15.85% A night of rebellion / Chapter 26: Two lovers

章 26: Two lovers

At the same time Abigail was in the corridor crying and thus venting all her anxiety and nervousness, but although she continued to despair it seemed no one was able to hear her crying.

Her beautiful dress was now full of red wine which made the young woman smell of alcohol.

Her sweet face was also wet with wine.

This was in supposed to be the best night of her life, of their life, the night she would have a greater opportunity to know better her future husband, but it all ended in a humiliating situation.

The young duchess was standing next to a massive door of hard wood, but although everyone at that moment was busy at the dance the faint light of an oil lamp shone from under the door, as well as from the keyhole.

Abigail knew that someone was there, but she didn't hear any noise or voice, so she believed that the person there was already sleeping.

She knew she shouldn't have done that, either out of politeness or etiquette, but something about it, a force more powerful than her, pushed her to open that door.

The room was very large and the faint light gave a look of greater clarity and splendour in the cold darkness of the night.

She saw several fine-made furniture, as well as a heavy, massive four-poster bed with reddish curtains.

Sitting on top of it was a person she knew well, she recognised him by his long ash red hair, his deep grey eyes. He sat on the bed and clutched his party jacket in his hands.

The girl closed the door behind her and with a sincere smile she began to speak.

-Good evening Gilbert, may I sit next to you? - the young woman slowly took her hands one inside the other waiting for an answer.

The man looked up at her, nodding with his head.

-You too have problems that bring you down, you say ...- commented the girl sitting on the right of the general over the bed and looking at the ground.

Gilbert nodded slowly with his head, turning his gaze to the young duchess.

-I am forced to live with a woman I don't love ...- the man commented, looking back at the white marble floor -there is also a person to whom I am not able to demonstrate my love-.

After a short time Abigail looked out the window into the cold darkness of the night.

- I understand you- she suddenly admitted -unfortunately I am not able to express feelings for the person to whom I am betrothed- the young woman exhaled slowly, letting the stress out of her - this makes me sad... -.

A brief pause of silence was created in a short time between the two, followed by embarrassment.

- I understand...- the general admitted placing one of his hands on her shoulder - he does not know what he is losing, you are a sweet, kind and extraordinary girl ... - the man said, blushing and looking away.

-If my future husband were like you, it would be much easier to live with him- Abigail admitted looking at the general grey eyes -you have always been kind to me, you have expressed your feelings to me and I foolishly refused- Abigail gave a quick caress to the man's face. Speaking their faces had come too close to each other.

-But this- admitted the girl taking the Gilbert's face with her two hands -it is not a mistake that I will allow it to happen again-.

The young woman's lips first lightly touched those of the man but then with decision the gesture turned into a long and passional kiss.

It lasted seconds, maybe minutes, in a beautiful time.

But the two lovers, perhaps for the night perhaps for the effect of the wine, now found themselves there, sitting on the bed, exchanging sweet kisses.

-What would it be? -Gilbert stopped for a moment -what would it be of us if the princess found out about us? -.

The duchess briefly looked at the general's deep gaze and smiled again -no one will discover us, no one will ever have the power to do something about it ..- the young woman's lips returned to kiss him. The general turned off the oil lamp, leaving them completely in darkness.

The princess sat melancholy in the large bright room, as the last couples were still dancing leisurely together under the bright lights of the chandelier.

It could have been four hours since the start of the dance, but that didn't seem like real fun to her.

She had received hundreds of precious gifts, which were still lying in the appropriate room at the moment, but it seemed to her that something was still missing.

It was nearly midnight, and stillness had begun to rise in the hall as everyone prepared for the long-awaited spectacle that would soon take place on the river Avon.

-Where do you think is Gilbert right now?- Isabelle was looking for the man keeping an eye fixed on the crowd but unable to find her betrothed -it has been about an hour since he left the room, and it seems he has never returned ...-.

Both Henry and Juniper could now understand what was troubling the girl, though they could do nothing to appease her hidden anger.

The baron, on his part also felt a certain anxiety in how Abigail, his betrothed had not returned to that place again for about half an hour.

-It's time to move to the large terrace, Isabelle- the queen remembered leaning over Henry's body speaking to her daughter -it's time to move, or we won't be in time for the fireworks launch...-.

Isabelle shook her head protesting -we won't go anywhere before my fiancé and duchess Abigail Dallas have re-entered the hall- the princess complained.

-Sister dear- the prince began to speak -Viscount Gilbert and Duchess Abigail Dallas will perfectly be able to reach the terrace later, on the other hand it does seem unfair to keep the guests waiting - Henry commented looking for some way of convincing his younger half-sister not to behave like that.

The girl's critical gaze fell on her older half-brother in a long and tense silence.

- Aren't they my guests too? - Isabelle asked defiantly - in case they don't come back soon I will send my guards to look for them, does not matter how much time it could take-.

A certain anxiety began to rise in Juniper, he was aware that his fiancé had disappeared since exactly half an hour: the same time viscount Gilbert had disappeared too.

At the same time, in the general's chambers the two were still lying on the bed, embracing each other.

They were so close to each other that they seemed to be lost in an eternal and warm embrace.

Their bodies were now free of their clothes, which lay on the cold marble floor in an harmony of colours.

Gilbert had slept with another man's woman on his future bride's birthday.

This was something that he had promised himself a thousand times not to do, a sin that he could not commit but that beautiful and warm body caused the man a total abandonment.

Now Abigail, that young and innocent young woman lay with her head on the general's chest, while her wonderful soft red hair went down to her abdomen.

-I love you Gilbert- commented the young woman looking at the general's face -I really love you-.

On the other hand, something seemed to worry and terrorise him.

-Was this the first time you were lying with a man? -he asked her continuing without any emotion to look into the void.

Gilbert could not easily observe her beautiful face due to the darkness of the night, but he felt her head nod on his chest.

They were in big trouble.

What would it have been if Juniper had realised that the girl he was going to marry was no longer a virgin? Certainly all the accuses would have fallen on him and it would have been even worse if from that time together Abigail had conceived a child.

He should have thought about it first, he should have tried to prevent something like this from happening, but in his weakness he had let himself be guided by his habits.

The tolling of the bells rang out, they both knew what it meant.

-Oh Lord! - the young woman snapped out of bed as quickly as possible looking for her clothes - the bells! It is midnight Gilbert! - Abigail scolded herself.

-It can't be true! - the man exclaimed on his own, letting all his worries vanish from his head -It doesn't seem like we spent that much time together-.

- Half an hour - the young duchess scolded herself trying again to put the long white silk stockings on her delicate feet - it was certainly enough to make everyone notice our absence-.

The general tried to get dressed as quickly as possible, arranging his ash-red hair back in a neat ponytail at the nape of his neck.

-Isabelle's heart would break into a thousand pieces knowing what I have done- Gilbert put both his hands in his hair and with concern began to look into the void with more sadness than before.

- So would my beloved husband - commented Abigail quickly perfuming her pale neck with delicate rose water - we must find a solution Gilbert! An excuse for this incident-.

The man already knew this: they both had to hurry to think as he knew that upon discovering all this Isabelle would have felt no pity or compassion for either of them.

Both would have been sentenced to death, probably a long and excruciating death and yet full of pain or worse they would have been thrown into a dark prison cell waiting for their own death.

-You have to get out of here, from my room! If no one will find us together, this could already be a big step towards our freedom- the general commented looking at her.

Abigail seemed to understand his motives so she nodded faintly with her head and without uttering any more words she leaved the room.

The corridor continued, in all its bright light, to be cold, and not welcoming enough to walk inside.

Her legs ached, but she could not help it: it was the first time she had slept with a man, she could not expect something different.

She could walk calmly, trying to regain her perfect shape.

It did not take long for the girl to understand that she was not alone in the corridor.

Some footsteps of heavy leather boots began to become more and more evident.

So she decided to stop: it was no longer worth running away.

-Lady Dallas- one of the two persons behind her started talking -we were looking for you, by order of Princess Isabelle-. Abigail turned to them: two royal guards were carrying long muskets over his shoulders.

The girl smiled sincerely and put her long red hair back in order.

-Nothing important has happened to me- assured the young woman putting her little hands one into the other -I just had to go to the bathroom-.

At that moment the girl noticed that small bloodstains laid on her dress at the height of her underwear but she knew well that this was not her menstruation but the evidence of that first night spent with Gilbert .

-My lady, you are stained with blood...- pointed out one of the two guards promptly pointing to her dress -Do you need to go to the infirmary? -.

Abigail slowly shook her head -only some women problems ... - she admitted - my menstruation came early: due to stress I assume -.

Both guards looked at each other in the eyes, and it seemed that both of them had believed her -My lady, let me accompany you on the large terrace- commented one of the two guards - the princess is already waiting there for you ... -.

-For me? -the young duchess asked blushing and placing her graceful fingers on her soft lips -what might have I done? Anyway it's not courtesy to keep a princess waiting, right?- asked rhetorically Abigail acting in the most natural way possible.

-We are also looking for Viscount Gilbert Stanley, he seems to have been absent from the ball since more than an hour- commented one of the two royal guards again turning to the young woman.

-Oh! I'm so sorry but unfortunately I have no news about him- Abigail lied again slowly shaking her head - but please take me to the princess, I still can't believe that I have wasted so much time ... -.

Without further waiting the two guards led the duchess to the place where everyone was already waiting for the spectacle to start.

She already knew where it was, moreover she had noticed the huge marble terrace from where two flights of stairs allowed access to the huge red rose gardens belonging to the queen.

Abigail loved all sorts of flowers, but roses especially red ones were the kind of flowers she favoured.

Moreover, a red rose had been the coat of arms of her family for centuries, as well as the most royal and majestic flower that existed.

Red, she loved that color, the color of her long hair and her soft cheeks.

On the other hand, the red was the colour of love as well as that of the blood, which flowed in her veins.

She had to pay attention because she knew that Isabelle also liked the colour of blood very much and one more misstep was enough for her own blood to run on the white stones of the square.

She climbed the great marble stairs and the more she climbed the more she felt her death invariably closer to her.

She could hear it from the distant shouting, she could smell it that sweet and majestic smell that every royal had.

It was a noble but annoying smell: a smell of power.

Isabelle II Hannover was a princess, and she was as beautiful as an angel, as beautiful as a flower that was the first to open her petals to the world.

He could not compete with her, although she too was totally enchanting, but Isabelle was a princess.

Abigail was in an aristocratic rank two positions below her but that wasn't what mattered.

The young duchess felt emotions for that man, that Gilbert and she couldn't resist him in her heart.

On the other hand, she also loved Juniper but with a different love, more of a platonic type.

Juniper was kind, introverted and was not exactly a talkative person he was shy and inexperienced.

Abigail wanted to fully live her thirst for love.

When she finally reached the huge marble terrace, it was difficult for her to be able to notice what was happening as hundreds of people covered the horizon from there.

-Pardon me? - she asked trying in all that noise to attract someone's attention to allow her to pass through the crowd.

The small and soft hands of the girl finally managed to make space between the persons who were there, advancing step by step more and more towards the end of the huge terrace.

Everyone watched the sky, placing their fascinated eyes on the silver and thousand stars that gave the dark and cold night a pleasant glow.

No one so paid much attention to the young lady: they wondered where she had been up to that moment.

Abigail reached the outermost side of the huge terrace where the view was better.

She stood heart-pounding behind members of the royal family.

The young woman approached the right side of the princess and found a small space between her and Juniper.

Isabelle did not seem to emphasise her delay and therefore she ignored her presence, turning her gaze to the high clock tower.

-Only some minute...- the young lady continued to speak.

And so it was that in the short time that the sentence was fully said, hundreds of distant blows began to be heard, so much that half of those present jolted at first.

And in a short time hundreds of colored, luminous trails began to rise up into the sky, until their extremities were dispersed in many small and bright sparks.

They were fireworks, and they were beautiful and majestic and luminous and they were perhaps the most beautiful that Abigail had ever seen.

Her green eyes widened in complete admiration for such a sight, so much that it created a perfect sparkle in them.

-Blood...- Isabelle commented -I perceive the smell of blood and perhaps more under your dress-.

At those words, the girl's fascinated face was filled with a clear pallor as both her hands and her forehead began to sweat.

-You look scared Lady Dallas ...- commented the princess turning her cold gaze towards the duchess -and I know exactly what happened ...-.

Abigail's soft pink lips tightened with apprehension.

-You have recently slept with a man. I know all of this, I feel it! You still carry his smell on your body, and this is a smell I know well...- admitted the princess, pleased to see the terror in her gaze.

Fearing for her life, Abigail felt it was her duty to throw herself at the feet of the princess, to plead and beg for her forgiveness, to embarrass her own person in front of everyone's eyes.

Was that what she wanted her to do?

Isabelle seemed pathetically weak to that idea, waiting for the malaise of the others and feeding herself like a monster of the fears of others.

But Abigail wouldn't allow the spoiled young girl to get this goal, so she tried to keep her fear hidden and act as normally as possible.

Although her hands continued to tremble and her lips to vibrate fearfully. The duchess recovered all her courage and with little care she began to fiddle with a tuft of her long, tawny hair.

-I don't understand what your point is, please forgive me- repeated the young woman, turning her gaze to the distant and dark night sky.

Isabelle did not expect such a response from a person of a less high and prestigious rank than hers.

For the princess in fact her presence meant little or nothing and it would not have been her intent to invite the duchess if it had not been an obligation imposed on her by her own mother.

And since she was not allowed to refuse the offers of a queen, Isabelle had to accept the bad condition of introducing another lady to the court: another of her potential competitor to Gilbert's heart.

In any case, everything would soon be over, Isabelle would have married Gilbert and the two would bared a great lineage, which in the future would have ruled over the whole England.

However, the princess was well aware of what could have happened if all of this wouldn't have actually happened.

In an alternate future, if she would not have given birth to a worthy male heir, the throne would soon have fallen into the hands of the closest male relative to her deceased father.

In the case the crown would instead have fallen on the head of Juniper, her cousin, as well as direct nephew of the deceased king. Isabelle knew well that if the baron of Scotland had actually become king, Abigail Dallas, his wife, would have become queen.

All this was a humiliation that the princess herself could not bear: being overthrown by a such an arrogant girl.

On the other hand Isabelle had evidence that the young woman had had sex with Gilbert and no more than a medical check-up would have been required to make the duchess's guilt clear.

Isabelle was so at full advantage, knowing that having full power over the life of everyone at court, she could conveniently sentence that arrogant and guilty girl to death.

But she didn't want to set the Duchy of Northern Ireland against her, as a possible commercial partner of her.

It was the princess' idea, to close an eye for once not wanting to make rash decisions.

-May this be a warning for you- Isabelle whispered slowly in one of Abigail's ears - I want my future husband to be calm and relaxed for our wedding- commented the princess finally looking away -if these attentions can be useful to make him feel special I'm relieved, but I care about Gilbert, I really do-.

The duchess noticed how the princess's eyes had taken on an uncommon humidity.

It was clear to her that the princess was about to burst into tears.

Abigail wanted to apologise and in every way console her, but she was not able to do more than slightly draw her arm close to the princess's narrow shoulders.

-I don't want you to ever sleep with my betrothed again, nor to express love towards him again- commented Isabelle -I don't want you to do it again, or otherwise I won't be so kind to you ... -.

At that precise moment the noisy and fascinating bursting of fireworks ended leaving the two ladies in a tense situation.

No one had had a chance to hear the conversation.

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  • 世界の背景

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