
章 23: Chapter 23:

The next day Lin Tian started his plan of making money, after the class is over he has some time to explore outside of the college before his study time with Master.

Looking around the market Lin Tian start checking the available items that is used in daily life such as food, sanitary products, clothes etc. what he found is the development of the items in the city is pretty skewed, there are actually many high grade product sold such as perfume, jewels, noble clothes but the way they're made is not the same as on earth.

The reason why these items become a high quality is because the material they used is made from Spirit beast. there are actually almost no high quality items made from some cheap and basic items but made with high crafting skills.

some basic things such as soap and perfume are actually created by directly extracting nectar and flowers from plant type spirit beast instead of using normal flower, herbs and mixing it to create soap and perfume.

Next is food, the food is actually pretty delicious here because of the existing Spiritual power in this world causing even normal cow and chicken meat to be the comparable to a high grade meat on earth. but the cooking process is too simple because unlike on earth where internet is available and most people can just learn how to cook from chefs everywhere, in Douluo continent skills such as cooking and crafting items are considered to be a inheritance and only be taught to their disciples or family which is why it's development is so slow.

after checking everything Lin Tian decided to dabble on two things to make money, first is Food because using his strong memories he almost remember everything that he watched on the internet from the earth and this include many cooking guide that he watched from many famous chefs. in Lin Tian's previous life even though he's not a chef he can be considered to be a pretty good cook because he live alone and he spend most of his free time to cook good food, The second thing he aim to develop is some items such as soap and perfume.

the reason for the second one is because there are almost no one who are able to make them using normal flowers and herbs which is cheap in price, these things are considered to be a high class goods which can be sold for a high price which of course he wouldn't miss such low cost and high sale goods.

But before he can started his plan he must have some connection to start his business, after all he is currently in the college and can't exactly stay all the time to manage his business. Ater done checing the market Lin Tian directly go back to the college and look for Xiao Chenyu.

with his connection in Notting city it should be pretty easy for him to introduce some famous restaurant in Notting city, when Lin Tian ask Chenyu about this he directly told about several famous restaurant in Notting city which each has different perk on itself.

Looking at the list available Lin Tian finally decide to visit one of the restaurant named 'Heaven taste restaurant', this restaurant is considered to be pretty new in Notting city. what make Lin Tian decide to try this restaurant is because the owner actually has connection with a Spirit Hunting team that hunt Spirit beast for the restaurant ingredients and it is said that the owner is a woman that have a pretty mild personality which might be easier for him to discuss things.

"Xiao Chenyu can you take me to this restaurant tommorow?"

"You can leave it to me boss everything will be prepared and you'll just have to sit back and relax."

Seeing his attitude Lin Tian smile and nodded then return to the dormitory area to prepare for Master's lesson today.


The next day in front of the Notting college there's a luxurious carriage waiting for Lin Tian and Xiao Chenyu

"Boss, please this carriage is prepared for you."

Lin Tian nodded get on the carriage with Xiao Chenyu, on the way Lin Tian decide to ask Xiao Chenyu more about the owner of the 'Heaven Taste Restaurant'.

"Boss it is said that the owner is previously one of the member of the Spirit hunting team, she decide to make a restaurant with the money she have gathered and use her connection with the team to get Spirit beast meat which is the reason why her restaurant became famous pretty fast."

While listening to Xiao Chenyu talking the carriage finally arrive at the restaurant, after both of them get off from the carriage the servant directly greet them.

"Young master Chenyu we're pleased for your visit." the servant bow with a professional smile on his face.

"Boss please." Xiao Chenyu let Lin Tian go first which cause the servant to look at Lin Tian differently, Xiao Chenyu is pretty famous in Notting city and someone who can be his boss is definitely not a normal person.

The servant didn't dare to neglect them and guide them to a private room. Lin Tian start to order some of the restaurant famous Spirit Beast meat which cost a total of 150 gold for 3 type of food, of course Xiao Chenyu directly paid for it instead of letting Lin Tian pay he is a noble and have more than enough money to spend.

When the food is coming Lin Tian didn't directly look at the food but look at the way the food is served by the waitresses, The waitress are trained well which can be seen from the way they walk and put food on the tables. Then he look at the food on the table, the aroma of the food is indeed enticing but the food presentation is really lacking because almost all of them is the same color which is brown cooked meat without any herb or vegetables making the food look a bit dull.

Lin Tian and Xiao Chenyu eat the food pretty fast because even though it look not very good the taste is indeed top quality, it's a no wonder the restaurant become famous very fast because of this dishes. After testing all the food Lin Tian ask the waitress to call for the restaurant owner.

hearing this the waitress become a bit nervous because whenever a costumer ask for the owner this usually mean there's a problem with their food and wanted to complain, without any further the waitress go to the owner and explain everything.

After a while a woman on her thirties come to the private room while smiling, "hello sir, I am the owner of this restaurant Mei ling. i heard sir are looking for me? is there anything wrong with our food?"

"Indeed i am looking for you, and no the food doesn't have any problem and it is delicious."

"if so why-"

"The reason why i called you is because this dishes is not up to standard for a high class restaurant." Lin Tian said while smilling.

hearing this the owner frowned her brows but didn't directly get angry at Lin Tian. while the waitress on the side become surprised while covering her mouth after hearing Lin Tian's word, and Xiao Chenyu directly become stunned hearing his boss.

Seeing the owner's reaction Lin Tian nodded with approval because a manager need to be calm and not to be influenced by her emotion. "Of course i'm not here to badmouth about your food but instead to make a deal."

"I can teach your chef on how to make a real high class food and make your restaurant become the best in Notting city. but in exchange you'll have to share the ownership of this restaurant with me."

If a normal restaurant owner seeing a six years old kid saying this they'll definitely kick him out from the restaurant directly, but Mei Ling didn't because her woman sense told her that that this kid is not lying and he might bring a huge change to her restaurant. which is why she decide to give the kid a chance first instead of directly kicking him out.

"Could sir please show me how you make a high class food?" Mei Ling answered.

Hearing this Lin Tian smile because she has already taken the bait, "Of course, but i will have to borrow your kitchen then."

Lin Tian directly lead by Mei Ling to the kitchen meeting the complain from the head cook about not letting stranger enter the kitchen but after persuaded by her the cook finally let Lin Tian use the kitchen.

In order to show his skills Lin Tian decide to create one of the meat dishes he just ate but with his own way, the meat he cook using various spices and herbs while also using the meat sauce on some vegetables making the food become colorful and have enticing aroma.

finishing the food with decoration he finally served the food in front of the head cook and Mei Ling. Seeing Lin Tian's food she was surprised because of how beautiful it look even though the material they used is the same as the head cook.

"Have a bite." Lin Tian said while giving chopstick to Mei Ling and the head cook.

Without further ado they take a bite of the cooked meat, "delicious! this is the best food i've ever eat!" the head cook directly screaming on top of his lungs on how good the food's taste is, compared to a modern cook they technique the head cook used for making food is simply nothing at all.

while Mei Ling close her eyes enjoying the mixture of the charred meat with various spice and herbs Lin Tian directly asked, "So would you like to accept my offer?"

"It will be a pleasure for Mei Ling to work with Young Master." Mei Ling answer with a smile.

And so the start of one of the most famous restaurant in the whole Douluo continent start from the small town of Notting city.

kardel_Master kardel_Master

Been Tired with work for these few days, might have to reduce to 2 chapter for next week if I'm too busy. sorry in advance

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


