
章 17: 2cnd YEAR


as I sat and reunited with my friends on the train to Hogwarts I couldn't help but look forward to all the fun I would have and the chaos i would cause in the coming years both as wade D emrys the second coming of Merlin but also as lord caos the embodiment of chaos



The second year began much like the first one I was excelling in all the classes and making even more friends through my study group, a particular friend I had managed to more then befriend was daphne greengrass, she had joined the group last year actually, but knowing her personality I decided to treat her just like i did the other students,ofcourse overtime I made sure to get closer to her throughout the first year and seeing her break her cold facade and how happy she was to see me again while simultaneously sending slightly hostile glances towards Hermione..I would say i succeeded.so I spent most of the beginning of the second year getting closer to both Hermione and daphne while also staying at the top of the class,basically just chilling and unwinding from all the work I did as lord caos,of course I still kept my eye on little Ginny weasley who kept on looking worse day by day while dragging that black diary around honestly how did no one notice this poor girl,I would have tried to comfort her as the only person to notice her sickness to score some points...but I honestly dont give a shit about her..so to the basalisk she goes..heh

and obviously the peace didn't last long as coming out of the defence class which was as you'd expect an utter fkn sham.honestly the only reason I didn't kill Gilderoy is becouse it makes it so more people join my club and by teaching them and seeing me be proficient enough in dueling to defeat and teach some of the upper years my fame spreads even more,hell I just found out there's a bloody fan club about me ..heh but enough about that as soon as we came out we saw ms Norris filch's cat petrified and hung up with the infamous message above it "ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE" but unlike canon since harry was with us he didn't get blamed but just like canon this started a wave of unease throughout Hogwarts but it was even worse as because of the new dark lord people were already scared and anxious,hence the house rivalry and hate towards slytherin many of which's members were gloating about the chamber being opened only increased further escalating to many fights over the month as more children were petrified, the entirety of Hogwarts was high strung and filled with tension and fear with the only places to truly relax being one's own house comman room and wade's group study session as he didn't allow any in house fighting and made an example of any who tried..what a nice kid heh.

but after a couple of months wade decided it was enough and now was the time to act so while Ginny was sleeping he stole the diary and devoured it,hmm tasty then using a dark spell that mimicked the effects of a basalisk's gaze he casted such spells on harry,Hermione,daphne and draco, he casted the spells on his three friends as he knew that if he tried to sneak into the chamber they would follow him to help and if he evaded them and went without them they'd be pissed and start problems he doesn't want to deal with.hence them being petrified gives him motive to go search for the basalisk to save and get revenge for his precious friends..heh....as for draco....heh

he used the cloak of invisibility which he took from harry in the first year leaving him a copy with all of Dumbledore's tracking charms transferred on to it, to cover him and draco like this and with multiple concealment and silence charms etc he sneaked both himself and draco into the chamber(fun fact looks like fanfiction was right saying stairs in parsel does indeed lead to stairs) after killing the basalisk using a avada kadavera with the magic of 2 Dumbledore's behind it, not even the magic resistant hide of the basalisk could do Jack shit to stop it, I then used a spell to tear off draco's right arm and leg while making sure it looked like a basalisk did it..heh,why? cuz I felt like it and the blond cunt was annoying..heh after that I gave my self some scratches and made it so they didn't heal unless I wanted them to, threw a few bombarda's here are there, and made it look like I killed the basalisk by transfiguring a sword and sticking it through its eye's, I then triggered the health tracking charm I had allowed Dumbledore to cast on me(not that he knew) that would basically inform him of my position if I was knocked out or if I was close to dying, before knocking myself out.

when I woke up i was in a hospital room filled to the brim with gifts with both daphne and hermoine sitting beside.'s me

"hey guy's"



Hermione:"you fool why would you do such a thing"

daphne remained quiet but one could see tear's in her eyes

"well I couldn't let a stupid snake harm my girls and get away with it now could I?"

and cue the blushing heh to easy,after some more sappy talk and blushing by the girls they had to leave when Dumbledore came in along side madam pompfrey who forcefully ushered them out and started fussing over me. after she was sure I'd be fine she left me alone with Dumbledore, who ofcourse spouted bullshit about bravery and being a true gryffindor blahdy blah before getting to the point and asking me what happened in the chamber and how did draco become a cripple I ofcourse told him that I was very tired and didn't want to talk about it and if he could just take my memory and see for himself,not surprised by my knowledge of a pensive as I was known to be a genius and a prodigy he agreed taking a memory i had obviously fabricated which showed me being devastated by my friends being petrified, going into obsessive research mode figuring out what the monster of slytherin was and where, using a book which teaches parseltounge for the non speakers to open the chamber,finding draco petrified and about to be eaten by the basalisk and finally my heroic battle and eventual victory over the beast...heh

overall by the end of the second year

narcisisa had divorced Lucuis as she knew who was truly behind the chamber being opened, me being Titled the prince of the light as somehow the picture of the basalisk I killed and the backstory of all that happened ended up on the desk of a reporter named reeta skeeter who obviously alongside praising me completely thrashed Hogwarts and Dumbledore for endangering students....heh all in all a productive year If I do say so myself.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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