54.54% Lazy Life As The Primordial / Chapter 16: Chapter - 15

章 16: Chapter - 15

[A/N: - This chapter has a lot of cringy stuff (dissing Shirou and Shinji) so be prepared.


Right now, Jin was currently walking to school with Sakura, Rin, and the rest. He was accompanied by Medea as his servant as the rest were at home since they were not interested in going to school.

Right now, Medea was materialized and changed her appearance as the same age as Jin and was wearing the same school uniform as Sakura. She will be going with him to class today as a transfer student, which will be forgotten later since they will erase her traces after she had her fun.

Saber was currently the same, she was wearing the same school uniform and going with them also as a transfer student after she asked a favor from Jin to enroll her like Medea. Due to her unique nature, she can't go into a spirit form like the other servants, so she asked Jin to enroll her so she can protect Shirou without looking suspicious.

Archer of course as the anti-social he is, he dematerialized and just followed Rin.

When they arrived at school, Jin and Sakura went to the dojo to attend the morning practice, while Medea just followed behind them to observe their routine.

Rin and the rest then went to their classes as well.

____/Scene Change\____

Jin and the rest have finally finished their morning training and were organizing the bows and the other tools they used.

After finishing, Shinji came closer to Jin and spoke.

"Oukami-senpai, come with me for a bit."

"Oh, Matou, what's wrong? Want to ditch the after-school practice to fool around with Emiya? Sure thing, go ahead. I may be straight, but I will bless my kouhais regardless of their choices."

Jin said with a smile that could be mistaken for a saint's if not for the irritated tone in his voice. It's a really bad way to ruin someone's day from the start. Imagine flirting with your cute kouhai, servant and imouto and then getting interrupted by the irritating voice of a gay Seaweed.

After hearing his response, the whole club burst into laughter and Shinji was red from embarrassment and fury.

On another note, Jin 'saw' a certain purple haired servant holding back her laughter in her spirit form.

Shinji then started speaking again while gritting his teeth and trying to keep his anger in check.

"That's not what I want to talk about with you, Oukami-senpai. Please come with me for a bit."

Seeing him like this, Jin smiled and spoke.

"Oh, ok then. I thought you would ask for romantic advice, this is good then, I have no interest in males after all so I can't be of help." (Jin)

Seeing him about to explode, Jin decided to end this homo conversation.

"Ok ok, enough gay jokes. I have no interest in your romantic life and I won't judge you either. Let's go to the hallway."

He said this as he left to the hallway followed by a fuming Seaweed.

____/Scene change\____

Jin was currently standing in front of Shinji and looking towards him.

"So, what do you need? If it's nothing important, I'll go back and flirt with Ayako-chan instead of wasting time here."

Jin said with irritation looking at Shinji.

Seaweed calmed himself down as he spoke.

"I am here to offer you a proposal."

"Hell fucking no! I am straight, go ask Emiya or something."

Jin said as he took a large distance away from Shinji.

'Bloody hell?! He is blushing?! Fuck, I want to puke! I need Medea's thighs or Saeko's tails to heal the mental damage I took.'

Shinji for the umpteenth time calmed himself down and spoke again.

"I came to propose a deal with you as a magus of the Oukami family."

"Heh, quite courageous for a Makiri, aren't ya? What do you propose then, and are you even able to afford my service or tempt me to accept?"

Jin spoke as he released some pressure on Shinji forcing him into the ground. He is an easy-going guy, but no way in hell he will be decent person while conversing with this trash. If not for the fact that he needs him for entertainment before he leaves this world, he would have already killed him and destroyed his soul. Such filth should never exist.

"I-I-I w-want to m-make a-a d-deal with you! I-I am a M-Master in this H-Holy G-Grail war! H-How about we work together, and I promise you t-to use the Grail t-to grant y-your wish!"

Seaweed was shivering from the pressure that forced him to the ground, he couldn't even speak properly and could only stutter.

"Heh, Holy Grail war? I have no interest in a wish granting cup. Matou Shinji, do you know the first lesson a magic family teaches to their child? I think you have either forgotten or Zouken just didn't give a flying fuck about teaching you this.

Before any magus family teaches their children magic, they have to engrave this first rule into their brains, 'Never fuck with the Oukami'. I don't want to sound arrogant, but if I even wanted to participate in this battle royal, you would've already been a corpse, if I was in a mood to actually leave you with one at that." (Jin)

"Listen here, Seaweed. I have no interest in this war, much less your so-called deal. Why the fuck did you even think that your offer would actually tempt me? If I wanted to team-up with a Master, I'd rather do it with Tohsaka instead. You are just a bit stronger than an average magus and a male at that. I'd rather team-up with a cute girl instead." (Jin)

"Well, long story short, don't bother me or anyone around me with this bullshit about the war again. Unless you want to meet Hades, then I'll personally escort you there. Farewell, trash."

'Holy fuck! That felt great! Well, humiliating him is done. Next thing will be beating the living shit out of him later.'

After trashing Seaweed, Jin took his leave and stopped paying attention to the fuming Seaweed that was laying on the floor clenching his fists tightly that they started dripping blood.

He also heard him hitting the floor with his fists while screaming 'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!', but he didn't really care, it sounded like music in his ears.

____/Minor Seaweed's POV\____

"Farewell, trash." (Jin)

Just as Jin left, his final word kept echoing in Shinji's mind.

'Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, TRASH!!! HOW DARE THIS FUCKER CALL ME TRASH!!!!'

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!!!"

He kept screaming while hitting the floor with his bloodied fists.


He then was assaulted by deep pain as his veins and blood vessels began to expand as they looked like they have something moving inside of them.

These were the Matou family's Crest Worms, courtesy of Jin when he saved Sakura.

____/POV End\____

Back then when Jin saved Sakura from being defiled by the Crest Worm, he had a brilliant idea. Why not make Shinji take Sakura's place? Wasn't his dream becoming a Magus? He, as the kindhearted Primordial he is, helped him achieve his dream by making the Matou family forget that Sakura ever went to their family, the Tohsaka forget that they gave Sakura to the Matou and they gave her to the Oukami instead. He then made Shinji have the aptitude of an above average Magus so Zouken would make him the next Grail vessel like what was supposed to happen with Sakura.

Jin also made him not that compatible with the worms unlike Sakura and made it that he will feel intense pain when the Crest Worms were implanted in his body and he can't get used to the pain. This however backfired on Jin's mental health when Shinji began to swing 'that' way after Shirou showed him care. He almost got a mental breakdown when he knew about it. He cursed Zouken for making these shitty worms that for some fucking reason amplifies lust.

Back to the hallway, Shinji was laying on the floor and convulsing from the pain he was feeling from the worms in his body.


He then stood up in a shitty mode as he shouted.

"RIDER! You damn useless bitch, where the fuck are you?!! Why didn't you kill him?!"

Suddenly a purple glow appeared next to him as Rider materialized. She was an extremely beautiful woman with long purple hair. She was wearing a blindfold, a black dress, black thigh highs with pink tops and black shoes.

[I can't really describe her clothes, so here is the image.]

"You didn't order me to, and he didn't attack you, he merely released pressure on you."

Rider said emotionlessly while looking at her pathetic existence of a Master.

"You fucking sorry existence of a Servant! Do I have to tell you everything you need to do?! FUCK! I want him dead by today! I don't care how you do it, but I want the boundary field active by today and I want that asshole dead!"

"We don't have enough magical energy to activate the boundary field." (Rider)

Shinji then shouted as he punched Rider in her stomach.

"Remember your place, you damn useless familiar! If you don't succeed, I'll use my command spells and force you into having sex with stray dogs on the streets! I told you to do it then do it, go kill someone and drink their blood if you think that I don't have enough mana!"

Rider didn't say anything more as she dematerialized and went away to look for someone to suck their blood. She also wanted to take a look inside the school to search for the girl from the weird dreams she has been getting recently. She knows that she was in this school, but she can't determine her place and her appearance becomes fuzzy whenever she tries to remember.

After some minutes of search, Rider finally found a girl alone in the courtyard of the school, she was running towards the school building because she was late. Seeing her prey alone, Rider pulled her into an isolated place and started sucking her blood and only left her at death's door.

After Rider left, Jin then appeared while sighing as he healed the girl and woke her up so she can go to her class normally while removing her memories of being Rider's meal.

"Man, that Shinji is a pain in the ass regardless of a normal timeline or one where I made him a magus in. I mean the fucker can pump magical energy to activate the boundary field instead of restraining his output on his servant because some bugs are fucking his body inside out…. Literally… Ok, it is bad but not that bad, right?" (Jin)

Jin then sent a telepathic message to Medea and Sakura to not attack when the boundary field activates and just come to him.

After about an hour, Jin suddenly felt a large amount of magic being used from the chemistry room. It was Rider activating her Noble Phantasm, Blood Fort Andromeda. The boundary field then encompassed the whole school and started sucking all the living being inside it dry from their lifeforce by absorbing their magical energy.

Jin looked from the window and saw a cool looking barrier created by some red lightning bolts around the school and having a concentration point up in the air that formed one big ass eyeball.

Jin looked around and saw that everyone except him and Medea lost their consciousness, so he redirected the boundary field's target to be only him. The boundary field will work normally as it is supposed to, but instead of absorbing the lifeforce of the students, it will only absorb the magical energy it needs from him…. and Shirou….

"Ok, Medea-chan, let's go have some fun with Seaw-"

Before the young Primordial could even finish, he suddenly caught the cute kouhai of his that teleported into his arms. He almost forgot about the defensive bracelet that he had given to Ayako before.

Medea seeing that girl from the archery club being teleported to her Master raised an eyebrow, but then she felt her beloved Master's magical energy coming from the bracelet around the girl's wrist.

"A magical artifact? Did you make this bracelet, Jin-sama?"

Medea asked with a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

"This? Yeah, when Seaweed summoned Rider he has been getting into fights with Ayako-chan here, so as a responsible senpai who cares for his kouhai, I gave her this bracelet to teleport her to me in case she was attacked."

Jin said without a hint of shame in his voice.

Medea sighed at the shamelessness of her Master as she spoke.

"So, what shall we do now, Jin-sama? Should I go kill them both?"

Although she may not seem like it on surface, but she was extremely pissed off that someone interrupted her first experience in going to school with her beloved Master. She was currently one step away of creating a mini-sun and throwing it at the whole school just to incinerate both the Master and the Servant into ashes.

Seeing her like this, Jin used his free hand and patted the head of his cute servant as he spoke.

"Nah, not right now. We should go and join the fun that is about to start, we are the main guests after all."

Jin then took Ayako in his arms as he went towards the chemistry room where Shinji and Rider were currently at.

During their walk, they met with Sakura, Rin, Saber and Shirou. Archer was currently away since Rin had sent him home to get some things for her before the boundary field was activated. Sakura looked enviously towards Ayako who was being princess carried, then remembered her promise to her beloved Nii-sama and her face turned red that she looked like she had smoke coming from her ears.

Soon, they reached the chemistry room, and they heard the maniacal laughter of Shinji who was saying something about wanting to see the dried corpse of Jin later.

Hearing the monologue of Seaweed, both Sakura and Medea had massive amount of killing intent oozing out of every fiber of their being.

""Jin-sama/Nii-sama, this piece of trash is mine to deal with!"" (Sakura/Medea)

Both of them spoke with a chilling voice that even Rin was shocked to hear it coming from her own sister.

Sakura and Medea then looked towards each other and nodded as if they agreed on something.

Medea then returned to her default attire of the witch robe and dress; she however removed the hood permanently after hearing her Master's casual remark that she looks better without it.

On an irrelevant note, she almost went into seclusion in Jin's workshop trying to figure a way to engrave the 'no hood is required' into her main self who is residing inside the Throne of Heroes.

Back to the present, just as the two were about to go on a rampage, Jin lifted Ayako with telekinesis and then patted the head of the two. Their murderous intent vanished into thin air as if it never existed in the first place while they closed their eyes in bless.

Rin and the rest were gob smacked seeing this scene and dhow easily he handled both of them.

After they calmed down, Jin looked through the door of the chemistry room and saw Shinji sitting on top of a table relaxing with his legs crossed, while Rider is standing guard near him. They both didn't detect Jin and the rest or hear them because Jin has been isolating their sound and presence to avoid detection so he can do the following.

While both Rider and Shinji were standing in silence and Shinji occasionally humming happily, they suddenly heard the sound of someone taking a deep breath, then the door was broken as someone kicked it open and ran inside while shouting.


Of course, this was the mentally regressed Primordial, who for some fucking unknown reason wanted to do this.

*Insert crickets sound here*

Literally, every single one of them was too shocked to speak, much less move.

Seeing his joke 'shocked' them a bit too much, Jin coughed a bit embarrassed as he started speaking like nothing went wrong.

"*cough* Yo, Seaweed. Didn't I tell you not to fuck with me or the people around me just this morning? I mean, you literally did every single thing I told you not to just an hour after, not to mention that you dragged the whole school into your retarded plan as well. Weren't you bitching about the War earlier today? Aren't fights supposed to be conducted at night? That is excluding the fact that you are using Magecraft without any regards of witnesses. You will become the sole target of this war under the order of the Church if this continues, even without my interference, just like the retarded Caster from the previous war." (Jin)

"Seriously dude, who is that retard that made you a Master? You can only break the rules if you are strong enough to ignore them or have no knowledge of them. Seeing that you are a pathetic little shit, then you are not strong enough to ignore the rules, this only means that you are a retard that doesn't even know basic rules."

Jin finished speaking as he looked towards the fuming Shinji who had his veins almost popping from the agitated worms. Jin didn't really care about this and only had one thought.

'Why the hell is he not attacking me? Is it an anime rule that you must listen to your opponent dissing you first before attacking? I mean, I was dissing him for like half an episode if you include the flashbacks he had while I was speaking.'

"Didn't I tell you that you are a stupid cunt? I've been talking about useless things for a while and you didn't even attack me, man just quit being a magus and settle as a housewife or something."

Jin spoke and irritated Seaweed even more.


The retarded Seaweed wasted a command spell on a retarded order, as expected from Seaweed, his stupidity is beyond even the ability of a Primordial to comprehend.

Rider moved swiftly as she materialized her dagger and attacked Jin.

Seeing the approaching attack, Jin smiled softly as he kicked her stomach sending her flying out of the school building towards the forest near the school.

Jin then teleported all of them to the forest where Rider landed while fixing the damage in the school as well.

Seeing her okay, Seaweed started insulting her again about being a shitty useless Servant.

Rider paid him no mind as she threw her chains towards Jin.

"Oh, chains? Sorry, although you are a pretty lady, I am usually the one chaining others up not the other way around, and I honestly have no interest in trying to be on the receiving end."

Jin spoke while casually dodging the chains and the daggers she keeps throwing at him.

Seeing Jin toying with his Servant like this, Shinji was furious and used his second command spell.

"Rider, use your Mystic Eyes!"

Rider stiffened a bit then removed her blindfold and revealed a pair of beautiful purple glowing eyes with rectangular pupils.

"Wow, beautiful."

This was the only comment that Jin said when he saw her eyes. Of course, he didn't forget creating a barrier around Sakura and Co., so they won't be affected by the petrification of Rider's eyes.

Rider was shocked after hearing his comment for two reasons, one is the first thing to come out of his mouth after seeing her eyes was praising them, the eyes that were always seen with fear. The second reason is because her eyes didn't work on him or didn't work on them to be precise. She can affect anyone in her field of vision, but neither he nor his group were affected by her eyes.

"Don't look so puzzled, your eyes are working properly, but you just chose the wrong opponent to use them one. I am immune to petrification and casted a barrier to block your attack around them."

Jin explained his abilities just like any retarded shounin protagonist would.

"Now, sleep for a bit." (Jin)

Just before she can react, Jin appeared behind her and knocked her out.

He then turned around to Shinji and smiled while looking at him.

"Is that all, Seaweed?" (Jin)



After Shinji used his last command spell, Rider was hit by some kind of electric current as she was jolted awake and forced to fight again.

Jin, having had his fun fighting before, just created an enhanced rope and used it to bind Rider.

After he finished tying her up, he suddenly felt a weird atmosphere behind him. Looking around, he saw all of them averting their eyes from him with their faces flushed red.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"*cough* Oukami-senpai, the way you tied her up is a bit… inappropriate…"

The one to speak first was an embarrassed Shirou who averted his eyes.

"Huh?" (Jin)

Jin then looked back towards Rider and found her blushing from anger and embarrassment as he realized what had happened.

He tied Rider in a Tortoise Shell Rope Bondage!

"*cough*cough* Sorry. It's out of habit, I'm used to tying someone like this almost daily, my bad."

Jin said as he snapped his fingers and the rope tied her normally as if she was inside a cocoon.

"So, this is Jin-sama's preference, huh."

"I-I need t-to ask Saeko-san a-about this, N-Nii-sama is a huge p-pervert."

Jin ignored the muttering of Medea and Sakura as he looked towards Shinji who was trying to sneak away.

"Where do you think you are going, Seaweed? I told you that if you bother me or anyone around me then I'll personally escort you to meet Hades, right?"

Jin said with a chilling smile as he walked closer to Shinji while waiting for something interesting to happen.

And it did. Saber stood in front of him.

"Artoria-chan, you can't defeat me, you know."

Jin said with a smile.

"I know, but it's my Master's order, my apologies, Jin."

Artoria said with a sad expression.

"Really, Emiya? Wasting a command spell just to make your servant jump into the jaws of death just for this trash? Where is your 'I will become a hero of justice' bullshit that you've always been spouting?"

Jin said with a mocking smile while looking towards Shirou.

"B-But he has already lost! H-He is not a Master anymore so there is no need to kill him!" (Shirou)

"Listen here, you damned unrealistic waste of sperm! Look at the school behind you, retard! If I didn't direct the bounded field towards myself to act as the source, literally every single living being inside the school would've already been a dried corpse by now!"

Jin ignored their shock about the fact that he became the bounded field food source, especially Rider who looked at him with an extremely dumbfounded expression.

"You are wasting you command spell on someone who didn't hesitate to throw away the lives of hundreds just for the sake of his personal gain? And you are even forcing your Servant to go against her own ideals of being a knight just to save this trash? Is this what your 'Hero of Justice' bullshit means? If Emiya Kiritsugu was alive right now, he would've killed both of you this instant."

Jin offhandedly spoke while ignoring Artoria's uncomfortable expression and Shirou's anger.

"Kiritsugu would never do something like that! He wanted to become a Hero of Justice!"

Shirou shouted with anger.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! The Kiritsugu you have been sucking his dick since you were young literally killed his own family with no regret or remorse for the sake of his so-called bullshit ideals, fucking retard!"

"He killed his biological father with his own hand even when someone else would've done the job just for the sake of ideals, he killed the woman that spent years raising him as his own mother just for the sake of his stupid ideals. He sacrificed his wife and the happiness of his daughter just for the sake of his ideals! That's the Emiya Kiritsugu you have been setting as a role model for being a fucking 'Hero of Justice'!

You stole the ideals that were not even yours in the first place and followed them just because of guilt or any other bullshit reason that I give zero fucks about, I have no interest in knowing about it. You can't even follow the ideals that you stole and are acting like a fucking 8 years old kid! GROW THE FUCK UP!"

"Medea!" (Jin)

"Yes, Jin-sama!" (Medea)

"Lend me your Nobel Phantasm for a bit." (Jin)

"Sure thing, Jin-sama."

Medea said as she gave Jin a zigzag shaped, iridescent and jagged dagger that is thin, brittle, and blunt. Its effectively nonexistent in its capacity as a weapon, comparable to that of a regular dagger at most.

This was Medea's Noble Phantasm, Rule Breaker. It is capable of dispelling and destroying any kind of thaumaturgy.

Jin took hold of the dagger then went towards the tied Rider and stabbed her chest with the dagger.

Jin used his powers to make sure all the pain from nullifying the contract will be received by Shinji on a multiplied factor at that.


Shinji screamed like a banshee and fell to the ground spasming as the worms inside his body started acting up as well.

"What did you do?!"

Shouted Shirou who went to check on Shinji's condition.

"Me? I did nothing. I only severed his contract with Rider. The things inside his body are gifts from his grandfather not from me."

Jin replied with zero interest as he went towards Saber. They looked in each other's eyes and Saber gave a small nod.

She attacked Jin and he easily avoided her attack and stabbed her in her chest as well like Rider.

Shirou also screamed like a bitch after the contract with Saber was severed and started panting.

Right after that, they heard Sakura and Rider screaming while holding their heads. Well, Rider was tied so she can't really do it, but she used her hair to hold her head as a substitute.

Jin looked at Shirou and Shinji and spoke before going towards Sakura.

"Take your boyfriend and leave before I change my mind." 'I need him to contract Gilgamesh after all.'

He then went and checked Sakura and found that after she touched Rider, the rest of the memories she has been receiving were assimilated in an instant. The same happened with Rider as well.


Muttered Rider weakly after getting the memories and seeing Sakura in front of her.

"Y…You are finally free from your fate, huh. I am glad."

Rider kept speaking weakly as her body started shining and mana particles kept coming from her body. She lost her anchor to this world and was dissipating.


Sakura screamed as she held Rider's hand.

"You have finally found your happiness, Sakura. That's good." (Rider)

"Rider, please don't go!" (Sakura)

Rider smiled softly as she brushed Sakura's hair and wiped her tears. She then spoke with a smile.

"Silly girl, you have finally found someone you can call family, you should enjoy it. I am just going back to where I belong."

Sakura kept crying while holding Rider's hand.

Jin who had enough of this drama decided to speak.

"As much as I hate to destroy this beautiful atmosphere, but she can get a new contract and continue to exist normally, baka imouto."

""Huh?"" (Sakura/Rider)

"What? I mean I understand if Sakura didn't know, but Rider you are a Servant for fuck sake, how can you not remember something like this?"

Jin looked towards Rider like she was an idiot and she only blushed in shame as she lowered her head.

Jin then made the rope around her disappear and spoke.

"Just hurry up and make the contract already!" (Jin)

"Nii-sama, can you be the one to make the contract? I know my magical energy is large enough to sustain Rider, but it can still be depleted, unlike yours Nii-sama." (Sakura)

"The hell? Are you treating me as a battery?" (Jin)

"Ehehe please, Nii-sama."

Sakura asked him while using the legendary puppy eyes technique, so he as a responsible older brother agreed without hesitation.

"Sure thing."

Jin then stood in front of Rider as he spoke.

"I hereby propose.

Swear your fealty, and my life hall be your sword.

If you follow the Grail's summons and follow the laws, then heed my call!

Obey me and heed my call!

Will you trust me with your fate?" (Jin)

"As Rider, I accept your vow. You are my Master, and I am your Servant!" (Medusa)

[A/N: - This is literally the same as Sieg and Astolfo's contract, I just wrote it while watching Fate/Apocrypha.]

After she finished her part of the contract, she felt a huge amount of magical energy rushing inside her body.


'Noice, another one! I will never get tired of saving these moments in my mental culture folder!'

Medusa wanted to bury herself alive and skin Jin alive for making her let out such erotic sound.

Rin however was dumbfounded seeing the new Rider.

"No way in hell these parameters are from a Rider-class Servant!"

They naturally ignored her.

Jin then went towards Artoria and spoke.

"So, what will you do now? Will you dissipate or do you want to form a contract and see the conclusion of the whole thing?"

Saber thought for a minute and spoke.

"I'll form a contract with you, I want to see the end of this pointless struggle." (Saber)

After the 'friendly' talk she had with her 'sisters', she lost interest in winning the Grail, and was thankful for Kiritsugu that he made her destroy it.

"Sure thing."

After Jin said this he formed a contract with Saber and got another shot for his cultured collection.

He then looked back towards Medusa and Sakura who wee hugging each other while crying and smiled. They looked like siblings. Rin however looked at them with sad and complicated gaze.

"You can try to fix your relationship slowly, just standing from afar like this won't bring your sister back."

Jin said as he passed by her and went to Sakura.

Suddenly, Sakura had a serious expression on her face as she spoke.

"Nii-sama, there is a Servant nearby and he is looking from afar."

Jin of course noticed Lancer that has been watching this fight since the bounded field was set up.

"Should I invite our guest, or you guys had enough for today?" (Jin)

"Nii-sama, Nii-sama, I want to do it! I have been practicing teleportation with the Imaginary Number Space and it was a success, I'll bring him here!"

Sakura said with enthusiasm.

"I think you need to rest; you have just assimilated new memor-"

Jin didn't get to finish as he found a body being teleported in front of them. He was a blue-haired, red-eyed man whose primary outfit is a deep ultramarine full body tights covered in Runic protections, grey metallic pauldrons, and a metal plate over his lowest abdominal section. He wears his hair in a rattail that reaches his mid-back. He also wears a pair of silver earrings. There was no problem with the person except a really minor one.

He was missing his heart…

"U-U-Un, Nii-sama, I think I need t-to practice more…. I-I got the coordination right, b-but he moved before I could finish in time s-so I panicked."

Sakura said with a voice as low as a mosquito as she lowered her head with an embarrassed blush on her face.

At this moment Archer arrived and spoke.

"What the hell happened here?"

"Ah, Lancer died." (Jin)

"You are not human!" (Archer)

Darkstar11051999 Darkstar11051999

5406 words~

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


