tea being served by a familiar face.

"Good Morning Kuro! It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Azazel, and I've been wanting to speak to you since you helped my stupid underlings stay alive. Come in, it's your house after all." Azazel says cheerfully as Mittelt stands next to him in a revealing French maid outfit.

Charisma Check Failed

"Fuck it, I'm going back to bed, wake me up when things make sense again."

- Bonus Scene – Consequences -

"I wouldn't have made you do it, you know that." Sona started, trying to get Tsubaki to look at her, getting the cold shoulder in return. "I just wanted to test what kind of man he was, that's all."

"And if he had said yes? Then what? Would you have tried offering a favour like you did when you wimped out of your bet?" Tsubaki finally replied glaring lightly at her King.

"Or course, I'd never make you do something you didn't want to."

"And what if he'd decided he didn't want a favour, if he demanded I go down on him? I haven't even had my first kiss yet and you're offering me up to close a deal. Should I prepare myself for the next time you have a deal go wrong? Shall I tell the rest of the peerage to get ready to whore themselves out to make contracts for you?" Tsubaki angrily replied.

"No, of course not. And I am stronger than him, he couldn't demand anything from me, or my Peerage. I'll never make any of you do anything like that, you have my word. I'll make this up to you, I promise you Tsubaki." Sona said calmly.

"You had better, you're lucky I haven't told the others anything. Do you still plan on recruiting him?" Tsubaki asked calming slightly.

"I had hoped to, but he's attracting a lot of attention, unfortunately he might get grabbed by someone far bigger before long. I had my chance and I failed."

"Shame, he would have been a great addition. If for no other reason than because watching you blush around him is far too amusing." Tsubaki replied smirking slightly as Sona blushed a light red.

"I'm quite sure I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Every time he's been brought up since that meeting you have blushed, lightly but it's there. And the rest of us thought you didn't care about romance..."

"I don't, and I'm sure you are seeing things. I simply think it's a smart decision to... ensure we have good relations with such a promising mage."

"Sure, maybe you can play chess again, and when he wins again, you can use paying a forfeit as an excuse to spend some time with him... don't worry, I'm sure he doesn't mind that you have small breasts." Tsubaki teased, crossing her arms under her large breasts pushing them up.

And thus started the Kuoh legend that if you went near the student council room late at night you could hear the frustrated scream of a flat chested ghost.

- Bonus Scene – More Consequences (Written by Zweig) -


Kokabiel, Cadre of Grigori sneered at the miserable excuse of a Fallen called Dohnaseek as he stammered out his excuses for why his mission to gather Sacred Gears for him failed.

Not that it mattered, he had not intended for the four of them to survive anyway. In fact, looking at the rat he was almost tempted to end him simply because their being captured had resulted in Kokabiel being under observation by Azazel.

Of course, he could easily circumvent those measures but it was still somewhat bothersome.

He listened with some boredom at the description of the Necromancy using Sacred Gear user. Well, if nothing else fighting a bunch of Undead should be amusing once he started his plan to kill the two Heiresses.

"I see. Despite your disappointing performance I still have some plans which you can assist with. For now I will send you with Freed to quietly eliminate some of the Exorcists moving in Asia. That way any reinforcements will be delayed when my plans start.

I´m also giving you this."

Kokabiel threw almost carelessly a small vial containing a writhing Snake. He had received this living Drug as a Gift from a member of a new Group called the Khaos Brigade.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to take ANYTHING which he didn´t know the side-effects about. Using Dohnaseek as a Lab-rat would suffice.

"If you ever encounter an enemy to strong for you then consume this snake and your power will multiply by a large amount. Now go and do your duty to me."

"Yes, Milord!"

Kokabiel watched with boredom as the weak fool scampered out of the room.

It was simply disgraceful to what the Fallen had been reduced. Sure, the Leaders had survived the Great War but almost all their front-line soldiers had been slaughtered by their enemies.

What was left were the weak who had been responsible for their supply-lines, those who fell in response to Gods death and a bunch of experienced soldiers who barely managed to fend off the almost yearly attacks from stupid arrogant Devils.

If the Fallen were not the most fertile of the three Factions they would have been wiped out decades ago. Thankfully between their fertility and the Exorcists they hired it allowed the Grigori to shakily stay at second rank of the Factions, barely above the Angels.

Honestly, if Kokabiel still had any sort of empathy towards his fellow Fallen then he might have continued to restrain from causing another War but he had lived so long that he simply couldn't bring himself to care any more about anything except going out in a giant blaze of glory which would never be forgotten by the Survivors.

A battle between him and two Satans should do the deed.

In the Darkness of his room Kokabiel smirked.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


