It all looked the same. Still beautiful and majestic as she remembered it the last time she was on the island. The only difference would be her reason for being here.
The first time she was here, she was running away from her past. Now, she was working towards her future with the man that she believed was her forever.
"Welcome back, Sabrina." Lindsey greeted her with a smile and a vow. Happy that she was back and together with Rafael finally. She just hoped that everything was working out just the way it should be.
While they were here, Lindsey planned to make sure to assist these two love birds in the love department. She believed that the two were meant for each other, but sometimes some things usually messed it up.
"I'm glad to be back." She stepped towards her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much." She whispered before letting her go.
It is so hot today... try to get hydrated...