54% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 54: Cleansing Induk

章 54: Cleansing Induk

A/N: Pat-reon HelloDarkness07. READ ALL A/Ns PLEASE!

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For the next few days, I just kept on helping my Life Seed out, with helping in the Cleansing. Of course, Sonny kept me informed about the locations of the Eternal Sisters, Chhaya and Kali.

Huh. I just noticed that. Their names are Hindi. Chhaya means Shadow, while Kali.. well, it means Black, but a Hindu Goddess also has that name. So, is this an Eternal thing? Like, Eternals of Titan are named after the Greeks, while Eternals of Induk are named after Hindu? Could be just a coincidence.

Anyway, after about 20 days of cleansing, with me absorbing a Ton of Power Stone's Energy, the task was still not over. Induk is just a bit bigger than Earth, and its Gravity was a bit higher. If Earth's Gravitational acceleration is 1g, then that on Induk is 1.05-1.1g.

But it wasn't why it was going slow. I was literally doing two really important tasks, at once. While the Seed of Life was bringing more life to the planet, it was also pushing the Cosmic Energy towards my location, which allows me to absorb it. So, the Seed was busy doing two tasks at once, with my help in between.

Plus, Donna took over 50 years before it was perfectly intact again. So, considering that Induk was smaller, and not as bad as Donna was, it will take at most a decade to become a paradise again.

There was just one moon, revolving around Induk, a bit smaller than the Moon of Earth, and a lot smaller than the smallest of the 3 moons on Donna. Donna's biggest moon was bigger than Induk, while the smallest was the size of the moon of Earth.

Speaking of Donna, I could still see everything happening over there. Despite me not physically being there! But, I could also feel it. The need to return there. It wasn't that severe, as I had returned there once already, but my limit seemed to be 14 Donna days, for now. After the last day, the connection will be lost for a while. I haven't risked it yet, obviously. No need to tempt fate.

Finally, over 55 Induk days after they had left, Chhaya and Kali break the atmosphere, and fly towards the planet. I wasn't hiding my Divine powers this time, as I was actually trying to cleanse their planet, I wasn't surprised when the girls changed their direction midflight, and came towards me.

As they land gently, their feet light, I wave at them from my seated position, conjure mats for the two of them, and greet, "Hello ladies. Had a good flight?"

Kali rolls her eyes, being the first one to join me on the ground, and says, "Sure. If you count 12 hours of darkness per day, as good. Do you know what happened for the remaining hours? We slept and recovered our energies."

Chhaya joins her sister, and adds, "She's right. It was dreadfully boring. At least we saw new planets. There's a planet that's just beginning space flight, on the way. We stopped a few days on our way back."

Nodding, I half-heartedly listen to them talk, and hum. Finding a particularly corrupt piece of land, with its roots deep into the mantle, I ask, "Would you like to see what I've been doing?"

The sisters share a glance, shrugging, and Chhaya says, "It would definitely beat seeing darkness for hours."

Smiling, I touch the thumb and middle finger tips of both hands, and cross my hands. With a snap of my wrists, my Magic goes towards the sisters and shows them what I'm seeing. Obviously, I have limited my vision to just that patch of ground, for now.

The sisters gasp, as they see the rotting trees, blackened ground, and the purple veins of Power stone Energy within it. The water had already evaporated, not being able to handle the Stone's energy. And this wasn't even the worst one I've come across.

"That's- horrible! And all this happened because of me?" Chhaya asks, sounding horrified, while Kali starts crying a bit.

With a soft voice, I answer, "Technically, it happened because of the Brood. You needed a lot of energy to fight the Queen, and the blasts you no doubt threw around, had to hit something. And don't feel bad for what happened. As you will see, I will definitely fix this."

As the sisters were still upset, and I wasn't good at talks, I go on with my task, deciding to show my actions. With a pulse of magic from the Seed of Life that's within the Inner core of the planet, some of the Power Stone's energy slowly starts moving towards my location, thankfully not harming any other location. Once it touches the ground underneath me, I start absorbing it within myself. As it happens, another pulse of Magic occurs, which starts the healing of that patch of ground, including the underground.

Kali sniffles, and whispers, "Thank you."

Shrugging, I let the new Energy settle down the rest, and say, "I would have done this anyway. This Energy would have shone brightly, if anyone had tried to look for the Stone. Plus, I get to absorb it, so it's not exactly selfless."

"Still, thank you. We would have had to abandon the planet and find somewhere else to go, if you weren't here. You have our sincere gratitude." Kali says, rubbing a sobbing Chhaya on her back.

I understand their feelings. They've lived here for 2000 years, despite most of it being while they were at war. If anything happened to Earth or Donna, even I would feel as if it was my fault.

When the energy from that patch is absorbed, I stand up, gesturing the sisters to do the same, and ask, "So, are you guys ready to leave, or do you want to stay here for a while?"

Chhaya wipes her eyes, and says, "Our planet is safe in your hands. If you'd like, we can leave now, and return whenever we're ready to become Gods. It still feels weird saying that."

Smiling gently, I say, "Hey, don't worry. Being a God isn't just full of responsibilities. You get to have fun too. See me, I've been a God for 260 years, and I'm still just having fun. No responsibility yet."

Unless protecting the Universe from Knull possessed Celestials count.

As the sisters agreed, I pack up, leaving the Seed to do the rest, and we take the portal Express to Earth, directly to Mother's island.

Spreading my arms apart, I show off the planet, as the birds and animals start approaching us, and say, "Welcome, Eternals, to Terra!"

After a few seconds of just looking around in curiosity, Kali asks, "Terra? Didn't you say that your planet's name was Donna?"

"Yup." I nod, and explain, "Donna is the planet I stay at, and it's the permanent home of mine. Terra is the planet I was raised on, and my mother stays here."

Can't even say that I was born here, as I was born in a Star.

"So, you're a God of this planet? But you live on another? Is that even allowed?" Chhaya asks, confused, as we start walking towards mother's house, where they'll be staying until they're deemed ready to become Gods.

I just shrug, and say, "I've lived there for almost a couple centuries now, no one's said a thing. Plus, I don't belong to a Pantheon. My mother does. She's a Goddess in every Pantheon on Terra, actually, but I'm.. unaffiliated."

"But.. what if they do have a problem later?" Chhaya asks, sounding genuinely worried. The worries were probably also about the fact that they were going to be living here for a while.

Mother opens the door, before we even reach there, and says, "Theos is my son, and if anyone has a problem with him staying anywhere else, or you two staying here, they can bring it to me themselves."

Hugging mother, I introduce the women, and add, "Well, if any of you need me, mother knows how to contact me. Take care, and don't worry. I'll keep Induk safe until you come to take the reigns."

Mother smiles, and waves the sisters inside. As they walk in, I loudly muse, "Do you think they'll be able to ascend? On their own?"

Mother sees the girls warily looking around the living room, and says, "While I cannot guarantee that, I can say that they will be able to become Gods. I'll make sure of it. But.. I haven't ascended any Eternal yet. I have no idea how the Cosmic Energy and the Divine Energy will react."

Shrugging, I say, "I'm here, aren't I? If a Celestial can stay alive with Divine Energy, then Eternals can too. I have trust in them, mother. They're.. different. I have full confidence that they will succeed in whatever tests you give them."

Mother chuckles, and says, "If you say so, I'll have to trust that much. Now, go. You should stay as long as possible on Donna. I'll call you if there's a need. And you should visit every few months. Don't just stay there and forget about your poor mother."

Putting my hand on my chest, I say, "You wound me mother. And don't worry, I will definitely visit soon. But, for a few years at least, I will stay on Induk, the planet of the Eternal sisters. I still have to revive the animals there."

Hugging me once, mother says, "Take care, Theos."

"You too, mother." I whisper, hugging her back. Separating, I turn to the sisters, who were not so shamelessly eavesdropping.

Saying my goodbyes to them too, I leave the sisters in the highly capable hands of my mother, and create a portal back to Induk. Time to create un-kill the animals.

~~~15 Years later~~~

After 15 years of coming to Induk, while staying most of the time on Donna, I was finally done with the tasks. Well, the less important ones at least.

The planet was free of the corrosive energy of the Power Stone, which now belonged to my cache of Cosmic Energy. The ground was repaired, while the trees were given more life energy. This all took 8 years, by the way.

After that, 5 more years were taken by my Seed to find the Celestial Egg. And I have to say, it wasn't easy. 3 of those years went into finding the location of the Egg, and the next two to find a way to reach it.

Not to be grumpy, but the ones who hid the Egg did it extremely well. Even I, with all my Cosmic senses, my Echolocation, could not find where the Egg actually was, so well it was hidden. Oh, I could feel it, I knew that it was there. I just couldn't feel where.

Spoiler alert, it wasn't inside the planet anyway. It was in a Pocket Dimension, like the one's the Celestials use for themselves, which had a very small opening in the very centre of the Core of the Planet itself. And my Seed, despite being there, could not sense it.

After that was found, the Seed tried to digest it, like my planet Donna was doing to the dead Celestial back home, alas, it didn't work. Digesting dead Celestials, and digesting live ones hidden within a Pocket Dimension, is very different.

Finally, I had to personally go inside the Pocket Dimension, after hiding my Divine Energy away.

I tried.. I really tried, to kill the Celestial Egg, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

So, I plucked the Egg from it's gestation pod, which was collecting the Cosmic Energy from the planet, and took it away. I placed it on the surface of the Red Giant star that Donna rotated around, so I can keep an eye on it.

As for the Dimension, it was the first Celestial Dimension that I'd visited, as I hadn't even been able to access mine yet. But, this visit did give me a few tips on how I can do it. So, I gave in to my greed and absorbed every bit of Cosmic Energy the Dimension had managed to collect in all these years.

The Dimension was destroyed now, with no Energy to maintain it, and the planet Induk was safe.

Now knowing how the Celestials actually plant the Eggs, I immediately went to Earth and did the same there, putting the Celestial Egg on the surface of the Sun.

And yes, they were literally eggs. Oval egg like shape, made of the same material that my Armour was made of. The Induk one was blue in colour, while the Earth one was green.

I didn't just.. keep them on the respective suns, and leave. I set limits, and gave a few messages to the Eggs. The Celestials will be born young, not babies, like I was, but not adults, like the rest of the Celestials are born. Then they'll be guided to me, so I can help them further.

Then, they won't just swallow the stars, like I did to the one I was in. My gestation period was only about 1000 years, I asked mother. And I was also in my mother's womb for only about 3000 more years.

Meanwhile, these Celestial Eggs have already been inside the planets, eating Cosmic Energy, for billions of years. They definitely have more than enough energy to not eat a star as soon as they're born. Planet? Definitely. Stars, no.

I also hid the Eggs using Cosmic Energy, and frankly, only Uatu and the Watchers will know of my meddling.

After that, I had begun with the animals. The Seed that I had planted within the planet was one I had formed after merging with Donna completely. So, most of the animals that I had brought to life here were similar to the ones on Donna.

Of course, a few animals like the different species of canines and felines that were present on Induk were also revived, and replicated so they can populate the planet.

Other than the obviously Magical animals, like dragons and Wyverns, which I didn't feel right bringing here, I brought every other animal to life, in their appropriate habitats.

Of course, I didn't actually bring the animals, but I copied the genetic data and used a lot of Nature God bullshit to literally create them here.

And this.. gave me an idea. I know what stage the mortals are at now, the pure humans, I mean. Not the Demigods, and not the Elderspawn descendants. The true mortals, the Homo Erectus. And more importantly, I know what their genetic makeup is.

So, now begins the hardest task. Creating mortals.

Taking a few days of rest, back on Donna, I sit down on the floor as soon as I'm back on Induk. Sitting down, I focus inwards, and call up my magic, along with the genetic data of the Homo Erectus.

Holding the Magic in one hand, and still focusing on the Homo Erectus, not letting my mind wander, I slash into my palm, the same one that's focusing my magic, and bleed on the ground.

The blood drops on the ground with a splash, and starts going underground. I keep bleeding, holding my Divine Healing back, and keep the focus on the thought, 'Build this human from the ground up. Create as much as you can, Theos.'

20 hours, I bleed my red blood on the ground, my Divine magic keeping it coming. All the while, I meditate on creating the humans. Finally, 20 hours later, I stop the bleeding, as the first drop has finally reached the core.

My part, is done. Now comes the part of the core. Which will take anywhere from a few years to centuries. Well, the first Mortal should breathe within a decade at the most, already adults, and already having the basic knowledge that every Homo Erectus from Earth has.

Magic really is a cheat sometimes, more so the Divine kind.


A/N: I wanted to write Theos absorbing the Eggs too, but it just feels wrong, you know. Like killing babies. Theos won't do that. Manipulating baby Celestial? Sure. Killing them, no.

Edit: Originally, when the Star Child(Madonna's Celestial child) was going to be born, his mother gave birth to him on the surface of our Sun. He stayed there for about 1500 years, and was then born without any destruction. But, some of the Sun's energy was being absorbed by his birthing process.

I had changed it to Theos eating the whole star, because I wanted to. These two Celestial eggs have already absorbed enough energy for their birth, only now just enough energy to destroy the Earth should be given out, and they'll be born. That much energy won't harm stars, let alone a Red Giant.

So, yeah. The Suns won't be destroyed by their birth like Theos's did.

Until next time. Toodles!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C54
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


