86.48% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 32: My Fat Cat, Oreo, is Starting to Get... Even Fatter

章 32: My Fat Cat, Oreo, is Starting to Get... Even Fatter

After a few hours, Kira finally opened his eyes but his attention was drawn by something he was hugging and that something was hugging him back.

He curiously looked down and there he saw Akame sleeping peacefully with drool dripping on his chest as her arm and leg wrapped around him.

He looked at her for a moment as he somewhat remembered something about her before he closed his eyes but at that time, he didn't really dwell on it.

He nudged her slightly to try and wake her up but she didn't budge and continued to snore though a moment later, he came up with an idea. His shadow extended and a gargoyle emerged from it then he exchanged with it leaving him free while the gargoyle on Akame's hold started freaking out like it was being strangled.

As soon as he exchanged though, Kira didn't notice it but Akame's eyes opened instantly when she felt the heat she was feeling disappear from her grasp and looked at him just as Kira started taking off his clothes to change to new ones.

The entire process was unconsciously engraved in Akame's mind but as her eyes instinctively looked a little below his abs, her mind froze while her nose started bleeding without her even realizing it and the gargoyle in her arms started tapping Akame's arm to tell her it surrenders to no avail as Akame's grip tightened even more.

As Kira finished changing, he curiously turned around as he felt someone was watching him and there he saw Akame staring blankly at him while the gargoyle in her arms started to return to his shadow much to his curiosity.

"Oh, Akame, morning," Kira greeted her.

"Mmm… morning," Akame mindlessly replied back.

"Want some lunch?*Yawn*" Kira asked as he stretched his back and arms.

At the word of lunch, Akame instantly broke out her stupor and quickly nodded at him while Kira just smiled lightly at her then motioned his hand to her to follow him and made his way towards the kitchen.

Kira didn't notice it but when he smiled at her, she became captivated for a moment that she unconsciously held her breath though as she saw Kira turning around and leaving, she shook off from her thoughts and followed him.

As both of them had lunch, Kira did notice Akame staring blankly at him while he cooked but he reasoned with himself that she must be hungry which made him smile as he unconsciously remembers his regulars from his previous worlds.

After they ate, Akame could finally properly think that she bade goodbye for now to Kira and made her way back to their hideout while on the way, she was intrigued by what she just experienced.

She noticed her mind paused for a moment when she saw Kira smile then even though she didn't have any injuries, her nose bleed for some unknown reason. She intends to ask about this as soon as she arrives back at their hideout, she never knows, she might've been poisoned for all she knew.

As Kira watched Akame walk away, his shadow extended as a 3-meter werewolf emerged from it and bowed towards Kira.

"Fang… follow her," Kira muttered as Fang, his newly summoned minion, instantly made its way toward her then without even noticing it, Fang merged with Akame's shadow.

He knew Akame could take care of herself but he did it just as a sign of precaution as he knew she and her group would encounter countless enemies and she might need some assistance.

At that, he went outside and summoned his loyal helpers in constructing something again.

Meanwhile at the Capital.

A fat-ass middle-aged man with light skin, gray hair, dark yellow eyes, and a long white beard that extended down to his abdomen was pacing back and forth as he threw the food in front of him to the ground.

This man was Prime Minister, Honest, and he just learned that the town his son is overlooking just experienced a massacre similar to the ones that happened before, while his son, Syura, was reported to have been killed mercilessly.

At that, he immediately called in his generals to discuss this matter immediately as he trembled in rage that someone would have the audacity to mess with him.

After a few minutes, three individuals arrived in front of Honest.

At the sides were two tall men, one of them was a man with gray hair worn in a long ponytail, blue eyes, and a mustache wearing the standard black uniform, Liver, while the other one was a muscular man with spiky blond hair with two longer bangs resembling horns and blue eyes, Budo.

Leading them was a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots, Esdeath.

"My Generals, someone just killed my son and massacred a few villages in the past three days!!" Honest yelled out as he tightened the grip on his armchair while veins on his face popped in anger.


"...Massacre you say… then I propose my group handle this then," Liver commented as he looked over the other generals for their opinions.

"Mmm, I agree… I have a duty to teach soldiers over the imperial training grounds and as I stated, I will not leave the Emperor unguarded," Budo said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked contemptibly at Honest.

"What say you, my lady?" Liver nodded at Budo then asked Esdeath directly.

"Hmph, do what you please, I still have to go to the Northern Tribes anyway," Esdeath just shrugged it off as she turned around to leave though she can't but feel a certain excitement when she heard those massacres and the rumors that a single individual was the cause of this.

"Mmm," Liver bowed respectfully at her then looked at Honest's red face full of anger.

"I DON'T F*CKING CARE WHO, BRING THEM TO ME ALIVE!!!" Honest yelled as his rage boiled over.

Liver and Budo calmly looked at Honest's unsightly expression as they themselves followed Esdeath out.

Meanwhile at Night Raid's hideout.

Akame just arrived back and shared what she learned from Kira though at some point they noticed something off in Akame.

Her expression was the usual stoic face but as soon as she got to the morning today, a blush could be seen in her face while a tiny stream of blood dripped from her nose. As they listened to her explanation, the women there instantly connected the dots and knew why Akame was acting this way.

Though Leone and Mine were pretty irked when they heard Akame and Kira basically slept together and then had lunch. At this point, in their minds, both of those two were acting like a couple and what was worse was that based on Akame's story, both of them were clueless about this matter.

Despite Leone's humiliating defeat to Kira, she still felt she could have a shot at him but now hearing Akame, she felt those two were two peas in a pod and scarily in sync. In the end, she intends to drink till she drops after their mission later.

After recounting everything, Akame resolutely volunteered again to watch Kira again much to everyone's slight irritation.

At first, when Najenda assigned this to her, all of them thought this would be a dangerous mission like visiting a sleeping dragon's den but now hearing Akame's story, it felt like anything but that.

They remembered that both of them basically became best buddies with each other or even more than that to the women's mind. Though looking at Akame's eager expression, they relented and agreed to her.

In Najenda's mind though, she was impressed with Akame's course of action. Her order at that time was to only watch him but she didn't expect Akame to use her womanly charm to try and make Kira fall for her.

After they discussed Kira, they moved on to their upcoming mission, the extermination of another corrupt noble near the Capital taking in any unsuspecting travelers in their mansion and drugging them.


Back at Kira.

After a few hours of instructing his helpers in building a pool of some kind close to the cliff, he felt one of his minions requesting an exchange and this one was the one he left at the previous town last night though before he could, a notification rang out to his ears as a mission popped up to his face.


[Emergency Mission: Death's Invitation]

[You are being summoned by the Creator for a test]

[Objective: Kill and claim the soul of your opponent]

[Cannot be refused]


As Kira read the details, he grew irritated at the timing as he summoned all of his remaining gargoyles as well Cerberus out.

"Go, defend that town… kill anyone that hinders you," Kira instructed his minions as Cerberus' three heads bowed at him while all of the gargoyles did the same thing.


"I'll catch up," Kira commented as he took his red scythe while a portal suddenly appeared behind and sucked him up.

Cerberus and the gargoyles curiously looked at Kira's previous spot for a moment then Cerberus came forward as it easily towers everyone there.


Cerberus let out a loud roar that could be easily heard by the members of Night Raid then it suddenly ran with its fastest speed and rushed in a certain direction while trailing behind it were about a hundred gargoyles in the air.

By the time Akame and the rest got there, Kira was nowhere in sight or any of his minions though they could make out huge paw prints on the ground leading to a flock of bats in the distance heading straight for a town.

At that, they assumed a dangerous Danger Beast was heading straight there so they all nodded with each other as they pursued the trail though Akame couldn't help but wonder where Kira was.

At Kira.

As he opened his eyes, he saw the surroundings were the same when he first met Lady Death but this time there weren't any guards or any walls for that matter. It was just an extremely wide platform while at the center of it was a throne and sitting on it was Lady Death lazily looking at him.

"...Welcome our so-called champion," Lady Death lazily waved at him though, at that point, he knew this wasn't the same Lady Death he knew.

"...Where's my opponent?" Kira asked directly as he knew he had limited time especially when Lady Death called him just now.

"Hmm… no-nonsense and straight to the point… I like it," Lady Death commented as she looked over to him.

"My other self may be content with you but not all of us are... including me. I'll make this simple, defeat my selected warrior and you can go back... if not, then this is the end of the road for you," Lady Death said as she looked at him in contempt.

Kira didn't say anything and just narrowed his eyes at the distinct attitudes of this Lady Death compared to the one he knew.



Lady Death abruptly snapped her fingers at the same time, something just fell from somewhere and landed in front of Kira.

As the dust settles, Kira was surprised to see him in this form though he is much bigger than what he can remember in the shows.

It was a humanoid creature though it only stood at a height of almost 3 meters, the pressure he could feel from it was the strongest he ever faced so far. It was white all over with a hole in its chest while it wore torn black hakama pants. It has long orange hair reaching to its back as it wields a black katana in its right hand while its face is covered by a mask with two horns at its sides pointing toward its face.

Kira didn't need to use his eyes to identify this guy as the shadow beneath him started to converge on his body as it took on a cloak-like appearance.

It was Ichigo Kurosaki's hollow form from Bleach.


The Hollow let out a loud roar then suddenly, a red energy started materializing at the front of its horn and started converging at a single point aimed at Kira.

Kira instantly recognizes this as he holds out his palm as a red fire starts to appear and converge at one point same as the Hollow.

A second later both of them sent out similar red beams towards each other.




As both beams collided with each other fighting over dominance, Kira noticed his beam was being pushed back then a moment later he widened his eyes in surprise when it started to engulf his own entirely heading straight for him.


Kira was entirely engulfed but the Hollow didn't let up and rushed in Kira's position inside the blast while on the side, Lady Death watched on lazily.

Kira held his red scythe in front of him to take on the blast but as soon it ended, the Hollow suddenly appeared behind him much to his shock then it swung its sword at his back while Kira barely parried it with his scythe.


The strike forced him to be slightly pushed but he stood his ground and looked straight at the Hollow while his red scythe started to be engulfed by his red fire.


The Hollow roared again then it charged again at the same time Kira rushed in as well.



As both of their blades met at the center, a shockwave could be felt around them as the ground beneath them formed a crater around them due to the force of their strikes.

Both of them looked at each other for a moment then they exchanged countless slashes with each other as whenever they would collide, a new crater would follow.

The Hollow took an overhead swing as Kira countered it with his scythe but as soon the Hollow's sword hit his scythe, the Hollow instantly followed it with another Cero.

Kira calmly looked at this as the cloak made up of his shadow moved on its own and sent countless black spears headed straight for its horns.

The Hollow flinched when it saw this as it quickly backed away but as soon as it touched the ground, it disappeared in a flash and appeared behind Kira again but this time its sword was coated with a considerable black and red energy flowing through it.


The Hollow muttered as Kira instantly turned around and set his scythe in front of him to take on the blow.


It yelled out as it released a large black and red blade beam at Kira in point-blank.


Kira calmly withstood the force of it but then he noticed his scythe was beginning to crack due to the force behind the attack. Before he could get away, his scythe couldn't take it and split into two as Kira widened his eyes while the blade beam arrived at him.


Kira was dragged and engulfed by an explosion as the ground shook while shock waves could be felt everywhere.

As the explosion settled down, a giant crater could be seen in its place while Kira was nowhere to be seen except for his broken scythe on the ground.

The Hollow looked at this momentarily then it turned around and laughed menacingly while it made its way back to Lady Death.

Lady Death contemptibly looked at the crater then she shook her head in disappointment. She knew that was the strongest attack of the Hollow and the possibility of Kira surviving that would be slim to none.

With that in mind, Lady Death stood up and got ready to send that Hollow back but they both suddenly froze when they heard footsteps coming from the crater.

They both quickly looked at the cloud of dust covering most of the crater.

A moment later, they both could make out a silhouette and two glowing red eyes looking at them.

The Hollow flinched slightly when it saw those red eyes but it shook it off and tightened its grip on its katana.

As the dust settles, Kira emerged from it with his cloak still intact while on his head, blood could be seen running through his face but aside from that he looked completely fine. The thing that changed though was the red fire that was covering him all over.

"That… was my favorite scythe," Kira commented as his glowing red cold eyes were looking at the Hollow with an eerie calm expression.

Lady Death's stoic expression suddenly changed as she smiled excitedly when she looked at his eyes while a small blush could be seen on her face. She relishes the feeling of her divinity when someone is about to die, especially in front of her, and just thinking about it is making her excited.

While the Hollow didn't know why but its hands were trembling at its unarmed foe. It felt all of its instincts just went overdrive screaming at it to avoid fighting and ran away now but a moment later, it remembered its pride.


With that in mind, it let out a wild roar and made its way towards Kira's back again to attack him but as it arrived, it noticed something that sent shivers in its spine. Kira's red cold eyes were looking sideways at it while his head was turned slightly.


The Hollow, feeling like it was being looked down on, shook off its trembling instincts then went in ahead and tried to use Getsuga again but before it could even start to gather its energy, countless black spikes moved and defended Kira much to the shock of the Hollow as it swiftly got away in time as it noticed it was bleeding.

As it touched the ground it tried to attack again just like earlier but this time halfway through its flash step, it suddenly saw a hand heading straight for its face. With no time to react, it helplessly watched as Kira's hand gripped its face then like a fluid motion, it felt like it was being pushed down by a giant as Kira proceeded to smash its head to the ground.


A big crater formed around them as the Hollow's upper body was buried on the ground while only its feet were sticking out of the ground.

Kira calmly stood on the side as his cloak moved and took hold of the Hollow's right leg then proceeded to pull it out of the ground.

As Kira saw the Hollow, it was dazed as a crack could be seen on its mask.

Just as the Hollow was about to wake up from its dazed state, Kira brutally kick-stomped the Hollow's face.


The Hollow lifelessly flew to the distance as its body skids repeatedly like a skipping stone in water. After a while Kira instantly appeared above it just as the Hollow came to stop, he mercilessly sent out an ax kick right at its middle section.


Instantly the ground beneath them rumbled and cracked as a bigger crater formed around them as the Hollow's middle section was buried while its face indicated it was knocked out.

Kira's expression didn't change as he silently looked down on his fainted opponent then he took hold of its horns as he sent out a punch on its face.


At that punch, the Hollow's mask cracked even further as the ground shook due to the force behind it but Kira didn't let up as he sent out countless devastating blows all over the Hollow without mercy.


The ground shook every time Kira punched as Lady Death watched on excitedly from her throne.

"Yes, YES!! That's it! GIVE ME MORE PLEASURE!" Lady Death exclaimed enthusiastically as her face had this massive blush and massive grin while she rubbed her thighs together as she tentatively watched Kira destroy the Hollow.

After a few more blows, Kira finally stopped while the Hollow beneath him had its entire body mangled like a broken mess. He stopped because he just remembered what he had to do just before coming here as he wasted enough time as it is.

With that in mind, Kira held out his palm towards the Hollow as a golf ball-sized red fireball appeared on it. A second later it became even more compact as its size was comparable to that of marble then he fired it at the Hollow's face at point-blank.


A large explosion envelops the two of them as huge shockwaves and strong winds travel everywhere.

A few seconds later, it died down but as the dust settles, the once giant crater that Kira created by bashing in Hollow was no longer there instead it was now a barren flat surface and at the center of it was Kira holding on to a quarter of the Hollow's mask, its right horn to be more precise.

"...Awaken," Kira muttered as the horn in his hands became enveloped by his shadows then a moment later, an exact replica of the Hollow, except for it was on black and red color, bowed respectfully at him.

Kira silently looked at Hollow for a second then he suddenly appeared in front of Lady Death, who was busy at the moment trying to hold her moans.

Kira and Lady Death looked at each other for a moment as the latter had this massive blush on her face and breathing erratically while the former was looking at her strangely but as he remembered a certain waitress back in the previous world he went to, he wisely took a step back from her.

"CONGRATULATIONS!! You have successfully passed my test!" Lady Death exclaimed while trying to control her breathing and excitement.

"NOW MY CHAMPION!! State your reward! I could give you anything that you desire! Anything at all~" Lady Death suggested as she folded her arms over her chest to make them bigger to Kira.

Kira strangely looked at Lady Death's actions.


[Emergency Mission: Death's Invitation] Completed


Meanwhile, in the town that Kira's gargoyle resides in, it was in chaos at the moment as armed civilians stood in front of their town just as Cerberus and the other gargoyles arrived.

Many of them grew nervous at this especially with Cerberus' size but as those women who recognized the gargoyles, they quickly informed everyone about them. It even got to the point that some of them demonstrated they weren't dangerous to them by approaching Cerberus unarmed.

Their panic quickly subsided when they saw it didn't harm the woman or anyone that approached it.

Cerberus and the gargoyles made their way toward the front of the town at the same time three individuals in black uniform could be seen coming their way at them.

Three men with different figures though the one leading them was the general and former bodyguard of Esdeath, Liver. Behind him were two males one was a man of large muscular build with long, spiky blond hair and pure white, pupil-less eyes, Daidara, while the other one was a young man of a small build with blond hair and golden eyes, Nyau.

"Mind yourselves, we have been ordered to catch whoever was responsible for this incident," Liver said as he led his companions.

"Wind that in mind, Nyau, Daidara… use all means to get every little information on those people residing in the area," Liver said without any hint of remorse in his voice.

At that order, both of them grinned maniacally as Nyau began imagining what kind of torture would he use and who would be his pick in ripping their face-off.

As all of them thought about what they would do to the rest of the villagers, they noticed something big blocking their way. It looked like a three-headed dog but as they dwell on where this Danger Beast came from, flocks of black and red gargoyles started covering the sky above them.

"...It looks like we have to destroy these insects before we could continue on our plan," Liver said as any nearby water in the area started to move towards him.

"Hehehe, I like it! A workout before we could get our hands on those people," Daidara grinned excitedly as he took his double-bladed ax then he split it into two and wielded both blades on each hand.

"Hahaha, this will be a piece of cake! I'll set the mood!!" Nyau exclaimed as he took out his flute, Scream, which could manipulate the emotions of anyone who heard its melody then used it on these gargoyles and Cerberus to make it feel fear toward them.


At the sound of Nyau's flute, the three of them smugly looked at those gargoyles and Cerberus but they were shocked to notice that not a single of them were affected at all but before they could dwell on it, Cerberus came forward.


Cerberus let out an ear-piercing roar that could be heard miles away from where they were while the gargoyles took this as a sign as they all dived in and rushed at those three.

Liver and Daidara quickly sent out their Teigus at them specifically a water dragon that was collected from any nearby water and a pair of flying ax blades in an effort to take out the majority of them but again they were surprised by these gargoyles as all of them maneuvered around their attacks and continued on their charge.

Seeing his efforts were futile, Liver quickly called back his water dragon and made it cover the three of them in a cocoon made up of water then as he saw those gargoyles were close enough, he promptly controlled the water and made them become water spikes while simultaneously impaling any nearby gargoyles around them.

Liver and his group smirked at this but they grew shocked yet again when instead of blood that would've come out from these gargoyles, it was black smoke like shadows themselves were coming out of them.

Before any of them could dwell on it, other gargoyles started attacking again as Daidara and Liver were doing what they could do to kill these gargoyles while on the side was Nyau desperately trying to make his flute affect them but after a few minutes, he gave up and decided to join his two comrades in killing these things one by one as he used his trump card to make himself as buff as Daidara.

The three of them worked together in sync as they decimated any number of gargoyles in their way but just as their confidence started to rise, they finally noticed something that made them feel numb in despair.

They noticed any gargoyle that they killed would eventually regenerate back much to their increasing anxiety but then they remembered Cerberus hadn't joined in.

With that thought in mind, every one of them assumed that Cerberus was the weakness of these gargoyles. They kill Cerberus, these gargoyles would disappear.

Liver and Nyau quickly covered Daidara as he made way to Cerberus though just as Daidara was a few meters away from Cerberus, both of them noticed that most of the gargoyles near Daidara actually moved away from him.

Then they saw gargoyles near the both of them grinned maniacally at them like they just fell in a trap as they all proceeded to fly away from the both of them.

If that wasn't enough indication, Cerberus' three heads started to lit up with red fire as Daidara grew closer.

At that, both of them paled slightly as they tried to warn Daidara to run away but before they could mutter so much as word, Cerberus' three heads drew back then all three of those heads started to spew red streams of fire directly at Daidara's direction.

Daidara couldn't do so much as scream in pain before the Cerberus' fire engulfed him entirely though that fire still went forward, heading straight in Liver and Nyau's direction.

Liver and Nyau instantly jumped to the sides just as that stream of fire passed them. They watched it fly straight towards the forest then an explosion rang out that could be heard by miles away from there.

Both of them immediately paled by this display of firepower as they couldn't even find the remains of their comrade, Daidara, not even his Teigu was in sight.

With that in mind, they would rather take on the gargoyles instead of Cerberus just as the gargoyles above them decide to attack again at the same time, the members of the Night Raid finally arrived at the battle.

They didn't see much but they still caught sight of Cerberus' explosion but that was enough for them to take this seriously at the Danger Beast like Cerberus.

They were about to attack Cerberus but Akame noticed some of Kira's gargoyles were beside it and at that, she quickly stopped her comrades before it could escalate even further. Naturally, at first, all of them grew skeptical about what Akame was telling them but as she herself demonstrated when she approached Cerberus without even drawing her blade.

Cerberus sensed someone was approaching it and curiously looked at Akame with her hands in the air like she surrendered but to Night Raid, three pairs of its eyes looking directly at Akame felt unnerving, to say the least. As Akame was about to touch Cerberus' fur, all of her comrades grew tense for any sudden movements but after a few seconds, nothing happened to Akame.

The rest of them hesitantly approached Akame and Cerberus slowly while Akame was busy rubbing Cerberus' fur while Cerberus seriously watched Akame.


They all couldn't help but gulp in nervousness when they saw Cerberus' expression as they all grew concerned about Akame's safety. They were all ready to fight Cerberus to the death just so they could save Akame but the tense atmosphere around them dispersed quickly when Akame accidentally rubbed Cerberus under its chin.


Every one of them looked on in shock as they saw the intimidating Cerberus earlier was now laying on its back while showing a content expression as Akame proceeded to rub its stomach.


The rest of them grew speechless at this sight but then they finally noticed there was a fight going on a few meters away from them.

Najenda and Bulat quickly recognized Liver as they both grew serious but they realized Liver and his subordinate hadn't even noticed them as they were busy with the endless gargoyles throwing themselves at them.

As they took in what they were looking at, they finally realized that these Danger Beasts are protecting this town as they saw the people inside the town weren't harmed in any way but as they thought about this, they all couldn't help but wonder, why.

At the same time asked themselves this, all of the gargoyles and even Cerberus suddenly jerked like they all felt something then the gargoyles flew away from Liver and Nyau while Cerberus stood up as one of the heads of Cerberus took hold of Akame's back then place her behind on its back.

Cerberus stood in front while the gargoyles lined up behind it then one gargoyle came in front of them at the same time Cerberus and the gargoyles started to bow respectfully like servants bowing to their king.

All of them that stood there curiously looked at their actions in question as Liver and Nyau finally noticed the members of Night Raid watching by the sides.

Liver was about to preach something to them when the sole gargoyle that stood in front of the others suddenly became replaced with black smoke then Kira appeared in its place much to the shock of Night Raid members.

Liver and Nyau instantly trembled at the sight of Kira as his glowing red eyes looked at them with an eerie calmness. They don't know why, but they both started to regret going into this town.

While the Night Raid members looked on warily except for Akame as she was still sitting atop Cereberus' back. Before any of them could utter any word, a black shadow hand suddenly burst through the ground beneath Nyau and took hold of his leg then proceeded to drag Nyau to the ground.

Liver instantly jumped to the sides as sweat started to roll on his forehead in trepidation. If he was the target of that, he would've been helpless just like Nyau right now.

Nyau was suddenly dragged back to the surface by a long shadow hand then it threw Nyau in Kira's direction.

By now, Nyau was bruised all over as his buff physique earlier returned to his original small body though he did regain consciousness albeit barely just as Kira caught him on his face.

All of them watching grew shocked at this display of power as they have never seen something like this and all of that just took place in a matter of seconds.

Nyau weakly tried to get out of Kira's grip but then he felt a burning sensation coming from Kira's hand.

"Hey… get… off...hey… I said AHHHHHH!!!!!"

Nyau screamed in agony as the fire on Kira's hand suddenly increased to absurd levels that he felt he was being cooked right now. He screamed and flailed around desperately trying to get rid of Kira's grip on his face but to no avail.

If that wasn't enough, Kira proceeded to squeeze Nyau's face then much to the horror of everyone watching, Kira crushed Nyau's face mercilessly while red fire started engulfing Nyau's corpse until it became ash.

Liver anxiously looked at the remains of his comrade but then he flinched back when he noticed Kira was looking at him now.


Liver couldn't even finish his begging when his right arm where his Teigu was suddenly cut off as Kira, wielding a black scythe, appeared behind him in a blink of an eye without any of them noticing Kira move at all.

Kira didn't spare Liver a glance when he suddenly appeared in front of minions as most of them returned to his shadow one by one except for Cerberus though.

Liver was about to take a step towards Kira but he suddenly noticed his view became sideway then it became upside down. By the time he hit the floor, the light in his eyes faded.

Najenda and Bulat grew shocked at this as they knew Liver was a general but seeing his death just like that felt unbelievable but looking at Kira, who was looking curiously at Cerberus, they reasoned with themselves that he was entirely on a different level to them.

Cerberus' middle head was seriously looking at Kira but the other two were showing a blissful expression on their faces much to his curiosity. He looked at the person sitting on Cerberus' back and there he saw Akame was busy rubbing Cerberus' back, particularly the back of its neck.

"Fluff… Fluff," Akame muttered as soon as she touched Cereberus' fur, she only focused on it from the beginning.

Seeing Cerberus' pleading and blissful expression, Kira shrugged his shoulders as he jumped to Cerberus' back then he sat behind Akame much to her curiosity.

"...I like your dog," Akame commented as she looked at Kira while she continued rubbing Cerberus' fur.

"Mmm... Cerberus, let's go back," Kira nodded at her then Cerberus turned around and started going back to Kira's house.

"So that's his name, Cerberus?... I like it," Akame commented as she enjoyed the ride while one of Cerberus' heads turned to her and licked Akame's face.

"Well, Cerberus likes you too," Kira said while they arrived at the town but he didn't stop. Instead, a gargoyle suddenly emerged from his shadow and stayed in the town.

"...What were you doing over at your place earlier, it looked like you were building something again," Akame asked curiously as the town's people showed mixed reactions when they saw a giant three-headed dog passing through their town.

"...A pool,"

"Oh… need any help?"

As both of them continued on their idle chatter, they completely forgot the rest of the members of Night Raid with them much to the annoyance of Mine and Leone.

"Did they just… left us here?" Najenda asked out loud.

"Mmm," Bulat nodded mindlessly.

"Huh, they both look good with each other," Sheele commented as they all watched Akame and Kira leave them while chatting with each other.

"Yeah, I agree," Lubbock said.

"Ha-ha-ha I completely agree with you there," Mine said with a forced smile on her face.

"HAHAHA, I know right," Leone commented as her face twitched in annoyance.


"Let's drink," Leone and Mine suddenly suggested as both of them headed back to get the cure for their aching maidenly hearts.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Day Gentlemen!!


I have an important announcement for all of you!!!












I just finished the k-drama "Revolutionary Love"...


Any recommendations? Preferably like Waikiki and Waikiki 2

( /¯ °3° )/¯

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


