52.94% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 53: Chapter 52 - Day Off Part One

章 53: Chapter 52 - Day Off Part One

---Wayne Manor---

Choosing to take a day off to relax, I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Judging by how exhausted they were it was unlikely that they would be getting up usual time so I had time to myself. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I took a seat at the table with my breakfast. Honestly it was pretty weird sitting alone as I was used to have conversations going on among everyone here.

'I can't believe I almost forgot about this feeling.', I thought looking around me, 'It's the same kind of atmosphere my home had after my parents died. Having nothing going on around me makes me very uncomfortable. The silence is deafening even with the world continuing on like normal.'

Eating my food I then went and relaxed out on my balcony reading one of the books I brought to this world. Around 10am the firsts signs of life came from my room as I heard several yawns coming from the bedroom. Thanks to the serum they wouldn't feel sore from the workout, but they would likely be happy to accept a day off. Stumbling out of the bedroom, Sonico came out in a messy state looking for me.

"Morning.", I said looking at her.

"...good morning.", she yawned, "How come you aren't in bed?"

"I have been up since 7am.", I chuckled.

"Oh, you should have woken us up.", she said climbing into my hammock.

Laying on me she gave me a hug while taking a deep breath. Resting her head under my chin, I ran my hand up and down her back softly humming to her. Closing her eyes she relaxed and almost got back to sleep before Eri came out. Tugging on my hammock, she said that she was hungry and wanted breakfast. Patting her I said I would make them breakfast in a few minutes.

"Could you make french toast?", Sonico asked me.

"Yeah, french toast!", Eri repeated with excitement.

"Haha I can do that.", I said.

"Maybe with some berries too?", Sonico questions.

"And chocolate chips!", Eri stated.

"You two are very demanding, but I can do that.", I said with a smirk.

"Hey Clark, if you are making french toast could you maybe make some pancakes too?", Nejire asked.

"And bacon!", Mina, Toga, and Toru said.

"You know what, why don't I take you all to breakfast?", I replied, "We can go somewhere nice to eat, and you can eat all the food you want."

"When are we leaving?", Maxima and Blackfire said sticking their heads out their windows.

"When did I invite you!?", I sighed.

"Thought it was an open invitation.", Stargirl said already dressed, "You do usually do all the cooking after all."

"I swear...", I groaned, "Fine, be ready to go in twenty minutes."

"Got it!", they said rushing to get ready.

'I swear I am a sugar daddy to the women from the Injustice world.', I sighed.

Helping my girlfriends get ready, I was dressed and ready to go in seconds which couldn't be said of them on their best day. Emerging from our room, we found the others waiting for us patiently in the hallway.

"So where you taking us?", Selena asked.

"Guam, it's probably got some American restaurants and with everything you all eat that is the best choice.", I stated, "Get in the fuselage, and I will fly us there."

---Hagåtña, Guam---

Once everyone was strapped in, I flew us all over to Guam. Locating a suitable restaurant, we touched down in the parking lot and went inside. Shoving several different tables together for all of us, I tipped the staff generously for being so helpful. With a few hundred dollars in their pockets, the staff became even more helpful making sure we were comfortable as we looked over the menu.

"It's amazing that we are getting treated so well.", Ochaco said.

"He tipped them extremely well for setting things up for us, I would expect them to be.", Selena replied, "Now that they know they stand to make even more with their service, I almost guarantee they will treat us very well."

"Clark, what's this stuff?", Eri asked pointing to her kids menu.

Pointing at all the games they had printed on the menu, I explained them to her and helped her decide on what to eat. Choosing a two egg pancake breakfast Eri then proceeded to work on the many games on the paper.

"Well aren't you the nicest guy.", Fury chuckled, "You gonna help me too?"

"Your stuff is up your butt and to the left.", I retorted, "She is a child, cut me some slack."

"Haha, you'll make someone a good husband.", she said looking at Kara, "You picked out names yet?"

"We aren't expecting a child...", Kara sighed.

"Never know, don't believe any of you are on the pill or use protection.", Fury stated casually.

"What is she talking about?", Eri asked me.

"She is being silly, she is talking about the things adults do in their bedrooms.", I said trying not to be to graphic.

"Oh!", she said returning to her puzzle.

Looking at Fury I motioned for her to zip it. Eri didn't need to know these things as she was way to young to be concerned with them.

"I am just saying.", she teased.

"Well just say it at some other time.", I sighed.

"Sure sure.", Fury said with a smirk, "In other news, you all think you got a handle on where you need improvement?"

"Yeah...", they said nodding their heads.

"We have a lot of room for improvement.", Melissa said.

"Yeah, I have been wondering about why Momo is usually on the front lines.", Ivy said, "Don't get me wrong your a tough woman, but your power is much more suited for midrange. I noticed that you have trouble making things with your power when under pressure."

"I noticed that too.", Wonder Girl said.

"The larger the item I make the more time it takes to produce. I am a lot faster than I used to be, but it still take time.", Momo admitted, "Making weapons for all of us is quite taxing."

"Why don't you carry weapons with you?", Selena asked, "My whip and claws are always on me somewhere."

"We aren't full blown heroes yet.", Itsuka replied for her, "We aren't allowed to carry anything but personal protection."

"Seriously?", the villains groaned with a sour expression, "You think villains are going to follow those rules? We never followed that bullshit, it never applies to those in power."

"That's true, but we can get in a lot of trouble for not following the rules.", Ochaco stated.

"Your boyfriend is the toughest person in the world. Nothing here is going to even scratch him let alone harm him.", Maxima informed them, "You have some leeway with the authorities as you are dating him. I am not saying become vigilantes, but you should be able to carry at least a dagger or something."

"Unfortunately this world isn't like yours.", Toru sighed, "We aren't allowed too, if we use our Quirks without a license we can get in a lot of trouble. The only time we can really use our Quirks without a license is when it's life and death."

"Clark uses his powers a lot thought for none Hero things though, is that allowed?", Ivy said.

"Eh...he probably shouldn't be, but at this point they don't care.", Rumi said, "He's put down enough villains, and dropped crime rate so much that they don't mind it."

"Admittedly the UN has pretty much let me do what I want so long as I don't endanger people. I fly around the globe almost everyday, and many countries want me too.", I chimed in, "The biggest problem with our world is that Heroes get paid. After my skirmish with the Oblivion Group crime took a nosedive as no villain really wants me showing up. There are still many knuckleheads that don't care and harass people so there is Hero work to be had, but-"

"A lot of the scummy Heroes started showing their true colors with the lower crime rate. The good ones have shined during this time as they have taken to doing whatever the public needs done.", Yu said.

"So the public funds are going to more needed areas.", Selena said nodding her head, "Makes sense."

Placing our meal orders with the waitresses, we switched topics to what we were doing today. Saying that I wanted to take it easy, I suggested we go to an arcade or the beach. Saying the beach was fine, the group wanted to go somewhere private so they could unwind. Seeing no problem with that I said we could go after we ate.

Listening to them talk amongst themselves about plans for the upcoming week, I remained silent as they spoke. A few minutes in a few people came into the restaurant, and started making a ruckus. Calling out to the owner it appeared they were from a local gang. Waiting to see how this played out, so I had evidence, the owner came out with a small bag of cash.

"Here you go, this is the payment for this month.", the owner said nervously.

Opening the sack the men counted it, and then looked at the owner. Telling him that the price went up, they demanded an extra five hundred dollars from him. Saying there was no way he could make that much in a month, they started eyeing the wait staff.

"A few hours with us is enough to cover that.", one of the men said eyeing the waitresses.

"Please they are my nieces and daughters, I can't-"

"That wasn't a request.", they said going to shove him.

The armor I wore changed from casual wear to my costume instantly, and I grabbed the leaders hand before he could touch the owner. Blasting me in the face with a fireball out of instinct, he froze up when he saw my face.

"Shit!", he said realizing who I was.

"I don't think that money belongs to you, does it?", I said taking it from him and handing it to the owner.

"He pays for our protection.", the man replied.

"Oh I see, well technically he is already paying for mine.", I said with a smirk, "You want to see who wins...your gang or me?"

"I...I didn't realize he was paying you!", the man gulped.

"Why don't your men, you, and I step out to have a nice conversation.", I stated staring at them all, "I have a feeling you will have a change of heart after our discussion."

---Hagåtña Police Department---

Dragging the men out back, I made them spill everything they had on their group. Once I mentally confirmed their information the next thing they knew they were hanging upside down in a prison cell along with all the members of their group. As the island was small so it didn't take more than a few seconds to round all of them up. The poor jailer about pissed himself as one second the cells were empty, and the next they were at capacity with men hanging from the ceiling.

"Dear Lord!!", he shrieked falling out of his chair.

"Sorry about that, there were a lot of people to round up.", I said giving the jailer a smile, "Here is a folder full of information regarding their criminal acts. If anyone gives you any lip just let me know, and I will make sure they don't give you a problem anymore."

"Of course sir!", he said, "Thank you for cleaning this group up! The chief has been trying to catch them for months now."

"It's no problem, tell your chief if he needs anything else to let me know as well.", I stated with a smile, "Now then, have a good day!"

---Hagåtña, Guam---

Returning to the restaurant five minutes after walking outside, I took a seat at the table where the women welcomed me back.

"They going to listen?", Ivy asked.

"I hung the gang upside in prison cells at the jail.", I chuckled.

"Isn't that a Batman thing?", Selena questioned.

"Yeah, but it also makes it easier for the jailer to handle them.", I laughed, "Poor guy fell out of his chair when he saw that his cells were full. He blinked and found all those gangsters hanging their by their feet."

"Haha serves them right.", Fury said, "Bunch of idiots."

"Amen to that.", I sighed.

A few minutes later our food was brought out to the table, and all talking stopped. Focusing on eating their food no one bothered talking. Eating my eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes I was comfortable after finishing my plate. Having some more coffee I waited for them to finish eating. Paying our tab, and tipping the staff generously we left.

---Small Island in the South Pacific---

Stopping off at the mansion briefly to grab swimsuits, I took us to a small isolate island to relax on the beach. I offered to take Bizarro, but he turned me down to continue watch Hero Tube. Leaving him to that, we headed out to soak up the Sun and enjoy the beach. Once we got there I let the women change in the fuselage while I got changed on the sand.

As I was getting chairs, towels, umbrellas, and beach toys ready for everyone I could hear the women getting a bit too touchy in the fuselage. My brain told not to look with X-ray vision because Kara would know I looked at everyone in there. Trying to focus it was incredibly hard too because they were discussing chest sizes.

'Why...why do women need to discuss this with me right here. They know I can hear them, and the more they talk the more I want to look.', I thought clenching my fist in frustration.

"You are bigger than you look.", Selena said to Kara.

"I know it's a pain to find cute, comfortable bras.", Kara complained, "Most of the bras they make in my size usually break, and poke me. It annoys the hell out of me."

"I thought you were bullet proof, how can a bra annoy you?", Ivy asked.

"It's a sensitive area, I can still feel it. I admit it's not very painful, it's more like a needle prick over and over.", Kara said.

"Ah, that would be annoying.", Selena replied.

"Yeah, I am surprised you can tuck those things in a skin tight suit.", Melissa said, "All of you must have difficulty getting into them."

"Oh girl you don't know the half of it. I have industrial zippers because when I used to do stunts the zippers would shoot off like bullets.", Selena complained, "It was really bad when I would hang upside down to break into glass containers."

"My people didn't have bras, we used metal only.", Maxima informed them, "I was so happy to be introduced to these things when I arrived on Earth."

"What about you Blackfire and Raven?", Toga asked.

"My people use hides from animals killed on our world, or rather former world...", Blackfire replied, "It isn't the most comfortable, but it does the job."

"I don't wear one, I wear a one piece. Previously I tried, and I got sores on my breasts from them rubbing.", Rave answered.

"Will I have them too?", Eri asked.

"When you are older little one.", Fury said, "You are too young to worry about them."

'Thank you!! You gave her a good answer!!', I thought.

"Clark must really like them.", Eri said causing me to choke on nothing.

Looking back at the fuselage I wanted someone to set her straight, but no one did. Instead they confirmed that making me tell them to stop comparing sizes and to get changed. Once I was done setting up I stood outside waiting for them to finish changing. As they were almost done, one of them thought they saw a spider and called it out. As expected they all shrieked and ran out of the fuselage.

Running outside they didn't pay attention to where they were going, and ran right into me. Colliding with me I felt the unmistakable sensations of breasts on me as we fell onto the beach. A few moments later, Kara and Mina said they killed it but it was already too late.

"I don't do well with spiders!", Ochaco said.

"You and me both.", Selena said.

"Can you...get off...me...", I told the group via telepathy.

Currently I was buried in Selena's cleavage with Ivy, Melissa, Nejire, Yu, and Dorothy on me. I admitted that Selena smelled really good, but I had to remember that she was courting Batman off and on so there was no room for me.

"You like the perfume I am wearing?", she purred with pride, "It's a fancy, French perfume I picked up several years ago."

"It smells nice, now please get off me.", I stated.

"You aren't going to say anything else?", Selena teased.

"No...please get off before I throw you into the ocean to cool your head.", I ordered.

"Fine.", she complied.

Removing my head from her breast she left them dangling there a few inches from my face. Asking Melissa and Yu to get off her so she could stand up. Doing as she asked they got up so she could, but the image of them was burned into my head.

'Batman...you have very good taste. Those puppies are Grade A without a doubt.', I thought to myself.

Deciding to get dressed out here now, I looked the other way while they changed. A few minutes later they were done, and ready to go. The younger women went out to swim and play in the crystal blue water while the older ones kept me from going. Stating that they needed help the obligatory suntan oil was placed in my hands.

"Care to be a gentleman and assist a women in need?", Ivy asked.

"Do you even tan?", I asked.

"Yes, I get darker green.", Ivy laughed.

"I can help you.", I said calmly.

Ivy, Selena, Maxima, Stargirl, Kara, Nemuri, Rumi, Yu, and Fury unhooked their bras as they laid face down on some blankets. Telling me to be gentle I started with my girlfriends first as I could be a bit more flirtatious with them. Putting a bit of oil of on my hands I started kneading the liquid onto Yu's body. As soon as I placed my hands on her skins she gasped as the oil was cold to the touch. Massaging her as I applied the oil my hands conveniently slipped several of times allowing me to massage her chest and butt.

"Mmm...you are really good at massages.", Yu said, "You sure I can't repay you right now?"

"Eri is spending the night at her friend's tonight, you can repay me tonight.", I replied kissing her neck.

"Mmm...of course, I will make you feel really good.", she retorted biting her lip.

After her I applied oil to Rumi, who was much more stiff. Kneading out a few knots in her muscles, Rumi bit her towel. Judging by how she was reacting to my hands, Rumi was probably going to need me to tend to her in the fuselage. There was a bedroom onboard so it wasn't like I couldn't, and admittedly it would be pretty nice.

"You want to slip away a little while later? Seems like you are getting a bit frustrated.", I whispered.

"Yeah...I'd appreciate it.", she replied softly, "You know you are a jerk for making me feel like this. I used to be tougher, and now I am like putty in your hands."

"It's okay, no one else needs to know this side of you.", I stated, "I am happy to keep this secret between us."

"Mmm...", she moaned kissing me.

Applying the oil on Nemuri next she rubbed up against me with her butt. Grinding up against me she made it very clear she wanted the same attention as Rumi, probably even more so.

"I don't want you going easy on me big boy.", Nemuri whispered with a heavy breath, "I want you to ruin me with that torpedo in your pants. You have no idea how hot it is carrying your warm seed or how turned on I get when you leave me in a disheveled state. It's so fucking hot when you take control in the bedroom."

"Haha, you pent up?", I asked rubbing her shoulders.

"I am so very fucking much.", she moaned, "You need to speed up time already. All my classmates have kids now, I am the only one that doesn't."

"I am sorry Nemuri.", I apologized, "You know how difficult it would be on you if we did that."

"That...I know, but it really feels right.", she said looking up at me, "I know you are the man I want children with. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the man I want to spend my life with. Yeah I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I genuinely love the hell out of you. You make me feel like there isn't anything I can't do, and the passion you have in the bedroom...fuck I just want to have a family with you."

"Nemuri, we can discuss this in more depth this evening.", I said keeping calm, 'I...I don't know, that's a big step in our relationship. Financially it's no problem, and I do know how to care for children...it's just if it gets out who the father is...'

Socially it may be an acceptable relationship we have, but the moment you add a child the media would tear her to shreds. They would trash her by saying she did it on purpose to trap me as a newbie Hero comparatively to her. Not only that there was the fact she was a teacher at my school, I had no idea how Nezu would react. In the end I wanted to protect her from the backlash she would suffer from having our child before we graduated.

Moving to Kara next, I worked out several knots on her back. Kissing her back from the base of her spine to her neck, Kara gasped fidgeting around uncomfortably. Kara was still settling into the relationship so I didn't draw the encounter out too long, but the stare she gave me said it wouldn't be enough for her.

Now that I was through with my girlfriends I was more cautious about me hand placement. Starting with Fury, I worked out big knot around he right shoulder. Using a bit of electricity to release the muscle she moaned softly as she relaxed. Telling me I gave better massages than the Amazons, she told me she was liking the arrangement more and more now.

Ivy was next, and she made this very uncomfortable. Letting off a fruity aroma Ivy gave me a smirk knowing I liked it. Telling her not to try mind control, she swore it wasn't anything like that. Stating that it was a perfume only, she said it's something she can make with the chemicals in her bloodstream.

"If you want, I can produce a lot of other scents.", she said.

"No thanks, this is enough.", I replied.

"I am single, you don't have to be concerned with cutting in on anyone.", she stated.

"You only say that because you enjoy the lifestyle you have lounging around my home. On an emotional level you aren't-"

"Listen, you may be a genius but sometimes you are an idiot. Don't tell me how I should feel, I decide that. Yeah I admit in the beginning I wanted to use mind control to make you kill the Superman I know, but...these past few weeks I started waiting what they have.", Ivy said motioning towards the younger girls playing in the water, "I haven't had a relationship where a man loved me even a fraction of the amount you love them. You love them, but don't smoother then. You treat them with respect, and don't coddle them. You don't make them they way you want them to be, you embrace them as they are."


"All of us watched our fucking world go down the drain. The lives we had won't ever return to the way they were.", she snapped, "That man destroyed all of my babies, he burnt them to the ground!! They were everything I had, and he torched it all!! His minions destroyed everything of mine while I was forced to grovel at their feet!! Do you know how demeaning it was?! They put a collar on me, and tortured me into making chemicals for them. Those assholes messed with my mind trying to make me his slave, but I never gave in!!"


"Even once you kill him, I will have nothing left. My fortune was taken, my assets were destroyed, my plants are charred, and I have no family left.", she said looking at me, "Why don't you get that we are serious?!"

"I didn't realize you went through that.", I stated.

"The Regime is worst group in our world's history.", Selena said, "Superman made me sell out dozens of people to gain a place at his table, and even then I had people watching me constantly. I couldn't use the restroom without someone watching me. Yeah Batman and I had a thing, but it wasn't serious. He isn't the man I would want to settle down with. I don't want to sit at home alone while he is off saving the day. I want to be there with him, and he won't ever allow that. He wants me to raise a family, I want to be a family together."

Massaging Ivy calmly, the pheromones she was giving off only became more potent. Fidgeting around under my hands, her breathing became ragged as became aroused. Pressing her butt firmly against my crotch I could feel the heat pour out of her.

"You have quite a manly package.", Ivy said, "I am waiting for you to take me. All I ask is to be treated like them."

It was a tempting offer, but I wasn't sold on her honesty. She was a villain, and villains lied, cheated, and stole for a living. Trusting her outright was dangerous as she could be waiting for my guard to drop.

"How about this, we can address this issue after I behead him?", I stated, "You show me your be honest, I will take the request seriously."

"When do you intend to go?", Selena asked.

"I'd like to take him out within two months. There is also the problem of locating the other villains here. Most of you are staying really low so it's hard to find you.", I said, "I know where Grodd is, and have him under surveillance."

"Does that offer include us?", Maxima and Blackfire asked.

"You two have a much steeper uphill battle to prove to me your being honest. As for you Blackfire, you'd have to swear off ever having any extra husbands.", I stated, "I refuse to even consider it."

"I can do that much.", Blackfire said.

"I will believe it when I see it.", I replied.

Backing off the flirtation for now, I got the rest of them oiled up and went to join the others in the water. Splashing around and having some fun, the older women watched us casually.

"Really think you can convince him?", Fury asked.

"I think we can show him we are being honest.", Ivy said, "I really don't have anything to go back too. He's a sweet guy, and ten times the man any of my ex's were. Fucking assholes wanted me for my money or for donations to their charities. A few even thought of me as a nice decoration piece to be hung on their arm."

"Agreed, men where we are from either want our money or want us for sex. You should have seen the first few men I courted, bunch of jackasses that tried stealing from me.", Selena said, "I beat the shit out of all of, and kicked them to the curb. As a strong, independent woman I don't need a man, I want one. All of tried to sell me on I need one, but what they needed was my body or fortune. I respect Clark for not coddling you, he makes you work for your gains while giving you assistance. He's the type of man I would have dated in a heartbeat back home."

"What about that Batman fella Clark said you were dating?", Rumi asked.

"I like him for the thrill of the chase. Take that away, and there is nothing. Like I said he'd want me to stay at home while he works fighting crime. I want to be out there kicking ass not be Susie homemaker.", Selena replied, "Yeah I would want to raise kids, but I don't want to be doing it alone. Reminds me of all the suffering my mother endured raising me."

"So you both genuinely like him?", Nemuri asked.

"Yes, he's our type though he is young.", they replied.

"I like you two, we will help you out!", Yu said with a smile, "Got to stick together after all."

"What about us?", Maxima asked.

"Maybe stop saying you only want his kids, and we will consider it.", Nemuri snapped, "As his oldest girlfriend he is giving me a child first!"

"Such a kill joy.", she sighed.

Out in the water I was splashing the girls as they used their powers to splash me. Nejire and Melissa got a bit carried away and almost caused a tidal wave with their Quirks. Stopping the wave before it got too crazy I told them to be more careful. Shrugging it off they dared me to make them. Chasing after them they started laughing and running away from me. Grabbing Toga and Mina first, I tossed them out into the water and did the same with the others as I caught them. When I grabbed Wonder Girl she tried to throw me instead, but by increasing my mass I made sure she couldn't throw me.

"Nice try!", I said throwing her out into the ocean.

Turning to Raven she wasn't about to get caught. Using magic sparingly she tried escape me, but that wasn't going to work. Grabbing her around the waist I hoisted her up, jumped backwards, and splashed down in the water sending everyone in every which direction. Laughing as they righted themselves Eri was the first to ask that I do the same with her next.

Giving them each several rides, I then shot off looking for something to entertain them. Looking around for where I went it didn't take long for them to figure out where I went. Before they realized it they were being pushed around by a pod of dolphins. Playfully bumping up against them, the dolphins gave them rides around the reef.

"Hey!!", Yu shouted running out to the water, "Don't leave us behind damn it!! I want to ride a dolphin too!!"

"Same here!!", Selena shouted.

Seeing no reason not to go, the others ran in as well to catch a ride. Watching all of them to make sure no one drown the dolphins seemed to be keeping that in mind as well. Coming up every so often to let them breath the dolphins showed them around the reef taking them to all the beautiful sights there were to be seen.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C53
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


