23.07% .....................................dp / Chapter 3: Academy

章 3: Academy

Saiko carefully looked through everything within the starter pack, the cultivation art was shockingly easy to understand with how complex it seemed, and Saiko found that everything he once didn't understand became clearer to him, allowing him to understand many things. it seemed as if his talent only kicked in now... but what would have happened if he couldn't compete for any hidden mission within 100 years?

would he have gone without completing a mission and not gained full access to the system? shaking his head, Saiko looked at the 3rd tab labored missions, but it was blank. there were no missions, although there was a second page that showed all the missions he had completed along with the rewards.

going back to the storage, Saiko quickly found that he could store anything he is holding, and have it reappear with a thought. he tried this with his bed, and it disappeared and reappeared without a sound, he could even have the bed reappear facing any way he likes. this would come useful when he needs to clean his room or move things around.

Saiko noticed that once an item enter the storage, it would enter within a small square with a picture of the stored away item. there were 10 of these squares, when Saiko tried to store more than 10 things, he got a notification telling him that told him he couldn't store more things.

but when he tried to store something which was the same, for example, the 10x body tempering pills, they were not spread into the 10 spaces, instead, they were all within one spear.

after going through and seeing everything, Saiko went downstairs to get something to eat, as he grabbed something to eat he noticed outside Shin was quietly sleeping, Saiko thought for a moment before remembering how his energy was sucked out of him when he named the dog.

'system, what happened when a named Shin' Saiko asked calmly as he sat down, and began enjoying the food.

{Shin was named by a god-like being like yourself, think of it as you giving the Shin a blessing. sadly you didn't have enough energy, the host would need to be around the dog more for the power of his name to complete. the time needed together... 1 year.} the system answered, making Saiko relief that this thing answered the question

'what is the danger this world faces? how did I get the system and the titles?' Saiko asked in confusion,

{The True God has died, and beings like Zeus, Odin, Shiva, and many other gods have died, this action will lead to every god within the infinite of worlds to disappear, and the word God shall slowly disappear as well. Gods have an important role to protect mortals, with them gone no one is there to hold up the sky the world would fall in upon itself.} the system said making Saiko stunned at what he was hearing.

{the gods you see from marvel, dc, and much other stuff are just avatars. the true form of Zeus existed on a plan far above, along with the many gods. with his and the many other god's death, so did their avatars. the only reason things haven't fallen apart just yet is because of your existence. you hold the hope of every god, you're like the last pillar holding up the sky, if you break the sky shall fall.} the system said making Saiko instantly fill the burden

{host simply needs to create the new gods to replace the old, but after which is another danger which can't say as to protect the host. just thinking it would put the host in danger.} the system said as Saiko fell into deep thought about all of this, shaking his head he finished the food before going outside to see Shin.

Shin lifted his head slightly and froze seeing Saiko, this was the human who saved him and took him away. He was finally awake, Saiko had been sleeping for more than 24 hours. it had been sleeping with Saiko for a good amount of that time until Saiko's father thought it was a good idea for it to rest outside. it haven't eaten, so he was given something to eat, but it couldn't eat as it was worried for Saiko.

Shin weakly got up, but he was too injured. Saiko quickly had Shin stop as he carefully picked it up. Shin was smaller than two adult palms, and he had pure white fur, but Saiko noticed a few things different with him.

Shin in the past had black eyes, but now he had golden eyes, from the system he learned this was because of him naming him. Shin's appearance would slowly change the more he is around Saiko, it would be a slow and steady change due to how weak Saiko was, a slow change over a year is something many people might notice but will not pay much attention to.

"I just learn to speak, it would be some time since I can understand what you're saying," Saiko said softly seeing Shin licking his hand while he was patting it. Saiko opened the screen and went on to see the beast-taming art and beast-strengthening art which the system gave him as a reward

the beast-taming art was quite simple, it allowed Saiko to use his energy to have animals have stronger attention to him. when mastered, Saiko would be able to make weak animals loyal to him, of course, this didn't apply to everything this was a simple technique that would lose its capability against a smart and wise beast

the beast-strengthening art allowed Saiko to feed his energy onto a beast, allowing the beast to grow and be around similar power to himself. it did have a warning to not feed too much energy, doing so might need to loss energy that can't be recovered. it was also dangerous to use this on random beasts that are not loyal,

if the beast is not loyal, then it could suck Saiko dry, and if Saiko wanted to harm the beast, the energy he was giving to the beast might end up serouly injuring the beast. there was a risk to both sides, but the beast would be the one at a higher risk.

if Saiko's energy was being forcefully stolen, since he had a calm mind he can quickly act to have the energy given to the beast go berserk, injuring the beast badly.

Saiko could only use the beast-taming art since he didn't know how to control his energy yet. the beast taming art didn't relay heavenly on energy, it just needed energy for greater effect. Saiko patted the Shin, giving it a massaging his head to how the beast taming art said. Shin closed his eyes, enjoying the massage.

a screen suddenly popped in front of Saiko showing him Shin 3d images. if had arrows pointing to shin injuries, giving information about the injuries and the time needed for them to heal. Shin only needed about 1 month to heal, which could be faster if he stays with Saiko.

{name- Shin

age- 2 months old

Title- [Gods Pet], [Incompeltel experment], [Son of the Sage Dog]

Bloodline: [Senju bloodline], [nirvana snake bloodline] [undying wolf bloodline], [Sage Dog Bloodline],


Body Cultivation: below normal Human

Energy Cultivation: below normal Human

Soul Cultivation: below normal Human

Metal Cultivation: below normal Human

Strengths: low Academy Student (powerlevel 0.3. note that Shin is currently serouly injured and can't show a powerlevel above 0.09)


Techniques and abilities: none)

"life hasn't been too nice to you, and I thought my life was hard," Saiko said with a shake of his head seeing the titles and bloodline. he could guess someone had been experimenting on Shin, for a 2 months-year-old puppy to be labor incomplete, Saiko could guess someone some saved it before the experiments when out of hand.

the strangeness of this puppy is what leads to other puppies having a strong dislike towards it, leading to what happened.

'it could be understood, why let something unknown grow? normal is good, the strange has too many known... wow, I really see the good and bad in everything.' Saiko thought with a smile

"by the time you're awake, thats the last time you're staying up late." Saiko's mother said from inside, Saiko could only sigh at this. it's not like he could tell her the truth, so he only nodded at this,

time went by, and with Shin being injured he was within Saiko's hands pretty much all the time. Saiko went on to get a hoody so Shin would have a place to hang and not be in his hands all the time.

Saiko didn't eat the pill, he didn't touch them. there was a warning saying that his body was still too weak. if he eats it, the huge amount of energy from the pill might end up killing him. so he had begun working out to strengthen himself. this world was too dangerous, so he wanted to quickly grow stronger.

Saiko also learned many things about himself and the system within this time, for one was his talent. he indeed was talented, but he had a unique form of talent that was unmatched by others. he could increase his talent through comprehension. what did this mean you ask?

well, everyone's talent was set from birth and should stay the way unless they stumble upon something which could change all of this. of course, people can break the limitations set upon them by talent, but that was more like hard work.

a person had a set talent for the path of fire, their affinity for fire could be high if they are lucky. Saiko's talent shone as he simply needed to comprehend this affinity to increase his talent towards it, it could reach a point where he could instantly understand any fire ability, even those fire abilities from his imagination could be easily created.

but this high level of talent had the drawback of him having a low talent from the start, so Saiko went on to spend his time reading books on charka, and breaking down the many techniques spread all over the world. this way, his talent should increase. to him, knowledge was the most important thing, the system also ranked a person's talent,

trash- these people have no talent whatsoever, they have no affinity, and could be considered cripples. all they can do is walk the path of a body cultivator, strengthening the body and walking the path of martial arts.

Below average- those with this talent are those who would grow up to become cannon folders, they would struggle to keep up with others, but could always hold on. of course there would be those not talented enough to hold on and be left behind.

Average- those with this talent are the most looked upon by villages, they can be expected to be produced, and the limit of their strength could easily be guessed. these people are the best cannon folder, and make up a good part of any forces army. average people make up the world, they are what make the world go round.

Above Average- those of this grade talent would grow to be considered leaders among others, but at the end of the day, they too are cannon folders, they were just bigger than the others.

Genius- these are talents that would shine above everyone else around them, they would stand out, and be considered outstanding. they are also heavily supported by the village and made sure to be loyal, as these talents can greatly affect the power system within their forces.

prodigy- these were people that would rarely appear, future power horses, leaders of clans, villages, and so on. from a young age they would show capability far above many adults, but some awaken their talent later down in life.

Prodigies among Prodifies- these are considered freaks, they are extremely rare but once they appear they would show unmatched capability. such people seemly have endless growth,

Chaos- Saiko's grade of talent, sure he started with trash talent, but he had powerful comprehension capability and was able to increase it to below average. of course, if it was broken into levels between 1 and 5, Siako was at level 1.

Months went by, Shin's injuries healed and he began joining Saiko when he was working, as Saiko worked out, his strength increased by increasing the amount of energy Shin absorbed for the naming to be complete, which in return made Shin stronger.

in a blink of an eye, Saiko was 3 years old. due to the war, children could enter the academy and graduate much easier. those prodigies could stay as short as 1 year or so within the academy, Kakashi was one of the few people, who became a genin just 9 months after entering the academy, normally such things wouldn't happen. but if you show high enough talent, that being in the academy is wasting your talent, then you could graduate.

Kakashi was even personally taught by a guy with talent no less than Kakashi's father, His name was Minito, and had the highest chance to become the next village leader, the Hokage, which was the title for the village leader.

Saiko turning 3 gave given the option to enroll, his parents were not against the idea, Saiko's talent was seen by them all their life. Saiko thirsted for knowledge and so on, so he was enrolled and was simply waiting to be accepted, Saiko had to do a small test to show he was ready, after which all he could do was wait.

it didn't take long for him to be accepted, and once accepted Saiko entered the academy 3 months later. he was a 3-year-old, in a classroom filled with 4-5 years olds, but he didn't stand out because of this.

'not again...' Saiko thought helplessly seeing everyone throwing looks towards him while he stepped into the classroom, those same looks. Saiko hated these looks, his life was indeed hard, being hated by everyone, even the old ladies on the street was something that left him helpless.

just on the way to the academy today, he got a strange look from an old woman. that old man eyed him as if regretting she was too old to do some evil things to him, just what has he done to get such hatred? he didn't even know the woman.

Saiko went on to sit in the back, ignoring all the eyes on him. he quickly sat down near the window, before putting Shin on the paper. as more students entered, seats were starting to be filled, but no one sat near Saiko, there was like a barrier blocking everyone.

"Is this chair taken?" a young man asked with a gentle smile as he point at the chair. the chair nearing the window and walls had 3 chars, unlike the ones in the middle which could hold as many as 8 people

Saiko sat by the window, so there was a seat in between the chair the young man picked, and him.

Saiko frowned slightly, he eyed the kid for a moment, and after a moment of shock, he shook his head.

'why does he want to seat with me?' Saiko's mind began racing, all his life he sat alone, and yet someone just sat next to him... this was not normal, and to make things worse he couldn't find a reason why this guy would seat with him?

the classroom was loud as everyone was talking, waiting for the sensei to arrive, but a girl around 4 to 5 years old study stood up and she spoke over everyone.

"let's go around and introduce yourself... cough, let's start from below and to the back." She said as she secretly threw a look toward Saiko. Saiko's eyes instantly narrowed slightly, it was clear they were targeting him. everyone also threw hints of looks toward him, which Saiko notice.

just when they were about to start inducing themselves, the teacher entered the room and saw this, he didn't stop this as he allowed everyone to introduce themselves and go into deep detail about their goals and wishes. as everyone went around the room introducing themselves, it was soon the kid sitting next to Saiko, he stood up.

"My Name Is Shisui Uchiha, my goal is to become a powerful shinobi so I can protect my home and village," Shisui said with a smile, the teacher nodded slightly at Shisui before looking toward Saiko. Saiko sighed before sitting up,

"My name is Saiko Inuzuka, this is my partner Shin," Saiko said calmly before sitting back down, not bothering to go into any detail. the teacher didn't force him, but everyone want went on to remember his name. the teacher went on to introduce himself before he went on to explain what they would be doing and other stuff

and So, Saiko's life at the academy began. at first, Saiko thought Shisui was planning something, but he slowly relax seeing the guy had no ill will toward him, Shisui even helped him out when he needed something. be it the need for a pencil, or to catch Saiko up on something he didn't hear as when he was out, Saiko and Shisui became... friends.

Shisui was a very humble and down-to-earth individual. He was never arrogant about his own talent or accomplishments, yet was not above telling others when they made mistakes. At the same time, he was open-minded, never stubbornly believing in one ideal solely, and strove to see the unique nature of the current situation before him.

such a kid with a unique mindset like his was someone Saiko could connect with. they quickly become became friends after a few months at the academy. but Shisui was a bit too talented, he left the academy a few months after they became friends, he was a talent no less than that of Kakashi, hell he was more talented

"Finally." Saiko opened his eyes while sitting on the bed with crossed legs, he smiled slightly while looking at Shin who was fast asleep in between his legs. he had grown close to Shin the past few years, seeing Shin more like a friend than a pet

for the past weeks, Saiko had taken 2 of the body-tempering pills, and finally today his cultivation could be said to have reached the step needed.

{Name: Saiko (true Name: Yhwach)

Age: 4/ 120

Title: [God Of Gods], [Blessed By All The Old Gods], [The Last Hope], {The neutral one}


Body Cultivation: mid-academy student/ level 1 Houtian

Energy Cultivation: low-academy student/ level 1 houtian

Soul Cultivation: High Academy student/level 1 Houtian

Metal Cultivation: High Academy Student/level 1 houtian

Strengths: low Academy Student (powerlevel 4)


Techniques: [pet taming techque]. [Pet Strengthening art}

'now, what god can I cultivate...' Saiko thought, he just thought and was given the option between 5 gods. 5 gods which embody the 5 basic elements.

The God of lightning he could pick was Zeus, Raijin, Indra, Thunderbird, Shango, Thor, and countless other gods, known and unknown

The God of fire was Ra, Shennong, Amaterasu, Hephaestus, and countless other gods known and unknown the list went on to list all the other elements, water, wind, and earth.

depending on who Saiko picked would depend on his growth, for example, if he picked someone like Zeus, he shall create a statue of Zeus within his mind. this statue would have an important role as Saiko can use to it increase his comprehension of the way of lightning, along with everything else Zeus was the god off.

the stronger the god, the more energy would be needed, and the harder it would be to comprehend. so it was best to pick a god not too powerful, yet not too weak that he would have wasted this chance.

if he picked Zeus, one of the strongest gods, it would take a long time to create the statue, and it would be even harder to comprehend anything from it.

so, Saiko picked Raijin. he was powerful, but among the other gods, he was not considered too powerful for Saiko. Saiko once he comprehends everything Raijin's statue has, would be able to gain prodigy-grade talent for the path of lightning, thunder, and storms.

of course, the more god statue he makes, the better, that because he is the god of all gods, it was a must for him to comprehend every god, and gain all their powers, before creating his own power. but he currently had no idea what type of power he will make.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


