37.14% Multiverse transmigrator / Chapter 11: "Title at the end"

章 11: "Title at the end"

A single figure stood in midair while looking down at the scene below him with surprised look on his face.

He looked down at the scene below him and couldn't help but show a slight smirk…

This was Zack who has just appeared in this world a few moments ago,

With only a single glance he could tell which type of world this was…

It was.… EMPTY!!!

Yeah, there was nothing there except for barren land and some bushes here and there, but it was very scarce to see any greenery.

'Of course I would end up in this type of place if I just randomly teleported.' Zack thought with a self deprecating smile.

But even then he nonetheless remembered the space coordinates by sensing space laws in this place and then decided to try his luck again.

'Ok, here goes nothing.'


Zack was currently floating midair while the corner of his mouth couldn't stop twitching.

And the reason was also quite apparent, several Mecha like things were flying in the air, not as much as high as him but still flying.

Looking below he also saw a large Metropolitan spread through the whole city and high modern buildings stood everywhere.

This place was the classic example of a Mecha world, which Zack totally hated, the only Mecha world he would even consider to stay was probably IS(Infinite Stratos), that too was because of… you know. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

By the way, Zack didn't wasted time in this place and used cosmic shift again on a random place.


Zack appeared at another random world but this time he wasn't too annoyed, I'm fact this world looked quite normal.

By normal he meant it was similar to the world in his first life...

The only difference was the amount of Mana in the place, the amount of Mana was better than even the amount of profound energy present in blue polar star.

He pondered for a few moments, deciding his next course of action 'Hmm, this place isn't bad and even have quite a bit of Mana, I don't think this world is as simple as it seems. With this much Mana in the air, their is bound to be some side effects.'

Zack thought and then decided to check it out, he didn't had anything to lose in the first place, he originally wanted to start in a classic medieval world with magic and other races but this was also acceptable.

He descended from the air in a park while making sure to be as discreet as possible, he didn't we wanted people to freak out since he still has to investigate the place and find out anything related to supernatural.

He looked around to see that no one was currently present at this place since it was nighttime.

He sat down on a nearby bench and reminicsed the memories of his first life, event though it wasn't quite pleasant due to his soul issue, he still remembered all the moments he spent with his parents and not to mention his fianceé.

It has only been a month since he transmigrated, so he wasn't that mature and decisive, sure he was powerful but the only emotional support he had was his skill 'Calm mind', which would help him erase all the emotion and returning him to his calm self.

He knew that this wasn't a permanent solution, erasing your emotions could never be a good thing, he also knew that he was being hypocrite when he told Qingyue that her profound art was trash because it suppressed her emotions when he was basically doing the same.

He repeatedly reassured himself that he didn't had any other choice, after all who would be emotionally stable when he died, transmigrated, got powers and then travelled the multiverse in only a span of a month.

He let out an audible sigh as he took in the view of the desolate place, he stood up and started walking in a random direction, after all he couldn't spend his night on the park, right?

Using his previous house was an option but the problem was still there, land! In this type of world, there is hardly any usable land.


Zack was waking down a desolate alley when suddenly he sensed some people sneaking up on him.

'A clichè thug scene huh?' He sighed as the situation was just too convenient for him.

He turned around and leisurely said "Why don't you folks come out and show me your faces."

"Ohhh, so you knew." Three man popped out of the shadows, they were wearing classic hooligan costume with a scar on his face and a disgusting smile.

"Yo brat, you shouldn't be roaming around at night, you know." One of the men said while he had a smug smile on his face.

Zack already had the ability to talk in any language, he realized this after he transmigrated into a Chinese world and could fully understand what they were saying.

"It is indeed dangerous to roam at night, but I think it's more dangerous for weak asses like you." Zack said in an amused manner while evaluating the three.

"YOU!!" All three of them had pissed expression and the guy in the middle yelled "There's no use in talking to highschool kids, they are always full of themselves at first, just get him."

The other two nodded their heads and started approach him while the third one suddenly conjured flames in his hands.

'So this really isn't a simple world huh?' Zack thought as he saw the man hurling a fireball towards him.

Zack didn't even move as he changed the trajectory of the fireball towards the two who were approaching him using elemental mastery.

The fireball split into two and hit the two men in the torso and making them scream in pain and panic.

The man who had used the fireball was looking at the scene in horror, at this moment he realized… that be f*cked up!

Few moments later...

Zack was standing over the lying men while his feet on top of the head of one of the thug…

"Now that we have come to a truce, how about talking calmly." Zack said with a smile on his face.

The man mumbled something while his face was on the ground, Zack removed his foot from his head and said "Now how about starting with the name of this place."

"This… this is Seoul city in South korea." The man hastily replied while shaking in fear.

"Then why did you attack me here?" Zack asked nonchalantly.

The man hesitated for a moment before saying "We needed money to buy more equipment for the dungeons, I am just an E rank Hunter, my profit from dungeon is not enough to cover that, we rob normal people or highschool students at this time."

Zack narrowed his eyes at the man causing the latter to shudder in fear, he hurriedly apologized "Please let us go, we won't do it again."

Zack on the other hand wasn't a least bit bothered by hearing that the man robbed people, he was instead thinking of the possible scenarios here.

The dungeons, hunters and Seoul city, everything was going in a definite direction.

Just to be sure he asked the man groveling on the ground a last question "Which guild is on the top currently in this country?"

"Hunter's guild is the strongest with two S-rank hunters."

This confirmed all his suspicions, he left the three on the ground and walked outside the alley.

'Hehehe, This can't be any better, so I'm in… solo leveling!'


In an luxurious apartment in the Seoul city, South Korea, a young girl in her early twenties was looking at the view outside the window with a expressionless face.

She had short hair, big and clear eyes and make-up less face, she had clean and pale skin with an smoothly flowing neckline.

She had a cup of beverage in her beautifully sculpted hands, suddenly her mouth leaked a tired sigh.

As you would have already guessed, she is none other than the only S-rank Hunter who is a woman, Cha Hae-in.

She was currently working for the strongest guild in South Korea i.e. The hunters guild, she was currently 23 years old.

She awakened her powers few years ago and shocked the whole country when she was announced as an S-rank Hunter.

She was usually a very hard working person, which was seen by the fact that she didn't took any vacation or rest in her whole career.

She has the ability to smell the Mana of a person, the Mana of different people were naturally different, but there was one thing in common, they all stink!!

But even after that she was able to continue working with others while handling the smell using a handkerchief.

There was only one thing that bothered her, She was lonely!! She could manage the workload, she could manage the smell coming from people, but she couldn't help but want to have someone to be with her to talk, to talk about her work, about her day, about her worries and emotions.

She had colleagues from the guild but she couldn't really say that there was someone who was truly her friend.

It wasn't there fault though, since Everytime someone came near her, she had to cover her nose which would subconsciously make others feel weird and not bother her.

*Sigh* "guild master Choi gave me another dungeon tomorrow." She muttered in a soft voice.

"Whst did he mean that I didn't have anything else to do? just because I don't come drinking with them they think that I am antisocial." She muttered in annoyance as her grip on her cup tightened.

"But I think it's better to be in a dungeon rather than sleeping the whole day after all."

With that she closed the curtains went to kitchen.


Zack used his creation laws to create some money while thinking 'Yeah, f*ck the economy, imma going to do anything I want.'

He booked a hotel room and spent the night there, in his room he switched on the TV and watched some news about the hunters and dungeons to collect some info.

[A dungeon break happened at the XXX city, there were no casualties due there being an A-rank Hunter in the vicinity, some people were injured but the dungeon was later successfully closed.]

[Hunter guild is about to send a mining team in a dungeon to collect XXX ores while the guild master Choi Jong-in had decided to personally lead the team.]


Zack didn't heard anything further as he tried to remember anything related to the news from his memories, it took him a few moments but he was able to recall what is about to happen.

"Oh, so tommorow Sung Jin-woo and Cha Hae-in would finally meet for the first time, right?" He nodded to himself as he muttered this "From what I can remember, Cha Hae-in becomes curious because Sung Jin-woo didn't had bad odor, I guess."

"Well, this surprisingly works out quite well for me." Zack said with a excited smile on his face, he wasn't ashamed to admit that when he realized that this was solo-leveling world, the first thing that came to his mind wasn't the monarchs or rulers but the image of Cha Hae-in. 'I mean who doesn't want a cute waifu?'

Even if he didn't knew, Zack was right now actively planning to approach a woman, something he thought that he won't do in his last life.

Even though he tried to court Lingxi and Qingyue, they both turned a blind eye towards him, but he now knew that there were many fishes in the pond.

The night went by fast as the sun's rays touched his eyelids causing his wake up, He didn't had any need to sleep as he could just use Biological manipulation to revitalize his cells and trick his mind into thinking that he had a sleep but he still slept for self satisfaction.

'By now Sung Jin-woo was already able to overpower almost all of the other S rank hunters, I wonder how well would he fare against himself.'

"I think that if he fought me after defeating the monarch of XXXXX, and used his whole army, he would be able to give me a tough fight." He mused to himself as he exited the hotel and asked for directions from few people.

Normal people obviously didn't knew the place where the dungeon was, so Zack just used the old method.

He went to the Hunters guild's main office without anyone noticing and used his genjutsu on a officer, controlling his mind Zack asked him a few questions related to the current mission.

After grabbing the required Informations, he arrived at the place in a relatively short amount of time, he saw that a dungeon portal was formed while workers in mining costumes were grouped together some distance away from them.

(Sung Jin-woo POV)

Today I went to a mining job I had signed up before,

" . . . Is the attack team still in there? They told us that they were done a while ago, why is it taking so long?"

"They're really almost done . This is all for the safety of you and your team members, so please just wait a little longer until all the magic beasts are down . "

I heard the foreman ask the employee from the guild.

"Did you hear? The temp today is an E-ranker."

'This again?'

Like in the past, I sometimes hated my keen hearing .

'Not like I can just go around with my ears covered…'

While he chuckled defeatedly, his teammates' quiet conversations continued,

"What? E-rank?"

"They picked an E-ranker?"

"Yeah . "

I felt the fiery gazes falling on the back of my head .

"I mean, why the hell did the team leader pick an E-ranker?"

"Would an E-ranker even be of any use?"

"I know, right?"

"I don't know if we'll be able to finish on time today . "

No wonder, An E rank would always be looked down no matter where he goes.

Suddenly I felt someone was watching me, but I couldn't sense who and where the person was, I looked around but couldn't find anything.

I then sensed some people coming out of the portal while whispers broke out around me…

"The raiding team must be out."

"Look, there is guild master Choi Jong-in in the front."

"They are finally done."

The tired miners cheered up a little after they saw that the raiding party.

The team leader Bae who was leading the mining team told us to move inside.

The guild employees were happily congratulating the raiding team when I passed through them.

'These guys are… the nation's strongest raiding party . '

Looking at the high-rank, no, the highest-ranking Hunters, Jungwoo's eyes sharpened . he recognized a face among them .

' . . . Choi Jongin . '

Hunters Guild's Guildmaster and a Mage-class S-rank Hunter .

I used my cap to hide my face while passing through by them, it would get complicated if he recognized me.

But they are so… WEAK. The only one who had a aura even a little similar to mine here is only Choi Jong-in, suddenly I sensed another powerful aura from behind them.

Looking toward the direction I saw a beautiful girl with short hair, but the thing that I noticed the most was the aura inside her, it was as powerful as Choi Jong-in if not more than him.

There could only be a single person with such an aura inside the hunters guild beside the guild master… Cha hae-in.

I immediately used stealth when I felt her looking towards me.

'Her senses are sharp.' I thought in my mind.

The mining job went relatively uneventfully, with only the other miners surprise and awe when they saw the speed and stamina of Sung Jin-woo.

During the break, as usual Sung Jin-woo decided to check out the boss room due to curiosity.

He was on his way, while sensing the strongest aura, he continued to follow a direction when suddenly

"Excuse me, but what are you doing here?"

A voice rung out from behind him while Sung jinwoo clicked his tongue in disappointment, he was thinking of killing the boss to level up when he was found out, die to his excitement he forgot to sense his surroundings.

"Excuse me, but I asked you a question."

The voice came closer and asked again.

Jinwoo smiled awkwardly and turned around to face…

Choi Jongin!

Jinwoo instantly regretted coming here, not to mention he was caught sneaking in the boss room but also by someone who recognized him.

"Hunter Sung jinwoo?!!" Guild master Choi exclaimed in pleasant surprise as he asked "What are you doing here? This is a dungeon owned by the hunters guild, and why are you wearing that Mining unform."

Jinwoo scratched the back of his neck and answered awkwardly "Uh.. em… Oh right, I was the part of the mining team, I lost the way and ended up here."

Jongin had an bewildered expression on his face 'An S rank Hunter joining a mining team!!!' well, jinwoo isn't officially a S rank yet but Jongin knew otherwise.

"Why are you joining a mining team, Hunter Jinwoo? with your Strength it shouldn't be difficult for you to be in a raiding team, how about you join our raiding team if you are short of money."

"I'm fine, master Jongin. I just came here for experience." Jinwoo tried to explain but Jongin was dead set on making him join the hunters guild.

While this was happening outside the boos room, another incident was happening elsewhere with Zack and Cha hae-in.


Title: Solo leveling, Cha hae-in

Cute_lama Cute_lama

Solo leveling!!!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


