
Need to talk

Ding dong

Ling Qin rang the doorbell of Blakes house once he got there.

A few seconds later Ling Qin heard footsteps before he saw the door being opened the next second.

"Hey Qinqin your here" aunt Kristy enthusiastically greeted .

"Aunty" Ling Qin called out

"Oh come in quickly" she said ushering him in

"Aunty here" Ling Qin stretched out his hand that was holding a basket containing some fruits. Earlier as he was about to reach he realised that he did not bring anything with him so he made sure that he was completely out of site from any prying eyes before he took out a basket of fruits from the space.

"Ah you didn't have to bring anything. Why you acting like we're strangers, bringing gifts with you when you visit huh?! With our relationship there is no need for such"Aunt kristy chided him lightly

"Of course I know that . It's just that my dad brought this back with him from a farm he visited a few days ago for work and seeing how delicious they were I wanted to bring some for aunty."

"Oh...aren't you just a sweet little fella" she said squeezing Ling Qin's cheeks and ushering him into the house. Once he was inside she closed the door and headed towards the kitchen. She placed the basket on the Kitchen counter before she turned to face him. "I heard from Blake that you guys are moving soon ?" She asked him .

"Ya my mom got a job in S city so We are moving there" Ling Qin responded

"Well that's too bad" she sighed "but don't worry I'll bring Blake to come visit you often.  And you best come visit too" she said seeing that he was down, she rubbed his head and continued "Hey don't be sad so what if you move that doesn't mean we won't see each other again ."

"Ya you're right" Ling Qin gave her a small smile

"Ok you head on up Blake should be waiting for you in his room. I'll call you guys down when its dinner time"

"Ok" Ling Qin responded as he headed upstairs


"Im back" Emilia called out as she entered. She arrived home thirty minutes after Ling Qin left to head over to Blake's house.

After putting down the box of things she brought back from work with her as well as taking off her shoes and placing her bag down She headed upstairs. 

Once there Emilia heard a sound from Ling Qin's bedroom so she headed there. Standing at the door and looking in Emilia could immediately see Ling Xiao sitting among a pile of clothes and packing  them in the suitcase.

"Hey" Emilia greeted him while giving him a hug from behind.

"Hi" Ling Xiao greeted her reaching for her hand

"Where's Qinqin?" Emilia asked.

Knowing her son, he wouldn't leave his work for others to do.

"He went over to Blake's house for a sleepover.  Figured he would want to spend some time with his friend before we move." Ling Xiao responded bringing her to sit in front of him.

"Oh that's probably a good idea.He should spend more time with his friend."Emilia was silent for a little while before she raised her head and asked Ling Xiao

"Do you think I made the right decision, You know forcing us to move so suddenly."

" I think you did make the right decision" Ling Xiao said quickly reassuring her.

"Ya,I mean , Its not like you want to break Ling Qin and his friends apart but sometimes people have got to make difficult decisions which they may not like but is still something they need to do faced with certain circumstances and what you did was making a hard decision that would be beneficial to the growth of us all as a family so i don't think you made the wrong decision."

Hm Emilia smiled

"Now come help me with these clothes" Ling Xiao said picking up some clothes and throwing them at her lightly.

"Ok ok" Emilia laughed and began sorting out the clothes with him.

It took Ling Xiao and Emilia three hours to have everything that needed to be packed, packed.

"Ah finaly were done" Ling Xiao fell back on the couch with his arms spread out

"Well we could have been done earlier if you hadn't been fooling around" Emilia said throwing a pillow at him

"Haha" Ling Xiao caught the pillow and then quickly stood up and pulled Emilia down onto the couch as well.

Emilia :"Ah " She screamed

"Well who made you so beautiful" he said giving her a little kiss on her cheek.

"Ok ok ah that's enough for today. And let me get up"she said hitting his arms that were wrapped around her waist " I'm starving I wanna go cook."

"Nah let's just get takeout today. You're tired enough I cant have you cooking as well." Ling Xiao replied picking up his phone to open the takeout app. "So what do you want?" he said looking at her

"Mhm pizza!" Emilia responded.

"You want pizza" he asked

"Yeah what we can't get it?"She looked up at him pleadingly. Being looked at so softly and pitifully all thoughts of rejection were flushed right out.

"Ok pizza it is then" he gave her a quick kiss before he quickly retreated and placed the order.

"Well the pizza place is not too far from here so it should be here in a while in the mean time what should we do.

?" Ling Xiao asked her

"I heard from Courteney that there is new drama out. Let's check it out then" Emilia suggested .

She stood up and quickly fetched the remote before she returned to sit in Ling Xiao's arms .Turning it on and putting on the drama, Emilia placed the remote on the side and snuggled into his arms.

Ling Xiao looked at the woman in his arms and his eyes couldn't help but soften. This was his wife. The women he was going to protect and love his entire life. 'This time I'm gonna make sure you live' Ling Xiao said to himself.

Both Ling Xiao and Emilia were aware that they would most probably not have a chance to just relax as they were now anytime in the near future so they both quietly enjoyed the silence and the warmth of each others embrace.

Just as ling Xiao expected the pizza arrived twenty-five minutes later.

Once the pizza was collected and paid for Ling Xiao and Emilia began eating while still snuggled you on the couch and watching TV

Ding a new message came in on Ling Xiao's phone . Picking it up and glancing at the message Ling Xiao's eyes darkened and the aura around him for a moment became sharp and cold. The change was only there for a split second but using her sharp senses honed from battle Emilia was still able to detect it.

"What's wrong?" she asked turning around to face him

Ling Xiao was quiet for a minute before he opened his mouth and spoke to her slowly and softly."I've got a new mission"

Emilia :"what!"

Ling Xiao: "and I have to leave for country M on MONDAY." He finished

Emilia went blank for a few seconds before she exclaimed "No you can't go"

Ling Xiao was taken aback by Emilia's exclamation.  He didn't expect her to have this reaction

"You don't need to worry I'll be fine. This mission  is just like my previous missions and I'll be able to finish it unharmed ."

"No that's not it" Emilia shook her head. She took a quick breath before she blutered out. "The world us going to end in just two weeks time so you can't leave because you might never be able to come back especially if you travel abroad."

The two were quiet for what seemed like forever just staring at each .

"You.." Emilia began but Ling Xiao cut her off with his next statement

"So you are reborn" he said to her but more to himself.

"Wait what?!" Emilia looked at Ling Xiao shocked

"I was right you really are born again" Ling Xiao repeated

Emilia's mouth was open for a bit before something seemed to click in her mind. ''So you knew I was reborn and you decided to tell me your going on a mission to get me to admit it. You actually played me"

"What? No!NO! I didn't I swear" Ling Xiao said while trying to hold Emilia, who was raging, down

"Seriously you expect me to believe you!"she cried out.

"Really!" Ling Xiao said once he had finally managed to hold her down. "I really didn't know you were reborn . It was just a speculation on my part. and no i did not try to sound you out with that statement as I really did receive a Mission earlier today. That's what that message that came in a while ago was about."

Emilia was silent for a while as she tried to calm herself down. Once she had calmed down and was able to think straight Emilia immediately grabbed hold of a piece of important information Ling Xiao just let slip

"Wait are you. .. are you reborn as well" she asked him looking at him shocked. Though she said it as a question she was quite sure of the answer already

"Mhm" he nodded his head

"Wow" was all Emilia could say

"It's crazy right" Ling Xiao chuckled

"Ya it is... wait a minute if your reborn that means you also know about the apocalypse. So why do you want to leave. DO YOU WANT TO ABANDON US MOTHER AND SON?! Don't you know that if you leave now you might never be able to return?! Especially if you are going abroad." Emilia fired out exasperated

"Of course I understand the dangers but I still have to go."Ling Xiao replied

"Then why do you ... "Emilia began but Ling Xiao cut her off

"Hey I'm gonna be okay. This mission I did it as well in my last life. It will took 2 week last time because I wasn't sure what I was searching for but this time I know so I should be able to finish everything in just three to five days at most and I'll be back soon."

"Can't you just stay?" Emilia whispered

"I want to but I can't. Hey, but me going on this trip is extremely important for our future. Im still military remember , and by doing this I will be able to make sure that our family will still be able to have military protection even after the end of the world. You have to remember that no matter the time it is always best to have someone standing behind you. It will make things so much easier for our family. If I was to refuse somebody could use this against me but if I do it my position will rise just like in our previous life." Ling Xiao took Emilia's face into his hands and looked her straight in her eyes.

" Hey trust me okay. Everything will be alright. I won't allow myself to break this family apart. I love you and I love Ling Qin So why would I put you two in a position that could harm you. This mission is really not dangerous I'll be back in a week. I promise you alright." He said gently

"But what about the lockdown and the attacks? Even if you were to complete your mission how would you return."Emilia asked still unwilling to relent

Ling Xiao chuckled lightly before he responded. "Im military remember. We will be able to move freely during this lockdown so I'll be able to return. Just trust me. Everything will be alright. I swear on my life."

Emilia was quiet for a little while before she sighed and nodded her head lightly. Seeing her nod Ling Xiao kissed her on her forehead and pulled her back into her arms for a hug. ''I won't let anything happen to our family" he said into her hair before he kissed the top of her head again and tightened his hold on her.

"Now come on cheer up. This pizza is going to get cold and this drama was just about to reach its climax. I for one want to know who killed the prime minister so how about we finish that alright." Ling Xiao said trying to lighten the mood and make her relax

"Mhm"Emilia hummed playing the drama and snuggling back into his arms

'Well there are still two days left before he leaves' she thought to herself. 'We'll discuss the rest then.'


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C30
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


