20% Hanma in Isekai World? / Chapter 1: Chapter - 1

章 1: Chapter - 1


A/N: First of all, the system I'm using is taken from "The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler " but it won't be that important to the actual story anyway.

Since this story will focus on martial arts, since we are used to every main character in Isekai having an Op skill or something like that that gets boring pretty quickly.

There will be several references to different martial arts from many different universes, with related explanations for clarifying the whole thing, after all as the title says there will be a lot of bullshit just to make it cooler.

Also, there will be a lot of dark things in this story and also some Yuri scenes and a lot of erotic and ecchi scenes just to warn people that they are not real men of culture. 

The loading will be slow, but on the other hand, the chapters are very long.


Chapter: 1 - Hanma?


I should be dead... 

At least that's what I thought as I gazed into the black abyss surrounding me. I felt utterly helpless, and even the deafening noise of my thoughts couldn't break through the silence.

I couldn't see my body, and I had no idea if my eyes were open or shut. I couldn't perceive the weather or even the ground beneath me. 

Did I even have a body?

I had no clue how this had happened. One moment, I was boarding a plane to visit my sister, and the next, I was here in this inexplicable void. It was as if I'd been instantaneously transported, perhaps due to some traumatic event that had wiped my memories.

Still, I held on to my name and most of the life I'd lived before ending up in this mysterious place. However, uncertainty and fear began to creep in. 

The abyss seemed to be devouring me, and I had no idea what awaited me. Time felt warped; had I been here for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, a century, or longer?

Eventually, my initial confusion and fear gave way to a serene calm. I realized there was no point in being angry or complaining about a situation entirely beyond my control.

It was crucial for me to find a way out of this perplexing dimension instead of descending into madness further than I already was. I had no desire to follow in the footsteps of a certain Eliatrope, who had triggered numerous wars and attempted assassinations against he ruler.

Suddenly, a message in blood-red letters materialized before me, sending an inexplicable chill down my spine, unlike anything I'd ever experienced, not even when facing the acceptance of my own death. It offered a chance at life.

["Do you want to live?"]

After what felt like an eternity, something had finally appeared before my eyes. It took a moment for the words to register, but when they did, I couldn't help but break into a wide grin.

These simple words resonated deeply within me. I wasn't entirely sure if it was the right decision, but I was desperate to escape this place as soon as possible.

I was willing to sacrifice my humanity for that chance.


In that moment, I instinctively understood what this was: an invitation to a different world, a new opportunity. It wasn't coercion; it was a choice I made willingly, even though I knew there might be other options.

Life isn't always fair, something many people eventually come to accept. When you embrace that reality, it opens up a whole new perspective.

I didn't believe I was going crazy, but it was the only explanation that made sense. I had always been open to fiction, but this was unlike anything I'd encountered before. Still, I found no escape from this abyss of madness.

With a heavy heart, I had to press on.

As I refocused, I found myself no longer trapped in that dreadful, silent abyss. The writing before my eyes transformed, as though it had been designed to help me proceed without any worries.

[The Gacha System is now online]

[You've been granted five draws with rewards ranging from common to legendary]

I had a certain aversion to the concept of Gacha, given the number of times I'd felt betrayed by previous experiences. However, it seemed better than a cultivation system or a situation that demanded me to undertake missions with the looming threat of death if I failed.

This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I was more than willing to strike a deal with the devil himself if it meant escaping this endless nightmare.

Though, I fervently hoped I wouldn't draw "Mapo Tofu," or I might just have to find that being from a higher dimension who brought me here and teach them a lesson the old Jin Taejin way.

Gacha has a reputation for tipping the balance of the universe with the sheer amount of frustration it can cause. A hundred of me wouldn't want to face Gacha again without at least ten chances.

I had already taken the plunge, and there was no turning back now. The only thing that awaited me was an impending void in my soul.

Stalling was futile. I couldn't delay any longer, desperately trying to find an alternative to entering this earthly hell. My only hope was that my luck wouldn't betray me as it often had in the past.

With all my heart, I prayed that the administrator responsible for this system (a truly sadistic individual) wouldn't rig the Gacha with some nonsense. I begged that good old RNGesus would show me mercy, even in the midst of my lost and sinful predicament.

It was time for the moment of truth!


[Using five rolls.]


[Enchanted Golden Apple] (Epic)

Source: Minecraft

[An enchanted golden apple, is a rare and uncreated variant of the golden apple that grants several very powerful effects when consumed up to a time limit]

[Knight Killer] (Uncommon)

Source: Solo Leveling

["Knight Killer" An old dagger used in a past time by the most powerful of monarchs. Grants its user a +75 increase in attack power and an additional +25 increase against armored enemies]

[Health Crystal] (Rare)

Source: Terraria

[A powerful heart that allows the user's physical abilities to be increased]

[Third-Arm Sash] (Common)

Source: Xiaolin Showdown

[The third-arm sash gives the user the ability to use it as a third hand, super strong and durable. The "hand" was also extremely elastic, able to extend several meters away]

[Language] (Uncommon)

Source: D&D

[Allows the user to understand and speak any non-magical language]


This is why I've never been a fan of Gacha. It's just too random to depend on. Nevertheless, I could feel a flood of various languages' knowledge seeping into my mind, assuring me that I wasn't crazy to trust the screen before me.

Surprisingly, it seemed like I hadn't drawn any undesirable items. At least, I wasn't staring into the abyss only to receive a handful of black keys in return.

I'm not one to get upset easily, given that I'm well aware of my poor luck. But this time, I had actually acquired useful items, ones that could potentially aid in my surviving in the new world would have been quite uncomfortable.

However, this did cast a shadow over my future. But, as they say in the world of cultivation: "One step at a time, my dear disciple, lest you incur the wrath of heaven." Or, as I'd like to put it in this particular situation: "Come to the dark side, my dear padawan; we have cookies."

With a newfound sense of amusement regarding my current predicament, I couldn't help but feel a bit unsatisfied with the Gacha results. Nevertheless, I reminded myself that I'd leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow's me.

As if the system were eavesdropping on my thoughts, more words appeared on the screen, suggesting that my future might not be as bright as I'd hoped.


[You can get extra pulls by pulling a flaw. The rewards of these rolls are guaranteed to be at least uncommon]


I frowned slightly. If I had understood correctly, the flaws in this new system could range from deadly to minor. I was naturally quite skeptical about it, but what piqued my interest was the assurance of rewards being at least of rare quality.

It was a risky proposition, no doubt, but still an opportunity. Giving up before even trying would be rather pathetic.

I recalled one of my favorite character's words: "If you don't like your fate, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be." 

It was a bit too positive for my usual thinking, but I figured it was better to approach this with a positive mindset rather than being biased against the screen before me. 

After all, for all I knew, there could be a dimensional being watching and taking pleasure in my situation...


[Flaw Rolled]



[You were rewarded as a child for flaunting your victory over others as completely as possible, and you discovered you enjoyed the feeling of rubbing your foes' faces in the dirt]


"Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need." This quote from Dragon Ball seemed to be taken quite literally by this system, with its numerous transformations happening right in front of the enemies.

I couldn't fathom having a penchant for masochism, which is why this trait strangely suited me. I just hoped I wouldn't end up like Esdeath from Akame ga Kill, even though I couldn't deny that she was one of the best waifus in existence.

In the end, it didn't appear to be such a bad trait. I could easily fit into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where all the characters were certified sadists and arsonists with a burning desire to watch the world crumble.

Honestly, I couldn't help but agree with them. The world could be a miserable place, and I wouldn't mind watching it burn while lounging on a comfortable bed with popcorn in hand.


[Roll used]


[Danger Sense] (Rare)

Source: My Hero Academia

[This Quirk allows the user to detect any threat in the surrounding area, thus giving the user the ability to react quickly, like a sixth sense]


The nerfed version of the Spider-Sense could have been more impressive, but it wasn't all that bad. The flaw wasn't too severe, and the potential payoff seemed worth it.

From what I remembered from the manga, "Danger Sense" was essentially a basic sixth sense that alerted the user to incoming threats.

It gave off a tingling sensation and was closely tied to the emotions and intentions of those around them, particularly the negative vibes from human enemies.

It wasn't as potent or reliable as Spider-Sense or similar powers, and it had its fair share of drawbacks. In the beginning, Midoriya's body had some adverse reactions, likely due to the strain of One for All, but that aspect became less of a problem as time passed.

Moreover, since it was linked to emotions and intentions, these factors could influence the danger sense's reaction. For instance, negative emotions could overwhelm and affect the user.

This skill seemed invaluable in any world I would find myself in, especially if I had to deal with difficult situations. While I did not want to face the kind of negative emotions that Deku had experienced in college, I could not ignore the importance of being prepared. As daunting as it was, I knew that avoiding risks would only get me so far in this new chapter of my life.


[Flaw Rolled]


[Sin of Lust] (Great Inconvenience)

[You have less control over your lustful nature; you become aroused much more easily. If ignored, your arousal will increase more and more until it stabilizes, making you unable to focus on anything but sex]


It wasn't that bad, in my opinion...

I couldn't be entirely certain about the true value of this advantage, but it did look promising, so I decided not to dwell on it for too long. After all, being a man, a flaw like that might even be a welcome addition.

At that moment, it appeared to be the best option available to me.

As for the heightened libido, I figured I could adjust to it. Yes, it meant more frequent encounters, but I believed I could grow accustomed to it without much hassle.

Did I really expect to step out of that abyss and find myself in some kind of hentai world? Well, I certainly hadn't anticipated a lust-related flaw. Nevertheless, I wasn't complaining; in fact, I was rather grateful.

In the end, power is power, regardless of its source. If I had to do some unconventional things to boost my statistics, I'd willingly do it. After all, Alexander Nikolaevich Hell from Seikon no Qwaser seemed to lead quite a good life, surrounded by numerous beauties with huge boobs that he could touch at will.

I understood that morality wasn't necessarily meant to make life easier; it was there to give life meaning. Someone whose sole purpose was to satisfy their desires was essentially a slave to their own cravings.

Indeed, fortune favored the bold!


[Roll used]


[Hanma Bloodline] (Epic)

Source: Baki the Grappler

[A bloodline possessing immense human potential, enabling the awakening of Demon Face and Demon Brain, along with two inherent advantages dependent on genetics and bloodline, such as height and the ability to build muscle. Upon activation, the user experiences a significant increase in strength at their current level, including physical prowess, mental acuity, speed, and more.]


Immediately, pain assaulted my body as I felt it twitch and change. I couldn't discern how long it lasted, but when it finally ended, I knew I was different—profoundly different.

As Hanma's blood coursed through my veins, it felt like a raging tempest surging within my body. This sensation brought a long-forgotten warmth, and for the first time in ages, I felt a spark of happiness.

Inside my body, it felt like a turbulent roller coaster ride. My muscles were not merely expanding; they were reshaping into a novel form of strength, adopting contours that challenged the bounds of imagination.

My cells were working fervently, adjusting and interlocking to form a lattice of sheer power. It resembled a wild, electrifying dance, with every fiber of my existence undergoing a profound transformation under the influence of Hanma's bloodline.

Every cell in my body seemed to pulse with an untamed, electric energy. It was as if a primal power was taking over, sending shivers down my spine while simultaneously exhilarating me. And then, the transformation began.

My body refused to hold back, and I could sense it stretching and expanding. A remarkable metamorphosis was occurring along my back. For a brief moment, without me realizing it the muscles on my back underwent a strange and irregular transformation, almost resembling the visage of a demon.

It was a haunting and captivating sight, as if an ancient force was etching itself into my flesh, all without me fully comprehending it. Muscles swelled and expanded beyond imagination, creating a colossal form. I looked like a living giant, radiating sheer, unbridled might.

But the transformation didn't stop there. My muscles continued to grow, yet they also began to compact, evolving into a more efficient form.

After an indefinite amount of time, the pain subsided, and I could sense a newfound strength coursing through my body, a strength not to be underestimated. I wasn't sure how long this transformation endured, but feel utterly —profoundly different.


[Flaw Rolled]


[Sin of Greed] (Great Inconvenience).

[You want. What do you want? Everything, anything. All that matters is for your collection, your treasure, your wealth to grow. You will find it incredibly difficult to do anything for free, hungry for more and more wealth, never satisfied]



It appeared that my luck hadn't improved much even after my death. It reminded me of our D&D sessions with my friends after we defeated a Boss monster.

In that moment, I would have wanted to claim all the loot for myself. Admittedly, not everyone in the party agreed with that, but as the most strong member of the group, it was my humble duty to safeguard all the treasures in my space pocket...

I had to confess that I could be a bit competitive in various games, but it wasn't entirely my intention. It was just that others often seemed quite ineffective while I carried most of the weight.

Well, with this last roll, I truly hoped that whatever dimensional entity had bestowed this system upon me would grant me some luck!


[Roll used]


[Pearl of wisdom] (Legendary)

Fonte: Forgotten Realms

[Can be used to get the answer to any one question. The question can be anything, but it must be one that can have an objectively true and complete answer. It's advised to be specific, because while it won't try to cheat you out of a proper answer, a vague question may lead to an answer that isn't quite what you needed]


Another potent object, even if it's consumable. A part of me is tempted to use it to address the current situation, but that would be a colossal waste. I might need it in the future to escape a tough spot or enhance my abilities in various ways.

With the newfound strength I felt, the reward seemed to be worth it, especially with all the incredible powers that came with being a Hanma, all the especially remembering all the crap I had seen in the anime.

"That should suffice. No need to take unnecessary risks anymore," I thought as the holographic screen in front of my eyes vanished, almost as if it had been a fleeting dream.

The emptiness around me shifted, and I was abruptly pulled in one direction, gasping as the disorienting sensation washed over me. I was practically yanked through a dimensional leap into my new world.

For a brief moment, I caught a glimpse of what felt like a tear in the void before being pulled through, the rift just large enough to stand in. I felt like a mere plaything, and I had to admit it wasn't a pleasant sensation...

But at least, I was finally free from that fucking "Abyss"!


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


