42.85% Multiverse transmigrator / Chapter 13: Go Gun-hee

章 13: Go Gun-hee

Before the chapter plz take a minute to read this,

From the chapter comments, I saw that readers are saying that the Mc is a scum and is very arrogant, plus he is too manipulative…

I wholeheartedly agree to all these statements… he is like this because I wanted it to be like this, and he's not like this without a reason, it is all for plot purposes, please bear with it for a little longer, he is going to improve in future, I have already thought of the plot before changing this to a multiverse story…

For those who think he is too overpowered, again please just bear with me a little more, this story will most likely going to get better with time.


Next morning Zack woke up when he sensed someone approaching the door but didn't get up from the bed since he knew who the intruder was.

Hae-in entered the room a few moments later and saw his sleeping face, subconsciously a thin smile appeared on her face as she called out while approaching him "Zack, wake up, you are going to be late for the Hunter's test if you keep sleeping."

Zack didn't opened his eyes but instead hugged the blanket closer and said in a low voice: "Just 2 minutes."

Hae-in giggled when she saw him acting spoiled and shook him lightly while saying: "No, this is very important for your career as a hunter, if you don't get up now then I won't come with you."

Zack immediately opened his eyes and sat up on the bed without further due, while hae-in seemed amused by his actions.

Zack went to freshen up in the bathroom while Hae-in just decided to wait for him in the hall.

Zack entered the hall after a few minutes and saw her gesturing him towards a coffee, he understood her meaning and sat down while accepting the morning beverage.

"Were you comfortable last night?" She asked while Zack was taking a sip

"very" was the short reply he gave...

Hae-in felt that he was lying because he didn't wanted to bother her as she had seen him having nightmares.

Zack didn't said anything and just gave her a reassuring smile...

Hae-in drove him to the test centre in her car, they both were mostly silent during the ride and just listened to the music on the radio…

Upon entering the place, Zack immediately gathered the attention due to his looks…

The women present in the area were sneakily taking glances at him, Zack saw this but just shrugged it off, he already had his eyes on hae-in, so why bother with others?

Eventually, his turn also arrived as

"Name?" The employee working there asked him, she had a bored expression on her face.

"Zack, I don't have a surname." Zack answered without wasting any time.

"please place your hand on that outlined area and inject your mana."

Zack followed her instructions and only infused enough Mana to be ranked as a S rank Hunter because he wasn't sure if the machine would be able to stay intact after taking the brunt of his whole mana.

The employees eyes widened as she saw the numbers on the display increasing at a fast pace, Zack glanced back at hae-in who was using stealth to not gather too much attention, she was standing some distance away but could still see what was happening, she also had an incredolous look on her face.

The process ended after few moments and by now the employee had a look of horror on her face.

"S RANK!!!" She exclaimed not too loudly as she knew that it will cause chaos if the news of another S rank got out.

Zack just stared at her blankly before turning around and waving at hae-in who absentmindedly waved back.

Zack arrived at her side and said in a happy voice "Haein, since now our this is done, how about we go for lunch if you are free?"

Hae-in was still a still a little out of it, so she just dumbly nodded at him which caused Zack to show a happy smile.

Her reaction was not at all exaggerated as being an S rank was really a big deal, heck there were only 2 of them in hunters guild which was called the strongest guild because of this, if Zack decided to join any guild than that guild will naturally become as powerful as hunters guild.

Zack cautiously took her hand while watching her reaction, when he saw that she didn't decline, he lead her outside while the employee were asking him to wait in the background for some paperwork.

Zack ignored the protests and just continued without stopping, he would rather spend his time with hae-in than doing some stupid and pointless paperwork.

To be honest, he didn't had to become a hunter in the first place, the only reason he did so was to let Hae-in know that he was strong enough to be depended upon, he knew that she was alone and had no one to rely upon, and he was more than glad to offer his shoulder.

This time Zack decided to drive, as they both drove to a restaurant, arriving there he saw that the place wasn't that popular as not many people were there, he realized that she deliberately decided to chose this place since there were not many people around here.

Zack smiled wryly, he could change this physique of hers whenever he wanted with his biological manipulation but he didn't knew how to approach her with this since she hasn't even personally told him about her abilities, if he just went to her and said that he could help her with that problem then that will make her more suspicious.

(A/n: I don't remember if the ability to smell mana of hae-in was public knowledge or not, so I'm just assuming that it's not since she is the part of hunters guild and they won't let informations about her abilities to get leak so easily.)

They made some casual conversation with each other while lunch, they both realized that they didn't had any problem in talking to each other, they could talk about being a hunter to even small things like their hobbies or something.

Even though they had lunch together, hae-in never considered or even compared this to a date, Zack also knew this and wasn't bothered since he also wanted to know as much as he could about her before asking her out…

This may sound very contradictory, since he was the one who approached her in the first place, but he never considered these things, he just did what he thought was the best to stay close to her and get to know her better.

At the evening, they both were sitting in some sort of park to relax after the whole day…

Hae-in suddenly got a call from someone, she looked at the phone and said to Zack: "Excuse me for a moment, this is an important call."

Zack nodded his head, Hae-in walked some distance away and answered the call: "I wonder why the chairman took time from his busy schedule to call me."

"hahaha, straight to the point as always, Hunter Cha." A rather old voice responded from the other side.

"I am just busy right now, after all it's not everyday that guild master gives me a day off." hae-in replied with little impatience, she would rather spend time with Zack than to talk to the chairman.

"Busy? Oh, By any case are you referring to Mr. Zack."

Hae-in was a little startled when she heard the mention of Zack's name but nonetheless replied calmly: "How did you know that I am with him, I made sure that no one was watching us."

"I have my means, hunter Cha. Now would you pass the line to Mr Zack?"

Hae-in was reluctant to do so but still came back and handed the phone to Zack who had an puzzled expression on his face "Good evening, Mr Zack, I am the chairman of the KHA, Go Gun-Hee."

(A/n: KHA= Korean Hunter Association.)

Zack had a look of realization on his face as he replied "Oh, so it's Mr chairman, how can I help you?"

"I heard that Mr Zack is too shy to come in front of media, so I decided to call you personally."

"Im not shy, it's just that I don't like to do formalities."

"Formalities huh? All the guilds are in a state of the tension and whole media is in a uproar because of you, I must say that Mr Zack have quite the charisma."

Zack chuckled and said: "The news spread like a fire huh? I thought it will at least take some time."

"I'm sorry to break it to you Mr Zack, but that is nothing more than wishful thinking."

"I know, I also predicted that you will contact me but not this early, I really underestimated your information network." Zack said in an amused voice.

"I am flattered but I think it's time to talk business."

Zack's expression also turned serious and he waited for him to speak again: "I want to offer you a job in KHA."

Go Gun-Hee proposed in a straight manner.

Zack had a brilliant smile on his face as he replied "I am afraid that I must refuse your refuse Mr chairman, I think that I'm not fit for a job like that, in fact I am not planning to join any guild at all."

Zack heard a sigh from the other side: "That's a pity, I won't press any further, sorry for taking your time."

"I hope that there won't be any hard feeling between us due to this."

"Of course, We both are professionals after all."

The call ended and Zack handed the phone back to Hae-in.

"What did the chairman wanted to talk to you?" Hae-in asked with a little concern I'm her voice.

"He wanted me to work for him."

"And you rejected?" Hae-in asked in a shocked voice, even though she wasn't eavesdropping, she still heard him talk on the phone as they were so close.

"That job is simply not for me, and moreover I like to spend time with you more."

Hae-in couldn't help but show a light blush due to his comment…

"D-Don't say something like that with a straight face."

Zack chuckled at her reaction that earned a playful glare from her.


In an professionally decorated room with a long table and chairs, few men were sitting with dignified expression on their faces, suddenly another man enters in a hurry: "Mr Chairman, We got the call again."

He handed over a telephone to the chairman, Go Gun-hee in a hurried manner…

Go Gun-hee had a serious expression on his face as he receives the call: "Hello?"

"Hello, am I taking to the chairman of Korean Hunter's Association?"

"Yes, and I believe that this is the Japan's hunter Association?"

"Of course, we have a very important topic to talk to you."


Zack was currently chilling on the couch of the living room, he was still living in hae-in's house, she never showed any discomfort due to his presence so Zack also didn't talked about it, it has been quite some time since he started living here.

Zack was true to his words as he didn't joined any guild, not like there was a guild good enough to be able to recruit him, he signed a contract with the Hunter's guild that he will help them with the dungeons in return for money, instead of joining he was more of a freelancer who for money.

Choi jong would not accept such a deal in his wildest dreams but the fact that Zack was a S rank and close to Hae-in helped with that.

In this period of time, Zack and hae-in grew awfully familiar with each other, they could call each other best friends for that matter.

Hae-in was more than happy to be able to get a friend like Zack…

Suddenly hae-in entered the room in a haste, she hurriedly arrived at his side and said: "Zack, what are you doing? We have to go to the KHA."

"Why?" Zack lazily asked her as he yawned.

"didn't you checked your phone, they asked all the S rank hunters to come in a short notice, I also don't know why, they will explain once we get there."

"Who cares, let's just watch a movie." Was the reply from Zack which caused hae-in to have an annoyed look.

"No, we are both going right now." She said as she grabbed his hand and forced him on his feet.

Hae-in didn't let go of his hand and lead him outside towards the car, Zack couldn't help but sigh seeing how close they have gotten to each other, earlier Hae-in would never do something like this but now she didn't even blink before taking his hand.

Zack already recalled why would the Korean Hunter Association ask the S rank Hunter to gather.

He smirked a little as he thought 'So it's already here?'





Cute_lama Cute_lama

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


