93% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 93: The Vault

章 93: The Vault






They all passed like time usually does. And I don't actually know how I feel about it anymore. 

There once was a time, when living 25 years felt like a long time to me, when I'd thought that I won't even survive past 18. I survived then, and I survived now. But that was such a long time ago. 

And then, I was born here, in this vast Universe, full of opportunities. But I wasn't just born as a mortal, I was born as a Celestial God, a hybrid being of two extremely Powerful species. 

At first, I was happy about it, sure. I had power in my hands, in my blood! But then, I found enemies that also had power in them. Some stronger than me, some weaker. And some so far beyond my power, that even now, 30,000 years after my birth, I might still find it hard to make them notice my attacks, let alone defeat them.

But not all of it was just about enemies. I made friends too, and family. My beautiful lover Chhaya, and our daughter Lila. Lila has grown into an amazing woman now, although she's still a baby to me. 

Lila, my beautiful daughter, is now a Goddess herself, having found her domain in the Thunder, and the Fire. She can control Fire as well as Lightning, and she can do it almost as well as me! She makes me feel proud of having her as a daughter. 

As for my other child, my Son with Kali, Atharva, he has also made me proud! Atharva has found himself to be a God of the Winds and Water. His control over his elements is second to none, since even I seldom use those two elements. 

Both of my children grew up into fine Gods, and I am proud of them. Which is why, I have brought them here, to my Vault on Donna. 

The Vault is the place inside Sonny's ship, where I store anything that I want to protect. No one other than I can get in here, and only I can bring someone else. Having seen some shit in my long lifetime, I also made it so that not even other versions of me can open the Vault. It has to be ME. 

Standing in front of the two weapons that made me into the type of Man I am today, I sigh, thinking over everything that I went through with them in my hands. Satannish, Cuchulain, Json, Ragnarok.

Slowly, I start moving and walk around my axes. Now, I face my children, both of them shorter than me, and both of them looking to be about 20 in mortal years. 

In between us, rested my two Axes, Anemos, and Astrapi floating on a table made up of my Celestial material. 

Atharva, a mirror image of my young self, only a lot more confident, and Lila, looking just like her mother, both of them keep staring at the axes, knowing what I'm about to do. 

I smile at my children, getting nervous smiles in return, and say, "Lila, Atharva. You know what these are." 

Lila hesitatingly nods, and says, "You've told us thousands of stories about them, about Anemos and Astrapi. The Wind and Lightning." 

Atharva nods, when I turn to him, and he says, "These are your first Divine weapons. Enchanted by grandma Gaea herself." 

Smiling to calm them down, I say, "Yes, the first versions of Anemos and Astrapi were the ones that mother Enchanted. The ones before you, are what I made and Enchanted after we created Dargonite." 

Pausing, I allow them to look at the axes closely. I hadn't shown any of my weapons to my children, because why would I? They're children! And they did age a lot slower than me. 

So, even if they're a lot older than I was when I became King, their minds are still young. Or were young. 

It was only because the Demons of Earth attacked Induk, that they're here now. Lila and Atharva were on Induk when it happened, and I got a vision too late. My children had to fight barehanded, against demons, which I didn't like one bit. They may have won, but they were wounded in the attack.

Picking Anemos from the stand, I smile as it hums in my hand. It was happy, being held once again. I spin Anemos in my hands, and say, "Axe. A weapon of warriors. A heavy weapon, and there's no mercy when using it. The only mercy, is quick death. The best your enemy can hope, is decapitation." 

Harsh, but it is the truth if they want to use these Axes. They aren't meant for someone who doesn't like to get bloody. And judging by the fact that they've fought a few demon hordes, up and close, with their bare hands, I can say for sure, that they will not hesitate. 

The War on Earth was still not over, and the planet was literally burning now. Everywhere. The Demons had brought their Hell to Earth. Everywhere you see, you'll find at least one demon. Everywhere on Earth, except for one small Island, called Camp Half Blood. 

Even Demon Lords had entered the fray, by now, with Dormammu setting his camp in Europe, Mephisto in Asia, Cyttorak in the Americas, and the other Hell Lords spread everywhere else. I just hope they don't wake the actual evil beings. The Chaos King, and the Elder God of Chaos, are not something they can handle. Atum might have to become the God Eater once again, if they wake. 

Anyway, not my problem. The Gods of Earth dug their graves, they'll lie in it. Mother will make sure the humans survive anyway.

Looking gravely at my children, I hold Anemos forward, and say, "Once you take up these Axes, you'll also take up my mantle, joining me as the guardians of Induk." 

Smiling confidently, Atharva takes the offered Axe, and says, "You don't have to worry, father. We're already Guardians of Induk. Now, we just have some help in doing our jobs." 

Without prompting, Lila lifts Astrapi from its table, and raises it high in the air, making lightning bolts flash in the skies outside. She says, "Besides, this just gives us a chance to force you to retire, Old man." 

I laugh, and before they even know it, I'm holding them under my armpits, giving them a noogie. 

I have my successors ready, or they will be soon. Now, I just need to find a suitable Champion. But that will need my Andals to actually be smart. So.. a long time to go still. 

On Earth, the Demon attacks have stopped for some time now, giving Gods a well deserved rest. 

For thousands of years now, Demons and Gods had been battling for the planet Earth, while the Sorcerers tried to minimize the damage, and the demigods just focused on protecting themselves, and the other mortals.

Some Demigods were too.. hot blooded to let the Gods and Demons duke it out by themselves, however, and joined whichever side suited them. 

But now, for about a hundred years, the attacks on Divine strongholds, by the Demonic Armies, have stopped. Even the Gods had stopped seeking the Demons out, giving the Demigods a much deserved peace, however short it might be. And it felt like they were all waiting for something. 

Or someone. 

Cyttorak, a Hell Lord, and one of the Octessence, was sitting in his giant throne made up entirely of dragon bones, that he himself hunted. Adorned in his crimson armour, he had the body of a demigod in his hand, already half eaten, and blood dribbled from his chin, as evidence of what he's doing. 

Like every other Demon Lord, and Godking out there, Cyttorak was also waiting for it to happen, and his eyes were closed, focusing on the world around him, so that he doesn't miss it happening.

He knew, that the birth of such a being, that they were all waiting for, would send ripples down the very Nature of Reality. They had felt it happen once already, too far from Terra to do anything. And he, being of the Octessence, being the strongest being there is, wanted to be the one to welcome this new one. Warmly. 

"Sire." An annoying gray skinned demon calls out, breaking Cyttorak from his concentration. 

Before the smaller demon knows it, Cyttorak has him in a single handed grip around his hip, crushing with nary an effort. He doesn't even open his eyes, and says, "Tell me why you disturbed me, ant, lest I show you the wrath of Cyttorak!" 

The demon immediately blurts out, "Your food was getting cold, sire! You told me to warn you if it happens!" 

Opening his eyes a tiny bit, Cyttorak looks at the trembling demon in his left hand, and then at the rigid body of the demigod human he was eating. With one motion, he eats them both, and then sits back down to focus. 

Usually, he didn't mind the mortals much, since they brought so much power to him. But now, there was a war! There was a chance to gain new demons, eat as many souls as possible, and find the rare talented mortal to corrupt. 

He then feels it, and smirks. It was finally happening. In a bright crimson flash of light, Cyttorak, and the throne he was sitting on, disappears from the temple he was staying in, and appears in space, facing the Sun of the Sol System. 

"Oh, you." A very low voice drawls out, as soon as he appears, making Cyttorak annoyed. 

He growls, "Mephistopheles. Of course you felt it before me." 

Mephisto, the current undisputed Lord of the entire Hell dimension, wearing not a single piece of cloth to cover his modesty, floats to stand beside Cyttorak and his throne. He says, "Cyttorak, how many times have I told you. It's either Mephisto, or Lord Mephisto the Great. The Octessence don't have much manners these days, do they?" 

Growling, Cyttorak says, "Be thankful we're on the same side of War, Mephisto. Lest you find out what my unstoppable fist feels like." 

Grinning widely, Mephisto asks, "Are we really? This being will give you enough power to overthrow anyone, right? Maybe even poor… old.. me?" The last words had just enough pause in them, to let Cyttorak know. His plans were already known, or guessed correctly.

However, before he can attack Mephisto, the Satan turns his back on him, and says, "Oh, dear. You aren't the only one. See, even the Gods are coming!" 

Cyttorak turns towards where Mephisto was pointing, and sees them. Zeus, Indra, Shiva, Dagda, and many more. They were all ignoring them, prioritizing looking at the Sun. But the most dangerous of them all was absent. 

"I don't see… him." Cyttorak says, dismissing the Skyfathers as unimportant, while the Skyfathers do the same for Demons. 

For now, there was a ceasefire agreement, but anything could take it away. 

"Oh, he's coming. You know him, can't allow us to intrude on his territory." Mephisto says, and then chuckles. 

Cyttorak says nothing, remembering the last time he had fought with the God Eater. Cyttorak might not have been an Elder God, but he was just as magically strong as them, and just as dangerous. And Mephisto might be the Ruler now, but Cyttorak knew, that he won't be able to survive a single minute against the Elder Gods of old. 

And then, he turns his attention to the subject at hand. The surface of the sun was blacked out in one spot, no light could go in, and nothing came out. For hours, they keep watching, knowing that the fastest person will win this prize. 

Suddenly, there's a flash of white light from the black spot, and when it disappears, the Sun returns to its normal burning state, leaving multitude of Demon Lords questioning, and the Gods as confused as ever. 

And then, the answer to their doubt shows itself. A giant being, with a head as big as the planet Earth itself floating in between them and the sun. He was staring at all of them through the 6 glowing eyes of his, the full body armour leaving no doubt as to the identity of his race. 

A Celestial. 

Surprising them, however, the armour starts receding around the head, like a slimy liquid, showing a giant head, that most of them recognize, only now, there were some subtle changes. An age to the eyes, the different beard, and a tanned skin. 

"YOU REALLY THOUGHT THAT I WON'T COME, TO SAVE ONE OF MINE?" Theos Jordson, the giant Celestial in question asks, looking amused. His loud voice sent shivers down everyone's spine, but no one shows it on their face. No one admits that he's scary. 

Cyttorak wasn't impressed. He might be big, but Cyttorak could change his size to be bigger. His strength was the highest there is, and Celestial or not, no one can stop Cyttorak. 

"YOU DARE COME HERE, CELESTIAL?! WE BANISHED YOU!" As expected, Zeus Panhellenios yells, charging his Thunder bolt, and throwing it at the eye of the Celestial. 

The armour appears around the head again, and as the thunder strikes, everyone is left to cover their eyes from the flash of light. When the light recedes, the Celestial is still there, staring at Zeus with what can only be annoyance. 

'Okay, maybe defeating him won't be that easy.' Cyttorak admits to himself, but never out loud. He knows first hand what Zeus's Thunderbolt can do.


Cyttorak snaps his head to the side, since he hadn't even felt Atum come in, and at least subconsciously, his throne floats a little bit backwards. 

Atum, who had stood with his hands crossed above his chest, with his back to the Sun, says, "This is my Domain. You have interfered enough." He then turns towards all of the other Gods and Demons, looking each of them in the eyes, and says, "That goes for all of you. Unless you want me to break the ceasefire for you?" 

One by one, the Gods start disappearing, the demons choosing to fly leisurely. 

With a cheeky wave at Atum, the Celestial then disappears as easily as he'd come, tearing through the containment barriers that Cyttorak had put up. The click of tongue coming from Mephisto tells him that he wasn't the only one to try it. 

And so, the chance to gain a baby Celestial in his hands was lost, all because the Gods couldn't keep a handle on one of their own. But well, he was a son of Gaea. And Cyttorak remembers how dangerous Gaea used to be, before she got all pacifist. 

One does not birth a God Eater by being peaceful since birth. And Gaea was a Demon just as much as she's an Elder Goddess.

But, there is always next time. This Celestial might be lost, but there have to be hundreds of stars, and planets, with Celestials gestating inside. He has to find one of them, just one, and the Hells will be his for the taking. 

"Well, that was a disappointment." Mephisto says, coming to stand beside Cyttorak's still seated form, now in Cyttorak's throne room. 

Cyttorak picks another demigod body, and as he bites into it, he says, "Just be thankful the Gods are dumb. Their own mistakes have pushed that Celestial away from us, thereby winning us this war." 

Mephisto chuckles, "Oh I wouldn't have minded losing a war. I just want to have fun! See you soon, Cyttorak! Just remember, you aren't the first to try to overthrow me!" 

Cyttorak punches his fist at where Mephisto is, but his hand just passes through an illusion, Mephisto already gone. His fist, meanwhile, hits the wall, and blows it up, along with every wall that came after it, sending dust clouds all around. 

Cyttorak just hears the last cackles of Mephisto, as he orders his Sorcerers to repair the walls. The Celestial is lost, but the Gods are still aplenty, and so are the Demigods. And Demigod souls always have a lot more power behind them than mortals. 

Maybe he'll find something there. 


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C93
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


