50% LIMITLESS 3.9K / Chapter 10: Change

章 10: Change

From that day on, we finally officially became husband and wife. We have also exchanged rings, and now the director of our relationship is becoming more and more legal and does not violate societal norms anymore.

"Finally we are legal."

"Yeah you're right, to be honest, I still can't believe what just happened, but I'm really happy about this."

We were officially married, but we didn't have a big party because we didn't want to stand out too much, considering that we were still being hunted by Mon and the police 3.9k. Everything we do is to keep us safe and also keep our daughter safe.

"What?! So papa and mama weren't married before?!"

"Of course, we are still young."

"Then why are you two getting married now?"

"Agnes, listen to mama."

"Fine mom."

"We got married because we have loved each other for a long time, but we couldn't unite our hearts for several reasons. And now the barriers that prevent us from uniting our hearts are gone, so we decided to get married right away. Moreover, it will it is very strange if we have a child but we are not married, we can become the talk of people and we can be ridiculed too. But Agnes, my beautiful daughter. Mama wants to ask you one thing."

"What's that mom?"

"Please keep our identities secret."


"Because we are still being chased by bad people who killed everyone in the mall, and also papa is a fugitive from the police 3,9k."

"Then, I have to keep it a secret that I have parents to my friends at school ma?"

"No need honey."

"But later papa and mama can find out."

I took a deep breath and gently stroked her head, she may look very innocent and inexperienced in the bitterness of life, but at least she cares about us, that's enough for me.

"Listen to me Agnes, earlier papa had investigated that our area has not been touched by them at all, actually conditions like this are already very comfortable for us to stay together everywhere. But for the safety of all of us, papa and mama have made a new pseudonym for We all."


"Yes, from now on when we are outside the house then call papa by the name Sora."

"And call mama Yukarin."

"Papa Sora, Mama Yukarin. What a good name!"

She looks pleased with our new pseudonym. Not only did we get pseudonyms, but we also prepared a beautiful name for our daughter.

"Agnes, papa and mama have also prepared a name for you. Are you ready to listen to it?"

"What's that?!"

She looks very enthusiastic, our little angel is so cute.


"Himawari! What a beautiful name! I like it!"

"Thank God if you like that name honey, then for our family name is Sasaki."

"Sasaki.... wow... if I may ask, what is the meaning of my name and our family name?"

I approached her slowly, very gently I rubbed her head.

"Himawari is a sunflower that has a bright yellow color because this color and beauty always brings happiness to anyone who sees it. Likewise, with papa and mama, we always feel happy every time we see you cheerful like this."

Yuna continued my words.

"Then for our family name which is Sasaki, it means root."


"Yes, it means that we will always be connected and roots are also the beginning of the plant's life, and we are also the beginning of this small family."

Agnes' eyes were shining, and she always kept her mouth open.

"Woah! My name and that of our family have such a great meaning!"

"Of course."

We all hugged, to form a complete family is not easy, but at least we managed to achieve a good relationship even though it is not an ordinary family relationship like people.


The next morning we woke up early to get ready for work, my wife got up first to prepare breakfast for all of us.

"Papa! Himawari! Wake up! It's already morning, you'll be late!"


"Daddy hurry up!"


She shouted at me from downstairs, to be honest, my head still feels heavy.

"I have to get up soon. Beta!"

"Yes sir."


"Yes sir."


-Status: Power On

-Name: Ryu Darkness the Electro God

-Gender: Male

-Cyborg Type: Left Hand Electron, Left Eye High analysis, Heart Electron God Core.

-Battery Status: 100000%

-Health Point: Can't Count

-Electro Point: Can't Count

-Unique Points: Limitless

-Unique Skill: Unlimited Electro God

*All Status has been Checked.

*Now loading... ... ...

*Good Morning Electro God.


As expected, my status hasn't changed since that day. Well, it can't be helped... I have to accept this power.


My wife screams louder, that's a sign I have to get down soon.


I rushed downstairs, when I got down I took the time to kiss my wife and daughter good morning.

"Good morning dear."

"Morning honey."

"Good morning Hima."

"Good morning to daddy."

I quickly prepared plates and other cutlery, this has become part of my daily life since marrying Yukarin.

"Here, dad put it on a plate. Mama wants to get ready too."

"Ok, dear."

"Let Hima help!"

Since the day we decided to use pseudonyms, we've been like this every morning.

"Mom is ready, let's have breakfast first."


The three of us sat at the dining table, all of our breakfast menus were neatly arranged on the table. Before starting to eat, we always pray that we are always given safety and security.

Because that's all we need right now.

"May our food be blessed, and may we always be given safety and security wherever we are."


"Let's eat."


"Mama hurry up!"

"Yes, wait a moment Agnes. You just get in the car first, dear."

"Okay, mom."

After the incident of meeting 3 Gods at the shopping center, we started a new life here in a city far from the town we first met, and also we took on different jobs according to our wishes.

"I'm going to work first, honey."

"Yes, be careful honey."

"Are you going to the workshop later?"

"Of course, it's Monday."

"Okay, later when my job is finished I'll go straight to the shop to help you."

"Yes, it's up to you. But don't be in a rush when working, otherwise, all of your work will be ruined."

"Thank you, honey, we're leaving first okay."

"Yes, be careful."

"Papa! Hima will go first!"

"Yes! Be a good girl in school dear!"

"Okay, daddy!"

They had already left for their respective places, Yuka worked at the public services and complaints office, and Hiwa attended an early middle school downtown, while I worked in a cyborg workshop of my own. We deliberately work in a field where we can meet or talk with many people, our goal is none other than to dig up information, especially in my work. here I have many regular customers, there is even a wealthy cyborg who always orders spare parts for his cyborg's legs.

"Good morning Mr. Sora."

"Good morning Venus."

This teenage boy is my employee, he has only been here for 3 months. He was the first teenage boy with a cyborg's heart I met, moreover he was still young. He is 3 years older than my daughter.

"How are you today?"

"I am very well today sir."

"How is your heart doing?"

"It's performing very well day after day, I'm very grateful because it has never been stuck again. All this is thanks to you Mr. Sora, thank you very much!"

"Hey, are you still thanking me 3 months after that incident?"

"No problem, I will still thank you every day until I die."

I slightly hit his head lightly, while walking to reverse my workshop closed sign.

"Don't ever play with that word."

"What do you mean, sir? Which word?"


Instantly things became very quiet.

"Life isn't something to joke about, you understand?"

He fell silent and just nodded.

"Good boy."

After flipping the closed sign to the open sign, I immediately broke the atmosphere by shouting.

"Okay! Let's get excited for our work today!"

Venus was immediately shocked, but without further ado, he immediately shouted and got excited again.

"Ready Sir!"


"Good morning."

"Welcome to Sky-C! All cyborg spare parts are here!"

"Wow, you are so kind."

"My name is Venus, can I help you, sir?"

"I want to look for the cyborg part here, are there any?"

"Of course, we have a lot of them!"

"But I'm looking for the size for my child, are you have it?"

From the cash register, I saw a father taking his son to my workshop, and from what I heard earlier it looks like his son needs a cyborg's hand. I quickly approached the father and son.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning."

"Excuse me, my name is Sora. I am the owner of this workshop, how can I help you, sir?"

"Ah! So you are the owner of this workshop."

"Yes it's me, so... what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a cyborg part. for my son."

The boy was noble getting up from his father's back, he looked so young.

"From what I can see, he's fine."

"Ah, sorry sir...actually..."

The father asked his son to take his hands out of his pockets, and immediately Venus and I were shocked by what we saw. Both of this child's palms were rotting, they were black and were emitting pus that smelled extraordinary.

"Gosh! What's wrong with your hand?!"

"One week ago when I was working at a new company building construction my son came with me because his mother was at work. But at lunch, I was called by the foreman, and without my supervision, my son tried a tool to level the ground. Until now I returned from the foreman's office, I was surprised when my friends surrounded my child who was crying because his hands hurt and he couldn't move. Then in a panic I took him to the hospital to be examined, but had not had time to check my child's condition, the doctor from the hospital kicked him out of us because..."

"Because of what sir?"


He just fell silent.

"Sir, just say it."

"All right. The reason they kicked us out was that we were poor, we had no money, and we couldn't even pay for an examination. So I decided to take care of him at home, after I compressed him using ice water he wasn't sore anymore, but his fingers still hurt. his finger couldn't be moved. Then for a week, I worked desperately to earn as much money as possible, and the plan was for the money to treat my child at the same hospital. But when I wanted to check his hand it suddenly turned black and oozed pus, when I take it to the hospital the doctor said that his hand is rotten and must be operated on. And the cost for the operation is 5 times the cost of the examination... I am very desperate... the money I carry now is only 9$, I don't know if this money is enough to buy a pair of your cyborg's palms or not....but at least if it's not enough I'll beg you!"

This father figure immediately prostrated before me, he even kissed my shoes.

"I beg you, sir! Save my son! I can't bear to see him like this!"


"I'll do anything! Even if you accept installments... then I'll repay the fee until I die! I... I... I!"

I quickly covered her mouth, I didn't want to hear those words from her mouth.

"First... please stand up."

"Yes sir!"

"I will do my best to help your son, and you don't have to think about the cost."


"Yes, I won't charge you a penny. Instead, you have to ask your son what he wants for lunch?"

"Yes sir!"

He immediately approached his son and stroked the boy's face with eyes flooded with tears.

"Son, what do you want to eat? let daddy buy it..."

The child then burst into tears seeing his father's condition like that.

"Dad... I want... cheeseburger!"

"Okay, son! I'll buy it soon!"

The father directly faced me again, he also bowed his head to me.

"Master, help my son!"

"Sure I do."

"Thanks very much!"


Venus and I went straight to the operating room, I quickly anesthetized the child so he wouldn't feel any pain at all later during the operation.

"Sir, is.... this later.... doesn't hurt?"

I sighed a little, I gently stroked his head.

"What's your name?"

"My... name is... Peter."

"Peter, you don't have to worry, it won't hurt. Peter is a strong kid, so you can get through this operation."

"Is that true?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Thank you..."

Shortly thereafter he passed out.

"Sleep for a while Peter, we'll be done soon."


Great, he passed out peacefully without any breakdowns. This way the operation can be carried out quickly, this time I will make sure that my technology can be of use to others.

"All right, Venus, let's start the operation."

"Yes sir!"

So far, my knowledge has always been used for things that are not useful, even only used for splits.

From now on, I will make sure that my knowledge and technology can benefit everyone.


"Time to change"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


