21.01% Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction) / Chapter 53: CHAPTER 53(Chaos)

章 53: CHAPTER 53(Chaos)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk

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Van's blade bounces off Elfy's barrier as his assault is made to stumble. The young mage surprising even herself by blocking the level 4's sword slash.

'What, how?' She thinks to herself. As the man leaps a few feet away he moves to a double handgrip on the hilt of his weapon. Small burns now showing on his skin. 'That's why, he's hurt. I can use this' the girl thinks as she recounts her options.

Seeing the contemplation through her eyes Van charges forward, as a seasoned adventurer he knows better than most how dangerous mages are when they are given range, he fully intends to punish her for every spell she tries to cast.

As Elfy holds her barrier she considers her options. 'If I get him away I can---'

*CLANG*, the sound of his weapons' impact distracts her thoughts.

'I can u---'




The speed of his strikes constantly accelerating as he uses the adrenaline pumping through his body. The pain of his previous skirmish fades away as his victory is in sight.

*CRASH* The barrier finally shatters.

As Van's blade descends onto the stunned girl, suddenly to everyone's surprise a larger purple barrier erects itself between them. A bubble of protection encasing Elfy and a small area around her.

"You can't afford to lose focus, hurry up and chant," A voice says from behind her, Sid reappearing from his invisibility within her dome.

"AHH, when did you get here?!" The panicked girl asks as she takes a step away from the newcomer.

"Just hurry up and chant, I used too much magic to take this guy down so you need to do it, I can protect us!" Sid commands.

"Mmm, alright." Steeling her will, recognizing the risks of turning her back to an enemy, Elfy begins her chant.

*CLANG* She hears as she begins her chant, as she stumbles over her words she must start all over.

Focusing once more on her magic, she builds the flames at the end of her staff, ready to meet the danger outside the dome with all her might.

*CLANG* She loses focus once more.

"God damn it, just close your eyes and tune him out. I, WILL, PROTECT, YOU. Just hit him already" Sid says, his annoyance with the girl clear in his voice.

As the girl closes her eyes and focuses, she calls upon the memories of her friends, her familiar, her time with Elfy, and her training with Riveria leading up to this moment. 'It's time to show them that I'm someone they can depend on' she thinks as she begins to chant with much vigor.



Elfy's eyes instantly pop open as a massive explosion shakes the room. A streak of blue flames slams into Van and takes him to the far wall, immediately cracking it.

As she and Sid squint to deal with the blinding light across the room a familiar figure can be seen outlined in the flames.


"Is that? But, I thought he was out?" Sid asks, completely shocked and confused.

Elfy simply continues her chant, trying her best not to worry about the new opponent.

"Argh!" Van chokes out as he raises his sword. Seeing the blazing fist descending onto his face he moves his head to the right.


The fist impacts the wall at his back, burying up to the forearm in the structure. The stone at Yang's feet are molten, the hole that briefly contained his fist immediately becomes liquid rock. He swings his arm at Van in response to the dodge.


Van's forearm is fractured through his bracers as the metal of his armor melds onto his flesh.

"ARRHH!" He grits out while skidding across the floor, scrunching his face and holding his right forearm with his left, not releasing his grip on his sword for fear of his life.

'FUCK!' He thinks before rolling to his left, narrowly avoiding the flaming foot descending onto his head.


The ground shatters and slightly sinks in, the heat and pressure compacting the rock before causing it to bubble.

"Hey, I thought you weren't about killing people huh?!"

Van's words fall onto deaf ears as his opponent merely turns his head toward him.

As his opponent rushes him, Van sees speed beyond anything he has personally fought before. Understanding that he is unable to dodge the oncoming human missle, he raises his sword.

'His body is too hot to touch, I need to avoid his flesh reaching me' Van thinks as he angles the flat of his blade to block the fist. Using one arm on each end of the weapon he prepares for the impact.


A gust of superheated wind passes through the room, slamming against the barrier protecting the mages.

As Van's sword took the impact of the fist, the magically reinforced metal was no competition. The blade shatters on impact, the heat and force completely overpowering it. As the fist moves past Van's guard, he barely has a moment to register what's about to happen before the heat envelops him.

The bright blue flames slam against his armor, melting it before impact. His blood boils as his chest caves in. The fist touches his heart and keeps going. Reaching all the way up to his forearm into his opponent, Yang is finally revealed as the flames begin to settle down.

A ring of blue flames floating at his back, magic representing his elements floating in separate spheres within the center of the ring. A brown stone orbiting around a spec of magic for earth, a blue flame sphere for fire, a spinning torrent of water, a crackling ball of purple lightning, and a small tornado. The ball of flame currently shining much brighter than the other elements.

As everyone takes on his new development, the body of Van disappears from around his arm, the mangled and charred corpse reappearing on Freya's insignia on the arena floor.


Elfy yells at the top of her lungs, shaking everyone out of the stupors as they were staring at Yang.

"What the hell, we need to leave!" Sid yells beside her.

As he speaks she fires the orb of flame, much larger than anything she has ever done before at Yang.


Flames engulf the entire room as both mages raise their shields to defend themselves.

"No, we can beat him! Together!" Elfy says, her desire clear in her voice.

"Ugh, damn it!" Sid laments as he pours a bit more magic into his barrier.

Within the flames, pinned against a wall, Yang is beyond the sight of the spectators. His brows are wrinkled and his teeth are gritted. Rage has overtaken his features. Elfy's flames lick at his skin, burning away patches of skin and cleaning the blood of his last enemy from his skin. There are no thoughts in his mind, only instinct, only desire, to survive.

"ARRGGGGHHHHH!" He screams out, Elfy's flames begin swirling before a blast of blue flames overpowers them.

As the azure screen blocks everyone's view, the spectators are forced to view the battle from behind the mages, within their barriers being the only visible space.

"What's happening?" Elfy asks, the confused Elf tries to peer through the flames but can't see anything, until.


A fist slams into Sid's barrier, the level 4 instantly pours more of his magic into the barrier to protect himself.





A fist shatters both the barriers, aimed directly at the young Elf. As Sid finishes his surrender vote, he curses his advanced level 4 perception. His senses give him an agonizingly unforgettable view of the young girls' fate.

The barrier cracks a moment before Yang punches Elfy right in the face, her staff collides with his fist first. The heat causing the blood in her hands to boil as the bones in her limbs buckle and strain, feebly as the twigs they were.

At this moment, realization dawns on Yang, understanding of what he is doing overtakes his mind, snapping him back to his senses, just in time to understand what he is about to do. Enough time to make sure he can never forget this act.

Feeling all the bones in her arms shatter, the beloved Elf doesn't even get to express her pain. Before her face can change from the petrified expression of shock that this could happen.

Her new staff, a gift from her idol Riveria, shatters. Taking with it her dreams of catching up to her friends. As the pieces of the enchanted wood shatter and are incinerated, the fist doesn't stop. Try as he might, even with his accelerated state, the momentum of this strike is beyond his control, beyond what he thought he could muster. Beyond his intent.

He watches in horror as if time itself slowed to a crawl purposefully, for him to suffer through this moment as long as possible. Moving past the girl's arm, the veins and capillaries of her limbs boil, then erupt as the gasses begin to fight for a way out. Red mist protects the audience from the grizzly sight of a fist almost half the size of her face incinerating the girl's face from its sheer proximity.

The heat and pain causing her to go into shock long before her arms were destroyed. Unfortunately, her opponent is far too fast for anyone to notice. Incinerating her face his gauntlet shatters her nose, he caves in her eye sockets before his fist touches her brain, incinerating all within.

As the sheer shock of what he's done snaps him out of his state, the blood mist falls, and Orario is cursed with the horrific sight of what he'd done. The remains of a young Elf girl, her naked charred body hanging off the fist of an adventurer, barely 2 years older than herself, with not even 2 months of experience, but so far beyond being her, and that much further beyond anyones' expectations.

As the flames continue, a look for horror spreads across Yang's face, only the sound of his victim's jaw, burnt and detached, hitting the floor is heard.

Branding a half-smile into his memory that he will never forget, the smile of his first real mistake.

His final opponent, Sid, standing horrified by what he just saw for barely a second before disappearing in a flash of light.

Beyond his control, the shock of what he just witnessed freezing him to his core. Not once did he think a lower-level adventurer could scare him this much.

With his words, the massive Orcus insignia on the ceiling of the chamber disappears in a red flash, instantly appearing on Yang's body. A series of red lines. Curving and winding to meet at the top of his forehead(Tsunade strength of 100 seal). As the pattern slowly fades away, seemingly retreating underneath his skin.

As the markings fade, Yang and his victims appear in the collesium for all to see. Only to be greeted by an ear-piercing cry of agony, horror, and sorrow.

"ELLLFFFY!!!!" the familiar voice of Thousand Elf Lefiya Viridis echoes beyond the walls of the collesium.

Looking up Yang sees the Loki familia glaring at him, he sees Finn biting down on his thumb. With a loud impact, Tsubaki lands at his side. As he is about to look down at Elfy's corpse on Loki's insignia she cups his cheek, forcing him to look into her eyes. His flames licking her skin as they slowly fade away.

"I-I, that..." Yang stumbles over his words, sadness in his eyes as he understands what he just did.

"I know, I know, just." Sigh, " Just get to your apartment, QUICKLY. We'll talk later alright," She says.

With a sad nod, he takes a few steps away. Blue flames envelop his body as he rockets into the air and flies off toward the tower, leaving a completely stunned audience at his back.

"That's new," Tsubaki says as she looks at his launching point, a puddle of liquid rock marking where his feet left the ground. Looking back at Hephaestus, she can only sigh when thinking of all the work they now have to do.

Arriving on his balcony Yang immediately deactivates his flames as he stumbles into his apartment, the adrenaline finally completely going away as a sadness takes over. Processing what he just did, what he can now remember. He drops to his knees, clutching his head, realization sets in.



"hey author maybe he did something like benimaru from fire force actually speaking about how that smog ability from their as well just a thought."

He requested benimaru's sun wheel, if you google that it gives a perfect picture.

If you were hating on the Lefiya ship, this was the plan from chapter 1, told you to have some faith people :)

keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


He got Binimaru's sun wheel but with the other elements floating in the middle, so like 6 paths Madara's black spheres with a ring around them but elemental as I described them.

Blue fire and Purple lightning now.

The Chaos Mark is on his body like Tsunade's strength of 100 seal, imagine it however you like really.


---Had to get a bit graphic to get my point across of how messed up that last death was.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C53
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


