
章 8: Chapter - 7


Chapter - 7: GenTek?


Jason Pov

[Master, it's time to get up...]

As the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, I woke up, hearing in my ears the cold but familiar voice of X.A.N.A.

I opened my eyes only to find a small spider-robot with a very familiar red symbol gently stroking my cheek. "Yes, thank you for waking me up," I said with a yawn as I rubbed my sleepy eyes.

Even last night I had gone to sleep very late as I had many thoughts in my mind at this time. In addition, I started some new projects so that I could take care of some problems that would give my days a little more simplicity.

[No need to thank me master, I only exist to make you achieve your goals]

"True, but you are so much more than that to me," I said, as I stood up and gathered the little spider-robot in my hands and placed it on the closet as I started to change.


I, completely ignored X.A.N.A's robotic gaze on my body as I changed and put on a simple black tight T-shirt and a light sweatshirt that made me comfortable.

After this I decided to go for a jog around the neighborhood, hoping the exercise would clear my head and prepare me for the day ahead, which would be a long one for several reasons.

And of course to start training my physical abilities. To let my spider powers grow naturally in my body, even though I felt they were doing it even without my input.

With each step, a surge of electrifying energy pulsed through my body, making me feel stronger and more agile than ever. It was as if my own essence was getting stronger and stronger.

As my speed increased, my senses sharpened and I became acutely aware of my surroundings. Colors seemed more vivid and the air carried scents I had never noticed before.

Even the subtlest sounds became clearer and more distinct, as if I was developing a keen, spider-like awareness of the world around me.

I was jumping over obstacles effortlessly, my movements flowing with extraordinary dexterity. It was as if an invisible force was guiding me, helping me anticipate each step, each turn and each jump with preternatural precision.

My body moved with a beastly instinct.

As the sun rose above the horizon, I resumed my way home, feeling euphoric at the same time as I could feel the presence of multiple limbs hidden within me, whose movements were synchronized in an eerie dance.

I could hear faint, whispering voices in my mind, like a cacophony of spiders chattering in an incomprehensible language.

Well, it was nothing new at night. I dreamed of being entangled in a web created by me, a prisoner of my own body.

I didn't know anymore if I was really becoming a spider or if Other was somehow trying to play with me. But I knew very well that she was certainly not the only one who would be able to take control of my powers.

It was practically the line between reality and nightmare blurred, and I was adrift in a sea of arachnid horrors. And as if that were not enough in my solitude, I could sense the spiders growing stronger and stronger, their presence more dominant.

It was a macabre symbiosis and I knew I could never escape their clutches. The idea of embracing this grotesque form was equally terrifying, yet it seemed that sooner or later I would have to.

Once I arrived home, I took a quick hot shower and headed straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Aunt Kate. She was a strong and determined woman, but I really wanted to help her through this difficult time.

Today I decided to make her favorite omelet with all the ingredients, knowing it would bring a smile to her face. The eggs sizzled in the pan and the aroma of fresh coffee hovered in the air.

"Good morning, Aunt Kate," I greeted as I turned the omelets with a dexterity that was amazing to see from an outside perspective.

Aunt Kate joined me in the kitchen, looking a little tired but grateful for breakfast. "Thank you, Jason. You always know how to do something to make me happy," she said with a hint of warmth in her voice.

I smiled, trying to keep things simple in our relationship. "Of course, Aunt Kate. It's just a little something to get you going through a long day."

"I know and I'm so happy." Kate said smiling lovingly toward me, but she looked like she wanted to tell me something before she blushed a little and her smile became strained. "Um..."

"Is something wrong?" I asked, tilting my head with confusion making its way onto my face.

"No ... it's just that ... Shouldn't you be wearing something?" she asked, looking away from my chest, which had no shirt at all.

"Well, I'm wearing shorts. It's not like I'm naked or anything." I could only say, in a somewhat teasing tone.

"No! I meant something more! Like a T-shirt?" She declared, in a very high tone of voice.

"I just finished my shower and it was time for you to wake up. So I rushed to breakfast." I smiled as I turned to finish preparing the coloring for the two of us. "It's not that it's anything unpleasant, is it?"

"No. It's just that I'd like to know if I'm committing any offenses by looking." Kate murmured dazedly as the muscles in Jason's back flexed as the water glistened on his skin. Her nephew was arousing and she could not deny it in any way, even if she wanted to. "Damn..."

"Did you say something?" I asked, with a small smile on my face; it was always good to see my strong independent aunt, being embarrassed.

"No. The breakfast is very good." Kate said quickly, not wanting to question my competence.

"Thank you, Aunt Kate," I accepted her compliments as I too sat down next to her and began to eat breakfast.

"So. What's it like in school?" She said, trying to change the subject of the conversation that was becoming awkward.

Of course I understood what she wanted to do, and I went along with her since I just wanted to lighten the mood during this bad period. "Very well... And my last year of high school. And most likely I will take some internships at some company I like and then go work with them."

Aunt Kate nodded with obvious sympathy at my words. "You really are too smart for your age.... Sometimes I can't help wondering who the real adult is between the two of us."

While we were talking and enjoying our breakfast, we turned on the television to catch up on the morning news. To 'our' surprise, there seemed to be a report on a mysterious new company that was taking over the market.

GenTek, a new biological and genetic research company founded not so long ago, but it was unclear who was the real boss under this company. But anyway, because of their expertise in genetics, they were focusing their research on viral biological diseases.

To make matters worse, he was recruiting from his ranks the world's top biological researchers. Gentek's scientists were trying to discover revolutionary new cures for various strains of viruses scattered around the world.

It was outperforming established giants such as Stark Industries, Oscorp, and the Baxter Building. The news anchor marveled at the extraordinary speed of its ascent to the peak.

"It's very impressive," I observed, trying to hide my interest. "To be able to make such an ascent against several powerful companies that have been around for much longer is really amazing."

Aunt Kate nodded, intrigued. "It's fascinating how a small company can have such an impact. I wonder who is behind it all."

I sipped my coffee, knowing full well that I was the real CEO of the company, but wanting to maintain anonymity, at least for a long time. "Yes, it is certainly intriguing.... They must have many brilliant minds working together to succeed in such a big project."

As we discussed the news, Aunt Kate seemed to be in better spirits than usual, and I was relieved to see that she was doing well despite the loss of her husband. We finished breakfast and she headed off to work, thanking me for the meal and the company.

After tidying up the kitchen, I began to get ready for school. It was a normal day, with classes, exams and trying not to worry my Aunt Kate.

However, underneath the simplicity of my routine, much more was hidden, as I waited patiently for some student to awaken them with mutant powers so that I could help them and bring them to my side.

Once Aunt Kate was gone, I took a moment to check the latest updates on the company's progress from my phone. I preferred to remain discreet, making sure that my true abilities were hidden, at least until the end of my school life.

Finally the time came to catch the school bus. I said goodbye to Aunt Kate, who was leaving in a hurry. "Take care, Aunt Kate. See you later," I said as I left the house.

As I stood at the bus stop, ready to go to school, I noticed Mary Jane walking toward the same bus stop.

We both seemed to be in the same situation, waiting for the bus to arrive. I could feel her curious gaze on me and knew that she must have been somehow intrigued by the events that had happened a few days earlier.

However, when Mary Jane looked at me, I chose to ignore her gaze. While I appreciated her curiosity and perhaps even her admiration, I did not want to make a big deal out of that one incident. After all, I just wanted to focus on being a normal student.

When the bus approached, I got on without a second thought, finding a seat by the window. I knew Mary Jane was probably puzzled by my indifference, but I wanted to keep things simple, and I certainly didn't care if the Web didn't agree with me much.


A/N: New chapter I hope you enjoy it!

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you want to see or even some improvements I can make.

I will use some sources from some nice Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't spoil it for those who haven't read the comics at all. Let the mystery remain.

I have added MC'S CHARACTER SHEET in the auxiliary chapter if you want to take a look.


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


