89.18% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 33: One Punch Man's Update was... Late

章 33: One Punch Man's Update was... Late

After that fight, Night Raid regrouped in their hideout while Kira continued constructing his pool.

As time went by, a week has passed all the while Kira's nightly 'walks' hasn't even deterred once. Several mercenaries or groups tried to either recruit him or even kill him but all of them were beaten black and blue, or in case of those that showed even tiny killing intent to him, they were all beheaded without mercy.

During this week, Night Raid became used to Kira's presence that they regularly spar with him but something did happen that even Kira himself grew wary of in his interaction with the group.

Bulat was the most that asked him for a spar, but every time he wins, Bulat would have this blush on his face while complimenting him. Luckily, Akame was there all the time as she stood protectively over Kira from him.

Akame didn't know why but seeing Bulat's blushing face as he tried to flirt with Kira sent warning bells in her mind that she can't seem to ignore.

Sheele and Leone would also regularly request for a spar with him but somehow when Akame watched them sparring, she felt Sheele was being natural and sincerely asking for guidance but when she looked at Leone, she felt somehow she was being threatened about something she didn't know what it was.

This feeling of hers was strongest when she saw Leone touching Kira's butt.

At first, Leone has always had this bitter expression whenever she even hears about Kira but after she volunteered to watch Kira much to Akame's reluctance, she changed overnight. She would occasionally become dazed while her nose would bleed the next second much to everyone's curiosity.

At first, they were alarmed by Leone's behavior but as Najenda learned the reason for this, she reassured everyone that everything was alright. Naturally Mine questioned this as she confronted Leone about this but a while later, they all saw Mine having this frown and twitch on her face that would indicate she was furious about something.

After that, Kira would be rarely seen without Akame by his side.

As for the capital, when they received the news of the three Beasts, who were bodyguards, enforcers, and servants of General Esdeath were killed at the hands of an unknown individual caused confusion and panic ran amok in some places in the capital.

Though when Honest received this news as well as the retrieval of Liver's corpses, he went ballistic while his face contorted to pure anger. With that in mind, he sent out a great number of soldiers towards those towns to be investigated and destroyed immediately.

As hundreds of soldiers stationed there ready to decimate the town but as soon as they were within distance of the town, Kira appeared alone in front of them much to their curiosity and contempt.

At first, the soldiers there were shocked at Kira's appearance but seeing that he was alone, arrogance and contempt started swelling in their heads.

The leading knight was about to start his opening preach but before any of them could say another word, hundreds of gargoyles filled the sky above them then at Kira's side, three five-meter giants appeared and stared down on them.

At that point, many of them were getting cold feet and desired immediate retreat but some prideful schmucks thought with their number, they could defeat Kira's army without trouble.

In the end, those fools were the first to die as those three giants decimated everything in their paths while those gargoyles above them chased any deserters that would escape. Though some did manage to escape, that was Kira letting them go as his eyes judged them based on their sins.

Kira did notice that since he maxed out his eyes in the previous world, his summons could now utilize his eyes to an extent though only to the individual's recent sins but nonetheless, it could get the job done.

At first, the town was on the brink of chaos because of the arrival of soldiers of the Empire but as they bore witness to Kira's army protecting their homes, they all couldn't help sigh in relief.

They all cheered happily when they saw their town was unaffected though as they questioned the identity of their protector, some women started pointing out to the gargoyle, that was on the roof of the previous lord, as a symbol of their savior.

As they all contemplated on this for a few hours, in the end, they treated the gargoyle watching over them as some sort of a guardian of the town. Some of them even placed foods near the gargoyle as a sign of their gratitude though it never ate any of them, the gargoyle would regardlessly take it to somewhere then come back after a few minutes.

This exact scene was happening in all of the towns Kira took his 'walks'.

As these towns started exchanging information with each other, their gratitude for Kira started to become something akin to reverence.

Naturally, at first, some of them thought he was from the Revolutionary Army seeing that he hates the Empire but experiencing his nightly 'walks' said otherwise and the fact that some of his targets are sometimes just your daily thugs or even local criminals says that he differs from the army.

To the people, the Empire and the Revolutionary Army were all the same. The Empire created self-centered nobles while pillaging any town they desire while the Revolutionary Army only kills high-profile targets while dismissing every lowly criminal that would be free to reign chaos in a peaceful town.

Some of these towns admit that there were times that they were helped by the Night Raid at some point but not without a price. When important nobles are murdered, usually the towns they died in become overly oppressed by the Empire.

When the Empire even suspects a town in cohorts with the Revolutionary Army in any way, hundreds of soldiers would come knocking and destroy their homes and lives while the Revolutionary Army could only sit back and watch.

Both of these forces care little about the common people peacefully living their lives but now, seeing Kira's gargoyles currently standing at the highest point in their respective towns, watching over them, they all felt this sense of security.

In the end, these towns became protected by Kira much to the shock of the members of Night Raid. Najenda theorized dozens of different hypotheses about Kira's reason for doing this but the most probable was that he was once a victim of the corruption in the Empire somehow and now he seeks revenge on the Empire itself.

Though in the end, Najenda found out the answer from Akame when she mindlessly brought it up in their usual meeting. At that subject, she directly asked what Akame thought of Kira much to the shock of everyone there but the answer they got disappointed them all, while Leone and strangely Mine felt better when they heard it as they both drew a sigh of relief.

"As a brother she never had" was Akame's answer (A/N: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!)

Though some of them thought differently when they remember Akame's actions when one of them touches Kira.

Despite knowing that Akame and Kira weren't like that, she still reassures herself that both of them were close enough that even though they can't make Kira join their group, as long as Akame was with them, they could surely say that Kira is on their side.

During this time, Kira finished constructing his pool just overlooking the cliff but soon after that, he got bored at his leisure. He was so used to his usual routine that during the daylight, he should be working on making some orders or baking new batches of bread.

He did grind a few levels in his dungeons but over time, he came to grow bored at it as well so, in a spur of the moment, he thought of something that might interest him during his stay in this world.

Traveling and collecting new ingredients all over the continent.

The more he thought about it, the more his idea cemented in his mind thinking that there are a lot of exotic Danger Beasts in this world just for him to butcher and experiment using his culinary knowledge.

With that in mind, he informed Akame who was currently beside him while both of them were relaxing in the pool.

At first, Akame just stoically stared at Kira but as Kira noticed her eyes showing conflicting emotions, he reassures her that he would still come home every night as he realizes that she wanted to come with him but her responsibility as a member of Night Raid was preventing her.

When she heard this, her eyes relaxed and nodded at him supportively while a small smile could be seen on her face as Kira mirrored her expression and smiled at her as well.

If anyone was watching them right now, they would instantly think that both of these two were lovers or even husband and wife... too bad there were alone.

After that, Kira left for his journey while leaving Cerberus to Akame much to her and Cerberus' happiness.

In Night Raid's perspective, Cerberus could easily be the scariest Danger Beast they ever encountered but as soon this giant three-headed dog got close to Akame, its intimidating image would instantly break then lay on the ground and demand a belly rub from her.

Others tried to pet it but before they could even come close, one of Cerberus' heads would growl at them while the other two would be preoccupied at Akame's pampering.

After a few attempts to pet Cerberus, they all gave up in the end though the one that got the most fierce reaction from them was when it was with Leone. Whenever Leone would even come close to it, one of its heads would blow out smokes aimed at her face much to her annoyance.

Both Leone and Cerberus don't know why, but they both felt irritated at each other's presence as soon as they saw each other.

So as Akame and Cerberus became best buddies, Leone and Cerberus became arch-enemies much to the curiosity of the rest.

After that, Night Raid came back to their usual routine except for Akame staying at Kira's house every night and the addition of Cerberus as it always follows Akame around.

Kira was currently riding on his motorbike while wearing a pair of goggles as he sorely missed using his precious in his previous world.

His first destination was in the Northern Tribe as he remembered Akame saying that there were a few rare Danger Beasts there.

After a few hours on his motorbike, he arrived at the tribe but what he saw there was unlike what he had expected. Even if the weather was snowing, it doesn't mean people would be frozen solid but that was what he witnessed.

Hundreds or even thousands are frozen solid from where they stand.

At first, he thought it was caused by a natural disaster that may have struck this place but that quickly dissipated when he saw some people are impaled in wooden pikes.

Based on the eerie silent area, he deduced that there wasn't even a survivor near him.

He momentarily looked at this sight when he suddenly remembered this exact scene on the show. At that, he made his way towards the center of the tribe, assuming that the ones he suspected to be responsible for this massacre were there.

Meanwhile, at the very center of the tribe, hundreds of soldiers were lined up while in front of them was a naked man with a metal collar and chain was busy licking the boots of a beautiful woman with light blue hair sitting on a throne of some kind.

"Hmph, this is the 'hero'?... Pathetic," the woman muttered as she kicked the man away from her feet.

The naked man didn't even mutter a groan as he stared adoringly at the woman, Esdeath like a loyal dog.

Esdeath abruptly stood up then took out her rapier and unsheathed it then without any warning she swung her blade at the man's neck.


"Is there no worthy enemy anywhere that can satisfy me?" Esdeath commented while smirking arrogantly at the same time, the head of the naked man dropped near her feet.

She was about to command her troops to place the hero's head on a pike and let it display at the entrance of the tribe then go back to the Capital when she heard someone walking towards them.

She curiously looked in the direction where she heard it while the soldiers grew curious as well as they followed their general's line of sight.

After a few moments, the soldiers started to hear the footsteps as well though when they realized it was a single individual, they unconsciously relaxed their guards except for Esdeath, that is.

A few seconds later, Kira calmly stood in front of them and Esdeath got to admit, Kira has some guts to stand in front of her and her army without changing his expression at all.

Esdeath made her way to Kira to get a closer look at him though as she got closer, she got to admit he does look handsome but she recognized Kira's face from portrayed posters after getting involved with those towns.

"Would you look at this, in one day, I get to meet two 'heroes'," Esdeath commented as she grinned excitedly while looking at Kira.

"Who would've thought that you, yourself would come to me… I was even planning to hunt you after finishing here but I guess I owe you thanks for saving me the hassle, Kira," Esdeath said as she walked closer to him.

Since coming into this world, Kira barely even made the effort to conceal his name so it wasn't really a surprise that his name was quite famous today.

Kira stared strangely at Esdeath with curiosity written all over his face.

"Tell me 'hero', are you any different from that pathetic dog I just discarded?" Esdeath commented as she unsheathed her Rapier and aimed it at Kira while behind her, her soldiers looked at him in contempt.

Before Kira could respond, multiple ice shards started forming behind Esdeath then with a gesture of her hand, those shards shot forward at incredible speed aimed at him.

Kira calmly looked at those shards as they came closer much to Esdeath's disappointment but just as it was about to hit him, they stopped mere inches away from him.

Instead of showing a shocked expression, Esdeath grinned excitedly as she looked at Kira's shadow stopping her shards without any effort on his face.

"So, the stories weren't an exaggeration after all… you do possess the power to control shadows," Esdeath commented while some of the soldiers behind her grew wary at Kira's shadow.

Just as Esdeath finished speaking she quickly bent down and placed her hand on the ground at the same, the ground beneath Kira, ice started to form on his feet to his legs up until he was frozen solid.

The entire process happened so suddenly within a blink of an eye that the soldiers watching them stared in awe at their general but they noticed their general's expression was still grinning excitedly.

Though before they could dwell on it, the ice covering Kira started to crack, bursting like a balloon.

They looked back at Kira and saw he was now covered by this pitch-black cloak but the strange thing they all noticed was that the cloak seems to be moving on its own.

Esdeath grew even more excited at his survival and the fact that he was unaffected by her attack made her excitement to soar. Though before she could dwell on it more, she noticed a part of his cloak started moving and converging at his right hand until it formed an all-black 7' long Nodachi with its handle for a two-handed wield.

Before anyone could even form any coherent thought, Kira swung the giant Nodachi in his hands horizontally. Then, instantly, a red beam slash manifested and went straight for them.

Esdeath widened her eyes at the speed of it as she immediately crouched down and conjured a giant thick wall of ice in front of them though a moment later the beam slash seamlessly passed through it, luckily for her, it went over her head.



Unfortunately for the soldiers that were standing directly behind Esdeath, all of them were dissected into two from their waist.

Soldiers that were even 5 meters away from their general weren't spared though luckily for the ones that were barely close to them, they were only injured slightly.

Esdeath stood back up immediately as she widened her eyes when she saw the result of Kira's attack then she looked back at him with interest and not an ounce of resentment for killing her men.

"Interesting… you're strong... you're definitely stronger than that pathetic dog!!" Esdeath exclaimed while ice started converging at her free hand then an ice sword materialized.

Without any hesitation, Esdeath instantly rushes in toward Kira and swung both of her blades at his head while Kira still maintaining his calm, easily parried her strike using his sword.

After that, both of them started having this intense sword fight as their blades clashed with each other. Each strike Esdeath gives out was easily met by Kira's timely counter though, over time, Esdeath became even more excited as she witnessed he still maintains his calm face despite being bombarded by her attacks.

She quickly discarded the ice sword on her hands then put a huge amount of her strength on her rapier and swung at Kira again.

Kira parried her strike by placing his sword in front of him though when both blades clashed, he noticed ice started to crawl toward him again but this time, it was coming from her sword.

The ice quickly froze his sword as she followed it with a timely kick to his face though Kira easily caught her leg but instead of panic, Esdeath grinned even more as she rotated her body then did an ax kick on his head.


As soon as she hit him, she quickly jumped back and saw that despite the ground beneath him cracking, he was still standing though his head was facing the ground indicating that she hit him.

Kira slowly brought up his head and looked at her for a moment as his red eyes started to glow eerily.

At that moment, Esdeath, herself suddenly felt a chill on her spine for no apparent reason but before she could dwell on it, Kira appeared in front of her with his sword drawn back then swung it at her.

Thanks to her incredible reflex, she barely ducked down just in time as his blade passed over her head but her hat was sliced in two then she placed her hand on the ground, and instantly giant ice spikes came from the ground beneath Kira.

Kira quickly backflipped just before those ice spikes could touch him at the same time, Esdeath created a giant platform beneath her as she used it to elevate to the sky.

By the time Kira landed, Esdeath was already way up as Kira looked curiously at her actions.

Despite the great distance between them, both of them stared at each other's eyes as Kira's glowing red eyes gazed back at her cold blue eyes.

Their fight only took a few seconds at best but much to the awe and fear of the remaining soldiers there, they could barely even follow them with their eyes.

Esdeath grinned excitedly at Kira as she brought out her arms in the air and positioned it like she was praying then a great number of giant spikes made of ice started to materialize all around her. Each of these spikes was at least as huge as a normal two-story house and now a countless number of them hovered above them all.

Despite the alarming rate of these spikes appearing, Kira still maintained his calm but when he looked at Esdeath's expression, he suddenly remembered a famous saying back at his former life that millions or even billions of gentlemen abide by.

"HAHAHA!! THAT'S RIGHT!! FIGHT ME!!~" Esdeath exclaimed happily while a small blush could be visible on her face.

"Don't stick your D in crazy," Kira muttered to himself at the same time, the soldiers there were starting to feel dread all over their bodies as they looked on those ice spikes.

"SHOW ME MORE!!~" Esdeath shouted in glee as she spread out her arms wide open then those giant ice spikes started to fall onto the ground with unprecedented speed.


A series of explosions rang out as the entire tribe shook due to this as Esdeath felt no remorse in killing her men. In her mind, she was having too much fun fighting Kira to care about anything else.

As the dust settles, the entire area was decimated by numerous giant ice spikes protruding from the ground.

Esdeath didn't move from her spot as she gazed at Kira's spot expecting he was still alive and ready to continue their fight but after a few minutes, she saw no movements beneath her.

She suddenly felt frustrated then she jumped down and made her way towards his previous spot looking for any sign of him. Though when she got there, her grin returned to her face as she grew excited about their next meeting.

On Kira's previous spot, a few giant spikes were sliced in half and there were no signs of him anywhere in sight, meaning he got away from her but instead of feeling frustrated, Esdeath felt exhilarating that after so many years, she finally found someone worthy enough for her.

"Interesting… I give you my word…we'll meet again, Kira~" Esdeath said as she grinned excitedly then sheathe her rapier, turned around, and headed back to the Capital.

Meanwhile at Kira's side.

He was currently flying in the air using his shadow to form into bat-like wings on his back.

He could've taken care of Esdeath right then and there but as they fought earlier, he realized that if he wanted to take her out permanently, it would take a few hours at best. Though his biggest reason whether he admits it or not is that the thought of finding someone finally going toe to toe with him and it excites him.

Fighting mindless monsters in the dungeon can only get him so far from being bored but Esdeath was different from anyone he ever fought with.

His system might suppress some of his emotions but he could simply bypass this control by simply willing it but he felt it was a drag to be emotional over everything so he usually never let himself loose.

Kira might not realize it but now that he fought Esdeath, his suppressed battle intent is starting to loosen at the same time his excitement grew at the prospect of fighting her again while he grinned just like Esdeath.

After a few more minutes of thinking about her, he shook it off and focused on finding any Danger Beasts that could be cooked into a delicious dish.

On that day, a snowy mountain filled with different kinds of Danger Beasts took a drastic hit on their numbers as the area shook and rumbled during the entire day. It even came to the point that some Danger Beasts started going down the mountain to run away.

As night descended, Kira continued his 'walks' with the help of his minions spread out all over these towns.

In his 'walk' though he met a disguised man that later reveals himself as an Imperial Police named Ogre then a group of soldiers surrounded him. Ogre preached about their grand master plan to catch Kira by discreetly placing strong individuals like himself in different towns while Kira looked at him lazily.

In Ogre's mind, they greatly outnumber him so killing one man would be easy as taking candy from a baby though he did hear about rumors of Kira, he treated those baseless rumors as nothing more than an exaggerated story.

Though as he and his soldiers stepped closer to Kira, they all flinched back when Kira's shadow started to expand toward the ground beneath them.

At first, many of the soldiers panicked at this but after a moment, they all couldn't even do as much as scream in pain when countless large black spikes started to emerge from it and impaling every soldier there with no mercy.

Kira calmly stared at their corpse then he turned his focus on controlling his shadow to expand to his limits to the rest of the town then.

Safe to say, everyone who saw this panicked as Kira's shadow swallowed everything in darkness but if that wasn't enough, countless red eyes of various sizes started to appear on this shadow looking at them all in their eyes.

To the horror of the people there, black spikes from the shadow suddenly started to impale and kill selected individuals all over the town. At the sight of this, many of them cowered in fright as they hugged close to their loved ones, anticipating their deaths as well.

As the first ray of light peaked over the horizon, people came out of their homes and gazed at the horrific blood-soaked grounds but as they noticed the identity of these corpses, a twisted sense of relief washed over them.

Vile thugs, corrupted soldiers, officials, and basically anyone that terrorize them laid on the ground, dead. The people there felt a mixed feeling of relief and remorse over these corpses as they all worked together to at least bury them all.

At first, they thought they would have chaos in their little town but it was strangely peaceful much to the relief of everyone there though some of them did spot a gargoyle watching over them from the very top of a high mansion.

They all curiously looked at this as some of them started to recognize the gargoyle from a very intriguing rumor they have been hearing. A rumor that the gargoyle acts as the symbol of the guardian over the town from Danger Beasts to even the Empire itself.

Kira might not realize this but as more towns are being liberated by him every night, people are starting to put their blind faith in him that there are even some of them who are actually praying to him.

While Kira, himself was currently cuddling with Akame in his bed as both of them peacefully slept in each other's arms again.

On Night Raid's base.

A young man of average height with green eyes and medium-length brown hair was staring depressingly at two newly made graves in front of him.

"Sayo... Ieyasu… I'll miss you guys," The young man muttered but then Leone suddenly appeared behind him successfully startling him.

"W-what are you doing?" The young man said as he backed away from Leone.

"Hehehe, so, you made up your mind to join, Tatsumi?" Leone asked curiously.

"I-I don't know yet...," Tatsumi commented as he looked down.

"Well, anyhow, I'll introduce you to everyone, c'mon!" Leone suddenly changed the subject as she suddenly took hold of Tatsumi's arm and dragged him towards their base.

"E-ehh!! W-wait!!" Tatsumi protested as Leone ignored his pleas.

They both made their way to the base while the leader, Najenda, thoughtfully watched him from a window.

"New recruit huh... Lubbock, call him up here after he is fully rested," Najenda commented as she ordered Lubbock who was beside her.

"Mmm," Lubbock merely nodded while he secretly took a peek at Najenda's chest.

Before Lubbock could move though, the last thing he saw was Najenda's fist coming right at him but just as he blacked out he muttered "I regret nothing,"

Najenda smiled then shook her head when she heard Lubbock.

After a few hours of Leone guiding Tatsumi all over the area, they finally arrived at the house above their base.

"There's a house here, why?" Tatsumi curiously asked as he looked at the unique house in front of him.

"Well, the guy who built it said he wanted peace and quiet, hehehe," Leone replied as she walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"So, who lives here? And isn't it safer to remain on the base than a house out in the open?" Tatsumi asked as he stood behind Leone.

Before Leone could even answer him, the door opened though when Leone saw who it was or more specifically her attire, she couldn't help but twitch in irritation while Tatsumi widened his eyes in surprise as his face instantly became red.

"Akame… what are you wearing?" Leone calmly asked as one of her eyebrows twitched.

"Oh… Apron?" Akame curiously looked at Leone while Tatsumi covered his nose with his hand trying to suppress his nose bleed.

"...Ok …where are the rest of your clothes?" Leone asked again but this time, a vein popped on her forehead while Tatsumi quickly turned around in embarrassment.

"inside...?" Akame gestured her thumb inside the house.

"*Inhale* I meant, why?" Leone asked again while forcing herself to calm down.

"Oh… we were in the pool earlier, then we got hungry," Akame answered stoically much to Leone's irritation.

Leone was about to scold Akame but before she could, a voice could be heard heading towards them.

"Akame, what do you want for lunch?" Kira made his way towards them as he tied his hair to a messy bun.

"Octopus and cake" Akame quickly turned her head and replied seriously without any delay.

"Alright, alright, oh Leone, who's the new guy?" Kira calmly asked.

"Oh, that's Tatsumi, we met him last night during our mission," Akame replied.

"Cool, the name's Kira… Akame, did you remember where I last placed the remote yesterday? I can't find it," Kira politely introduced himself first then asked Akame again.

"...Did you mean the thing you use to make music with that black box over there?"

"Yup, and I told you that black box is called stereo,"

"...I knew that…"

"Mmm, now, the remote?"

"Umm… the couch?...or bed?"

"*Sigh* never mind, I'll look for it later, c'mon we haven't even begun with today's lesson," Kira motioned Akame to follow as she simply nodded and walked to him.

"...Chocolate cake?"

"Fine… but finish the rest first,"

"Umu! ...you have bigger hands than mine,"

"Hmm? I guess?"

"...see? It's bigger," Akame said as she suddenly took hold of Kira's hand and showed it to him.

"Mmm," Kira merely nodded at her but as they walked and chatted, their hands didn't let go of each other's hand and neither of them looked like they minded it. (A/N: Author took major damage in his single ass life...)

As the two of them continued with their usual idle talk, they both unknowingly ignored the mesmerized Tatsumi and Leone. Both of them were sporting the same look as their hands covered their blood-filled noses.

The reason for this was that both Akame and Kira were only wearing aprons… over their swimsuits but the sight of them from the front looked like they were only wearing that, made both of them dazed as their imaginations ran wild.

Tatsumi quickly shook his head of these thoughts as his face was still sporting a blush but after a few seconds, he managed to calm himself though Leone on the other hand was different.

Leone's breath was tense but when she saw Kira's backside, her breathing instantly became erratic like a beast in heat while her whole body trembled desperately trying not to jump on him right now and get her way with him.

"Uh… L-Leone, are they marr-KYAA!!!" Tatsumi couldn't even finish his question when Leone's hand suddenly took hold of Tatsumi's shirt.

"Sorry~ Did you say something?~" Leone turned to him with a gentle smile on her face but Tatsumi could clearly see her eyes were anything but gentle right now.

So Tatsumi did the only reasonable thing he knew about women that his grandfather taught him, he quickly agreed to any of the demands of that unreasonable woman, whatever they may be.

"N-no ma'am!! Leone is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life!" Tatsumi quickly responded as if his life depended on it.

Leone didn't say anything at first as she looked at Tatsumi for a moment then she nodded at him.

"Good! That's more like it," Leone said as she let go of Tatsumi and smiled at her.

*Clap* *Clap*

The sound of clapping took their attention as both of them immediately turned to the two people wearing aprons.

"Congratulations/Congrats" Akame and Kira praised them both.

In their minds, they just witnessed Tatsumi's confession to Leone while Leone herself accepted it with a smile on her face.

Tatsumi instantly became pale white while Leone froze on her spot.

After a few minutes of Tatsumi explaining themselves but both food junkies insisted that they support their budding relationship.

At the end of their talks, Tatsumi quickly made an immediate retreat as he dragged the frozen Leone with him as Kira and Akame nodded knowingly while watching them.

Though just as Tatsumi and Leone arrived back at their base, Leone shook off from her dazed state and immediately chased and beat up Tatsumi black and blue while her expression remained blank much to Tatsumi's increasing fear of her.

Unfortunately, immediately right after Tatsumi, she then proceeded to beat up Lubbock, who was glancing at her assets while he coincidentally just passed by at that time.

From that day on, Tatsumi finally learned what unreasonable women are like as he set Leone as the prime example of one though saying that out loud to her face would be like digging his early grave.


The next day, Najenda announced to every one of them that Tatsumi was an official member of their group though, despite the warm welcome, Tatsumi can't but feel wary around Leone.

It did shock Tatsumi when he heard that Kira wasn't a member despite Akame sleeping there every night with him. Najenda and the others explained all of their theories of why but almost all of them turned down to Akame feeling something about Kira and that they were building their love nest.

Though Leone and Mine objected to it adamantly, the rest of them just looked at the both of them with undisguised pity.

So with his curiosity tempting him, Tatsumi headed for Kira's house and asked them directly though when he got there, he suddenly felt blessed that Leone and even Mine wasn't with him right at the moment.

Kira and Akame are currently cuddling on a hammock together as Akame's head was peacefully resting at Kira's chest while they both slept peacefully.(A/N: Author puked blood over this...)

Tatsumi might not know a lot about women but even he knew they have to be lovers or even married at this point. The sight of them peacefully resting at each other's embrace was too much for a single young man like him much less a virgin at that.

With that in mind, he silently walked back to the hideout to relay his own theory about those two but not once did it occur in his mind to say what he saw there to Mine and especially to Leone for that matter.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Morning Gentlemen!!







There is a very logical and understanding reason as to why I was late in updating this...










I finally finished "Kingdom" from Netflix


Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


