52.63% My life as Sasuke / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

章 20: Chapter 20

Chapter 20

It was an another day in the Hidden leaf village. People were busy with their daily lives. But there were a lot of foreign shinobi present because today is the day of the beginning of chunin exam.

Shinobi's from different countries all came to take part in this blood bath of a show. Because they need more clients. And that's it. So many people die in this exam all to entertain those who have money. Those who are weak civilian. Those who are arrogant nobles with high and mighty attitude.

Who knows what type of of mindset shinobi has but working for money and killing that is all the experienced shinobi has.

In the Hokage building Hiruzen who was sitting on his chair and looking at the village while ignoring his paperwork. He is the Third Hokage. A lot of people respected him. Fear him. Love him. Hate him. But he still has to do his job and stay as a Hokage even if he is tired of his job. He is tired to lie. He is tired to see people die on his order. He is tired to see everyone putting all hopes on him to do the right thing that he is tired of the hat and it's responsibility.

He looked at his successors face thinking how much better it would have been if he was here. He would have just sat in his apartment playing with his grandson. Looking at the next generation grow. But all gone just in a day.

When his eldest son died in the third war he felt how old he was. That time he was not the Hokage. He was not the Shinobi no Kami. He was just a father who was broken to not even find his son's body. It was also the reason he wanted the war to end and to see the peace after that. It was also the reason why he didn't ask for anything from Iwa even after winning the war. He just wanted to be in his wife's side and rest untill his day comes.

But God made a joke of his wish. The day of the nine tails attack a lot of people lost a lot of things and he was one of them. Because his light of his life his wife died that day. He was not even able to stay standing for long Infront of her grave because he had to become the Hokage again. Or let his friend destroy the village who is still busy on doing so.

Talking with the Fire leader and after making necessary work when he became the Hokage everything went out of his control. The clan took as much power as they could. The civilian council which was supposed to be dissolved after the war was in full power and the Uchiha clan was getting blamed for all the wrong doing. Like all the villages and clan's were saints and all the problem is for the Uchiha clan. In his moment of weaknesses his best friend.... Or his ex best friend made sure his life as a Hokage will be nothing but a joke.

He knows that what Danzo is doing. He knows that how much of a traitor Danzo is. But he didn't care. Because he is already dead inside and tired of living while his only remaining son is throwing a fit and daughter is never going to be able to walk.

( A/N : The daughter is Konohamaru's mother.)

He had to take care of the village. All the problems and all the work which was supposed to get divided on the entire council all came on his tired shoulder. And the entire shinobi and civilian council just wanted to use their power as they wish.

Next is the son of his successors and the next Jinturiki of the village and the one protecting the village from that monster. But it turned out worse. They wanted to kill the newborn baby just to get revenge. He was really surprised to actually see civilians thinking of killing a newborn. He wanted to take the child and make him grow as his grandson. But the cowardly Jiraya never came to help him on it or see the baby's face. All the while telling that he will not be able to see his face. And he ran away putting all the responsibility on him again like he always had done before.

Their words made one thing sure and that is if any clan raises him they will have more power so let's put him in a orphanage where everyone will hate him. And just like that the life of loneliness started for Naruto Uzumaki.

But all the while only thing he did was to give so ramen and brainwash him in forgiving the villagers. He himself felt disgusted with himself thinking on telling a four years old orphan child to understand where all the adults of the village don't understand. It ate him from inside seeing the happy child slowly trying to put a mask on and look happy. But trying to put an entire village all on his own any all the backstabbing people around he was more often than before making mistakes. Which the people suffered.

Another of his biggest mistake was the Uchiha Massacre. Maybe even his biggest mistake. And seeing the 13 years old child killing his own parents for the village made him lose faith on everything. His friends or comrades were the one to order it right under his nose but he was not able to do anything. And when he saw the dead look at Sasuke Uchiha's face he really thought what else will he have to do for this ungrateful village.

Then his thoughts went to the fact that his favourite student Orochimaru. Who he thought of a son betrayed him. And after doing all those crimes he still let him go. With all these in his old year he was really tired.

He also knows that Sasuke Uchiha is much more of a genius than Itachi no matter how much Kakashi tells him that he is only a chunin level. But he is only happy with it. He is not an idiot to think he will not know about it. But he only hope that the fools of the village will understand they are playing with something much dangerous than fire before it all goes out of control. But now he will do nothing on it because his guilt is killing him.

It was also because the entire village didn't wanted to accept that Naruto is Fourth's son. And with that the last of his hope in the village is lost.

Naruto Uzumaki son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze had enough wealth to be comparable to the village's entire year worth of wealth. But the villages and the clan's all took their time on getting their shares on it. And the person who took the most was none other than the Fire country leader. And that's why he had to lie so much. Also all the bribe was just gifts from clan now they have remembered that if he snaps the entire village will be gone.

But all in all Naruto will never get his hand on Hirashin or Fuinjutsu. After all no matter if he is a Uzumaki and a scorn Jinturiki with Hirashin disaster bound to happen.

Thinking about all the things Hiruzen can only sigh. No matter how much he hates it he is still the Hokage. And so he will have to do his job no matter how many problems he will have to solve. He just wishs that he will die as a hero and his successor will try to solve his mistakes. Because that's why he wrote all the notes on his mistakes.

But for now that he got a break he will enjoy. And with that he took out an orange book from his hidden place and started to giggle like a closet pervert which he is.

On the other hand in the Academy a lot of foreign genin started to come. With all the genins there Team 7 started to walk towards the Third floor ignoring other idiots.

' Thank God that green idiot didn't challenged me. I wouldn't have able to stop myself from kicking his arrogance if he started to insult my clan.' Sasuke thought to himself while walking with his team.

When the were about to enter the room. Kakashi came Infront of them. " Good! Now that you all came make sure to pass the second part. The faster the better I have bets on you." And with that he left.

" Hey! He could have talked to us for a moment!" Naruto shouted his displeasure while wearing all black which Sasuke threatened him to wear or he will burn all of his ramen.

Sakura just giggled." That's our Sensei after all."

" Work as the plan." Sasuke's words made both of them nod.

When all three of them entered the room all the genins focused their pitiful killing intent towards them. But all three of them without even giving them a glance went to the corner of the room and wait.

Sasuke started to observe all the other team. ' It seems Iwa and Kumo will not come... Kinda disappointing but my plans would have have gotten hard to complete.' He then saw a red hair.

' My plan to save her is good as it possible. Just hope it will work.' His thoughts were cut short when he saw Kabuto started to walk towards them. ' Well... Kabuto you are making it too easy for me.' Sasuke thought to himself while grinning in his mind.

[ Hope you like it.]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


