90% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 90: Ulana and My First Children

章 90: Ulana and My First Children

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07


Scathach looks weirded out by my proclamation, and opens her mouth to say something. 

Shaking my head, I say, "Not yet. I need to confirm something. I'll be back before the birth happens, don't worry."

Scathach scowls, and slaps the top of my head. She says, "Your lover is in there giving birth to your first child, and you're running away?"

Rubbing my head, a little bit annoyed, I say, "I swear I'm not running, Scathach. This is important, and could present a danger to all of us. Plus, I think that Chhaya won't give birth for another 45 minutes at the least."

Well, we had fought for at least that long, and Chhaya hadn't given birth until I'd killed Gorr in the least. I hope that holds true this time too.

As Scathach frowns, thinking on it, I take advantage of her distraction and create a portal to Induk, near Jormungandr. He startles, at first, but then calms down, realizing that it's just me.

I look him over, finding no signs of the battle he was supposed to have fought according to my memories, and ask, "Did you see anything weird today? Anything at all?"

Jormungandr looks confused, and answers, "No, I don't think so. Why, anything happened up there? Are Vali and Narfi alright?"

I frown, and say, "No, nothing happened. Your brothers are safe, for now, but Vali won't be when Kali finds out what he's doing right now."

Jormungandr winces, confirming my suspicion that he knew about Vali and Manasi, and say, "Yeah.. should have realized you'd find out. Any chance you'd save him from Kali?"

I snort, giving him all the answer he needed, and say, "I'll be away for a few minutes. If anything happens, just yell out loud for me and I'll be there."

A few minutes should give me all the answers I need, but even if it doesn't, mother will help them all, I think.

Turning away from Jormungandr, I shoot upwards at speeds no lesser than Mach 50, and leave the atmosphere. Once out of the planet's atmosphere, I increase my speed to my fastest normal speed, and within a single second, reach Induk's moon.

There, waiting for me, facing Induk, was the watcher assigned to my planet. Ulana.

Ulana, the Watcher looked almost exactly like Uatu, except for the fact that she has visible tits. She's also a little bit shorter than Uatu, but other than those two things, she looked the same as Uatu.

It was her Cosmic Energy that told me she was actually a different person.

Landing in front of her, I say, "Please tell me you know what happened to me."

Ulana slowly nods, and says, "Changes in the timeline do not apply to us Watchers. It is our sacred duty to Watch and Record everything, doesn't matter if it gets erased out of the time stream."

So, I was right. Someone changed the timeline. Someone went to the past, and stopped Gorr the God Butcher from taking a single step on Induk. Why, though? Who would be idiotic enough to ensure Gorr's survival?

I then ask, "And why do I remember it? Shouldn't I also forget what happened in the erased timeline?"

Ulana turns towards me, and says, "Why wouldn't you? You're a Celestial. You are not under the jurisdiction of the Time Keepers."

"Who?" I ask, because I have no idea who these Time Keepers are. Sounds pretentious, and I can just guarantee that they named themselves that.

Ulana waves her hand, creating a hologram of three blue scaly beings, wearing robes that prove my thoughts, and says, "The Time Keepers are the guardians of the sacred timeline, self employed. They just make sure that the Universe follows a set path, and does not deviate. If it does, they send their servants, their Hunters of the Time Variance Authority to return it back and erase the deviated Timeline."

Damn, such power. The ability to just.. erase timelines? I hate them already. But.. what's their purpose with Gorr not coming here?

As if knowing the question, Ulana says, "The God Butcher is a part of the future. He is meant to do great amount of things, most evil. And he can't do that if he dies here."

But.. that doesn't even make sense! If originally he wasn't meant to die, then he wasn't meant to come here, just like he didn't come here now, in this timeline. So why the fuck did he come here in the erased timeline.

"Someone sent him here, someone from the Outside." I say, out loud. Outside means from neither this timeline, nor the one that was erased.

Ulana nods, and says, "There are many enemies that you make, Celestial Theos. Now, in the past, or in the future. In the cosmic scale of things, the time of enmity doesn't matter, so your enemies might even try to kill you when you were a child."

I feel sick, and wonder, "That won't happen, right? These Time Keepers will make sure I'm born to keep this timeline safe.. right?"

Ulana smiles, and it makes me wonder what she's smoking, smiling at my possible death 5000 years ago. She says, "The Time Keepers are not the highest power around, Celestial Theos. Just like you and I, they have their own goals. If your death makes their goals more likely, do you think they will stop it from happening?"

Probably fucking not. Damn.

I think.. I need to return to discovering my Celestial powers again. Cosmic monsters like Celestials have to have some Time travel hax.

But, I'll worry about it later. I'll know if I'm about to die in the past.. I think. My visions haven't appeared recently, but I think since it wasn't supposed to happen, my visions didn't warn me.

Nodding at Ulana, I say, "You may return to your duties, Ulana. I won't bother you anymore unless absolutely necessary."

But now, I need to go and witness the birth of my first child.


Do you know the feeling you get when you find someone that protects you through hell and back? That love for the person that does all that, and more, unconditionally? 

Yeah, it's nothing compared to what you feel when you find someone to protect, to love. 

My daughter, my first born daughter. I was holding her in my hands, as Chhaya sat beside me, both of us looking at our baby with tears in our eyes. 

Behind me, stood mother, while Kali was sitting down, resting after the troubles she has no doubt been through. Scathach, Vali, Narfi, Manasi, and Jormungandr were all standing in the room, to welcome the newest Goddess to our pantheon, to our family. 

But before that, there is an important talk to go through. I had just finished telling them all about the other timeline, where we fought Gorr and his monsters. Surprisingly, none of them remembered it the way that I did. 

Not even mother, which I'm really astonished about. 

"Are you sure you don't remember it happening?" I ask, once again, turning back towards mother, still holding my daughter. 

My Daughter! Oh, I'm so excited, yet so worried at the same time! This is the happiest I've been in thousands of years, yet this is also one of the most worrying moments of my life. 

Mother frowns, and says, "Yes. If the Time Keepers are responsible for this change, as you say, then it isn't that surprising. As mysterious as their existence might be, no one doubts their dominion over Time." 

Who the fuck are they even? Ulana said they ensure the Universe follows a set path, but who set it? Who decides what the correct path is? Do they? If so, then they cannot be trusted. 

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Hearing a whimper, I look down and say, "Shhh.." as I rock her in my hands. Handing her to Chhaya, who lays down on her bed to rest, I say, "Whoever they are, they're strong, maybe not physically, but they have a hold on Time itself. If you meet anyone who claims to be a member of this.. Time Variance Authority, I want to know it immediately. For some reason, I'm the only one other than the Watchers that remains unaffected, so don't allow them to escape." The three Lokisons still don't know that I'm a Celestial, and I'm keeping it that way for as long as possible. 

Mother hums and mentions, "If they escape your hands, you will forget all about it, so be careful." 

As everyone there nods, I say, "Well, lets allow Chhaya her rest. Childbirth is a tiring process, I assume, and it's better if we don't disturb her too much." 

I kiss my daughter on the forehead, and then do the same to my lover, who was fast asleep by now. 

Kali nods at me, as she stays in the room for her sister, and everyone else walks out to go their separate ways. 

Mother stops behind, as we turn to walk towards the Throne Room. "What's bothering you, son?" mother asks, mid walk. 

I say, "Gorr is still alive, even after I killed him once. There's a tiny bit of chance that he will remember our fight, and the next time we meet, he'll be stronger." The All Black is definitely superior to Celestials, as much as I'd hate to admit it. 

Even with the Power Stone, I would have trouble fighting with a full powered Knull. While Gorr is definitely weaker than Knull, he is still smart enough to give me a good fight. I'm just thankful that he was underestimating every one of us. 

"And? You won't be?" Mother asks, feeling amused. 

I just snort, and say, "I'll make sure that the next time I see him, he'll die, permanently." 

And I'll make sure that the Time Keepers don't even dare to interfere. They'll have a war with me to look forward to if they do. 

"And that's why I know, that you will be a good father. But don't take threats to your family lightly, ever. Gorr, Knull, both have the same goals. Just because he was a mortal first, doesn't make Gorr any less of a threat." Mother says, as we stop in the middle of the Room. 

Hugging her, I ask, "You'll be back for the naming ceremony?" 

Mother nods, smiling, and says, "How can I miss that? Take care of Chhaya, and be considerate. She's a new mother, so don't mind it if she is.. clingy." 

I chuckle, and as mother leaves, I go and sit on my throne. Summoning the Globe, I look over it, using my Cosmic Energy to see everything at once. 

Gorr. Time Keepers. Knull. And so many more threats to my family, to my child. Lets just hope they stay away from me, for their sake itself. Well, not Knull, I cannot guarantee I'll win against him yet. 


A week later, mother is once again in Andalok, as everyone was seated on our thrones. Mother herself didn't have a throne, by her own choice, and stood in front of us. 

Chhaya had our daughter in her hands, as she says, "Gods of Andalok, Mother Goddess of Earth. Please let me present to you, our daughter, the Princess of Andalok. Meet Lila, the Daughter of King Theos of Andalok, and Goddess Chhaya of Andalok." 

Standing up, Jormungandr, Vali, Narfi, and Manasi kneel down in front of us, while Kali bows low. Kali wasn't inferior to us in terms of station. She was also one of the Elder Trinity, and so, even her bowing to my daughter is not something I'd have agreed with, if she'd asked. 

I just frown at her, to show my displeasure. Well, she's going to get a child too, so no worries about her feeling neglected. All in all, this has been a good century. 

Fought in a war of Gods, fought against Gorr the God Butcher and won, before some assholes turned time back, and now, I have my daughter in my hands. Lila. My Goddess daughter. The Celestial part of the bloodline is recessive in her, a lot. 

Doesn't mean I'm going to love her any less. She's still my daughter, even if she's more Goddess than Celestial. She's MY daughter, and even the Time Keepers won't be able to save them if someone tries to harm her. 

A hundred years later, and Lila is still a baby. A bigger baby, but a baby nonetheless. I have no idea why she's growing so slow, since I know that I aged at just a tenth of the normal, mortal speed. 

So, by now, Lila should have looked like a 10 year old mortal, but nope. She looks like a year old mortal at best. But, we aren't complaining. 

Our cute baby was just like any other normal baby, despite being 100 years old. Well, not like any other, our baby was a special baby, obviously. She's one of the two cutest babies in the Universe! 

Yup, two. 60 years ago, Andalok welcomed another baby in our midst, in the form of Atharva, my son with Kali. He's cute too, obviously enough, and similar to Lila, is true Gods, and not Celestials. Hell, both of my children couldn't count as Elder Gods either. 

The Age of Elder Gods was already over millions of years ago, I was just a fluke of nature, probably because of The Never Queen. Somehow though, the Celestial part of my genetics didn't go to either of my children.

I did marry Chhaya, in a small ceremony in Andalok. Obviously, the only guest from outside was Scathach, and Mother, but Scathach was already a part of my family. 

Lila and Atharva are very close, and despite the many, many fights they have, they always sleep in the same crib. They're still babies, you know. 

I would spend 10 years on Andalok, then 10 years on Donna. In the beginning, Chhaya and Lila would join me there, and we would just pretend to be a normal, mortal family. 

Other times, Chhaya would leave Lila with Kali, so she can get her Me time, and would switch between spending time with me, and by herself. I didn't mind, since I also needed a few years for myself, having gotten used to it. 

When Chhaya and I were in Andalok, Kali and Manasi would come to Donna for their own vacation, once every few decades. 

Right now, I was having my alone time, on Donna, which is the perfect time for experimentations. During the fight with Gorr, something within me had responded to his corruption, and fought it off. 

For the last 100 years, I was either busy with Lila and Atharva, or with modifying Loki's potion. It was finally completed a few years ago, and that gave me time to find out what Madonna gifted me this time. 

"Okay Sonny. I'll force it out of myself, and you be ready to capture it." I say, sitting down naked in the lab I'd taken over for this exact purpose. 

There were a variety of scanners, containment chambers, and equipment in this lab that'll be perfect for capturing whatever is in my body. 

While I do trust my mother, I feel uncomfortable with having something in my body, without my permission. Plus, I still don't have any proof that my mother put that in me. Could have been some higher Cosmic power or something. 

So, capture. 

Focusing within myself, I seek out the feeling I'd gotten that day, and having repeated it many times before. With a tingle like feeling, a bright white liquid leaks out of my body, and completely covers it. 

Exhaling slowly, I observe my own body using my planetary senses, and see that it looks similar to the Celestial material armour, except definitely not as strong in defense. 

In offense however, this thing is way more dangerous than a simple Dargonite sword. With a snap, I force the material to focus on my hand, and say, "Sonny, please do it." 

The white material focused on my hand senses danger to it, and tries to cover my whole body again, but I stop it with a shield of Magic. 

Sonny activates a tractor beam that gets a hold on the material, and slowly, quite painlessly, pulls the material off of me. I use Echolocation within myself to see if anything's left, and finally breathe a sigh of relief. 

I look over at the volatile white material in the Crystal jar floating in front of me, and say, "What do you think?" 

Sonny brings forth a few scans, and says, "The physical readings are similar to the captured Black Berserker, Sir. However, the energy readings are.. different." 

"Opposite polarity, huh? And did my mother put this in me Sonny?" I say, looking over the atomic structure of the material this Symbiote was made of. 

And it was definitely a symbiote, I'm sure of it now. I had even kidnapped a Black Berserker for just this purpose, to see if I was somehow infected since birth or something. Or if Gorr had managed to infect me, and pretended to lose, couldn't chance that.

It wasn't easy, nope. I had to first find Gorr, then a few planets where he's already been. One of those planets had a few Black Berserkers roaming around in the Realm of the Gods there. I killed all of them, but took one with me to my ship. 

Gorr could have followed it anywhere, but my Ship, my mother's ship, is designed to stay hidden. If the Watcher can't see through it, then no one can. So, I used it to try and learn what's in my body.

Sonny says, "Indeterminate. There is nothing in the Symbiote that shows Celestial Madonna having a hand in its creation." 

Sighing, I say, "Thought so. For now, let's keep it contained, but alive. Try and determine if it has any sentience, and if so what its goals are. I'll try the same through magic." 

As Sonny does his job, I put my hand on the Jar, and start probing it with my magic. I could have been with my children now, but I have to be sure this won't be a danger to them. 

Well, Chhaya and Kali can handle them, and if anything comes up, they can come find me here. 


A/N: You'll meet the Baby Celestials next chapter. Don't know when it'll be uploaded though. My minds a bit… messed with right now. 

Thank you for your support! Tata.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C90
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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