71.42% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 65: Tournament Preselection and Tong'er's Mother

章 65: Tournament Preselection and Tong'er's Mother

The tournament is just a few short months away and it was time to select who will be participating in it.

For this Xiao Long decided to set up a tournament. 

The place of this tournament is at the mountainside, south of the mountain, not far from the main Sect Grounds.

The Young Master pulled his ladies to watch this, well more like Cang Yue since it's related to her, but since he invited her his wife wanted to see it as well, followed by others…

This ended up with the majority of his harem watching this, except for maids who had things to do.

"They are so young…" Cang Yue quickly noticed that the ones who are going to be fighting will be between 13-15 years old.

Never before has someone this young attended the Blue Wind Ranking tournament.

"I think this is fine, the tournament participant's regular cultivation is late [Spirit Profound]. This bunch here is just around that level."

Xiao Long said to his Princess. Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue both hugged his arms. Such passive aggressiveness is just cute. 

"I suppose, but some of them are already [Earth Profound] while so young…" 

She was right some of them were 13 years old but they were already [Earth Profound]. This was because their parents would get an Earth Profound awakening pill. 

Though some of the things are changing in the Sect. When this place was called Xiao Clan the starting age of cultivation was age 12. 

This was because elders didn't want their children to cripple themselves as before that age profound veins were still maturing.

But now this was not an issue as their Medical Hall is one of the most advanced in the whole Continent if not the whole Star.

So they can start cultivating any time they want. Heavy grounds, or more precisely Gravity Grounds built on the east side of the mountain, made [Elementary Profound] something akin to a single week of work.

[Nascent Profound] could be easily crossed in just three weeks of cultivation, this is without any pills.

[True Profound] was no different. 5 weeks is enough to pass it.

Though Xiao Long has no idea how truthful this information is as elders briefed him on this. 

He has no idea if this is something they told him with their bias not being involved as they base this on their descendant performances.

"Husband, any of your relatives who will be participating in this?"

Xia Qingyue asked him as she looked at her fellow Sect members on the ground. One of the elders is giving a short lecture on rules. 

"Most likely. Grandfather has been showering his descendants quite a bit, as far as I know, he is giving away half of his contributions points to his sons who then spread them out."


"He is in a good mood isn't he?" Cang Yue said with an understanding look. She has been giving her resources to her father as well.

"Most likely, after all, everyone is either a late Overlord or Monarch by this point."

'People finally grasp that their lifespans went from around 100 years to 2000 and above thanks to cultivation and medicine. I am not even including de-ageing pills.'

"And you don't get anything?" His wife asked him with a curious look.

"As if I need anything." He said with an eye roll.

"But still at least in a symbolic sense."

He snorted hearing that, she just wants to flaunt her husband around his family, so classic!

Especially how big his family is!

"Relax, we are here to watch who will win and then participate in the Blue Wind Tournament."

Xia Qingyue nodded at his words and proceeded to relax and watch.

Soon after the sparring started.

Since the tournament is one-on-one the whole selection tournament will be like that.

Before long the fights have started. The girls quickly noticed the art everyone is using has Xiao Long's hands all over them.

Wind, fire, some of them even had prototype-based artefacts and array casters.

Some kids even pulled out barrier wall casters, their uses are new so it was hard to fight against these walls, because of this ex-Xiao Sect members got quickly removed from the tournament. As they tried to use old-style Xiao Sect arts.

'Xiao Sect's spirit is slowly dying, soon it will be just a distant memory.'

Xiao Long thought about it as he saw those arts being used. The thing was that the advanced arts are based on these arts.

So they are useless as they are outdated. 

"Those were Xiao Sect arts? Was the user ex-Xiao Sect?" Cang Yue asked him as she saw this as well.

"Maybe…I don't remember everyone's face." He said with a shrug.


After a short tournament a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old have won. Both were kids in their early [Earth Profound] both were members of Artefact Hall and their weapons were artefacts and not regular weapons.

Just to double check Xiao Long asked Cang Yue if artefacts are allowed to be used in the tournament, and according to her, they can use them.

As Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress used their explosives which are considered artefact-like items. As long as you enter the ring with that item you can use it.

So after realising how loose some of the rules are the Young Master didn't bother.

He decided to spend some time and train these two in some barrier-like arts and give basic foci items which will allow them to cast barrier walls and arrays.

By the time this is done, the two brats will dominate the whole tournament.

'Let's make it so that after this tournament artefacts will be banned from the Blue Wind Tournament.'


With a burst of flames, the cocoon shattered and Feng Xue'er landed on the ground.

She looked around for a few moments and inspected her cultivation, her cultivation went from middle stages Throne to middle stages Overlord.

Though what took the most was the assimilation of the two missing parts.

However, some panic settled in as she was away for an extended amount of time!

This was not the plan!

As she was about to fly off a small girl arrived to check her out.

"Big sis Xue'er! You finished with your cocoon?" The little girl went over to her side, her eyes glittering with happiness seeing the Princess out of her cocoon.

"Yes. Xian'er, did anything happen when I was away?"

"Hmm, not much, Young Master acquired another trial, and is now preparing for the Blue Wind Tournament. Oh, and several things got upgraded, hmm, did you be around when Frozen Cloud was added?" The girl tried to recall if Princess was around when Frozen Cloud was integrated.

"...Umm…I see…so a lot did happen. I need to see Young Master!" Feng Xue'er proceeded to float, and Feng Xian'er did the same, it was the perfect opportunity for her to see Xiao Long!

The pair proceeded to fly towards Xiao Island.

Feng Xue'er could see quite a bit has changed, the Sect grounds have spread out and there is less free land. Most of the empty lands are in the north of the Island.  The Floating Cloud Sect has fully assimilated the mountain and its surroundings in the West and East. 

As she landed at the manor she could sense how everyone was either Late [Tyrant Profound] or Early [Sovereign Profound].

A few steps later she was inside and proceeded to look around.

"Xue'er you finally back." 

"Big sis Qingyue!" 

The Phoenix Princess swiftly rushed over and hugged the more mature beauty.

"You have grown stronger. How are you feeling?" Lady Xiao asked the Phoenix Princess.

"Un! Xue'er is fine! Mmm, where is Young Master? I wish to apologise for being away for so long!"

"He is training two sect members who will be participating in the Blue Wind Tournament for the Blue Wind Imperial family."

"Oh? Can we see it?" She asked curiously. 

"Very well."

Xia Qingyue said as she looked at the little girl who was there as well.

The girl from Feng Clan, Lady Xiao, still feels threatened by this girl. Maybe because of how similar they are? They know what they want and will work to get it.

"Follow me."

The trio left the manor and flew over to the East side of the island.

The way the other two islands are connected is to the West is Feng Island and to the North West is the Frozen Cloud, this means the East is the most empty as it is used as major training grounds.

When the trio arrived there they saw Xiao Long giving a lecture not to two people but to at least twenty!

The moment they arrived at the lecture stopped.

"... oh Xue'er you finally back."

"Yes, Xue'er apologises for being away—"

"It's fine, let me finish this then we can talk."


Sure enough, the trio decided to listen to this lecture. 

"This is why you should use both hands. Use one hand to cast a wall, the foci should be on your dominant one, use this to project a text." Behind Xiao Long was a barrier wall with pictures.

It was something similar to a proper lecture hall only it was purely outside.

"But, Young Master, such casting would be extremely slow."

One of the Students said while raising his hand.

"Yes, this is where these techniques will come to play."

He opened his storage space and a few scrolls flew out. 

"Xiao Deng and Xiao Ming will be studying these first, once they get the hang of it the rest can read it as well."

As Young Master said that he made the scrolls fly over to the pair of sect members who will be participating in the tournament.

"These arts are assistance arts for arrays casting. In other words, it simplifies the process—"

After explaining the new profound art, he then went on to explain how to use basic barrier walls and arrays in a fight to box in and pin down an opponent.

In other words, an array master is like a crowd-control fighter.

With a few extra tools, one would overpower and pin down pretty much anyone. The new art which is based on the mental partition is even better, as one can fight while mentally preparing another array to be cast.

This was the general issue of array masters as it takes time to cast.

But with higher cultivation, purer souls these things make mental faculties far greater, this art was the last drop needed to make Array Master proper combat worthy.

After the lecture was over the trio walked over to Xiao Long's side.

Feng Xue'er quickly did a proper bow.

"As Xue'er said before, apologies Young Master."

"It's fine, don't worry, it was a natural occurrence as it was only a matter of time before you returned to your metamorphosis."

She nodded at his words before smiling at him.

"Now why don't we get you up to speed?" He suggested as the Young Master realised that the Phoenix Princess is behind even more so than his Golden Goddess was.

"Yes, Xue'er is feeling a little bit lost."

The rest of the day Xiao Long spends with the trio, as they walk around the Sect showing new stuff which is constantly being added.

~~~~~~Few Days Later~~~~~~

"AND done!!!" Xing Tong exclaimed loudly as she just finished filling up the reincarnation wheel with energy.

Since she was doing this actively the speed was around twice as fast.

"Congratulations on your hard work. So who is the first one you want to bring back?"

The Young Master asked her.

"Mother…brother can wait."

The redhead kitten said with a small frown, with Qianye Ying'er around, she doesn't want her brother once again to be reduced to the small drooling mess for that blonde.

As with Mother, maybe she could reel him in.


"Very well, do you have anything related to her?"

Xing Tong nodded and opened her Space storage and pulled out a simple hair ornament.

"Something my mother left behind for me." As the crimson-haired girl said that she handed over the ornament to him.

"Should be good enough." 

He placed the ornament above the wheel before proceeding to use it.

With a burst of light, the wheel got activated and Xiao Long was pulled into the same starry realm, he could feel only a single road ahead of him.

Which to his belief means he is on the right trial.

Without wasting any more time he proceeded to flow forward.

A few short seconds later he saw in front of him a woman with crimson hair, a mature version of Xing Tong. Though the issue was her cultivation was radiating. 

This was different from the time when he pulled Heavenly Slaughter Star God.

That thing had no cultivation to speak of. Which he believes is related to the fact that all of the Star God cultivation was given to the artefact.

This is why Xiao Long felt that this would be difficult to do.

'I suppose I can shave her cultivation away.'

As he got closer, the mirror of samsara manifested in front of him. Several mirror walls appeared surrounding him. 

The Young Master proceeded to use her higher cultivation to give her a body upon reincarnation. This way she won't need to grow up again which is a very possible situation.


After a burst of light settled down, Xing Tong's eyes widened as some tears appeared in her eyes.


Like a missile, the girl slammed into a recently reincarnated woman.



"What with those ears?"


"Regardless, what happened? Where are we? And what happened to my cultivation?"

Sure enough, questions started to pour out of her lips. Xing Tong quickly pulled her aside as she proceeded to explain everything.

In the meantime, Xiao Long recalled his Wheel of Reincarnation. 

"It worked! unbelievable!" Qianye Ying'er witnessed the whole thing as her eyes glittered with happiness. This means her mother can be brought back to life as well!

"In a way, believe it or not, this was harder than getting Star God's Godly essence."

"How so?"



Qianye Ying'er scanned Xing Tong's mother, she realised that the woman from the Star God Realm was a mere Monarch.

"So you stripped her cultivation?"

"No, I used her cultivation to fuel the creation of a proper body."

As he said that he summoned his Profound Arts window and checked how much this reincarnation gave him exp.

[Samsara Arts: Wheel of Reincarnation] (1/10) {62.90%}

'Whelp… this will take a while… so the whole sequence regardless of what I do will give me 31.45%'

"Oh, I see…wait! What will happen if they don't have cultivation?"

"I guess that I will bring a soul back? Without a body, or I could just reincarnate into another body." 

For a second she grimaced but then nodded at him.

"This is fine, as far as I remembered my mother was a [Divine Master]."

The blonde said after thinking for a while.

"Then how did she die? For a [Divine Master] to be killed, aren't they peak existence in the Realm of Gods?" Xiao Long asked her, this was the time for Qianye Ying'er to lose whatever wool she had over her eyes regarding her father.

"Father said that she was assassinated."

"A [Divine Master] assassinated? Especially for someone who was related to the Brahma Emperor? I don't know, I don't think your father would lay it down so easily. Won't it destroy the pride of the Strongest Star Realm in the Eastern Divine Region?" 

The more Qianye Ying'er thought about this the more she started to feel that this was fishy in some way.

"I mean she is a Brahma Monarch Emperor. Such a thing would show that he is not strong enough to protect his own woman." 

"...Yes, I agree."


She nodded at his words before getting serious.

"This means that we need to bring her back as quickly as possible, I want to know what happened."


"I guess. It will take around several months of energy charging."

Xiao Long said with a tired sigh. With Xing Tong's mother, he spent the majority of his time designing the artefact for bloodline manipulation which was added to the Bloodline Forge.

Now he will need to spend another several months doing something similar.

"Don't worry~~~ Ying'er promises it will be worth it~" 

The blonde smiled, she was suggesting something naughty.

He is well aware the blonde was just like Chu Yuechan, she wants a kid to prove something with it.

"I am sure. Now why don't we leave this place for today."



Xing Tong's tale is hard to believe how crazy it is, but here she was, alive once again in some small Mortal Star, her daughter was Star God, not any Star God but Heavenly Slaughter Star God, and then her son is dead. 

Caizhi could be sacrificed to some crazy ritual…

"Mother, I am so happy you are alive now." 

"...Tong'er you do realise that you are very deep in this mess? From your tale, I understood that you sold yourself completely just to bring me back to life. It was foolish of you."

The Star Princess stiffed, hard. 

"How are you planning to get out of this situation?"

"...I am not? I can't allow that blonde bimbo to get close to him. If she does then it's quite certain she will rule the whole Primal Chaos."

The older woman slowly nodded. What Xing Tong said is true to some extent, this Xiao Long is exceptionally powerful and dangerous!

To bring someone back to life is not an easy feat, it was unheard of!

"Then what is your plan? How will you stop Brahma Monarch Goddess from becoming his wife?"

"...Eh…I am…thinking about it?"

"So you have no idea?"

"For the past two nearly three months I have charged the Wheel of Reincarnation to bring you back! I had no time to think!" Xing Tong said with red cheeks.

"Then you should target the same thing that Qianye Ying'er is doing. Star God Princess status is the same as Brahma Monarch Princess, both of you are Crown Princesses of the Royal Star Realm."

"...M-Mother— you can't be serious!!!"


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