50% (ZNT) The Legend of Guiche Granmont / Chapter 2: Tsukaima or slave?

章 2: Tsukaima or slave?

hello i'm the author,

how you doing?....I'm uninspired, but I still tried to write a chapter for you, but only this is what I managed to write.

Read to the end, please


Louise can hear the students whispering "Louise the Zero", "What will she summon?", "There's no way she can summon anything. Her spell record?", "We'll have to wait for the impending explosion that will surely happen with nothing to show for it."

"After all your bragging about summoning an amazing familiar, you should be able to summon an even more amazing familiar than my salamander, right Louise?" Kirche says to Louise smiling at her, expecting Louise to make a fool of herself again by not being able to summon anything.

I continue to watch expectantly for the result...

Louise then starts casting the spell by saying her own words to summon her familiar "My servant, who exists somewhere in the universe! My divine and powerful familiar, answer my call and come." She waves her wand and nothing happens.

All the students start laughing at her and start shouting "Louise the Zero". Then, before the students could laugh even more and shout more insults, I step in,

I use a little trick I learned a few years ago, and I made my voice sound as loud as if I were yelling.

"Shut up!!!...."

My voice Ends up stopping the taunts, and continued speaking.

" If any of you still don't get it, she hasn't finished the Ritual yet!!!.... Just wait...." I said.

Some nobles angry at me for interrupting their fun wanted to complain to me but at that moment an intense light leaves us all blind for a moment and something hits the ground in front of Louise.

On the ground is the best tool to help me complete my plans, Hiraga Saito, he has arrived in Halkenia!!!!

Louise looks at her familiar in disbelief that this has arrived in her summoning.

"Th-this .... is...is my mighty and majestic f-familiar.????..." she says these words completely disappointed.

She may be disappointed but I am smiling happily.

( Perfect,..... Everything is going according to plan..... Ha,ha,ha,!!!..... It's the first time I'm happy to see a Man's face,... ( I'll forget I ever said that..)....

Just like in the anime, Louise wants to do the Summoning ritual again but it won't be possible.

" Mr. Colbert, can I try again, please? "she asked.

He shook his head apologetically, tapping the ground a couple of times with the large staff he held in his hand. " I'm sorry, but the Summoning Ritual is sacred, you can only perform it once." The two went back and forth for a while before she grunted and squatted down in front of Saito.

He sat up to take a better look around before blinking, moving to lean back away from her.

At that moment I spoke again....

"Wait a moment Louise," I said and she stopped. I turned in the direction of the teacher and said.

"Colbert-sensei, I think we should reconsider Louise's request,.... I'm sure you wouldn't want to be part of a crime!!!". The more I spoke my voice began to gain more volume, Even some passing students came closer to listen.

"What do you mean Young Guiche?..... this is a sacred ritual in which a wizard forms a bond of trust with his familiar for life? ..... where is the crime?" professor colbert asked, he didn't understand what crime was about to happen.

"Sacred ritual?..... bond of trust?... Mr. Colbert, I thought you were smarter, but it seems I was wrong, if you can't see what kind of crime will be committed if Louise Turns this Young man into her familiar... then I will explain it to you."

"Colbert-sensei, Tell me, what happens when a familiar is marked as one?..." I asked.

" A bond is formed between the magician and the familiar...." Colbert replied.

"Wrong!!!.... A rune is formed on the familiar With different commands, but the important thing is what that rune does with the familiar... I'm sure you already know, but for those who don't, I'll explain."

"these commands are mental commands that eventually begin to change the mentality the familiar in order to make it more docile,

Among the commands that are present in all familiars, 3 are the most important.

1 The familiar must obey the wizard.

2 The familiar must protect the wizard.

3 The familiar Cannot Harm the Magician."

At this point in my explanation, a large group of spectators had already formed listening to my dialogue.

"This was done this way to prevent the familiar from Going wild and harming its master, and that's fine if it's just animals with a certain level of intelligence, but

.... This case is different..... right, Colbert-sensei?...."

Colbert understands what I mean and although he is a peaceful and rational man, he cannot accept my words.... After all, this ritual was created by the founding father of wizards Brimir..... and in this world For wizards, Brimir is Like a god in the hearts of wizards.

"I understand it may be A bit Cruel from that perspective, but This ritual was created with the idea of forming a bond that lasts a lifetime between the Mage and Familiar, both will be together in life and until death sharing a bond of trust like the founder Brimir and his Familiar." Colbert responded, and his words won the support of some students.

" Together in life and death?..... Colbert-sensei, you know that if the mage dies the familiar does too,.... But, what happens if the familiar dies? .... Could you tell me?..."

".... The Familiar dies but the magician does not....."

"Let's see..... if this ritual is performed on this child, He will not be able to return home, His mind and desires will be forcibly altered, and if Louise dies he dies too?... I don't know how that sounds to other people but to me it sounds like slavery!!!..."

In the end I raised my voice too much I needed to make a commanding statement.

My final words caused Those watching this to start thinking, they know I am right, but A majority of nobles, don't care, it also caused Colbert to get angry.

" Young Guiche!!!!.. how dare you compare This sacred ritual to something as Horrible as slavery!!!!".

" That's what it sounds like to me, " I told him cheekily.

Colbert-sensei was furious with me for my attitude,

( It is normal for him to be angry with you, I am indirectly insulting his god, someone with a past as dark as Colbert's, it is normal for him to be serious about religion, that's all he has left to try to redeem his sins).

He is very serene, but I knew where to attack to make him angry, irritating people is a gift I have had since before I came to this world.

" enough!!!...Miss Valliere, finish performing the Ritual, Young Guiche's words have no weight in this class!!!.."

Louise observes and for a moment she seems not to move forward but in the end she decides to finish the ritual, it seems that her pride as a noble is stronger than her convenience.

Saito was still on the ground, he didn't understand anything of what was going on, and just stood there.

Louise stared at him. " You should be thankful for this, normally someone of noble birth never does something like this for a peasant child!" She raises what appeared to be a wand and made another chant in the language Saito didn't understand. She fell silent and, after hesitating, leaned forward. Saito leaned back, not quite understanding the situation as the girl leaned closer and kissed him softly on the lips. Almost instinctively, he jerked back, Saito had never kissed a girl before, and suddenly it had just happened with a complete stranger! ( Damn virgin)

Louise didn't seem offended by his quick retreat, just looking at him, not even having blinked during the whole process.

" WHAT!!!.WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!!.... WHAT?....."

Saito started to rant because he didn't know what to do after the kiss.

After a moment, Saito's hand started to glow.


He cried out in pain, his right hand moving to grab his left wrist as pain shot through his body, centered in that joint.

It was as if his entire left arm was on fire, his nerves flaring as once when the runes ᚷᚢᚾᛞᛟᛚᚠ were engraved on the top of his left hand. Saito could deal with physical pain, but this was something completely different. Fortunately it ended and he fell forward, fainting.

I ignored his suffering but showed a face of disgust at what happened. and discreetly watched the reactions of the onlookers,

Most of them felt bad about Saito's pain, and some servants even turned pale.

Among those onlookers I managed to observe a pretty servant girl with black hair, and a nice figure.

( It seems that everything is going well, I hoped ... Calm down Siesta, you won't suffer like Saito, after all, you will enjoy your life giving your eternal love to me, ..... I just need to have all the right pieces on the game board... )

And with that thought, the Family Summoning class ended.


Hello again

I have been reading some interesting stories, and the truth Only ideas of Manipulation and dark things are born in my head.

I don't want to turn my protagonists into villains,

but you decide, do you want me to write even if it is like this? .... it will be different and more difficult, maybe you don't like it,

so strange is my mind that I even made a cover of an idea that occurred to me, but it is very .... I don't know how to describe it

I will only leave the image in the comments so that you can make one of what we are talking about.....

leave your comments and ideas if you want, that's all for now, bye

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


